Sex With A Beast (Sex With A...

By Ridiculous_

15.7M 416K 73.3K

THIS IS A WEREWOLF STORY!!!! "Anything for you." He turned to me. He walked over to me and stood between my... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29


411K 11.6K 1.3K
By Ridiculous_

Yawning, I reached under my pillow and grabbed my buzzing phone. Groaning out in annoyance, I realized that I never shut my alarm off.

It was seven and I was wide awake now on a Sunday morning. Great! I decided to head downstairs to fix me something to eat. I slipped on my black tank top and black boy shorts and dragged myself down in to the kitchen.

"Good morning?" My mother greeted me as I walked in.

"Well you beat me to the punch." I said smiling as I watched her scrambling some eggs.

Good, because now I don't have to cook. I pulled a stool back from the kitchen island and sat down. She was making bacon, cheese eggs, and blueberry pancakes..


Wait... But why? She only did this when there was a special occasion or something else.

"Mom, what's going on?" I gave her a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" She played coy.


"Fine fine fine, Next week I'm going to Florida for a week. Thats it."

"Okay, what day are we leaving." I asked, chomping down on a piece of bacon.


"OH just you huh? Well have fun, I'll be waiting here for you." I smiled.

"I don't think so. That's the week school is closed and I do not want you just sitting around in here alone. Is there any way you can stay with Keira for the time I'm gone?"

"Ugh really?" I groaned. I had absolutely no problem staying with Keira, but the fact that she thought I couldn't stay here alone pissed me off.

"Yes really. I will speak with Keira's mother also." She insisted. She put the food on the plate and put it down in front of me. "Now eat."


I arrived to school on time. I walked in and went straight to my locker. With abnormal grins on their face, I could only question Keira and Keisha's weird behavior.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I asked, clearly creeped out.

"Nothing." Keira insisted.

"Uumm okay. Hey Keira, is there any way I could stay-"

"Sure!" She cut in.

"Uummm okay good." I said. "Well I have to go. I have to meet up with Carl to present our project."

We all said our goodbyes before I disappeared toward my English class. Walking in, I quickly analyzed the classroom. Carl was already here. He was sitting at his desk, scribbling a few words on a sheet of paper.

"Hey?" I tossed my bag onto my desk.

"Hey!" He looked up at me, a charming smile on his face. "You ready to present?"

"Of course, are you?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm always ready." He winked.

I blushed stupidly, but I quickly regained my composure. I had to fight the fact that I was sort of amused by it.

When the rest of the class entered and the class finally settled down, we were called up first to present our project.

When we were finished presenting, our teacher gave us our presenting grade, A of course. We sat down to allow the rest of the students to present their work for the remainder of the class period.


"I can't wait for this day to be over." I dragged out. It was nothing like the ending of a long Friday.

"Yeah." Keira said, snaking on some pretzels.

I was completely drained. From the projects, homework, test, quizzes, and research papers that I was dealing with this week, I was ready for this extended weekend.

School was closed for a week due to some renovation and I was staying with Keira and Keisha for that time. I couldn't wait.

The bell rung to end the lunch period. Transferring classes, I began to think of all my upcoming classes I had left today. Slow Statistics, boring Biology, and agitating Art. Yes, I named them all.


"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow." Kiera promised.

"Okay see ya."

I exited the vehicle. Waving goodbye, I watched Keira disappear down the road. I reached into my bag. Walking up the pathway, I pulled my keys from my bag and stepped onto the porch.

"Princess." Someone called out to me. Electricity shot across my flesh, weakening my very muscles. Having an idea of who it could be, I turned around. My face plain, I looked into his eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked coldly, trying to push aside the weird excitement that was bubbling up inside of me.

Perfect lips formed a enchanting smile. He stepped onto the porch. I took a small step back. Again, he took another step forward. Unable to move, I was left to look up at him. Strong jawline with a light peach fuzz on his skin that only made me want to feel it under my fingers.

I could not let him break me.

He stepped forward again, leaving me at eye level with his chest. Taking a deep needed breath to calm my nerves, I was left with the smell of him.

Why am I attracted to it?

Why does this keep happening around him? I could only question my bizarre behavior.

"How are you princess?" Why does he continue to call me that?

"Im fine, now, what do you want?"

"The defense again huh." He inhaled as if he smelled something in the air. "Why do you do that?"

"Why do I do what?"

His hand slipped around my waist before he pulled me closer to him. Placing his hand under my chin, he pulled my face up for me to look at him. Our faces so close, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my flesh.

"You say no." He tilted his head in curiosity. "But your body says otherwise."

His touch was creating that fiery sensation in me again. It was driving me insane.

"When I say no, I really mean hell no." I blurted. I pushed myself away from him. Turning away, I struggled to unlock my door.

Suddenly I was tugged back. He turned me around to face him. Dazzling green eyes. He seemed almost perfectly flawless.

He leaned into me. Closing the gap between him and I, he pressed his lips against mine. I stood there, accepting his soft kisses.

I found myself stuck. I could not stop him.

Honestly, I didn't want to stop it.

I felt his tongue wiggling around aggressively, desperately trying to gain access into my mouth but I denied him by biting his lip.

"Don't do that princess." He groaned.

I think I just made it worse.

He pulled me tighter in to his chest. Fire coursing through me, I began to weaken under him.

Desperate to try once more, he tried to wiggle his tongue in to my mouth again. Again, I denied him. He slid his hands down my back, his leaving a hot trail across my body. His hands leaving me in such a weak state, he saw this as his opportunity to gain access. He slid his tongue into my mouth again, tasting me.

Suddenly, he became tensed. He took a step back from me, a grin on his fast that hid something behind it.

Suddenly, my door flew open. I quickly wiped my mouth before I turned to see my mother standing there.

"Aniyah can you-- oh, hi." My mom said, locking eyes with Jason immediately.

"Hello Ms. Ross, I'm Jason, nice to meet you." He said, extending his hand for my mother to shake.

"Hi, nice to meet you Jason." She shook his hand, a bright smile written across her face. "Are you a friend of Aniyah?'

"Yes ma'am." He responded.

He was sucking up.

Oh he's good.

"Oh, would you like to come in for something to drink?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Ross, I was just leaving. I have some work I need to tend too. But it was very nice meeting you." Suddenly he's a gentleman? Oh give me a break.

"Okay, nice meeting you too." My mother said. Turning back in to the house, she shut the door behind her.

"I'll see you tomorrow princess." I turned to look at him. He pulled me in to him again. Sinking his face into the depth of my neck, he took a deep breath before me pulled away.

He took a step back and leaped off of my porch before he hopped in his SUV.

Without a second glance, I stormed in to my front door and walked up the stairs and in to my room.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

The better question was what the hell is wrong with me? I continued to let this guy near me. I have to stay away from this guy.

"This is going to be a lonnnnnng weekend." I said aloud.

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