Undefeated Challenge. * B...


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Sequal to Life is a Challenge. YN's and Justin's lives doesn't get any easy. More

Undefeated Challenge
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
The Final Challenge

Chapter 1

3.5K 85 9

Justin' s POV


Austin shot YN in the head and jumped out the window. 

I immediately ran to YN.

Justin:YN please stay with me please

YN was looking at me while breathing heavily.  The paramedics ran into the room.

Paramedic: Sir please step away from her so we can see her

I kissed YN's forehead and got up and walked back to give the paramedics some space. I was crying while I was watching them work on YN. I really hope she is going to make it.

Justin:Is she going to make it?

Paramedic: We don't know but we have to take her to the hospital right away

I nodded my head and watched the paramedics take YN in the strecher. I followed them. Once I went out side the police had Austin and Selena arrested. 

Austin: I hope YN dies

Justin: Shut up! I hope you rot in hell!

I got in the ambulance with YN and the paramedics.  The whole way to the hospital I hold YN's hands and prayed for her to be okay.

*At the hospital*

Paramedic: Mr.Bieber please wait in the waiting area while YN is in surgery and we'll let you know how she is doing

Justin:Okay but promise me your going to do everything you can to save her life

Paramedic:Yes sir I promise

With that he left to the surgery room with YN.

I sat in the waiting area and cried into my hands. What will I do if YN doesn't make it? NO! Justin you have to think positive.

The ringing of my phone interrupted my thoughts.


Scooter: Justin where are you ?

Justin:In the hospital

Scooter:What!? Is YN okay?

Justin:No but just get over here with Ms. YLN

Scooter:Okay on my way

I hanged up.

*15 minutes later*


Justin: She might not make it

Ms.YLN:WHAT! no my baby has to be okay no!

I hugged Ms.YLN and we both cried more. I pulled away and helped her sit down on a chair. She just cried silently.

Scooter:The doctor is doing everything they can to save her right?

Justin:Yes but all we have to do is pray for YN

We all sat down and prayed for YN and waited for the doctor.

*2 Hours later*

Doctor: Family of YN

we all got up and went to the doctor.

Ms.YLN:Doctor how is my daughter?

Doctor:Well we got to removed the bullet from her head. She will be okay but will be in a coma for a couple of weeks.

Ms.YLN:Oh thank god and can we see her?

Doctor:Yes she's In room 215 but just try not to be to noisy

Ms.YLN:okay thank you

I'm so happy YN is okay but a little sad that she is going to be in a coma for weeks.

We walked to the room. When we entered the room I saw YN's body laying there lifeless.  She had bruises all over her body. I hurts me to see her like this.

Ms.YLN kissed YN head and talked to her hoping she can hear her.

Then it was my turn.

Scooter:Justin we'll leave you alone while me and YMN go and get coffee.

I nodded my head and walk towards YN. I bend down and grabbed YN's hand and kissed it.

Justin: I don't know if you can hear me but I just wanted to tell you, That I love you YN so much. I glad your okay but sad that I won't be able to see your beautiful eyes for weeks. I'm going to miss your smile and cute giggle.  But I promise you I'll be by your side forever. I love you YN.

I then got up and kissed her.

-2 weeks later-

Right now I'm in San Antonio. you might ask what I'm doing here well I'm going to perform for my Beliebers.

At first I didn't want to perform but Scooter insisted that I should go back on tour. This is my first show back but after it I'm going back to Houston to see YN.

YN is still in a coma but the doctor said she could wake up any day now and I'm so excited.

Scooter:Good Luck


I was strapped in my wings and went out to perform.  My Beliebers were screaming so loud and that made me smile.

After the show me and Scooter drove to Houston and went to the hospital.

When we got to YN's room I saw YN talking to her mom.

YN's finally wake!!!

Justin:Hey YN

YN:Hey um who are you?

Justin:Its me Justin

YN:I dont remember you, sorry

What! YN doesn't remember me!


Hope you liked the first chapter.


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