Blue Knight of Heart

By JharedS

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Liam thought nothing of his recurring dream, but when he saw the house from his dream and entered it, everyth... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

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By JharedS

            Liam didn’t know who to expect. He was wondering as to who would be waiting for him. He was about to go back when Cara called him. “Liam”. Cara’s voice was very clear in his head. HE looked to the direction of the old house and saw tiny ball of blue lights coming to his direction.

            He had no choice but to go to Cara. He was happy to go there, but he felt guilty after what he and Adrian had talked about. But on the other hand, Liam wanted to spend as much time as he could with Cara. He wasn’t sure as to what would really happen after he frees her completely. He promised her, and he would do everything to fulfill his promise.

            “Cara… Cara…” Liam called, but Cara did not answer. Not even a glimpse of a blue light greeted him. Liam felt weird, he felt like something terrible was about to happen. Liam was in the middle of the living room, when he heard footsteps from behind him. Liam instantly looked back, expecting it to be Cara. “Mayor McCarthy…” Liam was surprised as he saw the Benedict with a grim expression.

            Liam had a bad feeling about that situation. It was the same feeling he had when he dreamed about Adelbert being shot, and the time Wilson stabbed him. Benedict had the very same expression from Wilson and the man who shot Adelbert. “My son is in jail.” Benedcit said nonchalantly. “Because he failed… But there’s no one to blame but him. If only he stabbed the right guy five years ago, then everything would be different…”

            Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You knew… You knew and yet you protected him!”

            “He is my son!”

            “You’re both insane!” As Liam shouted, Benedict took out a gun from behind him and pointed it at Liam. Liam looked at Benedict bravely, he wasn’t afraid anymore. After all the deaths that he avoided, he knew he wouldn’t die that day.

            Benedict pulled the trigger, and as the bullet moved closer to him, Liam felt time passing slower. He could see the bullet in front of him, slowly approaching his chest. Then blue and green lights suddenly erupted around him.

            Liam was back in Cuore, well not exactly. What he was seeing was the past. His body was moving on its own, he felt really weird. He could see the Moores’ house from where he was hiding. He saw a younger version of Adrian walking out with two other familiar figures, slightly older. He recognized the man as Adelbert, the woman must be Leila Moore.

            Liam suddenly felt jealousy after seeing Leila and Adelbert together. He knew it was not his own feelings, so he was becoming more suspicious about the situation. Leila saw him, and Liam felt his heart jumped. Leila started pulling Adelebrt towards his direction, and his body started trembling.

            “Ben!” Leila greeted. “What are you doing there?” Leila asked with a smile.

            Ben? It was only then that Liam realized that he was in the body of Benedict McCarthy. But then blue and green lights exploded around him. When the lights subsided, Liam felt different, he just knew that he wasn’t in Benedict’s body anymore.

            Surprisingly he was back at the old house, but he knew that he was still in the past. It was dark outside, and the body he was in was holding a bag of fruits. “Cara… Cara…” The voice he had was very familiar.

            Cara appeared running down the stairs. She was wearing the same blue dress as she does at the present. She looked very happy. “Adelbert!” She greeted happily.

            “Hey. I brought some fruits.” Adelbert showed her the bag of fruits with a smile. Liam could feel that Adelbert was really happy to be there. Adelbert’s heart was pounding the same way Liam’s does everytime he would visit Cara.

            Adelbert and Cara just talked the whole night. The way they looked at each other told Liam everything. Liam already knew, from Emilia’s story, that Cara is in love with Adelbert, but the way Adelbert was feeling, and the way he was looking at her, Liam understood that Adelbert felt the same way to. How regretful, that a simple misunderstanding led them to never be together.

            “I just don’t get why they hate you. Yes, you are unique, but it’s not like you are any different from us. You are the most loving, friendly, and charming person I have ever known.” Adelbert said. Liam was perplexed how different he was than the reason of fate. The Adelebrt in the past was kind and war, while the reason of fate, was sly and conniving.

            “I have abilities beyond human comprehension, I can’t blame them.” Cara said looking at Adelbert.

            “But still that doesn’t give them the right to bully you. I mean, you only use your gifts to protect yourself.” Adelbert sounded pissed.

            “The way you said that, it’s like you’re the one who could read minds.” Cara said with a smile.

            “I don’t need to read your mind to know that.” Adelbert smiled back at her. “How come you’ve never read my mind before?”

            “I don’t have to. You are the most honest person I have ever met, it just sometimes you are too clueless and innocent to know what really is going on around you. Don’t get the wrong idea, it’s a compliment.” Cara said with a smile.

            The scene shifted and changed. Liam was still in Adelbert’s body, but he was in the McCarthy’s house talking with Benedict. “You like her, don’t you, Leila?” Adelbert asked.    ‘

            Benedict looked at him surprised and nodded. “What about you, do you like someone?”

            “I do.” Adelbert said meaningfully.

            The scene shifted once again. Leila was walking with Adelbert with her hands around his arms. “You know, you should really introduce us to the girl you’re dating.” Leila said.

            “We’re not dating… yet” Adelbert said shyly.

            “Aww… you are blushing.” Leila teased. “Imagine this, you and I on a double wedding, you with your girl and me with my Jason…” Leila said as she put her head on Adelbert’s shoulder.

            “Your Jason? Have mom and dad heard about any of this?” Adelbert asked seriously.

             Liam left Adelbert’s body as he floated above the two. He saw Benedict looking at crossed at them. Liam had idea of what was bout to happen next.

            The scene shifted into a familiar one. Liam was back at the old house. It was same scene as his dream.

“Why did we come here? It looks very dangerous here, and they say that this house is haunted.” Adelbert lied not wanting Benedict to know that it was his and Cara’s special place. He acted very scared.

            “We came here to end everything.” Benedict said in serious voice, his face was very cynical.

 “What do you mean?” Liam’s heart was breaking as he watched the scene. Benedict was about to betray Adelbert, like how Wilson betrayed him. That’s only when that he realized how similar he is with Adelbert.

            “What I mean…” Benedict took his gun from behind. “…is this.” He pointed the gun straight at Adelbert’s head. He looked very frightening.

            Adelbert could feel Benedict’s killing intent. “Why? What did I do?” He said nervously, and started to step back shakily. He was very frightened at that moment. He wanted to run away, but Benedict was blocking the entrance.

            “Ahhh… don’t be afraid. I would end it fast for you.” Liam wanted to stop benedict but he knew he couldn’t do that. He knew he was just there to watch.

            Adelbert looked behind for a way to get out, but found none. “Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends?” He sounded so innocent. He trusted Benedict. He had no idea why his friend was acting that way towards him.

            Benedict stepped forward, holding the gun steadily. “You are a hindrance. You are the only one that stands between me and my destiny. I’m the one that should have your fortune, your life, your family, your destiny! But you took everything away! You took everything from me! But I would change destiny, I would take what’s rightfully mine! And for that to happen, you’ll have to be gone!” Benedict pulled the trigger.

            The gunshot echoed on that silent night. Benedict left the house with a devilish grin as he left Adelbert bathing on his own blood. 

            Liam went closer to Adelbert, and surprisingly, he found himself crying. He heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. Cara was shocked to see Adelbert on the floor. She rushed towards him and cried. Liam’s tears fell even more.

            “Adelbert… wake up, look at me.” Cara called, but Adelbert wasn’t responding at all. “No… No… You can’t die on me…” Liam could see how sorrowful Cara was. He could see how desperate she was becoming.

            Cara’s eyes suddenly turned blue. “I won’t let you die on me! I won’t! I love you Adelbert, I love you. I need you.” Cara’s eyes became even brighter and blue ball of lights suddenly surrounded her.

            The blue ball of lights lifted her and Adelbert. “If we can’t be on this time, then on another I would make sure that we would. Another life for you, in exchange for my own. One day you would live again, and one day you would find me, until then, I would wait here…”

            Liam was surrounded by blue and green lights once again. He was back on his own time with the bullet still moving closer to his head. Adelbert suddenly appeared in front of Liam. “Not this time.” Adelbert said angrily as he took the bullet by hand.

            Benedict fell backwards as he saw Adelbert. “No! You’re dead! I killed you!” Benedict sounded crazed.

            Adelbert moved closer to Benedict. “Do you think I would go willingly after what you have done? Because of you I couldn’t be with Cara! Because of you she had to sacrifice!” Adelbert scowled at Benedict. “Today is the time we would claim justice!”

            “No… no… no…” Benedict crawled and then ran like a crazy man. Liam knew that the mayor wouldn’t be the same after that incident.

            Adelbert turned around and smiled at Liam. “Your last quest… is finished.” Adelbert moved forward and touched Liam’s heart. Then a blue key appeared from his chest.

            Cara appeared on the middle of the room with only a single chain bounding her. She smiled at Liam and Adelbert.

            “I don’t understand…” Liam was confused as to what was really going on.

            “When Cara used her power to give me another life in exchange for her own, Fate was displeased. It was my fate to die that night, but it wasn’t her fate to leave this world. Fate punished us. Cara was sentenced to stay in this world until Fate sees the proof that what she did was worth doing.”

            “I did what I did because I love Adelbert, fate wanted to see if Adelbert feels the same way to, because if not, then what I did would be in vain, and the lives of many would be affected by that one act. Adelbert must prove that he have the heart that is giving that you showed when you gave way for Ethan and Theola’s love, a supporting heart that you showed when you helped Warren forgive himself. And the last that is with all this time, a strong heart.”

            “But I did all that, how does that prove anything about Adelbert?” Liam looked at Adelbert.

            “My spirit couldn’t be fully revived, that was my punishment. It was parted into two, the half that I am became a fragment of fate to oppose you, to test you. The other half went to you.” Adelbert said.

            “That’s why you kept me alive.” Liam said still very confused. He chuckled. “Do you know what’s weird? Even though what you are saying are crazy, I still couldn’t help but believe all of it. Every single word.”

            “I was also the one who saved you from dying in your mother’s womb. I’m sorry I couldn’t save them.” Adelbert said. “The whole reason why you have no fate, is because you are gifted to make your own. That was a side-effect of dying and living for three times. That’s why you were able to change what is truly fated for your cousin’s; their death.”

            “Now, Liam. It’s time to fulfill your promise.” Car said.

            Liam stepped forward to Cara still unsure what to do. “What will happen if I gave you this key?” Liam asked.

            “I would be truly free…” Cara replied with a sad smile.

            Liam understood what she meant. “You would be gone…” Liam felt sad. “I can’t do it. I don’t want you to leave. I feel happy every time I am with you. This is the first time I have ever felt this way.” Liam was crying.

            “I am happy to see that you are living a happy life.” Cara said. “I am happy to know that you have so many people to love you. But this is not my time anymore, and I am not the one fated for you.” The key was taken by the blue balls of light from Liam.

            Adelbert moved closer to Cara and held her hand as she was being free from the chains. “It is not our world anymore, we are now one with Fate. But you have a whole life ahead of you, you must do everything to find your happiness.”

            Cara and Adelbert were slowly disappearing. “Cara… Cara…” Liam tried to reach her. Then the two disappeared completely. Liam fell on his knees as his tears continue to fell from his eyes. Like Adelbert, he had only realized what he felt until it was already too late. He loved Cara.

            Things went back to normal, without anyone but Liam knowing what truly happened in the island of Hart. He decided that it was for the best to keep what happened to himself. What good would it bring to say that he is somewhat the reincarnation of Adelbert?

            As he suspected Benedict became crazy after seeing Adelbert. He admitted everything that he had done, he was stripped of all authority and thrown to jail with his insane son, Wilson. Adrian finally got justice for the death of Adelbert. Finally he could lay his head on peace.

            Ethan and Theola became a real couple, although they would still continue to bicker. But that’s what Liam loved about the two of them. They could just be honest to each other, be true to themselves and yet love each other with all that they could. Liam was happy that they both kept their promise. Ethan never distanced himself from Liam. Liam didn’t lose him at all, but instead he gained Theola as a family.

            Freya moved on from Ethan, Liam knew that she fell for someone else and every time he would see her interact with Warren, he couldn’t help but think that maybe she had fallen for Warren. If she did, then he would happy if Warren fell in love with her as well.

            Liam could see that Warren was happier as well. Without carrying guilt, he could finally live the life that he deserves. If one thing changed though, Warren became more protective of Liam. Not that Liam was unhappy with it, just sometimes it was too much.

            Liam never had the dream about Adelbert again. He never had any visions as well. Although it gave him peace of mind that Adelbert and Cara were finally together, he still couldn’t get why it was so easy for him to accept everything that it happened. Maybe that’s what it meant by having a strong heart. Accepting things as it is, and living your life along with it.

            For Liam, what happened on that island would always be an important part of his life. He met many people there. He learned to love there, in all different kind of ways. Sometimes he wondered if the love he felt for Cara was truly of his own, or just a remnant of Adelbert’s spirit. But one thing is for sure, Cara changed his life, forever.

            To love is and to be love is a miracle in itself. That’s what Liam learned.

            He wondered when will that miracle happen to him.

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