Special Dance (Zayn Malik) ED...

By _snow_flakes

14.1K 364 30

'If you are able to move, you are able to dance.' I watch her dance everyday, in the park alone. The way she... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11 (Part 1)
Chapter 11 (Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter Five

687 27 1
By _snow_flakes

'Success isn't defined by those who fought and never fell, but by those who fought, fell and then rose again.' -Nastia Luikin

"Opal! Have you finish cooking?" He yelled walking into the kitchen, where I was like a mad women running around trying to sever dinner on time.

"It's nearly done." I said, sightly out of breathe. He grunts as he adjust his tie.

"Well it better be when they get here." He sneered. I added I finish touches to the salad and checked on the steak. I sighed in relief, the steak wasn't over cooked or under cook. Taking out five plates, the doorbell rang.

"Come with me to get it." He ordered. I quickly moved to standing beside him as he opened the door.

"Yaser, it's been a while, meet my daughter Opal." The two men shook hands.

"Lovely to meet you Opal, this is my wife Trisha, my son Zayn and my daughter Doniya." I forced a smile and moved to the side to let them in. I kept my eyes on the ground not daring to look up.

"Opal, go get dinner ready." He said with a fake smile. I nodded and hurriedly walked back to the kitchen. I saw them sit at the dining table as he filled each of their glasses with wine or coke. Quickly plating the food, I took all five out at a time. How? Practise. I placed them down in front of each person and started to walk away when Trisha spoke up.

"Aren't you going to join us dear?" Before I couldn't even say anything, he said, "She ate earlier." I quickly nodded and smiled.

"I ate with a bunch of friends after school today and I'm still full from it. Please excuse me and enjoy your meal." I said with a small smile and walked back to the kitchen to get desserts ready. I had prepared a raspberry and chocolate cake. Slowly taking it out of the fridge I smiled when was just hard enough. A voice spoke up nearly making me drop the cake. 

"Is that the dessert?" I turned around and Zayn was leaning against the door frame. 

"What are you doing here?" I whispered placing the cake on the table.

"When did you and a bunch of friend go out and eat?" He asked.

"After school." I lied as I checked my cake to make sure I didn't scratch it or anything.

"What are you hiding?" He voice was low, I felt him move closer.

"Noth-i-ing" I stuttered cussing under my breath. I looked up at the clock, and it was time to sever the dessert. Taking out five clean plates, I slowly started plating up my cake. Sprinkling some roasted walnuts on top. Making my way back to the dining table I cleared everyone's plate and I couldn't help smiling as there was no left overs. Zayn went back to his seat. Walking back to the kitchen I placed the dirty plates in the sink and took out the dessert.

When the dessert were all placed on the table I went back to the kitchen and started cleaning up.


"That was a lovely meal." Trisha said as I went around and cleared the table.

"Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed." I was carrying five plates in one hand and five cups and all the silverware in the other.

"Let me help you with that." Trisha offered as she took the silverware and cups from my hand.

"No, it's fine I've got it."

"Nonsense, a little help won't hurt." She teased, I smiled but quickly looked over to him. He shot me a glare but nodded, telling me to let her help.

"The kitchen's this way."

"Did you made both meals by yourself?" She asked as we walked into the kitchen. I place I plates in the sink and started washing it. Trisha grabbed a cloth and started drying the plates I already washed.

"Yes. I hoped everyone enjoyed it."

"We did, you're quite a cook aren't you? Do you cook a lot?"

"Yes. I cook every day."

Before she could speak again, Yaser stood at the doorway. 

"Dear we have to get going now." He said.

"Thank you, for helping." I said as Trisha dried off her hands.

"It was a pleasure." I walked them to the door and we said our goodbyes. Zayn came up and gave me a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He muttered in my ear. I nodded and let go.

"Opal, I'm going to the pub with Yaser and I'm probably going to sleep at a hotel. I want this place cleaned before I get home. Got it?" He whispered harshly. I put on a smile and nodded. Closing the door behind them, I went back to cleaning.


It was 9 when I finally finished cleaning everything and made sure that it was all in its right place. Running up stair to change into a sports bra and sweatpants, I threw on a loose jumper and grabbed my dance bag and started making my way to the park. 

Smiling when I saw that it was empty, I placed my bag on the bench and took out my pointe shoes and slipped them on. Connecting my earphones to my phone and plugging them in my ear, I got into position and let go of everything when the music started. My mind went blank as my feet took me to the special place where it's just me, the song and a.,,dark figure. Stopping instantly and taking out my earphones, I looked in the distance, trying to make out who it was. The figure started walking closer. My breath was caught in my throat.

"Opal?" I sighed and let the breath out.

"Zayn? Where are you doing here at this time of the night?" He walked to the bench where my stuff was and sat down. I walked towards him, he looked me up and down.

"You dancing?" I nodded and sat down beside him.

"Why now?"

"I got bored at home." I lied, hoping he would pick up on it, but he did.

"Opal, why are you dancing now?" I sighed.

"I had something on my mind, and when I dance it helps me clear my thoughts." I muttered looking up at the night sky. He nodded understandingly and did push it a further.

"Can you teach me?"


"Teach me to dance." I stared at him for a while not sure if he was serious or not. I threw my head back and laughed.

"Alright, come here." I chuckled taking a hold of his big hands and pulled him up. 

"This is first position." He copied me with ease.

"Second position."

"This is easy." He stated cockily. I smirked to myself.


"My legs hurt." He complained sitting down on the bench. I chuckled sitting down next to him. He wraps his arm around me bringing me closer to him.



"Remember that time when the gang asked me where we first meet and I said the classroom, then you said no. What did you mean by that?"

"I've watched you dance for a long time. The first time I watched you dance was when I got in a fight at school and was in a really bad mood. I remember coming home and walking to my bedroom, locking the door I went out to my balcony to get some fresh air. There I saw you. Dancing like you were in a different world, not caring if anyone walked by and saw you. You looked like angel." 

I was lost for words. He's been watching me? He said I looked like an angel.  Blood rushed to my face.

"Stalker." I muttered playfully. He laughed and pulled me closer. 

"I guess you could call me that."

*GUYS, what do you think? Please share it and comment if you have any suggestions on how to improve it. THANKS*

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