A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

21. Battle of Scorpious

6K 312 199
By royal888

Tiziana was sanding in the balcony getting some fresh air. She just felt she needed to get out of the room and have some space. She hated feeling the way she did; helpless, worried, uncertain. Now that Vincenzo had a vote on what was to happen to her, she was not sure how everything was going to unfold. With the Don being in charge, she knew the vote. She knew she had to marry Juliano Luciano one day if the Don was in charge since he approved of the family. But with Vincenzo she didnt know where she stood. Was he going to choose war? or was he going to condemn her to live amongst people she didnt love for the rest of her life. The thought of marrying anyone but Scorpious made her sick. But again her status as Vitale's sister could help her case with Vincenzo. For some reason Vincenzo was close to Vitale. They just got along. Vincenzo was different to Vitale. The only other person who was treated like Vitale by Vincenzo was Viggo. She knew Viggo wasnt happy that Vincenzo hadnt told him about her relationship with Letizia but he had accepted her brother's reasoning that he was protecting him. having knowledge of such arrangement came with responsibility. Lucianos treated Letizia's insult with seriousness. it didnt matter to them that she was not an adult. She had tried to kill one of them so she had to face the consequences.

As she felt like she was ready to go back, she turned and froze as she noticed who was standing at the door way staring at her silently. Juliano was not going away. She stated "Excuse me. I wish to pass through. Step aside Juliano." It was annoying. She had chosen to go to the balcony next door to the dinaing hall where it was deserted around it. But of course Luciano had followed her. Scorpious knew meaning of privacy and space but Juliano had no grasp.

Juliano stepped foot through the doorway and to her annoyance closed the door "I just wanted to talk to you Tiziana." He then leaned to the door making sure he was blocking her path."

Tiziana sighed "I dont want to talk to you. Do you really think I wish to talk to someone like you? You are trying to ruin my life."

Juliano frowned "What are you talking about? I havent tried to ruin your life. Scorpious is. He is a Voltolini. His kind are not to be trusted. I am trying to save you from him. He just threatened to kill me and your brother if you go ahead with promising yourself to me. I havent threatened your brother. Have I? I threatened to go to war for you if you dont become mine but my intention is not to hurt your family. I will fight for you. I just want to save you Tiziana. He doenst deserve you."

Tiziana laughed bitterly "You actually think you are better than Scorpious? Do you? You are illusioned. You will attack my family to take me by force. Scropious would attack my family but to defend me. He is not like you. He does not kill for fun. He only threatened my brother because he knows he would have nothing to live for if I marry you. It shows how devestated he would be. Both of you say you will hurt my family. The difference is I love him. But I dont love you. Get over it Juliano. Go find yourself another girl and let the deal for the assets to go ahead in exchange for Letizia's pardon."

Juliano stared at Tiziana and took a step towards her "You say you dont love me but you are just playing hard to get. I know it. Women are like that. When women say no, it actually means yes."

Tiziana shook her head "No. That is incorrect. When a woman says no, it means no. I dont love you. I have rejected you so many times and you cant take no for an answer. You keep telling yourslef that no means yes but you just do this to make yourself feel better. I dont love you and never will. Even if Vincenzo forces me to promise myself to you I wonet be forced to love you. I will do my duty to my family but will not ever love you."

Juliano took another step towards her making her retreat to lean to the wall since she didnt want to lean to the railings. She asked "Get away from me."

Juliano put his hands on either side of her on the wall and said "The more you tell me you dont love me, the more it makes me want you. I can have you if I want you and there is nothing you can do about it. I will marry you Tiziana and I will not let you marry another."

Tiziana replied definatly "I would rather die than marry you. I would rather jump off this balcony right now than marry you."

Juliano cringed "You dont mean that. You love me. You are denying it. You are faithful to me. My parents dont believe me when I say it. They say you are unfaithful since you are cheating on me right now. They say I should hurt you and punish you when I marry you because you allowed yourself to be loved by another. I dont listen to them of course. I love you. I know you love me too. You must be forced to be with him."

Tiziana declared " I dont love you. I was never with you to begin with. How can I be cheating on you when we were never together? Your family are so arrogant."

Juliano replied "They are strict. I told them that you are trying to make me jealous. You fo with Scorpious because you want me to go after you."

Tiziana retorted "You are imagining what is not there Juliano. I am not trying to make you jealous. I dont want you. Why cant you understand you cant make someone like you?"

Juliano said "Same to you. Why are you imagining what will never happen. I will never let you marry Scorpious. I will kill him."

Just as he said the words, Tiziana found him to dissapear from in front of her. She gasped as she watched Scorpious grab him and throw him to the ground. He had found them. "What are you doing with my girl? You want to kill me. huh?" He then kicked Juliano in his stomach. "You wont let us marry?" He kicked him again. But Luciano managed to stand up. He tried to punch Scorpious but Scorpious grabbed his wrist and twisted it "Dont take on those you cant beat little man."

Tiziana was not surprised. Luciano was actually quite strong. Stronger than many average males. He worked out alot. He was a boxer. But Scorpious was much more. He was now a killing machine. His uncle Ambrogio had trained him hard as he had mostly home schooled him and had taken him around the world on his business trips. No one knew what this priest's son was capable of so much destruction. He had become bulkier, stronger, more ruthless and deadlier. She had seen him kill before, with his bare hands actually. She knew not to move or interefere if Scorpious dealt with people. It never ended well if she did. She could make it worse. She just stood there watching.

Scorpious said "Now throw a punch if you can. You can't. Huh?" He then lifted him and head first smashed him into the wall making Luciano groan in pain.

Tiziana hadnt interefered till now since she was worried she could make it worse if she spoke but she moved towards scorpious and put a hand on his shoulder "Please stop. You could kill him. If he dies you could break the peace treaty your uncle signed."

Scorpious replied "Screw the treaty. I want him dead for disrespecting you. He then pushed the restrained Juliano harder to the wall and made him groan again.

Tiziana spoke "We were just talking. Please. He didnt touch me."

Scorpious sighed "Fine. But I will cut his throat and let his blood soak the streets until it runs dry when he steps foot off Harlem territory if he doesnt give you up." He then grabbed Juliano and turned him around. He punched him in the stomach and watched as he knelt on the floor in pain.

Tiziana could see how it looke dlike as though Juliano was the weak one here but he wasn't. Juliano was a good fighter. Scorpious was just too strong. He was just too fast and hit hard. hevaen knew hwat his uncle had put him through in his training. He had changed so much. Juliano and Scorpious used to be even mostly in fights. Scorpious was faster but now this was beyond belief of anyone except Tiziana who had seen Scorpious fight hard. 

Scorpious addressed Juliano "I give you two choices. You either give up Tiziana and today you pick another woman or I will kill you and your family right on this soil. Its your choice."

Tiziana knew Scorpious was now doing this on purpose. He didnt need to show his power but he did. He just wanted to show Juliano he could make him kneel.

Juliano narrowed his eyes and stood up. Go to hell. He then tried to punch Scorpious but Scorpious docked. Juliano toppled over the balcony and fell over the railing.

Tiziana screamed and covered her eyes. She then heard Scorpious "Open your eyes. He is alive."

Tiziana shakily let her hands down and saw Scorpious had grabbed Luciano's hand who's body was dangling around. Juliano seemed in shock and was taking in quick breaths.

Scorpious said "If I let your hand go, you die. I have your life in my hand Juliano."

Juliano declared "Kill me. Let me drop. I dont want to owe you my life."

Scorpious said "Not an option for you. Who said you have a choice?" He then pulled Juliano up and dropped him to the ground."

Juliano stood up and looked at him "I told you to kill me."

Scorpious said "If I kill you, I will make it painful. This was going to be a quick death. You really dont think I was going to let you die easily, do you?" He then turned to Tiziana "Lets go. He must go get stitched up. Unless he wants to come next door and make a scene about me beating him up. He is an underhand."

Juliano gritted his teeth "I am no underhand."

Scorpious turned to him sharply "You exposed Viggo and Angelia. That was hitting below the belt. You are always an underhand in my eyes unless you prove otherwise."

Juliano defended "He deserved it. Andovinis are scum"

Scorpious balled his hand into fists "Maybe I shouldnt have saved you. I am leaving before I kill you on this balcony." He then pulled Tiziana's hand and walked away.

Tiziana noticed they were not going in direction of dining hall. Scorpious was taking her elsewhere. "Where are we going?"

Scorpious replied "I need a word with you in private."

Scorpious opened the door and said "Go inside."

Tiziana complied and went inside.

Scorpious closed the door soundly behind them and walked to her "How did you wonder off with no guards? Who were assigned to you by your father? I need their names?"

Tiziana looked at Scorpious with a troubled expression "I told them not to follow me. Sorry. I dont need protection on grounds while there is a treaty in place. Juliano did nothing."

Scorpious wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes "I asked your father to assign his best guards on you knowing Juliano was going to follow you around. One minute I leave the room to take a phone call from my parents and you wonder off. Next time don't assume anything Tiziana. You are a Rosario woman. You are precious... to everyone. Is this a joke to you?

Tiziana said "I am sorry."

Scorpious said "I looked all over for you. You told no one."

Tiziana stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips gently. She pulled away "I am sorry." She then kissed him again "Really sorry."

Scorpious liked her touch. He kissed her lips and deepened the kiss while squeezing her waist. He pulled away "I do forgive you but won't forget. You know me. I know not to stop watching you..." He the paused. He stared into her eyes "Tell me the truth. Did he touch you at all?"

Tiziana said "No. Of course not. He may be annoying but he has morals."

Scorpious said "I want him dead. I really do. He looks at you like he owns you. I dont like anyone looking at you like that."

Tiziana said "You can't hide me. You said it yourself. I am an unmarried Rosario. I will always have people after me."

Scorpious said "I will chase after them." He then kissed her again.

After they held each other for a while, they left the room. When they reached the dining hall, they saw people toasting in celebration and there was music playing.

Sterling Johnson walked to Scorpious and put his hand on his shoulder "Congratulations on fixing this peace treaty. Juliano Luciano said you duelled with him and you saved his life. So his family are dropping the charges. A life for a life. Letizia is cleared.


Evan peters as Scorpious

I haven't managed to make a family tree. Someone asked me for explaining family ties of the characters in the book in comments so I post the information here too. I will create a character book since there are so many characters

Here is info;

The Don has 4 kids; paulo (Francesco and costanzos father) , piero ( Antonio's father) , pietro ( father of Vitale and Tiziana), Patricia ( mother of Anna)

Costanzo son is stefano

Antonio son is Alexander and Vanessa is his wife's niece

Juliano is just heir to Luciano empire in Sicily who are close friends of the Don

Scorpious is son of alessio and Alicia

Alessio is a voltolini. He is a priest. His brother is head of viltolini family. Alessio' brother is Ambrogio who is uncle of scorpious. Same uncle who has trained him.

Ambrogio used to want to marry Adele. In mob boss family we see mention of voltolini family.

Alicia who is scorpious's mother is sister of Arturo Agostini ...

Wife of Ambrogio voltolini is Portia who is a cousin of Arturo

Arturo Agostini is father of amethyst and Andreas. His wife is Anna who is daughter of Patricia ( the only daughter of the Don and Francesco's aunt)

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