My Brothers Best Friend

By FiveSecondsOfDolan

74.2K 1.4K 91

It's hard to be the little sister from a famous drummer. He's always on tour and you really miss him, but you... More

• Part 1 •
• Part 2 •
• part 3 •
• Part 4 •
• part 5•
• Part 6 •
• part 7 •
• Part 8 •
• part 9 •
• Part 10 •
• part 11 •
• Part 12 •
• Part 13 •
• Part 14 •
• part 15 •
• Part 16 •
• part 17 •
• part 19 •
• Part 20 •
• part 21 •
Part 22
• part 23 •
• part 24 •
• Part 25 •
• part 26 •
• Part 27 •
• Part 28 •
• Part 29 •
• Part 30 •
• Part 31 •
• Part 32 •
• part 33 •
• Part 34 •

• Part 18 •

1.4K 38 0
By FiveSecondsOfDolan

POV Luke

I woke up with Noa beside me. She is so cute when she is a sleep. I grab my phone to see what the time is. It's 7pm so I just slept for 45 minutes I guess and I missed dinner. Suddenly I saw that Amy had called me a lot. It must be important so I decide to call back. "Finally Luke" Amy said "hey Amy, what's wrong?" "I tried to call Noa but she won't answer her phone, so that's why I called you" she said. "Noa is here with me sleeping." I said and looked at her. "Aww" she said like she just saw a little puppy. "But Luke, I need to go, Calum and Mali need to tell me something important. You can come if you want?"

"I'll be there in 2minutes." And with that I hang up. I get up from my bed and gives Noa a kiss on her hair. I put some deodorant on and walked to Calum his room. I knocked on the door and see Amy in the door. "Thanks for coming Luke" she said thankful. "That's what friends do" I said happy. We walked to the room and saw Calum and Mali. "Hey guys" I said happy to them. Only Mali looked happy back at me. Calum looked very serious and nervous. "Please, tell me what's going on, I can't wait anymore." Amy said nervous to them. I looked at them not knowing what to say. "Amy..." Mali said serious. Why is everyone so serious here? "We need to tell you that.." she said.

"You are our lost little sister Amy" Calum said. BAM. what?. How?. I look shocked at Calum and Amy. Amy seems shocked, not knowing what to do. Calum stand up from his chair and walk slowly to Amy. "Amy, please, say something" Calum said soft. He tried to grab her arm. "Stay away from me!" She said loud. "Amy please, let us explain this" Mali said sad. "Did you know how hard my life was?!" I walk to Amy to help her but she won't let me. "I hated my life, I always thought I was alone. Not to have a family" she screamed. "You was kidnapped when you was 1year old!" Calum said loud back. Amy walks backwards, she starts to cry and run away. "AMY" I yelled at her but she was gone. I turned back to Calum and Mali who looked really upset about what just happened.

"We had to say it earlier" Mali sad with a little voice. "You knew this longer?" I said surprised. "My mom told me a few days before Ash asked us if they could join the tour." She said. "We need to tell it to the others." I said. "You're right." Calum said. "You two call the boys and I walk to Noa." I said and walked away to my room. I opened the door and walk to my bed. She's still sleeping. "NOA WAKE UP, THERE IS FIRE" I screamed loud enough. Now I'm feeling bad. Noa sit straight in my bed and look shocked around her. "Easy Noa, there is no fire" I said and walk at her direction. "Then why the fack give you me a heart attack" she said mad. "It's about Amy" "what's wrong with Amy? Is she okay?!" Noa said anxious. "No not really, she run away after.." "after what Luke, say it." "After Mali and Calum told her that she is there little sister." Noa look at me with her mouth open. "Is this true?" "It's true and Amy is broken inside."

"We need to find here, it's almost 8PM, who knows what will happen to her." Noa said and walked to the door. "We need to go to the others" she said and walked away. I run after her and go to Calum. Everyone is there. "I need a explanation about this" Noa said serious. Everyone looked at us. "Long story short, when Amy was 1 year old she was kidnapped in the playground, nobody could find her even the police couldn't find her." Mali said. "Until now, you found your little sister" I said soft. "We need to find her, it's getting dark outside!" Michael said nervous. "She don't answer her phone, so we need to go outside." Ash said. "Ash and Calum, you two are going together. Michael and Noa will going together. Okay?" I said loud so everyone will hear it. They nods and we walked outside. "Be careful okay? And call if you find her" I said before Mali and I walked to the beach. I hope she will be there. Amy where are you?

There is finally a POV Luke😱 and omg, Amy is the little sister of Mali and Calum😱 but she is really shocked about the news. Hope you liked this chapter. See you next Tuesday❤️❤️❤️

Xxxxxxx A&N

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