Memories - Romanogers Fanfic

By Daredevilosa

265K 7.2K 3.1K

Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers are married and have two children: Sarah and James. They lived happily, unt... More

The Coma
Back at Home
Back at Work
The First Fight
Love and Sex
The Park
True or False?
I'll Make Her Remember
Christmas' Eve
We Can Try
We Need to Talk
New Life
First Mission Together
Memories in the form of Delirium
Bad News
Do you want the divorce?
What Goes Around, Comes Back Around
Mission London - Part I
Mission London - Part II
Mission London - Part III
Mission London - Final
A Little Black Widow
Was that a dream or a memory?
I Don't Love You
Cupid Operation
They can't break me
End of Mission
This is Elisa
Sarah and the longing
If I hurt you...
The Scarlet Witch
Don't you forget about me
Dealing with Reality
James' Choice
What Happened to Sarah?
Maria & Sara
Clint's Birthday
I can hate you
Barack Obama
Pre Obama's Mission
In Memory of Jane Foster, Darcy Foster Erik Selvig
Truths - Part 1
Truths - Part 2
Truths - Part 3
Let's go Home
New Neighborhood
Truths - Part 4
The Twins
We don't cry for who's not dead
A surprise and A Misunderstanding
A Moment of Love
The Chloe Story
I can't say goodbye
Lindsay's Rescue
Shapes of Love
A Little Black Widow
Penultimate Chapter
Final - part 1
Final - Part 2
Final Chapter (Alternative)

Taking the own poison

3K 93 39
By Daredevilosa

E: Good evening, Natasha.

N: It's Romanoff for you.

Natasha corrected and Elisa was embarrassed.

E: Sorry, is that...

N: It's fine. Are you coming in?

E: I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come without calling. It's just that I got really worried when Steve said that little Sarah was sick.

Little Sarah? Who let you call my daughter like that? Natasha screamed in thought.

Elisa nodded to Sarah who didn't smile because she wasn't feeling well.

E: Hi baby girl... I brought you a cupcake.

S: You shouldn't bother coming here so fast, but thank you for your concern.

E: It's no problem for me at all.

S: Sorry, I have nothing to offer you besides water.

E: No, no, no, I'm already going. I just came to see how she is. And don't forget to call me if you need anything.

N: Very good to know of your availability, Miss... Uhm?

E: Baker.

N: Baker...

Natasha gave a fake smile.

Elisa was embarrassed again by the way Natasha answered in an ironic tone, which Steve didn't notice.

Elisa smiled and said good-bye.

Natasha closed the door and looked at Sarah.

N: Do you want eat one?

S: I don't think she should eat sweet now, her stomach is sensitive.

N: But she's got nothing in her stomach.

Sarah laid her head on Steve's shoulder. Steve laid his hand on her cheek.

S: She's not long with fever.

N: Thank God. Oh! The baby bottle!

Natasha walked over to Steve and looked at Sarah.

N: Do you want a bottle, baby?

Sarah stared at Natasha without answering.

N: I'll make one for you, okay?

Sarah: With chocolate??

N: Do you want with chocolatte?

Sarah: I do.

N: So it'll be with chocolate. Okay?

Natasha kissed the tip of Sarah's nose and went to the kitchen counter to prepare her bottle.

Steve remained on his feet holing Sarah in his arms. Natasha looked at him.

N: Don't make her sleep now.

S: I just...

N: She can't sleep on an empty stomach. She is already too weak.

Steve nodded and sat down on the couch. Steve turned the TV on and put on the cartoon channel to distract Sarah.

Natasha came to them with the bottle and handed it to Sarah. Sarah took almost all the bottle and the tone of her skin improved a lot.

N: How are you feeling?

Sarah: My head hurts.

N: Yet?

Natasha and Steve stared at each other.

S: It was supposed for the medicine make the pain go away.

N: But maybe it didn't work because she vomited and needed to eat something. It will pass.

Sarah: Will you stay with me?

N: Of course, I promised, didn't I?

Sarah nodded.

Natasha looked at Steve.

N: If you don't mind.

S: Of course not. It's time for the antibiotic.

After Steve gave the medicine for Sarah, he turned off the TV and took her to her room, Natasha was right behind them.

Steve laid Sarah in the bed and Natasha covered her.

Natasha sat down beside Sarah's bed.

Sarah closed her eyes and fell asleep. Steve looked at Sarah for a few seconds, then turned to Natasha.

S: You can have the room.

N: No.

S: Natasha.

N: No way.

S: But...

N: I want to stay here.

S: Here??

Steve frowned.

N: Yes. I won't be able to stay away from her now. I... I just wanna be here.

Steve stared at for a few seconds, he nodded and left the room.

Steve knocked on the door to James's room and stepped inside. James was asleep sitting on the floor with the video game controller in his hand. Steve turned off the TV and put James on the bed. James woke briefly.

J: Is Sarah Okay, dad?

S: She's getting better.

James went back to sleep, Steve went to his bedroom, he took a pillow and a duvet, he returned to Sarah's room and handed it to Natasha.

N: Thank you.

Steve just looked at her gently. Steve left and went back to his room. Natasha spent hours watching Sarah sleep, and Sarah slept well all night.

During the night Natasha felt hungry, she got up carefully and opened the door. She looked down the hall and the door to Steve's room was open, she struggled to see if he was asleep but she couldn't see right.

Natasha went to the kitchen and didn't turn on the light to not wake anyone, she opened the refrigerator and searched something to eat. There was only healthy food, Natasha rolled her eyes.

Natasha decided to check the cabinets and found a box of cornflakes. Natasha opened and ate almost half of the box. Natasha tucked the Box of Cornflakes back and when she turned she knocked the cutlery over the floor, that was on the counter.

S: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Natasha knocked over because she didn1t notice Steve arrive in the kitchen and she always notices any kind of movement. Her heart quickened with the fright and then she calmed down to see it was Steve.

S: I didn't know you were here.

N: I... I felt hungry and came to eat something. I'll replace the Cornflakes tomorrow.

S: No need. You didn't have dinner, so you were going to feel hungry at one time or another. And they don't use to eat that at all.

Natasha and Steve looked at each other and they were embarrassed that they had nothing more to say. They didn't know if they should find a subject, ignore each other or leave.

Well, Natasha has nothing else to do there in the kitchen, so she has to leave. And Steve was in the kitchen to get a glass of water, and if he didn't get the glass of water it would be very weird.

Since neither moved, the two took initiative at the same time and ended up bumping into each other.

N: Sorry.

Natasha said unsteadily, Steve tried to get out of her way, but Natasha had already decided to change course and the two met again and ended up laughing at their stupidity.

S: Please, you first...

Steve stepped aside and held his hand in the air, motioning for Natasha to pass. Natasha smiled awkwardly and took the first step, standing in front of Steve, she looked at him briefly, but it was enough to make Steve feel the urge to kiss her.

Steve put his hand on the counter in front of Natasha to stop her from passing. Natasha looked at Steve and broke the smile, already feeling her heart racing.

Steve didn't kiss her, didn't move his face, he just blocked her way and looked into Natasha's eyes. If Natasha wanted to reject him, she would just have to ask and Steve would allow her to go, but Natasha stood there staring at Steve with a frown.

For Natasha, Steve was going to kiss her and she wasn't going to stop him, but Steve made no mention of kissing her, which irritated Natasha. Why did he stopped her for? To tease and only that? Is that a joke? Natasha is not the type who likes stupid jokes.

Steve is an asshole. Natasha thought.

Natasha became impatient with Steve, she literally hung on his neck to reach his mouth. Natasha stuck her lips to Steve's and already invaded his mouth with her tongue. Steve took his hand off the counter and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her upright.

They made love again, as usual.

They made love right there in the kitchen, they also did in the hallway do the room, and continued at Steve's room.

Steve did his job so well done, that Natasha ended up screaming when she was about to cum.

S: You're going to wake them up.

N: Then stop.

S: Do you want me to stop?

N: I'll kill you if you stop!

Steve used the headboard of the bed as a way to dig deeper into Natasha, Natasha could no longer react, she came right after that and again straight after.

Natasha was not even moaning anymore, she shook her head and looked at Steve begging.

N: I can't anymore...

S: I'm almost there. Do you think you can hold a little bit longe?

N: If you cum right now, it would be better...

S: Hold on. I'm almost there.

Steve wanted to have more time, but he couldn't continue with Natasha already exhausted.

S: Put your hands on my neck.

N: Steve...

S: It will help.

Steve said breathlessly. Natasha wrapped around Steve's neck and he lifted her body from the bed, leaving her hanging on his neck. Steve grabbed Natasha's waist and moved her up and down quickly, and he came at once and this time he was the one who screamed. He released her body and lay down beside her.

Luckily the kids did not wake up, maybe some neighbors had woken because the bed was hitting the wall so hard.

The two fell asleep in seconds and during the night, Natasha turned to Steve and laid her head on his chest.

In the morning, Steve woke up first, but as soon as he moved to try to get up, Natasha opened her eyes. She was about to start with the thoughts of "What did I do??" all over again, but Steve looked at her differently this time, Natasha couldn't read it because it was a quick glance.

Steve soon got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Natasha stayed on the bed and tried to doze some more. Twenty minutes later, Steve left the bathroom, Natasha looked at him, but Steve didn't look at her, he went to the closet and got a suit to get dressed.

Natasha thought it was weird, because Steve gets very clingy after having sex with her and he didn't do it this time, he wasn't giving her those lovely and intense gazes, the morning caresses... Natasha sat on the bed and covered her breasts with the duvet, watching Steve get dressed.

Steve finished dressing and went to the bedroom door.

Natasha frowned indignantly.

N: Steve?

Steve turned and looked at Natasha, raising his eyebrows, wondering what she wanted.

N: Is everything okay?

S: Yes. I'm going to check on Sarah.

Natasha nodded, surprised at Steve's coldness. Natasha got up and took a shower, she dressed in the same clothes that she came and left the room. When she went into Sarah's room, she was sitting up in bed, laughing and talking to Steve.

Sarah looked at Natasha and smiled.

N: I can see that your are much better today.

S: Yes, sh eis great, no fever.

Sarah: Mommy, your neck is hurts.

Natasha put her hand on her neck, right in the area where Steve gave her a hickey last night.

N: Oh, it's Nothing, honey.

Sarah: I'm hungry.

S: Good, let's have a great breakfast!!

Steve smiled and tickled Sarah.

Sarah: Yeah! Let's go, Mommy.

S: Your mother can't stay.

Natasha was smiling at Sarah, but Steve answered in her place, and made Natasha broke her smile and look at Steve with a frown.

Steve wasn't paying atention to her, he was looking to Sarah.

S: She has to go to her home.

Sarah: Oh mommy. I wanted her to stay.

S: She has her business to take care of.

Natasha didn't respond, she was hating Steve for having practically ousted her.

Sarah stood up and hugged Natasha. Natasha stroked Sarah's hair.

Sarah ran to the living room, Steve got up to leave the room, but Natasha stepped in his front and shoved Steve's chest to make him go back. Natasha closed the door.

N: What fuck was that???

S: That what?

N: You answering for me...

S: Is not that what you were going to say in the same way? That you need to go your home, or that you have to work, that it meant nothing, that it was only attraction and so on. Right??

Natasha couldn't believe what Steve was saying. She was going to say those things indeed, but he has no right to throw that in her face. At least that's what she thinks.

Natasha took a deep breath, then she laughed sarcastically.

N: So that's how you want to play, huh?

S: I'm not playing Natasha. I wanted to have sex, you wanted to have sex. We did sex, so... There's nothing wrong with that. Let's move on.

N: Yeah, yeah... Let's do it...

Natasha took another deep breath, she opened the door and ran into James. Natasha didn't know if he heard her conversation with Steve.

J: Are you leaving?

N: Yes.

J: Can I see you later?

N: I don't know, but I'll try, okay?

Natasha went into the living room and opened the door.

Sarah: Bye, Mommy.

Natasha nodded to Sarah and left, slamming the door.

Steve still stayed in the room, pensive and afraid of what he did. He wanted to run after her right now, but it would be him running after her and Natasha running away again. Maybe it's better that way, if she doesn't love him, she won't get hurt with this.

Steve left the room and tickled James.

J: Stop it, Dad!

S: Let's eat, James has to go to school.

Sarah: What about me?

S: You're staying with Daddy until you're completely healed.

Sarah: But I'm good.

Sarah really was a lot better, but just to be sure, she spent the day with Steve. On the next day, Steve took her back to the doctor, who examined her quickly and said she could go back to school, tha she was fine.

Steve let Sarah go to school the next day and he went to the Avengers Base to work.

Sam: Is Sarah better?

S: Yes. She's already back to class.

Sam and Steve were walking down the corridor from the Avengers base toward the cadet center. By mid-morning Steve helped train the cadets along with Sam and Clint. But the morning's work was interrupted, by JARVIS.

JARVIS: Mr. Rogers, the school of one of your kids is on the line and says it's urgent.

Steve and Sam looked at each other.

S: I'll meet outside.

Steve left the room and in the hall, he asked JARVIS to pass the call to his cellphone.

- Mr. Rogers?

S: Yes?

- It's Sarah, I don't know what happened, she was fine ad sunddely she passed out.

S: What??? I'm going there right now.

- No, Mr. Rogers. I'm sorry, you need to go to the hospital, we had to call an ambulance.

S: Why? What happened?

- Look, Mr. Rogers, she was also bleeding, by her nose.

S: Bleeding????

- You'd better go to the hospital immediately.

Steve finished the call, Sam appeared in the hallway and was startled by Steve's pallor.

Sam: Steve? What happened?

S: It's Sarah...

**Poor Sarah... I'm so sorry.**

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