✔️The 9th human- Undertale x...

Por aesthetic-saihara

41.4K 927 881

Frisk spared everyone. The barrier was broken. All the monsters are free. But you, an 12 year old girl on a h... Más

Falling Down (Prolouge)
Meeting a Friend
The Truth
When You Find Me
Deception: Take 1
Expectations: Part 1
Expectations: Part 2
The Missing SOUL
Recover: Part 1
Recover: Part 2
Recover: Part 3
Recover: Part 4
Looking Forward
Good to Know
Final Decision: Part 1
Final Decision: Part 2

Deception: Take 2

2.2K 59 66
Por aesthetic-saihara

Frisk's POV:
As blood stained my clothes, everything else turns black. Then the two buttons appear. CONTINUE or RESET. I've never reset before, and I don't intend to start now. Like every time, I hit CONTINUE.
I wake up at the tip of Mt. Ebott. Thinking about what just happened, I remember the last thing Sans said.

"Don't die, okay?"

But I did die. And I SAVED after Sans teleported away. Any minute now...

"Heya, kiddo," Sans says.

I turn around. "Oh, hi again."

Sans peers down the hole. "Seems like your task at hand is pretty hard. You sure you don't want a hand?"

"No, it's fine," I say.

"You sure?"

"I'm not changing my mind," I say stubbornly.

"You died last time!"

Mentioning the point that I died, I consider the possibility of Sans tagging along. I would be fine having him, and (Y/N) would get to meet him.

"Well, considering it, having you come wouldn't be a bad idea," you say.

"Finally. It's about time," Sans laughs and puts a hand on your shoulder. I jump in.

But before I can, Sans grabs my forearm. "Um, Frisk, could we try a less hurtful method?"

"Haha, yeah." I remember that Sans only has 1 HP. "A shortcut, I assume?"

Sans sighs. "Sadly, yes."

We don't need to say anything. I grab Sans' hand, and I find myself at the bottom of the hole- again.

"Welp," Sans says. "Where first?"

"Sans, you've got to understand what happened. I died for a reason."

"Please, Frisk, can't we just stick with the current situation?"

"Exactly. This is the current situation!" Frustrated I say,"I came down here to find Asriel- er, Flowey. But there's a bigger situation.

"My friend, (Y/N), is down here. Asriel, not Flowey, is down here. And this, this-" No, I can't tell him about the hate inside me. It took a lot to earn his trust. I don't want to take it away. I sigh. "You won't understand."

"Frisk, it's fine. You can tell me anything," Sans says.

"'You can tell me anything,' you say. But do you tell me anything?" My hands ball into fists by instinct.

"Well, no but-"

I just sigh and shake my head. "Just go to Waterfall. That's where (Y/N) is."

Again, I grab his hand, and disappear in a flash of blue.

Splash! Wet. Everything is wet. My clothes, backpack, and hair is soaked. Floating downwards, I swim up.

My head pops out of the water. I'm in Waterfall... just .... I'm  in the water. I grab hold of the sandy Waterfall flooring, and push yourself out.

Sans, who always seems to be behind me, says, "Hope the water doesn't taste too dry."

"Ohhhh, so now is the time to make a pun?" I say, frustrated at Sans. "That was a horrible pun!"

"Well, I haven't made one all day, have I?" Sans points out.

"... Can you just dry me?"

"With what? I don't exactly have a towel at hand, and-"

"Ugh, whatever." I squeeze water out of my hair and continue, shivering in the dark room.

Your POV:
"How... did you do that?" Asriel says.

"Oh, well, I played what you hummed, but some of the parts were implemented, like-"

"I don't want to know all that, I just want to know how."

Asriel tries to play what you were playing, but in the wrong key. You don't mind. "Go ahead, have fun," you say.

You get out your journal. It's also kinda like your sketchbook as well. You turn to he page where you wrote about the story of Asriel and Chara. Turning to what you expect to be a blank page, you gasp in horror as it's not blank.

"Now me and Asriel found this piano room," it read. "He showed me this really nice song that he likes, and I'm like in love with it too. I tried showing him how to play it but it didn't work out so well.

"Then Frisk came. Asriel teleported to this place called Temmie Village, because he didn't want Frisk seeing him. Frisk showed me around. We were heading for Temmie Village. Then, out of nowhere, Frisk fainted! This red heart, a SOUL apparently, came out of Frisk and went inside me!

"I found Azzy at Temmie Village and told him what happened. Ever since the SOUL came out, I've been hearing this voice narrating everything I do. We assumed it was-" You turn to the next page. A drop of blood stains the corner, making the next word illegible.

Out of all the words-

------, and they suddenly appeared as a ghost. When they and Asriel were grieving (idk?), MY tear fell on Frisk causing this black stuff to fall out. ------- (the name was splattered with blood as well) said it was hate, and it-" there was no more writing.

What the h-

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Asriel's voice stirs you out of your thoughts. "You looked a little worried there." He skims through your journal.

"What's this? Some story you're writing?" Asriel asks.

"No, it's like a journal, but," you say, "It has stuff about the future in here. It's handmade. My mother made it for me~"

"Did someone else write it?" Asriel says.

"No... it's my handwriting... but..." you try to think of a reason why. Suddenly, you hear footsteps. The feeling of déjà vu crawls through your spine.

"(Y/N)? Azzy? I know both of you are down there?" hollers a voice.

How does Frisk know I'm here??

"It's Frisk," Asriel says. Grabbing your hand, he says,"We have to go."

"No, we don't," you say. You don't why you're saying this, but you just do.

Frisk walks into the room. "Azzy? (Y/N)? You in here?"

"I'm heading to Temmie village. Don't tell her anything," Asriel murmurs in your ear.

Before you can say anything, he's gone.

"Did Asriel just... teleport? I thought Sans could do that. Speaking of Sans... where is he?" Frisk says.

"Right here, kiddo," says a deep voice. You turn around and become face to face with a.. skeleton? You're not sure.

"Um, Sans, this is my friend, (Y/N)... and... (Y/N), this is Sans."

"Hi Sans!" you say happily.

His face flushes blue.


"So, what first?" Frisk asks.

"Woah woah woah, Frisk. Explain yourself," you tell Frisk.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Frisk says.

"Well, how did you know I was down here? Did you hear me or something?"

"Ohh, that," Frisk replies. She looks at Sans, then back at you. "Well, you probably won't believe it, and-"

"And could you explain the meaning of this?" You thrust out your journal, taking care only to show Frisk the page you want her to see. Sans stands on his tippy toes (bones? toes?) and tries to look over Frisk's shoulder.

When the two are finished reading, Frisk looks a little confused. She opens her mouth to say something, but then looks at Sans. You glance at him and notice that his pupils are gone. Looks a little creepy, even.

You blink and it's gone. Maybe it was just a trick of the light or something.

"(Y/N)... when did you write this?" Frisk says, after a long silence.

"See, that's what confuses me. I don't remember writing it, but then I have a feeling it's... true," you explain to Frisk.

"Welp." Sans says. He hasn't said anything since you met him, you realise. "You will be in for a long discussion, kiddo."

"Yeah," Frisk says. "So, (Y/N), you know what a reset is?"
*Discussion Skip*

"... what? You're saying that Chara killed you?" you exclaim. "She pushed me down here! Is she even a girl?"

"Yes, Chara." Frisk looks at the ground. "Their SOUL is inside me." She hesitates for a second. "Wait, what did you say?!"

"Yeah. She pushed me down here. How'd they do that if they're, well, inside you?"

"Oh... I'm not really sure..."

You slide down against the wall. "Are you sure you're not kidding about what you said?"


"Um, Frisk? (Y/N)? Where are we going?" Sans asks us.

"Temmie Village, right?" Frisks says.

You groan quietly. Despite what Asriel said not to say anything, it seems that Frisk and Sans already know everything about his plan.

"Welp. We're right next to it..." Sans points out.

You, Sans and Frisk walk inside the brightly lit area.

"Asriel?" Frisk calls out into the last NFL room. You wonder how this could possibly be a 'village'. It's only one room.

Slowly, you spot Asriel peek out. "Hi."

"I-I don't get it," Frisk says. Why don't you want to leave? And it seems like you don't want me to leave either."

Asriel raises his hand to teleport away, but  before he can, Sans uses his psychokinesis to stop him. "Not so fast."
When you glance at him, his left eye is flashing light blue and yellow.  Asriel is hovering in the air, a blue aura around him.You want to say something, but you don't. Sans seems kind of scary, and you don't want him messing with you in some way.

"Okay, fine," says Asriel. He obviously knows how powerful Sans can be. Slowly, Sans lowers him to the ground, but he doesn't let the aura disappear. Looking at me. Asriel says,"(Y/N), I don't actually want to leave because I don't want anyone to see me. It's because...

"You know when I absorbed all the SOULs the monsters 'died', right?"

You remember Frisk telling you this earlier.
"Uh-huh," you say.

"Well, when I returned them, they came back to life. Well... the same thing happened with the humans."

"What do you mean?" Frisk asks. You were wondering the same thing.

"I mean that the-"

"The 6 humans are alive," Sans says, finishing Asriel's sentence.

"And they want to kill all the monsters. For revenge," Asriel says.
Asriel's POV:
"What?" (Y/N) says. "You're kidding, right?"

"No..." I say. I'm not.

"Well, we need to get to these humans. Surely we can reason with them of some sort..." Frisk says. I'm skeptical of her idea.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..." I say. After all, if anyone dies, Frisk can just-

"Welp. We should get going then," Sans says. "Where to?"

"Um... let's try somewhere in Hotlands, near MTT resort," Frisk says.

We all grab hands, and away we go.

I can tell we arrived by the sudden temperature rise. The humidity goes up as well.

(Y/N) doesn't even notice the heat due to her curiosity. They peer over the edge, examining the lava beneath. Sans watches (Y/N) as well.

Then she falls in.

I yell and jump out to grab her, but Sans does it first. He grabs her SOUL and carries her to the ground.

Then he sees the color of the SOUL.

It's not red, but it's not brown, either.

It's Mahogany. The SOUL of Compassion.

But Sans stares at (Y/N) in horror and drops her on the ground.

"Hey!" they say. "You could've been a little less rowdy."

Sans looks at her, then realizes what he did. "Oh, sorry, kiddo... I didn't realize what I did there... don't know what got into me..." For a second, he glares at me for some reason, then goes back to help (Y/N) up.

But I know the reason he dropped her. It's her SOUL. God, that explains everything. In the last timeline (yes, I remembered the reset, I just didn't tell (Y/N)), the hate poured out of Frisk because of (Y/N)'s SOUL.

I don't remember everything that Mahogany SOULs can do, but most of them are extremely dangerous. They have some books at the palace, I think. But I've already told everyone about the 6 humans. I'm not sure they'll agree.

"I think," I say carefully, "it's about time you guys paid a visit to my dad's house."

Word count: 1918
Gosh, I don't know where these ideas are coming from. I just think of them as I write.
Well, hope you liked Part 6. Bye!

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