The Other Terran [Peter Quill]

By ColdBastilleMusic

10.3K 266 41

I could remember the way the ocean breeze felt against my skin. The look on my mother's face when she took he... More

Talks Of Home
Why The Batteries
god with a small g

Leaving Earth

2K 31 8
By ColdBastilleMusic

A/N I'll be using plots from the second movie, but adjusting the story line obviously. Vote and comment 🤓

Kristin POV

My eyes hurt from the tears that threatened to leave as I watched my mother's ashes float out to sea. She always loved the ocean, maybe that was why she loved my father so much. Afterall he was blue. I took a swig from the flask before looking beside me as I heard foot steps in the sand. He sat down and cleared his throat, his red eyes mirrored my own, yet mine hind behind contact lens. Here on earth aliens weren't discovered yet.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there when she died."

"It's alright." I mumbled under my breath as I handed him the flask, a low chuckle escaping his lips before he took a sip. " She told me to tell you she loved you. Even though you weren't around much. Obviously you couldn't be at the hospital, it's hard to explain a blue person."

"That is sort of why I'm here. Kristin I think you should come with me. Leave earth for good and start a life up there. You'll age slower than these Terrans."

"I am part Terran dad." I sighed and stood, yet I nodded. "But I'm glad you asked. I miss the stars. I remember when you used to take me to other galaxies." A weak laugh escaped my lips. "Do the Ravagers still not know about me?"

"I would never hear the end of it if they knew darlin' however I think it's time you met them." He stood as well, before dusting the sand from his jacket.

"I'm gonna go grab my things."

"All the way back home?"

"Nope! I already packed my car dad." I smirked to myself, I knew I was going to leave earth. My mother hated this planet because it sucked the life from her. Cancer seemed to be a running theme here on earth. I walked up to the parking area and glanced around, grabbing my duffle bags before looking up at the blue light that beamed down. It tickled my skin till I was inside the ship, the dark of night allowing us to escape this atmosphere without detection. I glanced around at all the creatures staring at me.

" Everyone." Yondu spoke up and wandered in front of me, glancing around the room. I felt my anger rise as the small chuckles whispered through the room and quickly my contacts melted from the warmth of my red eyes. "This is my daughter-" laughter erupted until I whistled. The arrow in my leather jacket went beaming to one of the men, the braclet I had cuffed around my arm acted as the sensor for it. I stopped it a mere centimeter from his forehead and stepped around my father as everyone fell silent.

"Sorry. My temper gets the best of me, that's from my Centaurian side."

"You look like and smell like a Terran." I chuckled smirking as I plucked the arrow from its position in the air.

"I wouldn't dare to test that theory." I heard my father's laughter, surely his men didn't know what I was capable of even with spending most of my life on earth. I grabbed my duffle bags and followed after my father.

"You best be careful around all of them Kristi. You're my daughter, that's dangerous enough." He pressed a button, opening one of the rooms. There was a bed and adjoining bathroom with a small closet. "Get settled in, we've got some traveling to do." I nodded slowly before sitting down my bags as I heard my father's foot steps slowly start to fade.

"Hey dad?" I mumbled low enough for only him to hear. He stopped half way down the hall.

"Yes darlin'?"

"Thanks and I love you. Even through you're a bit of a psychopath." He smirked slightly.

" No need to thank me. I love you too even though you're part Terran." I chuckled before rolling my eyes then closed myself in my room. I quickly pushed my bags under the bed and hung or folded what I found important. The view of space always seemed to captivate me. The way the Galaxy mixed like yin and yang or dark and light into something so miraculously beautiful. I couldn't help but sigh, slowly slipping on my red Ravangers jacket, glancing in the mirror. Maybe this is where I belonged all along, up here with my father and away from earth's minuscule problems. I jumped slightly hearing a knock at the door, I walked over and pressed the button looking at a lanky man whose hair had a hint of grey.

"I'm Kraglin, Yondu wanted me to see if you were ready."

"Kristin and yeah. Lead the way. Where are you from?"


"Ah Xandarian. You sometimes look like Terran."

" We had another Terran here once years ago. His name was Peter." I moved to walk beside him, lifting a brow.

" What happened to him?"

" He got too cool for us, saving the galaxy and all that stuff." I chuckled softly and shrugged. "He's part of the guiardians of the galaxy group, ya ever heard of them?"

"Not really. Yondu told me about them when they stopped some Ronan character?"

"The very same." The ship jolted as I walked into the command center, my eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Where are we?"

"Contraxia. I need to pick up a bounty." My father walked by as did some of the others. My curiosity was heightened the closer I got to the door of the ship. I could feel the cold air sting my cheeks. This place looked like a planet of whores. I slowly made my way towards one of the buildings when I felt arms engulf me. A melodic hum ringing in my brain as I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain.

"I knew Yondu would bring you soon."

"Who are you?"

"TazerFace." The was last thing I heard before it went black. The thumping in my ears ceased at the unconsciousness consumed me like the darkness of a black hole.

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