What Have I Become? A Flash/G...

By radioactive_sarcasm

100K 1.7K 897

The always running Barry Allen, is going to need to get much faster in order to outrun his high school years... More

In Hiding
I Plead Innocent
A Meeting With The Flash
A Brief Clarification
Revelation Part 2
The Calm After The Storm
Holy Crap!
A Proclivity For Antagonism
Lies and Phone Calls
All Tied Up
Trust Issues
Supply Closet
Best Served Cold
Let's Do It
Update that i should have made a while ago

Who is That?

20.1K 277 140
By radioactive_sarcasm

  Jitters. The local coffee shop containing Central City's finest java. Sitting inside was Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne. Eddie was the partner to the head detective of the CCPD, whereas the younger employee of the police, was Barry; a forensic analyst. He had a past. One that I would hesitate getting into at this time. For now, we can say he is working to avenge his mother's death.

  "So then he leaned over and wispered to her,  'he'll be carded at the bar'," Barry laughed a little too loud. Eddie laughed with him.

  "Wow," he said trying to keep his coffee from going everywhere. "And here I was thinking he would be different after the island."

  "You guys need to keep it down," a young waitress wispered to them.

  "Iris," Barry said as she refilled his coffee. Iris leaned over and shared a kiss with Eddie. "Did you guys hear about Mercedes," she asked.

  "The- the, uh, singer," Barry's eyes grew asking the question. Eddie and iris gave him a look of confusion. They looked back at each other and waived it off.

  "Yeah, she's in town this week. For her tour of the states," iris looked back at him and smiled. "And I know someone who's cousin is a rodie for her, and she convinced her to come to Jitters!"

  "I gotta get out of here then," Barry scrambled for his jacket. He noticed the vacant expressions on their faces and added, "you know, before all the crazy fans show up." But before Barry could leave, the famous singer burst through the doors; body gaurd, obnoxious fans, and all. He turned toward the back exit, but it too was littered with fans.

  "I'm gonna try to wait on her," iris got on her feet with such a huge smile, it was almost scarry. Within the crowd was Cat Grant, and her assistant, Kara. She was trying her very best to stay hidden in the crowd. And yet, Barry noticed her. He popped up the flaps of his jacket and pulled her out of the crowd. When she realized it was him, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

  "Kara," he said in the middle of their embrace. "Everything. going. black..." His body weight began leaning on her.

  "Oh, Rao," she said releasing her grip and holding him on his feet. He fluttered his eyes, regaining his vision and balance.

  "I'm good," he said to her, but mostly to himself. "It's fine. We have bigger problems then you squeezing me to death. And possibly breaking my ribs." He winced at the touch of his chest. Kara tucked her head in between her shoulders, "sorry."

  "It's fine," he repeated. "As I was saying. Big problem. Wait a minute. How'd you get here?"

  "Uugh," she moaned. "Miss Grant wanted to have a meeting with the biggest singer in the country. But she wasn't going to National City, so Miss Grant decided to meet her here. Along with every other media outlet within a thousand miles."

  "That's unfortunate," Barry muttered.

  "You got that right," Kara chuckled lightly. "So, I know why I should be concerned, but why you?"

  "Well, Marley," Barry began, holding back a smirk. Kara was taken back by her friend's knowledge of her old name. "I am of course, Barry Allen; lovable like pudding. Why did I use that analogy? But in high school, I was known better as, Sebastian Smythe."

  Kara took a step back. She couldn't believe that the beautiful man in front of him was a gay, temperamental, Warbler. "How- how do you know those names?"

  "Honestly, Rose. I am almost proud that you're no longer an anorexic dog. Hounding that one cheerleader about how to live your life must've been tiring," Sebastian let out his signature smirk.

  "Honestly, this is harder then the whole Sam and Evan thing. Who are you?"

  "Meet me at S.T.A.R Labs in an hour," he casually strolled away, back to sitting with Eddie.

  "Keira," Cat Grant's voice boomed through the coffee shop. Kara scuttled back to the crowd of people, shouting and shoving their way closer to the icon.

  Barry sat back down with Eddie. "Who was that," the blonde man asked, raising his eyebrows up and down.

  "Oh her," Barry tried to look uninterested. "She's just a girl from high school." Eddie caught a glimpse of the longing in his eyes.

  "I thought you went to an all boys high school," iris interupted. Eddie spit his coffee back into his mug and Barry was taken out of his trance.

  "ALL BOYS? Seriously?"

  "Iris..." Barry was starring swords into her. He let out a long sigh while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah."

"Woooow," Eddie had so many thoughts in his head, he didn't know where to start.

  "You know what, I'll take this to go," Barry said handing his coffee to iris. She rolled her eyes and took the mug, slightly annoyed with him. She knew if she refused to do something for him, he'd go after the manager. It happened one summer in high school. He wasn't the same person when he went to that academy.

  Barry avoided any further conversation with Eddie, and got his coffee back. He placed a tenner on the table, and winked at iris, "keep the change."

  He darted his way to S.T.A.R Labs, hoping to get some training in before more questions came. Unfortunately for him, Supergirl was already there. He tumbled as he ran into the cortex, not expecting her. He landed on his back, causing Caitlin to jump. "Barry, are you okay," she ran up to him. Cisco held out his hand for Barry to use as leverage to stand back up. "More or less," he groaned as he grabbed Cisco's hand.

  "Less," he mumbled, limping to a desk chair. "Kara, what are you doing here so early?"

  "You tell me, Bazzy."

  "Bazzy," Cisco questioned with disbelief. "Are you going nuts? You know it's Barry, right?"

  "Cisco, Cait. Can you guys give us the cortex to ourselves," Barry was rubbing the back of his neck at this point. Caitlin pointed her index finger straight at Barry, "Don't call me that," she threatened. The two left the room, secretly going into the time vault to spy on their conversation.

  Barry looked up at the angry Supergirl in front of him. What she was angry about was a little unclear to him. Was it the fact that he was practically her mortal enemy in high school? That he was lying about it and took this long to explain? Or simply because her boss drug her out of her, now unprotected city, to meet someone she has been hiding her identity from for years.

  "Bar- Sebastian?" The young man looked up at her, now realizing he had been daydreaming for the last minute. "Oh sorry," he apologized for his actions.

  "Are you going to explain all of this to me now, or what," she was obviously frustrated with his lack of attention. She wiped the hair, that was now covering her line of vision. Her blue eyes were looking right through his green ones. She could tell something was wrong with him, she just couldn't tell what. But right now she was more focused on learning more about his alternate identity.

  "Okay," he began. "It all started back in high school, when my girlfriend broke up with me. I was getting depressed so I took time off school. At that point my grades were descending fast, so I was going to be held back anyways. I was losing hope. Enter Vanessa. She made my life good again, and I loved her. Back then I was going by a different name. Everyone believed my dad killed my mom, so Allen wasn't a very friendly last name.

  Back then, my name was Chris Stewart. I had taken on a whole other identity, so no one would figure out my back story. Vanessa and Chris got along perfectly, but he didn't know just how messed up she was. She had convinced him to do some pretty awful things. It started out with pressing me to drink, then drugging me, finally it got to the point of her convincing me to attempt suicide.

  After that mess, I ended up needing to go somewhere away from there. So I was shipped off to boarding school. When I wasn't at Dalton, I was living with my uncle and his daughter, Allen Smythe and Stacy Smythe. I needed another name change, because Chris was all over the papers. I decided to take my uncle's last name, so it would seem as though I was his son. I had Stacy choose my first name and she landed on Sebastian."

  Kara was stunned at all of this information. She didn't know where to start. Oh wait. Yeah she did. "If came to be protected from bullies, then how come you tortured us?!"

  "Sebastian is my Snixx. When things get bad, he shows up. I've been able to tame him over the years, but seeing Mercedes I could feel him boiling up inside of me," Barry tilted his head, and forced smile.

  Caitlin and Cisco were frozen. They knew the beginning of his story, with the man in yellow, but his high school records were sealed. Not even Felicity could hack into them. If he knew they knew, he would kill them. Fortunately for them, they were good at keeping secrets, much unlike Barry or Oliver.

  "Wait a minute," Kara looked at him. "Does this mean you're gay?" Cisco let out an audible chuckle. This just became about a million times harder for him to keep. Jokes flew through his head, making a smile tug at the corners of his lips.

  "No. No. Heck no." Barry responded to this question very confidently. "All I ever did was flirt. Kurt and I never got along in the first place." Kara let out a sigh. Why was she so relieved?

  "I- uh," she tripped over her words. "You- you wanna go train?"

  "Oh," he blushed. Why was he blushing? "Yeah, sure thing. Hold on one second." He turned his head to the secret camera. "Come down here you two. I know you're in the time vault."

  Supergirl turned her head to the doorway of the cortex, where the two scientists shuffled their way through. Cisco had a guilty smile on his face, hoping for mercy, whereas Caitlin was biting her lip. Barry looked angry, so much that it seemed he wasn't Barry anymore. Sebastian was starting to show.

  "If you breath one word about any of this to anyone, I will can frame a crime on you. Or I can make Finn pictures of the both of you. And they will go online."

  Cisco and Caitlin were equally terified and confused. Supergirl knew they had no idea what a Finn picture  was, so she almost agreed with Sebastian. "I would listen to him if I were you. You do not want those pictures flying around."

  "It's good to know at least one of you knows their place," he sped out of the room. The snarky remark felt so good slipping through his lips.

  "Guys, meet Sebastian," Supergirl showcased the air in which he was standing in.

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