May We Meet Again

By earthtoemi

20.1K 407 78

It's been 6 years since Clarke and Bellamy have last seen each other, but what happened during those 2199 day... More

Author's Note
I. First Anniversary
II. Blood in My Veins
IV. In Peace
V. No Rain
VI. Content
VII. Three Years and Counting
VIII. Fourth
IX. The Four of Us
X. Recordings
XI. Anniversary of Disappointment
XII. Reacting
XIII. Dealing
XIV. 2199
XV. May We Meet Again

III. You Are Strong

1.2K 24 6
By earthtoemi

Murphy's POV

I sigh as I lie next to Emori. She snuggles closer and I rest my head in the crook of her neck. "Hey you," she whispers sleepily. "Off to work?" I chuckle ironically. "Work. Yeah if you call babysitting work."

We tried to maintain a set schedule. We divided up the so called jobs and such, set aside time for training and leisure, made sure we ate our meals together, you know etc. But space has a funny way of wearing one down. We didn't want the new Ark to be like the old one, where we floated people and they sent us to the ground to die. After the anniversary, the schedule has been extremely lax.

"It's not Raven's fault she's obsessed," Emori protests, now wide awake. "We need to be able to go back down."

"I know, I know." I sigh as I shake my head. "But with Raven driving herself crazy and Bellamy off the deep end, who is really 'in charge'?"

Raven is driving herself crazy. She won't sleep for days until we drag her away from the control room. Her pain in her leg is bothering her, though she won't admit it. I know that she is desparate to fix the radio so we can communicate with the bunker, but I know her main motivation is Bellamy. Maybe this will break him out of his funk. Drunk.

I make my way to the control room and pass a pissed-off Harper. "Monty ditched breakfast with me to Raven-sit," she says stiffly as she passes by. "Echo's in there also." I nod in response. Best not to anger Harper more when she's angry. I think to myself, remembering the last incident. I reach the control room but stop short of opening the door when I hear swearing accompanied by loud bangs. I jump back as the door opens, a startled Echo appears. She looks me over.

"Scared, Echo?" I smirk.

"You wish," She shoots back."Training today?"

"As long as Raven is alright to be left, I will meet you at 7 o'clock Earth time."

"Better get the ice ready," she taunts as she walks down the hall. Whatever.

"Hey!" I shout down the hall. "Check on Bellamy!" She raises her hand in response and with that, I walk into the room. Monty is slumped in the corner of the room and he holds a ball loosely in his destroyed hands. Clarke would've known what to do, I think before mentally kicking myself. Stop being a sap.

"'Sup Monty," I greet as I look around for Raven, puzzled as to why I don't see her.

"Oh you know, just trying to squeeze a damn ball!" He shoves the paper that's in front of him, grimacing in pain as his hand makes contact and then stands to kick his chair.

"Whoa bro, you need to calm down." I was prepared for a pissed-off Raven, not Monty. I look around again, in case I missed Raven the first time. "Raven's not here, right? 'Cuz Harper said you were on duty and-"

"I sent her to bed and she listened. I just couldn't stand Harper today."

"Alright man, easy. Wanna check on the algae?" I point at his dirty apron 'Make Algae, Not War'. Monty rolls his eyes from under his flop of hair. "Or maybe a haircut is better."

"Come at me with scissors and you die."

"Chill man. At least lemme help with the hands." He rolls his eyes again but sits heavily in his chair. I pick up the ball and drag a chair over. I give him the ball and slowly close his hand around it; I repeat the exercise on both hands twice. "Ya know Monty, you're strong but you can't give up on yourself."

"Wow, an actually inspiring non-sarcastic speech by Murphy." I roll my eyes in response. By the time we finish, Monty seems less stressed and I'm glad. I don't think I could handle everyone breaking down.

"You should find Harper," I suggest.

"Get me the radio- I want to look at it." I sigh as I heave myself off the chair, but fetch the damn radio. Even with busted hands, he can't take a break.

"What if you tell me what to do and you keep exercising those hands?" I suggest. He glares at me. "What? Your hands."

"Murphy you know you're a real-"

He's interrupted by Echo who barges into the room looking stressed. She gasps for breath but manages to spit out, "It's Bellamy... come quick!"

"Shit." We say in unison.

Bellamy's POV

I groan as my eyes flutter open. What happened? I feel a body next to me but my head is too heavy to move. I groan again and the body next to me moves. A head moves into the light that is attempting to blind me and I blink slowly.

"Ec-Echo?" I croak. The head nods and I feel a straw at my lips. I sip and the sweet cool relief of the water energizes me. I struggle to push myself up but it seems that my arms are restrained. "Wha-?"

"Bellamy," Echo whispers. "Stop okay. You're safe." Safe from what? Is this a nightmare? "You had an uh accident. We found you in time." Pieces of what happened start to flash back to me- Monty and Murphy racing, Murphy and Echo pulling me onto the bed, Harper and Emori bandaging my arm while Raven shoved pills down my throat. Fuckkkkk. I bang my head against the bed and groan from the pain. Clarke...

"Clarke! Clarke was here! Where is she?" Echo looks at me, puzzled and concerned.

"It was probably a dream. Raven knocked you out with some heavy drugs. We had to stop all the... bleeding." Her voice starts shaking and she pauses. I look down at my arm and see the bandage- and then I remember. Who am I anymore?

Echo looks at me. "Bellamy, what do you mean? You're our leader."

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask with a forced chuckle. She nods, a small smile playing around her lips.

"Bellamy- you are strong. We have a better chance of surviving if you're up here with us, okay? So don't leave." I smile as I remember the words, the same words I said to her before we left for space.

"Well I guess you better take the cuffs off then," I offer. My heart is heavy but I know that I need to be strong, I need to get back to who I was. Echo smirks but then blushes.

"Uh I don't know. I kind of like you tied up," she jokes. "You're less threatening."

"Echo," I warn. She smiles but releases my arms. I like the gentle way she handled my arm. I grab her hand and she freezes.

"Bellamy," she whispers.

"Echo," I whisper back. "Thanks." She smiles softly and kisses my cheek before standing.

"Let's go see the others."

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