Chapter Eleven

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            “How are you?” Ethan repeated sarcastically. “You are half naked carrying a woman in her bathing suit, and all you could say is ‘how are you’.” Ethan sounded really irritated. The fact he and Freya was still in their swimwear slept Liam’s mind completely. “Hey! Aren’t you going to put her down?!” Ethan sounded really mad.

            Liam was surprised, he was thinking that Ethan was overreacting, but the anger in his cousin’s eyes was real. Liam put down Freya as gently as he could. “So, why were you carrying her?” Ethan asked in a very strict tone as he walked towards Liam.

            “I was just helping her. She injured her foot.” Liam explained.

            “I could see that. But she was already taken care of.” Ethan said as he looked skeptically at Freya. “There was no need for you to carry her any further.”

            “Could you relax, don’t you think you’re being over dramatic?” Freya complained as she walked slowly towards Theola. Theola helped her stand.

            “I was just going to help her go back to work.” Liam explained. “What about you, were you and Theola together all this time?” Liam asked. Ethan couldn’t answer instantly and Theola was blushing. “What is this? Something happened.” Liam was convinced.

            “You’re wrong.” Ethan replied defensively. “I’m not the topic here. You shouldn’t be carrying random woman around, hurt or not.” Ethan said strictly.

            “Why are you so defensive? Did something happened, Theola?” Liam looked at Theola and saw her blush.

            Ethan pinched Liam’s cheeks. “Don’t change the topic…” Ethan said as he pinched Liam’s cheeks. “What would you do if people start talking about you?”

            Liam didn’t care about that at all, he hadn’t thought of that, he simply wanted help Freya and nothing more. “I was simply helping a friend I don’t think anything is wrong with that.” Liam said.

            “Look, I’m going to help Freya go back to her restaurant, you should bring Warren to his room.” Theola said before leaving with Freya.

            “Seriously, Liam, you can’t be always too nice to everyone. You don’t know what they might think or do. You have to be more careful. Not everyone is worth trusting, you should know how to see people for what they truly are.” Ethan said as he walked towards Warren.

            “Freya is a nice person, she is Theola’s friend. Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m going to be fine.” Liam said as he helped Ethan in carrying Warren.

            Ethan stopped and looked at Liam. “I’ve heard you say that before and yet…” Ethan couldn’t bring himself to continue.

            Liam knew that Ethan was talking about the events five years ago.  He felt guilty for not telling them that he remembered everything, he knew that his cousins were deeply affected by what happened five years ago. More than he does, Ethan and Warren wanted to erase that memory.

            Liam and Ethan brought Warren to his room. “What’s gotten into him? He isn’t someone who would get this drunk. Did something happen? Liam asked.

            “I’m not sure.” Ethan was standing by the door.

            “It isn’t like him, drinking to the point of fainting. Whatever happened must be something really serious… I think it’s because of me.” Liam said seriously looking at Ethan. He was thinking that Warren might have gotten drunk because of what he confessed.

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