Timing is Everything (Harry S...

By yeahiknowmystyles

532 35 0

Supposed bad boy Harry Styles is keen set on getting with Niall's girlfriends roommate after being pushed int... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 11
chapter 12 (the end)

Chapter 10

33 2 0
By yeahiknowmystyles

Harry’s POV:

A few weeks have passed since that night, and that night I mean the best night of my life where I figured out I was in love with the girl of my dreams. The girl who doesn’t put up with my shit, the girl who calls me out on anything and everything she possibly can. I know it doesn’t sound like it would be the perfect girl but she’s perfect to me. Kendall’s dance recital is this weekend and I’m really excited. You would never peg her for a dancer, until she takes her clothes off and you see her banging body. She isn’t the most graceful person either but don’t tell her I told you that. This is a part of her life I’m finally being entered into. She always talks about dance, and tells me about her classes and her kids, but I’ve never seen her interact with them. She has told me that she’s always danced to get out of her own skin, to feel like she is someone else for that brief amount of time, especially during the bad times with her family. Dance is her second family she explained to me, and that ill understand once I see her on stage dancing her solo. She choreographed it herself, and she said the song means a lot to her. We have been hanging out a lot since we first had sex, and were not being forced to, we actually want to. I spend some nights at her house, she stays at my apartment other nights when Ali and Niall want the house to themselves. We have a good system going. She has been pretty busy though with the show coming up and all but she’s not home past 10pm and I get home from work around 9, so I have dinner waiting for her, which I know she appreciates. She’s going to be home soon, so I want to make sure everything is done.

Kendall’s POV

Harry has been wonderful to me since everything has happened. I feel so complete when I’m around him, we complement each other very well. We can both be serious if we have to, but 99% of the time we are just being stupid. Louis can vowge for that one, he joins in in our stupidity. We have our Friday night drunk dance dance revolution parties on PS3, which is hysterical. I always win even drunk because those two have no coordination At ALL. Harry and Louis are getting close again; you can still feel tension sometimes but so far so good. Tonight was my dress rehearsal for my recital which is tomorrow already. For the first time in a long time I’m performing, it’s actually been 4 years since I’ve danced on stage. I choreographed it myself, and I told Harry it was for him. I did a contemporary piece to ‘Gravity’ by Sara Bareilles. I am nervous though, it’s a very emotional piece and I just hope he likes it. Everyone always find it funny when I say I’m a dancer because they have never seen me dance; only Ali has. She has seen this piece too; she comes with me to the studio a lot if she’s not busy. She cried the first time I showed her and she told me everyone is going to be shocked, so of course that’s making me even more nervous.

“Helllloooooo” I said walking in and dropping all my dance bags.

“Hello beautiful” Harry said hugging and giving me a kiss. He spun me around “ you look adorable in your dance clothes you know that” he said

“Yeah I’m sure I look adorable, but I need a shower and an ice pack for my knee” I said limping to the kitchen to grab some water

“What happened to your knee” he said coming over to look at it. “WOAH! What the hell did you do Kendall?”

“It’s just bruised. It’s normal for what I do, don’t worry so much” I said shrugging it off “you’ll understand in 2 days” I said smiling

“Yeah, I can’t wait. I still can’t picture you as a dancer, sorry babe” he yelled as I walked into the bathroom

“Feel better? …here eat” he said to me smiling

“Yessss…That shower felt incredible. I’m getting too old to perform” I let out a deep chuckle and started shoveling the food in my mouth getting out every other word of “oh my god this is so good”

“Well you talking and eating is not attractive AT all” he said laughing “you know, if people didn’t know you were a dancer they would think you do some pretty naughty things with me all the time” he said pointing at my knees and gesturing to his mouth

“Ohhhhh your such an ass!” I said throwing a pillow at him

Louis walked in, Niall and Ali followed.

“What did I miss, why are we throwing things at Harry and why didn’t I know about it?” Louis said laughing

“The idiot said it looks like I give a ton of blow jobs because my knee is so bruised from my dance” I said shoving him away from me still laughing

“Wow, is there something you need to tell us Kendall?” Louis said looking at Harry laughing

“Jeeez well fuck you both, you guys have jokes now huh?” I said

“We always do” Niall chimed in

Harry and Louis set up PS3 and I went into the kitchen to ice my knee, Ali was in the living room with the boys. Niall excused himself a few minutes ago. He was pacing back and forth outside and he was on the phone. He looked a little nervous, not sure why. I watched him hang up and take a deep breath before coming back in. I didn’t say anything though, it’s not my business. Harry, Louis and Ali were getting drunker by the hour. I only had one because tomorrow was my show. I knew they would all be hung over, but they had no choice to be at the university by 2pm. Niall was attached to his phone, and even Louis made a comment at him asking why. I just let it go and iced my knee watching them all make idiots out of themselves.


The next morning I got up really early, I had to make sure I had my costume, my music…well everything I needed for the next 8-10 hours. I walked out into the living room and saw Louis and harry passed out on the couch together, Ali was on the other and couch. Niall was gone. “Hey, where’s Niall” I said to Ali seeing she was starting to wake up. “He said he had to work” she shrugged. Louis scared the shit out of us speaking with his eyes closed “Niall has never worked a Saturday in his life, something is going on with him girls” he said sitting up smacking Harry to get off of him.  

“Oh wow, I have a head ache; did I really pass out next to …Ha like college huh Lou?” Harry said and they both started laughing

“I swear if I wasn’t fucking you, I’d think your gay with him, your bro-mance is hard core” I said shaking my head

“”No way baby, I only have eyes and hands for you” Harry came up behind me lightly kissing my shoulder and then gently pressing his lips on my neck. He spun me around and kissed me on my lips.

“Okay, well that’s our cue to leave, have a nice fuck you two; I’ll see you at 2. Ready Ali? Ill drive you home” Louis said

“Actually, I’ll just borrow Kendall’s clothes can I shower at your place and I’ll just go with you, Niall is meeting me there” Ali said kind of bummed out

“Yeah, that’s perfectly fine, go grab clothes and I’ll leave the door unlocked” He answered knowing something was going on. He looked at the both of us upset.

“I know, I’ll talk to him, tonight after the show” Harry said

“I’m grabbing breakfast and coffee on my way” I said as I picked up my garment bag in the closet. It had my costume and my dress, with shoes, make up and accessories. 

“You okay Ali?” I said grabbing everything

“Yeah I’m fine why?” she spat back with an attitude

“Nothing, here’s a dress and shoes, I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, see you later” she said back walking out Harry’s room

Harry walked in and tried to peek in my garment bag.

“Noooooo way! Hands off!” I said puling it away from him “It’s a surprise , ca mon!” I said

“Just a little look, please” he begged

“No, I’ll see you later, I love you” I said kissing him on the cheek

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a real kiss, a passionate kiss, making me weak in the knees. I hate how he can do that to me.

“Now, I’ll say I’ll see you later and I love you too” he smiled.


Okay just breathe Kendall, you will be fine. 1, 2 fan kick….ron de jom, push 3, 4….pause walk 7 and 8. I was going over my dance in my head, marking steps. I got into the zone, not paying attention to anyone or anything around me. Everything was perfect, my hair, make-up, costume. Okay I’m walking on stage. “Break a leg Kendall!” Melanie a fellow teacher said to me before walking out on stage. All of my girls ran back stage so they could see perform. I sat down on the stage, everyone started cheering. I let out a deep breath and the music started.


Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long.

No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.

You keep me without chains.

I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your reign.

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.

Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.

But you're on to me and all over me.

You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.

When I thought that I was strong.

But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground.

But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.

The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down.

You're keeping me down, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

You're on to me, on to me, and all over...

Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long.

Ali’s POV:

I love my best friend. I kept shouting her name out while she was performing. I knew she wouldn’t even crack. When she’s on stage she’s a different person, the normal Kendall floats out of her body and dancer Kendal; fierce and confident walks in. I looked over at Harry and his smile never left, his eyes even started to get glassy. I can’t wait to tell her, his look is priceless and so adorable, I know how much he cares about her. Niall never looks at me like that. Kendall is definitely getting her point across. I even cried again. Damnit I hate when she does this to me. But I love her at the same time; I wish I was able to do what she can do on stage. I’m too afraid. Louis was in shock too, he just kept saying “wow” over and over and “Jeez doesn’t that hurt!” Niall didn’t even have a care in the world about what was going on. He had his phone glued to his hand.    

Harry’s POV:

I am in complete shock right now. She is beautiful. I didn’t even know she could move like that. Now I know why she loves dance so much, she is really really good. The song is perfect for us too, one of my favorites actually. After she was done, she walked off stage and everyone was cheering for her. I stood up with Louis, Ali and Niall. She was the last performance, so the finale is going on. I decided to go back stage and surprise her with 2 dozen roses. She hasn’t seen me yet, I’m waiting in the wings and she’s just talking to her girls, they are all hugging her and everyone is saying how great she was. The kids really do love her. “Miss Kendall LOOK!!!” a few of the girls noticed me walking towards her with the flowers. She walked up to me and I put the flowers down for a minute and picked her up hugging her as tight as I could. The little girls were all saying things making me laugh and blush a little.” Are you her boyfriendddddd” a cute little girl named Kayla asked. “Why yes, I am” I said smiling at her. She couldn’t have been any older than 5. She tugged at Kendall’s costume and said “I have to tell you a secret Miss Kendall….Hes realllllllly cute” We both started laughing hysterically. “Thank you peanut, yeah he’s okay” Kendall said nudging me I put her down and gave her a big kiss knowing the girls would run, which they did screaming “ewwwwwww they are kissinggggg” We laughed again.

“You were, that was, well I had no idea what you were doing, but you are really really good” Harry said laughing nervously running his fingers through his slicked back hair,

“Well, thank you. It felt really good being up there and showing you how I feel about you, in a different way” I said back to him giving him another small kiss on the lips.

“These are for you, well deserved I might add” Harry said handing me a huge bouquet of white roses with tie dye tips.

I just smiled at him and he walked off stage I told him I just have to change and I’ll meet everyone in the lobby. I brought a new neon green sheer style dress with a little belt to accent it. I got nude/brownish colored wedges to go with it. Harry looked amazing as usual, he had on his black skinny jeans with a white loose tank top tucked in and black blazer over it. His hair perfect pushed back out of his face. He looked like a freaking model and I hated him for it. I know the 5 of us were going to a pub down the block from the university. After saying all of my goodbyes and taking all my pictures, I felt a sense of relief knowing I had a 5 week vacation before summer classes started. Harry must have saw I was struggling with all of my gifts and massive amounts of flowers. He ran over helping me out. “I swear it’s going to smell like a funeral home in my house.” I said to everyone. I heard Louis scream and start clapping the second I was spotted. I just let out a laugh and thanked everyone for coming.

“You really did a great job, who knew you could do that. All of those bendy things with your legs” Louis said as he cringed remembering it all.

“It’s called being flexible darling” I said to Louis giving him a hug

“Well, now I know why Haz is really with you” he said running away before I could smack him

“Good job dick, we all know that is ….VERY TRUE” .Harry screamed running after Louis. They were both laughing hysterically.

I didn’t even bother with those two. I noticed Ali and Niall fighting so I walked over to them. “Guys ready to go out” I nudged Niall

“I don’t know if I’m going, I’m sorry Kendall. You were amazing up there” Niall said giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then gave Ali a weird look and bolted right past us. Not saying a word to her. Harry and Louis tried to stop him but he didn’t even look back. The look on Ali’s face broke my heart. I just gave her a hug. She pushed me off “I’m fine, leave me alone” as she walked outside.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s not good” Harry said to me walking out to Louis car. We packed all my crap in the trunk of his truck and we went to the pub.

“What do you want babe” Harry said to me

“It’s going to be a long night, shots. The sooner the better, especially for her” I said looking at Ali, sitting slumped over miserable.

We took shot after shot, I slowly felt the warmth of the alcohol running through my veins. The buzz hit me fast with the lack of food I my system. The music was perfect, all 80’s music. Before I knew it my shoes were off and I was dancing on the bar with Ali to “Living on a prayer” and we were all belting it out. Harry and Louis were sitting at the stools right in front of us and they were in awe of us. Ali and Louis were both very drunk and very flirty. I wasn’t stopping it though, wasn’t my business to get into and Niall obviously is being a dick so oh well his loss right?

“Alright girls, off the bar…were closing” the bartender said gesturing us to jump down

“oh boooooooo” we both said as we almost fell, but Harry and Louis caught us. It was pretty funny. We were stumbling but I saw a little bit of sexual tension between Louis and Ali when she nearly fell and Louis caught her and their faces were very close.

We were walking down the street and all of a sudden Harry got very weird and told us they wanted to drink more. Of course me and Ali didn’t say no to that, we were so gone. If there was music we were there, and very happy.

Harry POV:

“Lou….fuck, I said hitting him in the shoulder. I got closer to him and whispered as best as I could. Get the girls in the bar buy them a few shots here’s money. You need to come with me NOW!” ‘Hey mike, look after our girls, we’ll be right back okay” I told the bouncer who I knew from a friend and slipped him a $20. He said no problem and put them in a secluded area.

“Haz, what’s going on?” Louis said as we walked across the street into the Leaky Life Boat. “This isn’t our scene”.

“Exactly, look who’s in here, and now we know what the fuck is going on” I said to Louis.

“Okay, do we leave it alone or go in and take care of it?” Lou said to me starting to stretch his arms and move his neck around like he was ready for a fight.

“Let’s do this, you go around back. I’ll meet you in the middle.” I said and I pushed the doors open. All hell broke loose when we saw me. 

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