A Father's Love

Por ShannonLeathem

185K 3.6K 461

Leaving is one thing. Leaving and not telling someone they're gonna be a father? That's another. Luke learns... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 27

2.4K 48 2
Por ShannonLeathem

 Shelby spent the rest of the day at the park with her friends and even went out to eat with their family, so she got dropped off towards the end of the dinner rush as the crowd was thinning out. Before the boys left, they asked if Luke had any donuts.

"Sure," he told them and lifted the lid that covered the donuts. The kids sat at the counter eating. What made him smile was when he looked over and saw the kids huddled together and Shelby's mouth was moving as if she were talking. Luke said nothing as he tended to a customer, but he was proud.

After the boys left, Shelby helped her dad and Caesar clean up, restocking the napkins and putting away all the condiments. Luke let Caesar leave once he finished his work, wanting to ask about what happened during the parent-teacher conference, hoping she would be willing to talk now it was just the two of them. Walking over to the table where she was sitting on her knees, Luke sat on the chair next to her.

"Hey, so Shell," he began.

Shelby looked up from the napkins.

"Your teacher had some good things to say about you. Mrs. Avery seems to really like ya." He smiled.

Shelby just shrugged.

"I noticed you... I mean, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I just wanted to ask." Luke leaned an arm on the table. "How come you were upset about Mrs. Avery sharing your stories about Jess?"

She looked away, out of the corner of her eye.

"You're not in trouble, kiddo," he assured her, softly. "I'm just curious. It wasn't anything bad, was it?"

Shelby shook her head at the table.

"So it wasn't something neither of you should have done?"

Again, she shook her head.

"If you see Jess doing something he shouldn't, come tell me. Okay? That's not something you should keep quiet about, and if Jess is telling you to cover for him, that's not okay, either."

She nodded that time.

When it seemed like Shelby did not want to say anything, Luke let it go for now, not wanting to push the kid. She did promise him it wasn't anything bad. Instead, he asked how she felt about the possibility of getting help to be able to speak up more.

Shelby stalled on the question, trying to make the napkin dispenser spin while on its side.

"You can tell me whatever is on your mind, kiddo. I promise I won't get mad," he gently reminded her.

She was holding her chin on the side of her fist, spinning the napkin dispenser again.

Luke moved the condiments still left out on that particular table, out of the way, and laid his own chin on his folded arms so he would be semi eye level. "It's okay to be nervous or anxious. Miss Kelly will help you with that. We're not making you try this to be mean. Your mom, Mrs. Avery, and I want to help you be able to speak up for yourself. Don't you want that, too?"

Shelby shrugged. "I no like when peoples make me talk. I' makes i', harder."

"I know, kiddo. But Miss Kelly will be there to help make it a little easier for you, and I'm sure she knows more about what you're going through than we do."

Another shrug.

"You're trying T-ball and you like it. Maybe you'll like this, too. Plus, you will be able to get out of class once or twice a week. That sounds great. What do you say?"

She looked up at him. "I try."

Hearing Shelby was willing to try made his heart warm. "Okay," he said.

So, they met with the speech pathologist the following day at school, who ended up jumping in and started having Shelby come meet with her, twice a week first. After the first session, Miss Kelly called Luke at the diner to ask some questions, including if Shelby could speak at home and how much she spoke. Luke explained all he could and have noticed in Shelby.

Luke was relieved the woman was taking things slow and had even made up some laminated cards she typed up and attached to an over-sized key ring so Shelby could have a way of communicating in class, somewhat, including if she had to use the restroom. Mostly, in Shelby's eyes, it was a time to get out of class and go play board games, draw, or play with Play-Doh while Miss Kelly narrated everything she did which Shelby told her dad it was more annoying than anything. It wasn't enough for her not to want to come back. After a few sessions, with the laminated note cards, Shelby slowly started raising her hand whenever she wanted to say something or needed to use the restroom. That was a start, at least, and Luke couldn't be any more glad.

But what really made him glad was when Shelby came running over with her friends, one afternoon when he came to pick her up from school. The kid dashed right over and started yanking on his shirt, wanting his ear to speak.

"Alright, Shell. Calm down." Luke kneeled to her level. "What is it?" But before Shelby could whisper in his ear, Alan blurted out first.

"Can Shelby sleep over at our house tonight?"

"What?" Luke looked over at the boy, switching back to Shelby, who was nodding like crazy. "Shell, you want to sleep over at their house?"

She continued nodding. "Please, Dad?"

The boys' mom came over. "I said it was alright with me, but they would have to ask you," she told him. "I can drop Shelby off at the diner sometime in the morning."

He looked from the boys' mother, back to Shelby. "Kiddo, I am so happy you want to sleep over at your friends' house, but we have practice, tonight. Remember? Then, tomorrow night, we already made plans for you to sleep over at Lorelai and Rory's house."

Shelby frowned. "I miss pra-tiss?" she asked softly.

"No, sweetie, you can't miss practice. I told you T-ball is a commitment you have to stick with."

"We can take Shelby to practice," Ethan offered and turned to his mom. "Right, Mom?"

"Yeah," Alan agreed. "We don't mind watching Shelby play T-ball." He and his brother begged both their mom and Luke, which Shelby joined in.

Luke looked up at the woman. "What do you think? Practice starts at six-thirty, is that okay?"

She shrugged. "We didn't have any plans tonight, anyway. So if the kids really want to, that's fine with me. I can even keep Shelby a little longer and meet you at the game, too, if Ethan and Alan want to go to her game tomorrow."

"Yeah!" the boys exclaimed.

"Then it's fine by me," he said, bringing on cheering from all three kids, including Shelby. Softer than the boys, of course. Both adults smiled at the kids' excitement. Luke had to take Shelby home so she could pack an overnight bag, including her uniform, making sure there was a long-sleeved shirt for her to wear underneath her jersey. With the air turning chilly, Luke started having Shelby wear one underneath to make sure she stayed warm.

The boys and their mom met them at the diner in which Luke discussed a few things with Cheryl, including the accidents she has whenever Shelby sleeps in a new place. The boys' mom assured him Ethan had occasional accidents until last year, so she was prepared.

The adults were in earshot of the kids, so when Ethan heard his mom mention he had still wet the bed until he was five, his face turned red.

"Mom!" he whined in embarrassment. His mom tried to assure him it was nothing to be embarrassed about. Accidents happened. It still did not help the kid feel better. That is, until Shelby wrapped an arm around her best friend.

Ethan wrapped his own arm around her. "Thanks, Shelby," he told her.

Once the boys' mom had the times and location to Shelby's practice and game, the four of them left the diner. Shelby was so excited, she almost forgot to give her dad a hug and kiss, good-bye.

"Be good for Cheryl and Ron, alright? Listen to what they say. You can call me if you need to," he told her.

Shelby nodded and hugged him around the neck. "Love you, Daddy,"

"Love you, too, kiddo." He squeezed his arms around his little girl, not wanting to let go. In fact, it was Shelby who pulled away. But not before giving him a kiss on the cheek, which he returned. "Have fun, and I'll see ya tonight at practice. Okay?" He rubbed her sides up and down before letting her go with her friends. The boys' mom had already taken her duffel bag to the car so when Shelby got outside, all she had to do was climb in the back of their minivan, taking the seat right there on the end.

Luke watched through the window. A lump was forming inside his throat as his eyes grew warm. He fought back the tears as he realized how much his little girl was growing up right before his very eyes.

Cheryl made sure Shelby had her seat belt fastened correctly and slid the side door closed. She caught sight of Luke through the window, waving as she made her way around to the driver's side and got in under the wheel. Shortly after, the van pulled away from the curb and drove away.

It suddenly grew harder to breathe, feeling like someone was grabbing onto his heart and tugging on it, knowing it won't be long until his little girl would be all grown up and heading into the world, not needing him anymore. Luke would give anything to hold on to the years in between then and now for as long as he possibly could. What finally knocked him out of his trance was someone yelling for ketchup. Coming back to the world, Luke hurried over and grabbed an extra ketchup bottle from the counter, taking it over to the customer and hurried over to the phone, dialing Rachel's number.

Rachel picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Rachel?" Luke was trying to keep his anxiousness down.

"Luke? Everything okay?" She sounded worried, probably catching on to the anxiousness in his voice.

"Yeah. I mean, no. I mean..." He took a deep breath. "You're not gonna believe what just happened."

There was a slight pause before she asked, "What?"

"Shelby..." Luke stopped to swallow back another lump. "Shelby just left for her first official sleepover."

"I thought she was sleeping over at Lorelai's, tomorrow? I was gonna ask if I could take her for a few hours tonight for a movie night at my place."

"It's not with Lorelai," he told her, now inhaling and exhaling several times.

There was another pause. This one was a little longer. "She got invited to a sleepover?" she finally asked in awe.

"Yeah. Her and the boys wanted Shelby to go sleep over at their house, tonight. They even offered to take her to both practice and the game."

"Wait, what?" Luke started to repeat what he said until Rachel interrupted him. "I heard what you said. Shelby is sleeping over at Ethan and Alan's house?"

"Yeah. They want to play video games together. I didn't see any problem with it if that's what Shelby wants to do," he shrugged. "You should have seen the look on her face, Rachel. She was actually willing to sleep over somewhere she hasn't yet. We might even be reaching the point where she can sleep over at yours."

"I'm surprised you're okay with Shelby sleeping over with a couple of boys judging by how you were when Rory went through her break-up and you got into that fight with that boy."

"They're six, first of all, so I don't need to worry about anything happening. The worse that can happen is they'll get loaded up on sugar. Besides, they're just going to be playing video games, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. I'm cool with it for now while they're little."

"Yeah, I'm cool with it, too." That was a lie right there. Not that he didn't trust the boys. Ethan and Alan were just as sweet as Shelby was, and Luke trusted them to watch out for her. The only thing he wasn't cool with was the fact she was already starting to separate from him so soon. Yes, it was what he wanted, but that was his little girl, and even though he knew he couldn't always protect her, it didn't mean Luke didn't want to keep trying. He loved that kid with his whole heart and secretly wished she stopped growing. Or at least slow down.

"Well, I'm happy for Shelby. It's great she wants to spend time with kids her own age, and I bet she's gonna have a fun time."

Luke forced a smile. It was great. He wanted Shelby to make friends with kids her own age. Didn't mean it was any easier letting her go.

Later, that evening, Luke arrived early for practice, heading straight for Coach Jameson and Matthew.

"Hey, Luke. No Shelby today?"

"She's coming. She's with her friends from school."

He nodded, "Got ya."

Luke semi listened to the guys as they chatted, but part of his mind was focused on keeping an eye out for a glimpse of the minivan. It wasn't until half of the team had arrived did he see them walking over. When Shelby saw him, she sprinted over to Luke, who scooped her up.

"We made i'," she told him softly for only her dad to hear.

"I see that," he smiled. "How is it, so far? Having fun?"

Shelby nodded. "We played wi' ta Nerf guns and jumped on ta tram-pole-leen until dinner."

"Did ya now? That does sound like fun." Luke gave her cheek a long kiss and placed Shelby down on her feet.

Luke introduced the boys and their mom to Coach Jameson and Matthew.

As soon as most of the team arrived, practice started with base running and batting first. Shelby kept getting distracted since Ethan had brought along his Gameboy, and she kept going over to look at his game while waiting for her turn to bat. Both Luke and the coach had to keep redirecting her to focus on the task at hand.

After a while, Luke threw out the threat, "If we have to tell you again, Shelby, you won't be sleeping over at their house." That right there got Shelby to focus for the rest of practice, though he could tell it wasn't easy. He did let her know he was proud of her for the effort.

At the end of practice, they had the kids do a quick game of scrimmage, even letting Ethan and Alan join. They ended up having so much fun; they told their mom they wanted to join a team.

"Maybe we'll try to work something out next spring to try to get the three of them on the same team," Luke suggested towards Cheryl when she mentioned it to him.

"Sounds like a plan. Anything to get the boys off the video game for a few hours." Both of them laughed at that.

With practice over, Luke had to say good-bye to Shelby one more time. This time, Shelby had to yank herself free from her dad's hold before running off after her friends as they made their way to the van, wanting to go play video games now. With a quick good-bye, Cheryl walked away after them. It was just as difficult as it was the first time.

While working the evening shift, Jess caught Luke off guard when he asked where Shelby was.

"She's sleeping over with friends tonight," he replied as he looked through the slips of past orders from that evening. "So it's just me and you."

"Oh, great. We'll throw a party and get out the Ouija board," Jess said sarcastically, but Luke just ignored the boy. His focus was mainly on how Shelby was doing and how desperately he wanted to call and check in on how she was doing. He thought she would call around bedtime, but Shelby never did.

Luke ended up tossing and turning while he was trying to sleep. It annoyed Jess to the point he had to raise the volume on his music. Luke laid there on his back as he stared up at the dark ceiling. He couldn't help keep glancing over beside him. Shelby had taken Pikachu with her, but Maggie got left behind. As much as he wasn't fond of cats, Luke couldn't help reach over and grip the toy in his hand, staring at it through the dark. His mind kept wondering if Shelby was alright or not, if she was sleeping through the night, or missing him as much as he missed her. What if she was laying in her bed, crying for him? What if she couldn't get the words out to tell the boys' parents she needed to call him? What if she was frozen with fear?

Luke looked over at his alarm clock to see it was two in the morning. Time seemed to move slow. If only he could fall asleep, that would help move it ahead, some. But every time Luke closed his eyes, he couldn't help think of and worry about how Shelby was doing. For the next few hours until his alarm finally went off, Luke barely got any sleep. It was enough to function throughout the day, but not what he would have liked to have.

Of course, the lack of sleep brought out his grouchiness towards some of the customers that drove him crazy, starting with Kirk. By the time Lorelai and Rory stopped by for breakfast, Luke had reached Oscar the Grouch level of grouchiness.

"Jeez, what got your hat in a knot?" Lorelai asked of him.

Luke let out a breath of air. "I'm sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"How come? Something on your mind?"

He hesitated before he finally told them. "Shelby got invited to her first official sleepover yesterday..." He took a breath. "And she accepted." Luke waited for their reaction.

Both girls lit up in excitement.

"That's awesome," Rory was the first to respond.

"Who was it? The boys?" Lorelai asked.

He nodded. "They wanted to go play video games all night."

"And Shelby made it the entire night?" Rory asked in eagerness.

Luke shrugged, "Guess so. I never got a call."

"Well, I'm really proud of our little Shelby," Lorelai stated. "The kid could use some time to have fun with kids her own age. I bet she won't even want to come over to our place, much less home."

A lump suddenly got caught in his throat. "You'll be okay with that?" he asked.

"Of course, if that's what she wants to do. Shelby can always come over next weekend."

"Okay then. I'll let her know when I see her at our game, this afternoon." Luke refilled their coffee before moving over to the counter.

Later, while Luke was helping one of the boys warm up by playing catch with him, Shelby hurried over and grabbed onto his leg, holding on tight.

"Hey, kiddo." He dropped the ball he was holding into his mitt, and kneeled to her level, wrapping an arm around the kid. Luke gave Shelby a loving squeeze, kissing her right temple underneath where her hat wasn't covering. She mumbled something he couldn't understand. "I didn't catch that, Shell."

She looked up at him. "I missed you," Shelby repeated, louder, but still soft.

Luke couldn't help a smile. "I missed ya, too. Did you have fun?"

Shelby nodded. "We played Mario Kar' and Pokemon, and we traded our cards. Ten we watched Batman. We tried to watch Bug's Life, bu' we falled a'leep. I 'leep all night. No ass-a-den'," she shook her head.

"That's great to hear, kiddo. I'm so proud of you." Luke gave her another kiss, this time on her cheek. Letting her know they'll talk more about it later. He had Shelby take his place with Stephen, the boy he was playing catch with. As he made his way over to the "dugout" area, he waved over at Cheryl, Ron, and the boys.

Rachel didn't show until after the game started running late. Shelby had been bummed when she had noticed her mom hadn't arrived yet, perking up once she did. It wasn't like Rachel had a habit of being late. She always tried to be on time, especially when it came to Shelby.

Shelby also wished Lorelai and Rory could have been there. Lorelai had to work, and Rory had other plans with Dean. They were still unsuccessful in getting Jess to come to a game. It was still entertaining to see how much the kid made the guy squirm. Unfortunately, Luke couldn't make him squirm when he had asked for Shelby that morning.

After the game, the kids had to say good-bye. Luke put Lorelai's suggestion out there, which excited the kids. However, Ron explained they had a family dinner to go to that night in Litchfield. So, after hugs and thank you's, they parted company.

As Shelby climbed into her dad's truck, Rachel came over from where she was parked.

"Hey, Luke."

Luke looked over right as she neared him. "Yeah?"

"I've been thinking ever since you called yesterday," she said and turned her attention over to Shelby. "What do you say we give sleeping over at my place another go, peanut?"

"I go to Lor-lai's tonight," Shelby told her mom.

"I know, but Lorelai said if you wanted to go back to the boys' house, tonight you can. I'm sure she'll be okay with you sleeping over with me."

Shelby shook her head.

"Wouldn't you want to sleep over with me, sometimes? We can curl up and have a movie night, too, just like you do with Lorelai and Rory." Rachel tried to be as encouraging and gentle as best she could, but Luke could see she was holding back on some frustrations.

But she just kept shaking her head. "Lor-lai say we having a kare-okie par-tee." Since Jess moved in, the karaoke machine had collected dust on the count of Shelby closing in when he was around. So since Shelby had spent at least every other weekend at their house, Lorelai just offered to let them store it there. It took some doing, but Lorelai and Rory finally got the little girl to freely sing around them. The two were just as surprised as he was. When Lorelai asked Shelby who had taught her, Shelby told her nobody did. She never knew until Luke mentioned it to her first. It was one of the reasons he got out his old guitar whenever it was just the two of them and play while Shelby sang her favorite country songs along with him.

Rachel dropped her gaze towards the ground.

Leaning a hand on the top of the truck, Luke spoke up. "Look, Rachel. We already had this planned out. Lorelai put the suggestion out there if Shelby wanted to stay another night at her friends' house, otherwise it's still the same plan. We can try next weekend if Shelby's okay with it." He looked over at Shelby. "That sound good to you, kiddo? Maybe try sleeping over at your mom's, next weekend?"

That time, she just shrugged one shoulder.

"Well, you have the week to think it over. Okay?"

She nodded.

Luke turned back to Rachel. "Then it's settled," he told her.

"That's fine," she agreed. There was a hint of disappointment in her voice, but at least Rachel was cooperating with him. He appreciated the effort she was making. Taking a step closer to Shelby, she asked for a hug and kiss, wrapping her arms around the kid. "Love you, peanut. Have fun tonight."

"I will." Shelby returned the hug and kiss before Rachel backed away. "We always have lo's of fun," she stated as if it were a fact.

Rachel laughed at her daughter's enthusiasm. "That's good to hear, peanut." She gently hit the brim of Shelby's hat. Before she started heading back to her Jeep SUV, Rachel checked in with Luke, "am I taking Shelby to school, Monday?" Since she's been back, Luke didn't make Jess do it as much even though Shelby liked it. He didn't want to make Jess feel like he always had to take his cousin to school, like it was his job or something.

"Sure," he replied.

"Then I'll see the both of you Monday morning." They all exchanged good-byes as Rachel headed over to her SUV. Luke told Shelby to scoot over so he could slide in under the wheel, shutting his door while Shelby fastened her seat belt. He waved once Rachel had pulled out, which she returned before driving from the parking lot. Checking behind him, Luke did the same.

While the kids were saying good-bye, Cheryl confirmed what Shelby had said about waking up dry that morning. Once they had gotten back from practice, last night, the kids had headed straight for the den and played on the Nintendo 64 for the rest of the night until Cheryl told them to turn it off around ten-thirty and put on an animated Batman movie hoping they would fall asleep. The kids ended up staying awake for the whole movie, but dozed off when she put on A Bug's Life. Shelby slept through the entire night, right in between the boys, something a father never wanted to hear about their daughter. Luke was just relieved they were all six and not sixteen. Shelby gave more details on the way back home.

Lorelai came by the diner around dinnertime when she got off work. Shelby had hung out in the diner the whole time since they got home, working, which ended up being longer than the two hours Luke usually gave. She wanted to spend time with her dad until she had to leave him again.

The moment Shelby saw her, she dashed right over, hugging Lorelai around the legs.

"Hey, sweetheart. I heard you had your first sleepover last night."

Shelby stared up at Lorelai, confused, and shook her head.

"No? You didn't have your first sleepover?"

Shelby motioned her hand to speak in her ear.

Lorelai lowered her head so the kid could whisper in her ear. "I know, but this was your first official sleepover with friends your age you were invited to. Did you have fun?"

Shelby nodded happily and retold the events to Lorelai.

"Man, I wish I could have been there. That sounds like an amazing, fun-filled night. How will we ever top it?" Lorelai laughed as Shelby laughed along with her. She then stood up. "You sure you're okay with me taking Shelby?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Luke asked.

"Well, considering she was gone last night and now she'll be gone, tonight. I just figured you would at least want one night of the weekend."

He shrugged. "It's either with you or with Rachel."

"With Rachel? You guys are trying again?"

"Not yet. After I called to tell her Shelby went to her friends', overnight, Rachel figured it was time for us to try again and you wouldn't mind since you offered to let Shelby stay another night with her friends."

Lorelai shrugged, crossing her arms. "No, I wouldn't have minded. That's why we've been doing this, to get Shelby comfortable sleeping alone. In fact, that's fine if Rachel wants Shelby to spend the night with her."

"We left it up to Shelby and Shelby chose your house."

She looked down at the kid. "You sure you don't want to try to sleep over at your mom's, sweetheart?"

Shelby nodded and pointed up at her.

"One more night at our place then?" Lorelai smiled as she nodded up at her. "You know you are always welcome at our house."

Shelby hugged her leg again before dashing upstairs to grab her duffel bag.

"I better go help her, make sure she has everything she'll need," said Luke, pointing after her.

"I'll be waiting."

He offered her some coffee while Lorelai waited.

While they made sure Shelby had everything, she asked if she could bring her Nintendo, wanting to get the girls to play with her. The last time Shelby convinced them to play, Lorelai chose all the Pokemon she thought were cute. Even though Shelby at least taught them how to battle, she still beat them. Rory came close, though.

Luke unplugged the console from the TV, wrapping the cord around its body while Shelby wrapped the cords to the controllers around themselves. He then placed the console inside the duffel bag, between her clothes to help protect it.

"Is there anything else you want to bring?"

Shelby stood up and wandered over to the chest Luke had emptied to store all her toys she had accumulated over the past year. She lifted the lid before looking inside. It took a couple minutes, but Shelby chose her Legos and a handful of her figurines, walking back slowly, to balance her figurines on top.

"Those are the toys you want to bring?"

She nodded. Shelby stuffed it in the duffel bag, which Luke helped maneuver things around so it'll fit.

Once things were all set, Luke zipped the duffel bag closed. "You sure you're okay with spending another night away from home? You don't have to if you don't want to. We can always hang out here."

"I wan' to go," she continued to insist. "You no wan' me to leave again?"

"No, that's not it, kiddo," he lied, not wanting to make her feel guilty. "As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters."

Shelby moved closer to her dad, standing on her knee. "I sorry I no call. I forgo'." She gave him a pitiful look that broke his heart.

"It's alright. You were having fun, and I got that. No need to be sorry for having fun." Truth was, he was torn. Luke was very glad Shelby could make it through the night and have fun. On the other hand, it only reminded him she doesn't need him as much anymore.

"I did miss you. E-tan and Alan made me feel be'ter."

He reached over and kissed the middle of her forehead. "That's good to hear. Ethan and Alan are good friends, huh?"

She nodded. "I no have friends from school before."


She shook her head that time. "I hid a lo', remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. But now you've been doing so much better. You're talking now and you're participating a little in class." He reached over and pushed some hair behind her ear. "As I said, I am so proud of you, kiddo."

That made Shelby smile. Getting off her legs, she stood up and threw herself against her dad. Luke landed back on his hand to help catch himself. "Can I tell you a secre'?"

"Sure, kiddo."

"No tell?" she shook her head.

"I won't tell anyone," he reassured her.

"I prayed for you."

"You prayed for me?" Luke wasn't sure what Shelby meant by that.

She nodded. "Every day I prayed you and Mom come back for me, even more when Bailey lef'."

His eyebrows rose at that. "You did?" he asked, surprised. "Is that why you let no one get close to you?"

"A li'toe," she admitted, now not making eye contact. Shelby was sitting on his leg like one would sit on a horse as he held onto her waist. "Too many pee-poes came to see me and made me go wi' tem."

"Did you feel that way when you first met me?" Luke hoped she hadn't felt pressured into meeting him. Even though it ended fine, he would have hated to know his daughter hated it in the beginning.

"Maddie say we were going ou' to ea'. She no say I was mee-ting someone. I was mad at her, but ten you say you were my dad. Ten I no mad no more," Shelby shook her head. "I was happy."

Luke smiled at that. "You were, huh?" He leaned his face in, touching his forehead to hers.

Shelby wrapped her arms around his neck, reaching her head up to kiss his nose. Her lower lip was tucked in from embarrassment, but Luke said nothing. He just smiled at her.

Finally, he said, "Come on. I'm sure Lorelai is on her fourth cup of coffee by now." Both of them stood up. Grabbing the duffel bag for her, they both made their way downstairs.

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❝ 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥? ❞ ───✰✰✰✰✰─── 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘴...