Owned: Bought & Paid For [Mat...

By Chrissy_Quinn

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13.6K 263 41
By Chrissy_Quinn

Eventually, as was probably his intentions, I lost track of all time entirely. My waking hours were punctuated by visits by him. My day usually began with the maid opening the door and setting a plate of food on the dresser. If my behavior before pleased my master, I received a book to pass the time. I missed my phone, snapchat and Instagram, but at the same time developed a strange obsession with Tyr.

One day, the second I heard his familiar footsteps in the hallways I took a pillow and ran to the door. Dropping to my knees I knelt on the pillow and waited with my palms flat against my thighs. I stared at the door knob with rapt interest, my body brought to the edge by anticipation as he finally entered.

For the longest he said nothing but he stared at me.

"Tomorrow night I'm throwing a party, please me and Colleen will go home to her master after. I suggest you don't disappoint me. Ivar's coming and I'll let him have a taste of what he lost if you're exceptionally disobedient." He removed the silver case from his jacket pocket and took out a cigarette and lit it, with that matching zippo. "Follow me. You can join us tonight. But if you fight me, you're going back in the room for another week." Without looking to see if I obeyed him he walked down the hall, I slowly stood and trailed behind him. Colleen's laughter echoed through the house as he led me to a living room. "We'll spend our nights here together when I'm entertaining guests and don't have work. If I have work..." He continued walking, not stopping until he came to a locked door. He took a key out of his pocket and unlocked it revealing a sleek office that was all while and glass.

On the desk was a computer and for a fleeting moment I had a thought of finding some way of getting into it and sending a message out to someone. To my surprise that errant idea brought a profound sense of guilt.

"We'll spend our time in here, you'll kneel there." He pointed to the small white leather ottoman beside the office chair. After shutting and locking the door he continued showing me around the mansion.

When we reached the television room Colleen practically threw herself from the couch to the floor where she knelt with her legs spread as she stared at Tyr with a happy smile. When he passed her, he threaded his fingers through her short light brown bob before taking a seat on the white leather sofa.

"Lily, come join me." With my name on his lips I quickly sat beside him, and he wasted no time in putting me in the corner of the modular sofa with my legs spread so he could easily see my drooling and desperate sex. "I'm sure you have questions, feel free to ask them."

"Why is Colleen here?"

"Because I want to fuck something, and I haven't made a decision on how I'm going to take your virginty yet. It's as simple as that." He smirked and took a draw from his cigarette. "Spread your pussy."

I balked at the request and for a moment froze. With a swallow, I trailed my hands down my flat stomach, my thumbs brushing the nearly healed tattoo as I capitulated to his demands, parting the lips of my sex. Automatically, my pulse jumped to my clit and I found myself acutely aware of it.

"Good girl, show me how you touch yourself. I don't want your eyes to leave me either." I wagged my hips as my finger circled that needy nub and my breath caught. "When you get close to cumming you're going to beg me."

"Yes, M-master."

He purred happily and relaxed back on the couch, his attention fixed on me. Feeling that heavy green gaze coaxed a moan from me as I put on a bit of show for him. Why? I wasn't sure, but what I did know was that I wanted to please him, to show him that he wasn't wasting his attention on me.

"Colleen, go to the bedroom and bring me a medium size buttplug." He might have spoke to the other woman but he didn't look at her as she scampered off. "No more questions? Fine. What's your dirtiest fantasy?"

My fingers stilled with his question.

"Don't stop." He took another drag on his cigarette. "And don't think about lying. I want that thing that makes you blush after you cum, that sick little kink that makes you hide your face and clean your internet history twice over." Tracing his tongue over his teeth he reached down and adjusted his obvious erection.

"I..." Panting I continued toying with myself as my skin started to flush.

"Is that how you touch yourself?"


"Nothing inside of you?"

Blush burned my cheeks. "No, M-master."

"Hmm, we'll have to fix that. Go on." He exhaled smoke through his nostrils as Colleen came back holding the sex toy in its sealed package. The metal butt plug was no bigger than an egg and had an end attached with a jewel at the bottom. I hesitated as Colleen brought him the package and he opened it, placing the brand new toy in her mouth. "Stroke me," he whispered to her as he unzipped his pants, freeing that hard thick flesh. Her hands closed over him eagerly as she sucked on the toy.

"I... like to watch women being... used roughly."

My words made Tyr smirk.

"Used?" He cooed as Colleen gently worked her hand up and down his shaft.

"F-fucked roughly a-against their will, degraded...passed... passed around." My teeth set in my bottom lip as I stifled a moan.

"Do you envision yourself fucked by a room full of horny men who care nothing for you? Pounding away at your cunt for the sole purpose of depositing their cum inside of your well used pussy while you scream and cry for me to make it stop?"

My breath caught.

"Is hearing me talk about it going to make you come?"

I started trembling as my climax neared and I could hardly find my voice.

"M-master, may... may I please cum?" I begged as I kept myself right on the edge, I stilled my finger as I felt the lips of my desperate cunt flutter hungry for that sensation it never experienced. I didn't care that we weren't alone, all that mattered was the pleasure I craved.

"Stop, bend over and present your ass to me." He pulled the butt plug from Colleen's mouth and I did as requested, dropping to all fours and arching my back so my ass was in the air. He smacked my bottom hard making me squeal and my drooling pussy flutter. "Fuck, you're perfect." He stroked his fingers over my cunt and my hips pressed back desperate for more attention as he spread my lips. He leaned over me kissing down my spine until he reached my ear, I could feel him there the heat coming off of his hard cock so close to the apex of my body that all it would take was a little shifting for him to be inside me.

"Please." I begged, the words surprising me as he kissed my earlobe.

"No, not yet." He stroked my back, and I something cool and unyielding pressed against my asshole though I knew it was the plug I still jumped a bit at the sensation. "Shhh, this is going to hurt, but you're going to be a good girl and take it for me, aren't you?"


"Deep breath."

As I drew the breath he slowly worked the plug inside my never before used ass. Tears welled at the corners of my eyes as burning pain accompanied the pressure. Though I knew in reality it wasn't that large, still it felt enormous to me as he forced it in as I sobbed.

"There's a good girl." He purred as he pressed against the flat of the plug, driving it further inside me. "And still your pussy is sopping wet." He slipped a finger easily into my cunt and the mix of pleasure and pain made my eyes roll in the back of my head. "Do you still want to cum?" He kissed my neck.

"Y-yes, Master." My voice was a shuddered stuttered mess as he groaned and stood. Without warning he picked me up, holding me in his arms.

"Colleen, go to bed." He spoke as he carried me out of the room.

He didn't take me to the bedroom, or the room where I'd watched him with Colleen, instead he brought me to another with a large for poster bed and all the signs of being lived in, unlike the others which seemed almost like a hotel room.

"This is your room," I stated the obvious as he closed the door behind us.

"Mhm." He plucked the cigarette from his lips and put it out on a full ashtray beside the bed before setting me down. "Do you want me, Lily?"

"Y-yes, Master."

"No, I mean do you really want me?" He trailed his hand down my flat stomach before he stood and took off his jacket tossing it to the side.

"I... I don't know what you mean." The question didn't make any sense to me.

"As funny as it might seem to you, Lily, I want you. You've fascinated me since I stumbled on to your Instagram years ago. I didn't just want to feel you under me, I wanted to possess you, to have you crave me. Maybe even to have you love me." He stripped down, taking off his shiny black shoes and his pants, leaving only his shirt which he slowly unbuttoned. Once he shrugged it off he turned back to me. "How have you—" he moved toward me, slipping his fingers over my drenched sex "—thought about your first time before."

"Mhm," I mewed, my hips arching to seek out the sensation his single finger offered.

"Tell me."

"I think I wanted to lose it like every girl hopes... to have a man who loves me take me passionately."


"Mhm, lots of kissing... wordless—" My breath caught "—passion."

"Hmm..." he withdrew his finger from me and opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand taking out a bottle of liquor. He unscrewed the cap and took a swing before holding it out to me. For a while I stared at it, unsure if I should take it or not. "Tell me about you."

"Don't you know everything about me already?" I quirked a brow as I took the bottle from him, the label was in french and I didn't speak the language enough to make sense of it. All the same I brought it to my lips for a quick sip.

"More or less... but there's a difference between how we see ourselves as opposed to how we actually are." He chuckled. "I see myself as cruel and unyielding in all things. But I've been told that's not always true."

"No, that seems about right." I had another mouthful of the liquor and passed the bottle back to him.

"And what about how you see yourself?"

"I don't know..." I shook my head as I sat up. "I never really gave much thought to it. I guess I'm pretty average."

"If you were average you wouldn't be a virgin."

"I like attention... but I've always wanted... I don't know a strong man."


"Mhm, guys my age ask a lot of questions, and don't... dictate enough."

He held the bottle back out to me.

"And that's a problem for you?"

"I suppose... I don't know." I shook my head and ran my fingers back through my hair before taking the bottle. I downed another mouthful.

"So you've been waiting for a man to take what they want from you?"

"I guess... sounds odd doesn't it? All my friends used to bitch about their boyfriends being a little forceful, but I never found one who could..." I trailed off and took another swig. The alcohol was starting to effect me. I shook away the cobwebs and pursed my lips. "Take." I finished.


"Yeah. I guess. I dunno... there's something about helplessness that..."

"Makes you wet."

"Mhm." I blushed and moved to cross my legs but stopped myself. Instead I spread my legs a little more. "I always thought it made me weird. I shouldn't be turned on by what you've done to me... but I am. And I should hate you... but I don't."

"Oh? How do you feel about me?" He inquired taking another swig before he passed it back to me.

I drank another sip and pursed my lips, remaining silent as I blushed.

"Tell me." He ordered and I darted my eyes to him.

"I am infatuated with you...it bothers me." I took another gulp of liquor. "I shouldn't want you but I do. I should hate you shouldn't I but... you're... sexy and so in control. Part of me think's you're a monster, I'm not going to lie, but a much larger part..." I fell silent and shook my head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I should have... I don't know." I sighed an held the bottle out again. He took it and returned the cap to it. For a moment he looked at me carefully, and then he kissed me.

The tenderness shocked me at first but then eventually the nips, nibbles, and out right bites came as he settled between my thighs, his cock resting between my nether lips as we ate at each other's moans. Passion overwhelmed us as propping himself up on his elbows he seized my breasts brutally as my hips snapped, causing the veiny underside of his cock to skitter over my throbbing desperate clit.

The plug in my asshole drove me insane as every time I shifted it titillated my sensitive insides. Spurred by the alcohol, I reached for him and he fiercely seized my hands pinning them above my head as he continued to kiss me, I writhed and whimpered under him.

He broke our kiss and nipped my jaw. "Do you want me."

"Yes." I moaned.

"Tell me."

"I need you inside me." I begged as I continued to wantonly writhe against him. "Please."

He kissed me hard and seized my bottom lip between his teeth, pulling it between them until it slipped out. "When I'm good and ready," He growled before kissing me again. A hand slipped between us and he pressed at the base of the plug, wrenching a moan from me. "You like that don't you?" he gnarred nibbling along my jaw.


"Do you want to feel more?"

"Yes," the word came out as a whimper and he slowly worked the plug from me, letting my hole expand and contract around the egg before he slipped it back in, the wetness from my pussy acting as lube as he began to in earnest fuck my ass with the toy. I met his every thrust and to my surprise found myself nearing an orgasm in almost no time at all as he returned to kissing me.

"I'm..." I gasped.

"Cum for me." He growled and I did just that as he pulled the plug from me and flung it across the room before replacing it with his hard pulsing cock. I couldn't move. I'd never felt anything inside of me before but the way the pleasure mixed with pain overloaded my senses causing me to whimper as the overly stretched muscles of my anus tensed and released haphazardly around him. "Fuck you're tight." He hissed. Digging his fingers into my wrist as with a groan he started slowly moving. "Shit, you feel good. God damn, I've never felt anything like this before."

He moaned as he slowly started to work himself in and out of my anus, it took a while for the searing pain to subside, but when it did all I felt was pleasure as he picked up his pace and started fucking me in earnest.

"So good." I cried as he furiously pounded into me. The greater the pain, the nearer I crept to another orgasm, and when his thumb found my clit as he brutalized my asshole my body erupted with pleasure as I clung to him desperately. In the middle of my orgasm his started. All I had to go off to tell me that he'd cum was the sharp groan that came from him as his massive cock began to twitch and throb inside of me as he coated my insides in his thick white cum. Contrary to how I'd always envisioned the male orgasm he didn't stop, no he kept pummeling into me until he finished. Then and only then did he withdraw from me and with a sigh pull me to him.

"One down," He kissed my shoulder. "One to go." He continued as he pinched my swollen sex. "Do you still want me?" He asked between feral kisses.

"Yes." I replied sleepily as he clawed down my sides, causing me cry out.

"Colleen is going home tomorrow, and during the party you're not to leave my side. I'll take you after, in a room alone. I can give you that much, something to aspire to earn again." He lazily replied as he slipped a finger inside of me which elicited a desperate groan from my lips. "Tomorrow, after you've sucked off every last one of my friends then you'll shower, brush your teeth and come to me in here... and I'll fuck you like I've never fucked anyone before. Do you know why that is?"

"No. Master."

"Because I think I'm falling in love with you." The words from his lips floored me and as he pulled me close I couldn't help but wonder how I felt about this sexy mysterious billionaire who'd bought me at an auction.

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