Christianity: More Than A Rel...

By DavidH429

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A book for believers and unbelievers. I hope that you can learn something from this book and that it can help... More

The Holy Spirit
How to be saved
The Flesh
Author's Note
False Prophets
God's Morality
Christianity is...
Questioning Christianity?
Feeling Hopeless?
The difference with Christianity
Christian Dating
The Gift of Singleness
A message to everyone!
Are we Christians?
Different sins for different people
Can we choose?
Sex After Marriage!
The Truth
Be The Bible!
Don't Lose Sight...
We Mess Up...
You Cannot Do It Alone
Praying In School
There is no God...
Accountability Partner
New Me and Updates
Blue Letter Bible (BLB)
Merciful God
How do you view your sin?
Tell Me: Anything
How I am feeling
Christianity Is Different For Each Individual
I relapsed but what I learned

Second Chances?

135 31 10
By DavidH429

As we learned from the last part we mess up. All the time. Everyday. It is impossible for us not to mess up.

Now, when we mess up usually we think things such as it's my fault and you might blame it on yourself. This is self-pity which can lead to the worship of your circumstances instead of trusting in God. Now why should you believe me? Well you should because I use to do this a lot. Use to.

Now why should we worry? Just take a minute to think about this: God is God. People won't often take the time to think about the fact that he can do anything. He is able to do anything since he is God. He knows everything and he knows what you are going through. He knows us and our situations better than we know ourselves and our situations.

Now will God give us a second chance if we mess something up? Perhaps you have had a friendship recently that hasn't been working out too good and you guys got into a fight and the other person left. Or maybe you got mad at your parents or your siblings and you have screwed up family relations even more. We as humans always stress over the fact of: Will God give us a second chance?

Now, I think there is another question we should be focusing on. During hard times in our life are we focusing on God? It's like we want all our problems to be fixed yet we refuse to turn to the one person who can fix our problems and when we do it's like he's our last option. Don't lie to me guys I'm human too. Been there.

The point is we don't talk to the one person who can fix our problems and he's always there so we shouldn't use an excuse. Instead of worrying about what is going to happen or what has happened, take this time to just talk to God to see him because God is close to the brokenhearted. I know I keep saying it but that's because it relates to me and is so true. 

He will listen to you. Talk to him. He wants to help you. Stop putting your hope in useless things such as what the circumstances look like or how other people think or feel, etc. and put your trust in God. Once you do that, It's easy and you don't have to worry because it's not in your control anymore! It's in God's hands! I'd rather give my problems to a God who knows everything than to worry about my problems and not know everything.

But David you never answered my question! Well does God give second chances? I believe he can.  But I also believe God does certain things and he could be doing those things to lead you back to him or to show you something that you have not seen before. Just know now that no matter what it looks like God has a better plan for you. God has already given us a second chance so second chances are possible and God wants to make you happy and he wants what is best for you!

So stop worrying. Give everything to God and let him take care of it. You might not see it now but remember he is working behind the scenes.

1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you".

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