A Ghostly Field Trip

By WinterWolf-99

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Danny and White had a hard enough time keeping their secret in the human world. But now their class is going... More

Chapter 1: A Long Night
Chapter 2: An Eventful Day
Chapter 3: Worst Idea Ever
Chapter 4: A Ghostly Greeting
Chapter 5: Help From The Pop Princess
Chapter 6: A Siren's Cry
Chapter 7: The Far Frozen
Chapter 9: Wayne Manor
Chapter 10: A Real Family
Chapter 11: Brothers In Blood
Chapter 12: Batman Gets Mad
Chapter 13: Phantom's Keep
Chapter 14: Ghost Party
Chapter 15: Siren Song
Chapter 16: Dark Siren
Chapter 17: Mute
Chapter 18: This Is My Dragon
Chapter 19: We Want Them Out
Chapter 20: New Family
Chapter 21: This Field Trip's Over
Chapter 22: Leaving
New Book

Chapter 8: Regaining What Was Lost

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By WinterWolf-99

          Ember and Dora put their friends onto the ice beds. They removed their shirts so they could see what to do. The class gasped at their scars. Everyone that wasn't in gym a few days ago could hardly believe the shape their classmates were in. First was the scars, then it was muscles, last was the tattoo on White's back.

        Team Phantom was worried by the red that was flowing through their veins and showed through their skin. Frostbite came back with two vials of glowing blue liquid. He bent down by the heroes.

         ''My dear friends,'' he told them. ''If you can hear me, please drink this.''

         He tried to pour them into their mouths, but an idiotic ghost hunter stopped him.

       ''What are you doing,'' Maddie growled. ''I know you aren't about to poison my baby boys, ghost scum.''

        ''Ms.Fenton, they are already poisoned,'' Frostbite said. ''This is the cure that The Great One and I worked out to cure the effects of the Blood Blossoms.''

         He poured the elixir into their mouths. The red in their vein slowly vanished.

         ''What, exactly, is a Blood Blossom,'' Micky asked. 

          ''A rare and poisonous flower that causes great harm to those of pure heart: human, ghost, or magical creature,'' Dora explained.

          ''I guess it's lucky ghosts don't have hearts, then,'' Jack says.

          Ember was about to kill him, but Sam beat her to the punch.

          ''Ghosts do have hearts,'' Sam shouted. ''If they didn't, why would Ember help us save White? Why did Dora bring us to where they can be saved? Why is Frostbite saving their lives? They have human emotions and human desires. Just because they aren't human doesn't mean they can't care.''

          ''Of course they can't,'' Maddie said. ''They aren't human, so they are no longer have any rights to anything meant for a human. Emotions are for humans only.''

          ''No wonder those you six come here so often,'' Ember says. ''I'd go to a different world to if I was around people like that.''

          ''How often do you come to the Ghost Zone,'' Mr.Lancer asked the four teens.

         ''Not often,'' Tucker responded. ''Every-other day, everyday, sometimes twice a day.''

          ''WHAT,'' the Fenton adults freaked.

         ''Why would you want to be in such a dangerous place, surrounded by the lowest of low-lives,'' Maddie shouted.

         ''They come here because they want friends that treat them with the respect and honor that they show us,'' Dora says. ''Not like you ever noticed that they were gone in the first place.''

          ''Princess Dorathea,'' Frostbite requested. ''Can you go contact Pandora and Clockwork? They'll want to be here for them.''

          ''Right away, Frostbite,'' Dora said, floating away.

         ''Lord White, please be okay,'' Skylar says, nudging his friend's shoulder.

        ''Someone explain how that thing is talking,'' Jack yelled.

         ''Skylar is a he, not an 'it' or a 'thing,'' Valerie said. ''All creatures around here can talk. Most of them, anyway. We're still trying to figure out the snow creatures.''

          ''Good luck with that,'' Frostbite said. ''Even my citizens have given up on them.''

          ''You six are forbidden from coming back to the Ghost Zone after we get home,'' Maddie yelled.

          ''Don't make threats you can't enforce,'' Jazz said.

         White and Danny began to stir. They went over to them. The teens opened their eyes, momentarily, shined their green and gold colors. They looked at each other.

         ''What was that,'' they asked the other.

         ''What was what,'' Tucker asked.

         ''Nothing, nevermind,'' Danny said. ''Are you guys alright?''

          ''Caring more about others than yourself, common Danny and White,'' Ember shook her head, snickering.

          ''That was almost as bad as when Lena's song got messed up by harvest moon,'' White said, shaking off the dizziness.

           ''Daniel James Fenton,'' Maddie yelled. ''White Hope Fenton. Where did you two get those scars? And where did that infernal tattoo come from?''

         The two boys just glared at their parents.

          ''With the never ending ghost attacks, the school bullies, you two blowing up things in the lab every other hour, why wouldn't we have scars,'' Danny said. ''And being honest, we never cared enough to say anything.''

          ''And this tattoo was given to me by very close friends,'' White answered.

          ''As soon as we get home, we are getting that horrible thing removed,'' Maddie ordered.

         ''Don't even think about it,'' White glared. ''This is a sign of honor and respect. It shows how they care.''

          ''Who is they,'' Jack asked.

           ''The sirens,'' White answered.

           The two adults looked like they were about to explode. Sam took out the spare shirts she packed and gave them to the boys. They were finally able to cover their scars.

          ''You know those monstrous songstresses,'' Maddie freaked. ''They can alter a person's mind with their voices. They're as dangerous as any ghost. You are not allowed to have any contact with those monsters.''

         ''They aren't monsters,'' White argued. ''You don't know the first thing about them. They live in peace on their island. They treat us like family. Just because there are a few bad seeds doesn't mean all siren are bad.''

         ''All sirens ARE bad,'' Jack says. ''When I get my hands on one, i'll do what I would do if it was a ghost. I'll rip it apart molecule by molecule.''

         ''Tóso prospathó na peráso se aftá ta ilíthia. Eínai san na milás sto fántasma tou koutioú,'' White ranted in Greek. Translation,'' I'm done trying with these guys. It's like talking to the Box Ghost.''

         ''Den eínai tóso kaká,'' Danny responded. Translation, ''They aren't that bad.''

        ''Nai eínai,'' White said. Translation, ''Yes, they are.''

        ''What the hell are you two saying now,'' Dash yelled.

       ''What, do you not speak Greek,'' Danny teased.

        ''You two can speak Greek,'' Mr.Lancer asked.

        ''And Romanian,'' Sam added.

        ''And Esperanto,'' Tucker added.

         ''Four languages,'' Mr.Lancer couldn't believe. ''You two can speak four languages. How do you have such poor grades?''

         ''I do not have time for this,'' White says, turning to his friends. ''You guys want to go to Phantom's Keep? I can not deal with them, right now.''

         ''Might as well,'' Jazz said.

          The door to the room burst open. Two more ghosts came in. One was a giant woman with four arms and in Greek armor. She had flaming pink hair and carried a large scepter. The other one was a young adult ghost in a purple robe and no legs. Under his cloak was like the gears of a clock and his face had a scar under his eye.

        The Fentons aimed their guns at the ghosts. But then two words froze them like statues.

         ''Mater. Pater,'' Danny and White cried.

         They ran to the ghosts, giving them big hugs. The ghost hunters couldn't help but drop their jaws. 

         ''Are you two okay, my little warriors,'' Pandora asked. ''Dora told us it was Blood Blossoms.''

        ''We're fine, mater,'' Danny assured. ''The cure worked just as we thought.''

        ''I need to tell you something later, then,'' Clockwork told them.

         ''Alright, pater,'' White smiled.

         Maddie turned to Mr.Lancer.

         ''Do you know what they're saying,'' she asked.

         ''It's more Latin,'' Mr.Lancer said. ''They're saying 'mother' and 'father'. How do your sons know so many languages?''

          Maddie ignored the question completely. She was too furious. How dare her sons call those pieces of ecto-waste mother and father. They were their parents, not those monsters. She took out her gun, aiming it at Pandora.

          ''GET AWAY FROM MY SON, GHOST SCUM,'' she screamed, firing.

          ''Don't,'' Danny yelled.

          Clockwork shielded White as they heard the blast make contact. White forced himself out of his father's arms. He saw Danny with his hands over his stomach. He took his hands off, and they were covered in blood. He collapsed onto the floor.

          ''Danny,'' White and Pandora cried.

          They bent next to him.

          ''Did... you get h...hurt, pater,'' he stuttered.

           ''Not at all, thanks to you my little warrior,'' Pandora says, brushing his raven hair. 

           ''That's... a...all that m...matters,'' Danny said. ''D...Dick.''

            That last name hit White like a stab to the heart. But then, Danny passed out, making him panic.

            ''Oh gods,'' he gasped.

            Pandora picked him up, bridal style, and took him over to Frostbite.

            ''Frostbite, help him,'' she panicked.

           ''Bring him this way,'' Frostbite instructed.



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