When the ice melts (girlxgirl...

By caradele1

6M 144K 85.9K

Meet Samantha Mett, Ice queen and Queen Bee of the most popular private high school in New York. She has the... More

Hi, weirdos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Who plays who!
Cast and Author

Chapter 23

109K 2.9K 2.5K
By caradele1

Dedicated to baeconess

Sam's P.O.V.

Two of us was still on French, but we didn't listen to any word this man was saying. Well, I couldn't, I was way too distracted by her head on my shoulder. I was enjoying it, but damn, it was one hell of distraction.

Suddenly she moved away and titled her head while looking at me.

"Are you using 'Chanel no.5' or 'Chanel Chance'?"

"Both" I answered with sheepishly smile.

"Damn" she said while smiling widely.


"They both my fave" she said and put her head back at its previous place, on my shoulder.

"No way!"

"Yes way" she said with giggle.

"Hmm, you are one really interesting girl huh?"

"Not really" she said and shrugged.

Eh, if only she knew how interesting she was to me, and how much I would love to know every part of her.

"Are you nervous?" I suddenly asked her.

She looked up at me through her eyelashes and sighed.

"To be honest, I am"

"Why? Mia said you are pretty good"

"I don't know... Uh- It's just" she sighed "Let's say it's complicated"

"I can listen" I said, but I didn't was to pressure her much.

"After I got out of my 'drunk every night' period, two years ago, I started playing and practicing all alone for hours until I almost passed away from tiredness. I found peace there though" I noticed that she started fidgeting with her fingers "I just forgot how it is to play in front of others"

I quickly took her hand that was on her lap and gently squeezed it.

"It's going to be fine. Just imagine like that's only you and Mia there."

"I'll try. Thanks!" she said and quickly kissed my cheek. "It's really cute when you give advice when you say you are not good at it"

"I try" I said and shrugged. 

She smiled and before she could say anything, bell rung.

"Let's go" I said and got up.

She got up as well and we walked outside of classroom. All eyes were on two of us, but we both ignored it.

"Bitches!" we heard that oh so familiar voice calling us.

"Yes, Mia?" We asked in unison and turned around to face her and others.

"Why so rude?" she asked and Dušica rolled her eyes.

"Jer si debil" (because you are moron) she said with smile.

"Ouch" Mia gasped and put hand over her chest "That hurts" she even faked tears oh my god!

Dušica laughed and took her hand "Hush babe, I still love you"

"You better be" she said and kissed her cheek.

We kept walking while talking about some random things. Jon and Tom waited for us in front of gym, just like they said.

"Wait, you actually came!?" Dušica groaned.

"Of course we did" Jon said simply and Tom wrapped his arms  around Mia.

Dušica took deep breath when we walked inside and I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with confusion and I just smiled.

"Everything is going to be just fine" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks Sam"

Other girls quickly changed and I lead mines outside. Jon and Tom were already there. Not long after volleyball girls came as well. We sat down under one of basket while Ms. Rose was putting volleyball net.

Mia walked out of dressing room and put some music on speakers. Ms. Rose walked towards her and they talked a little. She then come to us and sat with us.

"Well, let's see if we found new player" she said to her girls and then Ms. Baldwin come to us as well.

"I hope we are because I can't wait to see her in that tight shorts of our jersey" do you know whose mouth said this? Kendall's of course!

"Watch your mouth" I said coldly and everyone immediately stopped talking whatever they were talking before. I saw Kendall gulping and looking at other side.

Do you know what I hate more than guys who want to make lesbians straight!? Lesbians who want to make straight girls gay! Stupid idiots!

Suddenly Dušica stepped out wearing simply black shorts and white shirt. She was tying her hair in high ponytail, and her V line was visible as well as her sports underwear, when shirt lit up a little.

"Hot!" someone said and others were almost without breath.

"God, she looks even more beautiful than on TV" someone else said.

"She is your student now, forget about it" Ms. Baldwin said which only means one thing!

"I know" Ms. Rose sighed.

I looked at her, not believing what I just heard with my own ears.

You know what!? Forget everything nice that I said about that woman, she is such a bitch!

Dušica and Mia stared running around, warming up a little. They chatted and laughed whole time.

At one moment, Dušica looked at me and smiled. That smile was to die for. I immediately smiled back.

They stopped running and started warming up with ball.


"You are in!" Ms. Rose yelled and we all applauded.

We all were way too shocked to say anything. Even Ana was speechless!  I have never seen anyone playing like this... This girl is really something else.

Mia hugged her tightly and said "I'm proud".

"Me too" Elena added and run towards them, jumping on them causing all three fall down.

They laughed like crazy and I shook my head in disbelief. They are really idiots. I walked to them and helped them up.

"That was really good" I said to Dušica.

"Thanks, I wouldn't even do it if it wasn't for you so thank you" she said and smiled.

Whole volleyball team came before I could reply and started congratulating her. Ms. Rose came right behind and gave her a jersey.

"Here'' she said with smile and handed it to Dušica.

She looked at it and smiled "Number ten" she mumbled.

"Your lucky number" Mia said and kissed her "Now, we don't have to worry about losing any game" she added and everyone chuckled.

I walked towards my girls who still were sitting on floor.

"Come on, get up" I said coldly "we have to practice as well"

They groaned but got up without saying anything. Music started and we repeated routine from yesterday.


Two hours later we finally finished. We all was or floor. Whole time I was so distracted by Dušica playing on volleyball court. And while listening comments of this horny girls... Ugh!

"Okay girls!" we heard Ms. Rose saying while clapping her hands "Both of team was amazing today. I am impressed how our cheerleaders already are this great" she added and whole volleyball team cheered witch honestly made me laugh. "Anyway, game is on Friday and I hope we all will be great! You are free now"

We lazily got up and headed towards dressing room. But before I could walk in someone grabbed me for elbow but gently though. I looked around and saw smiling Dušica in front of me.

"You look cute in that cheer uniform" she whispered and let go of my hand.

I immediately blushed and shook my head. To be honest, I can't wait to see her in her jersey tomorrow.

I walked in and took quick shower, just to wash the sweat from me. Other girls were in shower as well. When I was out, almost everyone was already dressing up to go. I was just in my underwear so I took jeans and quickly put them on.

Girls were chatting whole time but suddenly they all stopped and looked at door of one of the shower.

Dušica just walked out with only her shirt on. Her hair was tied in messy bun. Elena walked behind her in her underwear as well and looked at Dušica and girls back and forth.

"See something you like?" she asked teasingly with smirk.

Almost every girl blushed and turned around. They laughed and walked towards their things.

Dušica just dress her jeans when her phone rung. She picked up and said one simply sentence before hanging up.

"Okay, I'll be right there"

She took her jacket and backpack and started walking away.

"See you ladies" she said before rushing away.

"What was that?" Emili asked Mia who just shrugged.

"I don't know"

I ignored it and pack my things. Soon, I was ready and I headed towards my car to go home.


"Hey" I said to my parent, who surprisingly was there when I came home.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" mom asked.

"Pretty eventful" I said and lay at couch next to her. "What are you doing home at this time of day? I mean it's only four and you are probably somewhere in this time"

"We took day off" mom said "is that a problem for you young lady?" she asked with raised eyebrow.

She can be pretty scary when she want to.

"Of course not. But why's that?"

"Tonight we have a guest" dad said simply and looked at me with smile.

"Who?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

Who possibly could that be? We don't have quest that interest me that often.

"One of our college's son. I think you might like this one" 

"Dad! Why are you doing this?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Because we want you to date someone" mom said instead of him.

"Right" I said and ran towards my room.

I hate this! Every now and then they would bring one of their college's son for diner. They want me to date one of them. But that's so annoying! I will date who I want to, they can't tell me who I can't or can. Right? They are my parent, I know but still. It is really really annoying. And usually every of this guys want to be with me because of who my parents are. That's all that matter to them. Isn't that bullshit?

I want someone who would love me for me, for person who I truly am. I want someone I can easily laugh with. Someone with who I can talk most random things and still have fun. Someone who is always there for me, who makes me feel safe and protected.

Who knows, maybe I am wanting much? Maybe I want impossible... But I really just want to be happy. And guess who makes me happy. Dušica.

I immediately smiled jut by thought of her. I walked to bathroom and took shower. I was so tired so I just lay on bed and soon drifted to sleep.


"Sam?" someone called me but I was too lazy to open my eyes "Honey wake up"

It was mom, and it is better for you to not disobey her. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her sitting on edge of my bed. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"What's up?" I asked and sat up.

"It's already 7, honey and Jonathan is coming for half an hour. You should get ready"

"Jonathan who?" I asked, completely forgetting what we were talking about before I fall asleep.

"Jonathan Williams" she said it like it was the most obvious thing on this world.

"Right" I said and got up. "I'll be down in few"

"Okay" was all mom said before she walked away.

I didn't want to even dress fancy or special. He probably doesn't even deserve it so I just took ripped jeans and blue shirt.

I took my phone and walked down. My parents were in living room. Mom dressed in some black dress and dad in some not so fancy suit. I wanted to laugh so hard! I mean what's the point of that? I won't even like him anyway.

"Couldn't you just try to dress up fancier?" mom asked which made me roll my eyes.

"I did try, and this is probably fancy enough for that guy"

"You can't talk like that when you don't even know someone" dad said sternly.

"Of course dad, of course" I said and sat down crossing my legs.

I take phone from my pocket and totally ignored what they were talking about.

I don't know what came into me but I decide to text Dušica. I just wanted to talk to her, even through texts. My fingers run all over the screen, looking for her name in contact list. I just hope she will answer.

-Hey Ms. Giggler- I typed quickly and sent it without thinking.

I nervously bit my lip and sighed while waiting her reply. If that happen.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" dad asked.

I looked up at him and before I could even answer my phone vibrated. I immediately forgot what my dad asked when I saw her name on my screen. I didn't even realized smile was plastered on my face. I could feel my parents' stare on me but ignored it anyway. I quickly unlocked my phone and read her message.

-Oh, hello there princess. What's up?-

I bit my lips again to stop myself from smiling even more. I am sure I looked like idiot right now but who cares.

-I'm just going to have some family dinner. I'm already tired of it even if it isn't started yet. Help!-

I sent it before I even could think twice about it. I couldn't even put my phone down when it vibrate again.

-Aww, poor you. I wish I can kidnap you now-

Aww that's cute! But I couldn't even answer when new message came.

-But wait... Seriously, can I? I mean your parents like me and they would be okay if I stole you?-

Did she seriously just asked me this!? I smiled like idiot but unfortunately couldn't reply when door bell rung.

"Here he is" mom said and got up.

-You are too late now...- I typed quickly.

I sighed and put my phone away. Dad and I got up as well.

Soon, maid come in room followed by one really good looking guy. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was maybe three inches taller than me. He is cute, but not really my type.

Wanna know my type? Well that's easy. Long black hair. Eyes that can be sea blue, forest green, gold and grey or even all this color mixed together. Kissable pink lips. Smile to die for! That angelic voice. Abs. Boobs... And probably without cock... You know anyone with description like this?

My thoughts were roughly interrupted by some unfamiliar voice. Damn his voice is so annoying!

"Good evening Mr. Mett" he said and shook dad's hand.

"Evening, Jonathan" dad said with smile.

"Mrs. Mett" he kissed mom's hand.

I almost burst out laughing but I needed to keep myself, so I bite my cheek.

"Oh, honey, call me Hailey" mom said and he smiled.

He then turned towards me with wide smile.

"Jonathan Williams. Nice meeting you" he said and exchanged his hand for me to shake it.

I took it only, and just only because my parents glared at me like they are going to kill me.

"Sam Mett" I replied with zero emotion.

Mom looked at me and I just shrugged her off. That's how I'm going to talk to him from now on anyway. He need to get used to it.

"Let's go to dinning room" mom said and dad leaded Jonathan towards it.

I felt my phone vibrate and quickly took it from my pocket.

- Damn! Sorry babe! -

She just called me babe! And she even apologized! What more can you ask for? I wanted to reply but phone vibrated again.

- But seriously, if you finish earlier, you should come over. I'm sure Charlie would love to see you! -

I saw mom looking at me suspiciously and curiously at same time. We still were in living room though, she was waiting for me.

- Just Charlie? - I replied quickly.

I put my phone back in pocked and walked towards mom.

"What?" I asked when I saw how she is looking me.

"You are smiling" she said with big smile.

"I know" I replied simply and walked in dinning room.

This is first time in while I was smiling like this. I never was smiling person but that all changed when I met her.

I knew mom had thousand and one question to ask but decide to leave it for later.

Dad and Jonathan was already sitting there and waiting for us.

"What took you two so long?" dad asked.

"Mother daughter talk" mom said and sat down on dad's right side.

Jonathan was sitting on dad's left side and there was plate next to him. I sighed and sat there. My phone vibrate and I gave my best to ignore it. After all it would be rude from me.

"How old are you?" Jonathan asked me and I couldn't help but just glare at him.

"Seventeen" I replied and looked away.

"That's good. I'm nineteen by the way"

Like I care...

"Good to know" I said not sparing him one single glance.

Dad cleared his throat and they started talking about something I don't care about. They talked about business while I just kept eating my food completely ignoring them. 

Suddenly he said something I didn't expect and I almost choke in my food.

"What do you think about that Nikolić girl? I think she is so fake"

"She is not" me, mom and dad said in same time and he was shocked and didn't say anything else.

I looked at mom and dad and they both smiled.

"She is truly an angel" mom added.

"I agree. How much she works for charity is really impressed!" dad said.

"Right" Jonathan said after clearing his throat.

What an asshole! If he thinks he can tall like that about her in front of me he is sooo wrong!

We were in awkward silence for awhile until he cleared his throat and looked at me.

"If we ever get married, our kids will be ad beautiful as you" he said and squeezed my leg.

My eyes was as wide as they can be. I was afraid they are going to poop out. Same was for my parents! I literally jumped from my chair and slapped him.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" I yelled at him and he put his hand over his cheek.

"Don't you dare coming to this house ever again!" dad yelled as well and grab him by his collar and shoved him to bodyguards that just come in.

Mom was in her feet now and she was holding hand over her chest. I was breathing hard now, and both mom and dad rushed towards me.

"Honey, are you okay?" dad asked worriedly.

"I am, but dad please promise me that you won't, ever again bring someone like him in this house!"

"I promise honey, I am so sorry"

"But we just want you to find someone and be happy" mom added.

"I know, but still" I took deep breath and closed my eyes "also there is something I want to tell you"

They looked at me curiously but didn't say anything, waiting for me to start.

"Let's go in living room." I said and they nodded and started walking towards it.

Come on Sam, you can do it! It's not that hard.

Before going with them I pulled out my phone to look at message from Dušica.

- I don't know. Maybe some of maids or bodyguards? I can ask them. Oh, maybe some horse? -

I can't believe it! I shook my head in disbelief and smiled. Quickly, my fingers were typing as fast as I could.

- Well, too bad then, I'm not coming -

I went after my parents and they were sitting on furniture nor knowing what's going to happen.

I started walking back and forth in front of them, biting my lips.

"Sam, dear, what's going on?" mom asked worriedly.

"I have something really important to tell you" I said and stood calmly at one place.

"You are not pregnant are you?" dad asked with shocking expression.

"God no!"

"So, what's up?"

"I-I... Uh-" I felt my phone vibrating and just that gave me strength to tell them everything. "I think I'm" I stopped and closed my eyes "gay."

Nothing. Silence. No one said anything. I sighed and opened my eyes.

"Oh thank God" mom said "you are getting your own apartment from dad" she added and playfully hit him.

"What!? You are kicking me out?" I asked way too shocked.

I mean, I didn't know how would they react but I didn't even think they would kick me out!

"Oh honey no!" they both said in same time.

"We knew" dad said with smile when they come to me.

"You what?"

"We knew honey" mom said "long time ago" she added and hugged me.

Dad joined hug and I was never more confused.

"How- How did you know? I asked when we pulled away.

"We are your parents, Sam for god's sake!" mom said.

"And what about apartment thing?" I asked.

"Well, your mother and I made a bet. She said you are going to come out before your eighteen birthday, and I said you will come out after your eighteen birthday. Anyway, person who lose is going to buy you apartment because we know how much you wanted it."

"Oh my god! You actually bet on me!" I said still pretty much shocked.

"Maybe" they both said.

"And that's why we called so many guys here to meet you. And of course, you didn't like any of them. And also that's why we were going so much from home. We were hoping you will go out and meet someone who will make you happy. And like I can see, you did" mom said with smirk when we sat down.

"Maybe" I said and smiled.

"Who is lucky lady?" dad asked.

"I think I am the one who is lucky" I said and I could feel heat raising to my cheeks.

"Oh my, you are even blushing" mom said, I could hear happiness in her voice.

I quickly put hands over my face and smiled.

"Tell us who is she" dad said excitedly.

I can't believe I am sitting here right now and talk with them about this!

"Dušica" I whispered, but still loud enough for them to hear.

"Nice choice" mom and dad said at same time. "Did you text with her before?"

I just nodded.

"If I would have to pick someone for you, I think there is no better person than her" mom added.

"Yes! And don't think we didn't notice how much your behavior changed since she came here. You seem happy" dad said with smile.

I couldn't help but smile as well.

"I am happy. But the feelings I got when I am with her is so amazing and weird at same time. I have never felt anything like that and it actually scares me." i said honestly.

"And how are you actually feel with her?" mom asked.

"Complete" I felt like my tongue said it on its own.

"Oh my god Hailey, our little baby girl is in love!" dad said to mom. Both of their eyes were full of tears.

"Love? But I know her only for five days!" i said confused.

Do I really love her? It could be easily possible...

"Oh honey, love doesn't know about time. You can spend years to fall in love with someone, or maybe months but sometimes it just takes few days"

I bit my lips and looked away. I knew they are right. I do love her, I am just to afraid to admit it.

"But there is a problem" I said and sighed.

"What's that?"

"She is straight" i said and leaned back. "I have no chance"

"Oh, sweetie even pasta is straight until it gets wet" mom said that famous phrase.

"Mom!" I said with amused look at my face.

"What? It's true!" she said and dad was laughing his ass off whole time.

I couldn't believe what's going on right now!

"But seriously honey maybe she dated guy before, but you can't be sure until you try"

"Yeah, I agree with your mom. If you don't take her, someone else definitely will" dad added and even nodded his head.

"I know" I said and took my phone.

I almost forgot about message but when I saw her name I immediately smiled and heard my parents chuckling!

"What!?" I asked, trying to sound mad but failed when even bigger smile appeared on my face.

"Nothing" they said and kept giggling.

I shook my head in disbelief and finally read message she sent.

- Aww, don't be mad. I would love to see you as well-

I decided to not even answer and just go and surprise her. It's already eight, I'll probably be there before nine if I go to get ready immediately.

"I'm going out" I said to my parents and didn't even wait for them to say anything before rushing at my room to get ready.

It's official. I'm in love with this girl!

A/N: Here you go! Tell me your opinion of this one guys! I love reading your comments!

Love you all,
                             Your writer.

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