Chapter Twelve

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            Liam was daydreaming. His mind weren’t on the party at all. He was standing at one side of the ballroom hall of Blue Haven thinking about his actions towards Cara a few days back. He was still confused as to what came to him that day. To suddenly hug her, and fro his heart to beat strangely, Liam wondered what was happening to him.

            After hearing Cara’s past, after knowing how she was turned away, how she was called a witch, how she never found anyone to be with, just made Liam’s heart break. He also wondered, why and how Cara suddenly disappeared, how she died.

            He tried to forget about that by watching Ethan and Theola as they acted sweetly in front of their guest. The two were holding each other’s hand tightly. Liam could see that there was a new found closeness between them, that it was already beyond pretending. The way they were holding hands, Liam could see that they didn’t want to let go anymore. Liam wondered how it feels to be in love.

            He watched as Ethan and Theola went around the ballroom and greeted their guests, one minute they were this loving couple in front of their friends and then all of a sudden, when no one could see them, they would argue. But there was definitely something different between the two, something that he had to find out.

            “Standing all alone here, I see.” Freya approached Liam. She was wearing a cocktail dress that completed her figure completely. “I must say, you look quite handsome tonight.”

            “I wouldn’t say that.” Liam said with a smile. “I don’t look quite handsome tonight.” He said with a teasing grin. Freya chuckled understanding what he meant. “So, why aren’t you interacting with anyone, as I remember many of your college friends are here, after all you and Theola were classmates since freshmen.”

            “I don’t feel like it. Most of the people here are hypocritical backstabbers. I may be outgoing and provocative, but I hate being the people they are. What about you, why are you alone again?”

            “Well. Warren is still on a meeting, and I was simply thinking about something.” Liam was worried about Warren. His cousin was acting pretty weird ever since the day he confessed that he got all his memories back.

            “What were you thinking about?”

            “Nothing really. I just thought how wonderful it is to be in love.”

            “Have you ever been in love?” Freya asked.

            “I don’t know how it is to fall in love.” Liam said in a low tone.

            “I’m sure you would. It’s not difficult to like you. I think it is inevitable to like you.” Freya was looking at him seriously.  Liam gave her a warm smile.

            “How about you, have you ever fell in love before?”

            “I have, but that man cheated on me. He was my first love, my first heartbreak.” Freya sounded very sad.

            “He’s a fool, for letting someone like you go. I’m sure someday you’ll find the right man for you.” Liam looked at Freya and gave her a comforting smile.

            Freya stared at him straight in the eyes. “I think… I already found the right man for me.” Freya was serious. Her eyes tell the sincerity of her every word.

            Liam only smiled to her. He was afraid that he might say something inappropriate.

            “If it isn’t Freya Hoff?” An arrogant woman voice said from behind. Freya and Liam looked behind and saw a frivolous and arrogant looking woman with a fur coat walking towards them.

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