A Ghostly Field Trip

By WinterWolf-99

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Danny and White had a hard enough time keeping their secret in the human world. But now their class is going... More

Chapter 1: A Long Night
Chapter 2: An Eventful Day
Chapter 3: Worst Idea Ever
Chapter 4: A Ghostly Greeting
Chapter 6: A Siren's Cry
Chapter 7: The Far Frozen
Chapter 8: Regaining What Was Lost
Chapter 9: Wayne Manor
Chapter 10: A Real Family
Chapter 11: Brothers In Blood
Chapter 12: Batman Gets Mad
Chapter 13: Phantom's Keep
Chapter 14: Ghost Party
Chapter 15: Siren Song
Chapter 16: Dark Siren
Chapter 17: Mute
Chapter 18: This Is My Dragon
Chapter 19: We Want Them Out
Chapter 20: New Family
Chapter 21: This Field Trip's Over
Chapter 22: Leaving
New Book

Chapter 5: Help From The Pop Princess

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By WinterWolf-99

          The gang groaned as they woke up. They immediately saw the Specter Bus crashed onto the ground a few yards from them. The front of it was totaled and all the windows had been shattered. State-of-the-art security system my pinkie toe.

          ''Is everyone alright,'' Danny asked. ''Sam?''

          ''I'm fine,'' Sam assured him. 

        ''Don't worry about us, we're fine to,'' Tucker told them, annoyed.

         Jazz and Valerie were also okay as they stood up. They looked at the rest of the class, evaluating what was going on. Star only had a small cut on her arm. Kwan was shaking his head, probably in a daze. Mr.Lancer had a bump on his head. Other than that, everyone was fine.

         ''I. Hate. Skulker,'' Danny growled.

         ''Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but how are we all okay,'' Jazz asked. ''Everyone else seems to be a little bruised, but we came out without a scratch.''

          Valerie bent down, seeing gold particles on the ground.

         ''It was White,'' she realized. ''He must have put up a shield right before Skulker hit us with those missiles.''

          ''All the more reason to love that siren, but hate that hunter,'' Tucker says.

          ''Uh... where is White, actually,'' Sam wondered.

           They darted their heads around and couldn't catch a glimpse of him.

          ''Looking for this,'' Skulker asked, from above them.

           They looked up in horror. Skulker was holding an unconscious White by his arm. By the looks of him, he had taken most of the hit from the blast and the crash. There was a number of cuts on his arms and face. There was also blood dripping from his head, most likely from his head hitting something when they crashed.

         ''Skulker, you give him back to us, now,'' Danny ordered, his eyes turning red.

         ''Now why would I go and do a thing like that,'' Skulker taunted.

         ''Do you have any idea who your dealing with,'' Sam growled, her eyes glowing green.

           ''I know exactly what i'm doing,'' Skulker smirked. ''I don't care what you are or who you are. I have finally captured the biggest prize in all the hunt, mystic royalty.''

           He flew away, taking their friend with them. They could see his island not to far away from where they crashed.

        ''SKULKER,'' Danny yelled.

         ''What happened,'' Dash groaned, the rest of the class and the adults finally getting up.

         ''Phantom of the Opera! What just happened,'' Mr.Lancer panicked.

         ''How are we gonna get home,'' Micky freaked.

         ''OH MY GOD,'' Paulina screamed. ''My nails are all broken.''

          ''My hair is RUINED,'' Star screeched.

         They were all going crazy. And it didn't help that Jack and Maddie were only scrounging around for their weapons, not even noticing their missing son. The continuing of yells and screams finally got to them.

         ''SHUT UP,'' the five yelled at them.

         That finally got them to quiet down.

         ''We have more pressing matters to deal with, right now,'' Jazz said.

         ''Like what, sweetie,'' Maddie asked her daughter, trying to stay calm.

         ''The ghost that shot us down also took White,'' Danny hit them with that information.

         ''What,'' Maddie yelled. ''That piece of ecto scum took my baby boy.''

         ''Sure, now she notices,'' Valerie grumbled.

        ''Why would a ghost want to take Tone Deaf,'' Dash insulted. ''He's just a little wimp that likes his name too much.''

          Danny made a lung for him. Sam and Tucker had to hold him back so he didn't expose his identity so he could murder the bully.

          ''Calm down, Danny,'' Sam says. ''Use that energy to get White back.''

         But when they let go, Danny got up in Dash's face. 

          ''Listen to me,'' he growled. ''You can mess with me all you want. You can bully me, tease me, push me into a locker, but not him. You hear me? White is off limits.''

          He walked back to the other four before Dash could come up with a macho and cocky comeback.

           ''How do we even get to Skulker's island, from here,'' Jazz asked. ''These floating rocks don't exactly have steering wheels.''

           Danny saw a streak of flames out of the corner of his eye.

          ''Perfect timing,'' he said, climbing onto a boulder. ''YO, FIRE FACE.''

          The ghost made a quick stop and saw the teen that had called her. She dashed over to him.

         ''How ya doin, dipstick,'' Ember greeted. ''We weren't expecting you guys until later. What up with the dork parade?''

          ''These would be our classmates,'' Danny introduced. ''Some knucklehead thought it was a good idea to send a group of immature and hormonal teenagers into the Ghost Zone as a field trip.''

           ''That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life... afterlife... you know what I mean,'' Ember said.

           Before anyone else could speak...

          ''FREEZE, GHOST SCUM,''  Maddie yelled, aiming a gun at the pop diva ghost.

          ''Lady, I don't have the time or the patience for this,'' Ember says. 

          ''Mom, don't shoot her,'' Danny said, stepping between them. ''She's a friend, she won't hurt us.''

           ''Step away from the ecto-freak, ma'boy,'' Jack ordered, raising another gun.

            ''You will not shoot her, and that is final,'' Danny glared.

           The glare from him was enough for the two to put their weapons down. The class gawked at him, surprised. Especially Mr.Lancer, as this was a new side to Danny. He never stood up to anyone, yet he stood up to Dash and his parents all in less than five minutes. He'd never seen that side to him.

             ''Those are your parents,'' Ember asked.

            Danny nodded, making her cringe.

            ''Yicks,'' she says. ''I've never felt sorrier for you and White. Where is my favorite co-star, anyway.''

            ''Your little boyfriend took him after shooting us out of the sky,'' Sam told her.

          ''WHAT,'' Ember screamed, her flaming blue hair climbing about ten feet in the air.

           ''We need your help so we can get to his island and save him,'' Valerie said.

           Ember took out a silver whistle.

           ''White always said to keep this on hand, guess he was right,'' she says.

           She blew the whistle. Streaks of white, sky blue, lavender, and pink came flying around them. Around a dozen flying horses landed on the rock they crashed into. They were all so beautiful and elegant. Wings of colored feathers with bodies of pure white. Their hooves like gold.

            The Fentons pointed their guns at them. Danny actually recognized the lead pegasus as one of White's friends from the Isle of Pegasi. A tall horse with wings of lavender feathers and a mane and tail of lavender hair.

           ''Hello, Skylar,'' he greeted, petting the horse. ''Let's go save my brother.''

           The five climbed onto separate horses.

           ''Get on,'' Danny ordered.

           ''But these things are monsters,'' Jack argued.

           ''GET ON,'' all five ordered.





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