Two Halves Make A Whole (Dary...

By SammyBaker0

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When Beca stumbles across Shane Walsh while trying to outrun Walkers, she is taken back to camp to try and ou... More

Two Halves Make A Whole (Daryl Dixon: The Walking Dead)
Chapter 1- Camp
Chapter 2- Sharing
Chapter 3- Lying
Chapter 4- Truth Time
Chapter 5- Caring
Chapter 6- Confessions
Chapter 7- Jealousy
Chapter 9- Choices
Chapter 10- Decision Time
Chapter 11- Bedroom Banter
Chapter 12- Missing
Chapter 13- Two Davies'
Chapter 14- Seriously
Chapter 15- Guns and Chickens

Chapter 8- Drunken Games

538 12 3
By SammyBaker0

~Beca's POV~ 

We all quickly ran inside the shutters before the walkers could get too close for comfort. We all gazed around the brightly lit room, as we looked around the room my eyes were drawn to an open doorway which was quickly filled by a man holding a gun, we all raised our weapons to him.

"Anybody infected?" He called to us.

"One of our group was... He didn't make it" Rick said referring to Jim. The man started edging his way down a set of stairs towards us.

"Why're you here? What do you want?" He questioned.

"A chance" Rick answered.

"That's asking an awful lot these days..."

"I know." We all waited for what seemed like a lifetime for the man to answer but in reality it was only a few seconds.

"You'll all submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission." The man informed us.

"We can do that." Replied Rick. 

"You've got stuff to bring in you do it now, once that door closes it stays closed." The man stated.

Rick, Daryl, Shane and I ran outside and grabbed our belongings, Daryl and I ran to the truck and the threw me his crossbow while he grabbed our bags and I took the gun bag and remaining guns from Shane, once we had everything we ran back inside.

"Rick Grimes." Rick said holding his hand out to the man.

"Doctor Edwin Jenner." The man replied shaking Rick's hand.

As we made our way down a long corridor I was walking next to Glenn, that was until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the group. Glenn turned around to see Daryl drop his grip on my arm and I mouthed sorry to him before turning my head to Daryl.

"What the hell?" I whispered so I didn't draw attention to us.

"I need to talk to you later. Alone." He said.

We all crammed our way into the small elevator Jenner had just led us to.

"Doctor's always go 'round packin' heat like that?" Daryl asked.

"Well, there were plenty left lying around so I familiarised myself." Jenner said.

After a moment of silence Jenner said: "Well you look harmless enough... except you" He said looking at Carl "I'll have to keep my eye on you" He joked causing us all to smirk.

We exited the lift and were walking down yet another long corridor.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked Jenner.

"You Claustrophobic?" Jenner called back to her

"A little.." Carol confessed.

"Try not to think about it." Jenner said trying to comfort her.

We entered a room filled with computers and Jenner called out to someone, all of a sudden the room was filled with light.

"Welcome to Zone 5." Jenner announced to us. 

Jenner explained to us that he was the only person left at the CDC but did not go into details why. We walked into the room where Jenner would take our blood samples and I sat right at the back in the corner. Truth be told; I've always hated needles and blood so this was going to be like living in hell for me.

Carl walked over to me after having his test and sat next to me, I tried my best to hid my panicking expression but I clearly wasn't doing a very good job of it.

"It only hurts for a second and then it's over, I'll hold your hand if you want?" Carl asked smiling at me sympathetically. 

"It's okay Buddy, I'll be fine, imma big girl." I said smirking at him.

"You, you're next." Jenner said calling me over.

I shakily stood up and gave Carl a weak smile before walking over to the small station Jenner had set up. I ran my clammy hands over my face and I clearly looked nervous.

"Phobia of needles I take it?" Jenner asked.

"And blood..." I said quietly.

The whole group must have heard me because I suddenly felt a hand grip my shoulder, I look up to see Lori smiling at me and she started rubbing my back. 

"Wait!" Daryl called out literally as Jenner was about to jab the needle in my arm. We all looked over at him in shock and he walked towards me, when he reached me he knelt down beside me and took my hand in his. As his sparkling blue eyes met my green eyes he gave me a small reassuring smile when he saw the pure look of fear in my eyes. Just as I broke his gaze Jenner poked the needle in my arm and I squeezed Daryl's hand so tight his hand turned white.

"Becs, my hand kinda hurts" He said, I then realised I was still squeezing it. 

Wait, Becs? When did this nickname occur I thought to myself. I shook off this thought and moved out the chair so Andrea could be poked with needles instead. Before I returned to my corner I gave Lori a huge hug.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ear before letting her go and walking back over to Carl and Glenn who had now sat in my spot. It was only when I sat down I realised that Daryl had come with me. As he sat next to me he pulled me close into him and hugged me while stroking my hair. 

When Andrea stood up from having her blood test she looked as white as a sheep. If it wasn't for Jacqui supporting her I swear she would've passed out.

"You okay?" Jenner asked. 

"She hasn't eaten in days... None of us have." Jacqui informed Jenner.

"Well then, follow me." Jenner said standing up and we all did the same. He took us down yet another corridor and lead us into a room with a long table filled with food and wine. We all sat down and got stuck in. I sat between Glenn and Daryl who literally wouldn't let me leave his side. We all engaged in separate conversations and were laughing and joking around for the first time since the attack. 

"You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner.. and in France." Dale said to Lori.

"Well when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some then" Lori said covering up the top of Carl's glass with her hand.

"What's it gunna hurt, c'mon." Rick said trying to sway Lori. 

We all laughed and Lori gave in as she was trying not to laugh. Dale poured a bit of wine into Carl's glass and we all sat in anticipation while he tried it to see what he would make of it. 

"Ewwwww" We all burst out laughing at Carl's reaction.

"That's my boy, that's my boy." Lori said taking the glass away from him as she was trying not to laugh and she poured the remains of Carl's glass into her own. 

"You stick to soda pop there bud." Shane said to Carl.

"Not you Glenn." Daryl said

"What?" He questioned.

"Keep drinkin' lil' man, I wanna see how red your face can get." Daryl said jokingly.

We all hushed down as the heard the clinking of metal against glass and our attentions were turned to Rick. 

"It seems we haven't properly thanked our host" Rick said.

"He is more than just our host." T said while raising his glass which was met by a round of  cheers for Jenner and a Booyah from Daryl which was then met by a chorus of Booyah's from everyone else.

"Thank you." Rick said to Jenner. 

"So when you gunna tell us what the hell happened here Doc?" Shane asked which brought down the mood significantly. Jenner explained that when things got bad a lot of people fled to be with their families and when they got worse everyone else 'opted' out.

"You didn't leave, why?" Andrea questioned.

"I just kept working... Hoping to do some good." Jenner answered

"Dude, you are such a buzz-kill man." Glenn said to Shane.


After everyone had finished eating Jenner showed us where we would be staying.

"Most of the facility's powered down, including housing so you'll have to make do here. Couches are comfortable, there's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy, just don't plug in the video games okay, it draws power, same applies if you shower; go easy on the hot water." Jenner informed us.

"Hot water!?" Glenn exclaimed and his face lit up like a child opening their presents on Christmas Day. 

"That's what the man said." T-Dog said looking just as happy as Glenn does. Jenner explained to us that there were only five rooms so we'd have to bunk up. Carol and Sophia shared a room as did Lori, Rick and Carl. Jacqui and Andrea shared, so did Glenn and Dale and T-Dog and Shane which left me with Daryl. Great. 

We all separated and went into our rooms, Daryl and mine was furthest away from the others but closest to the rec room so we could hear Sophia and Carl messing around. When we got into the room I saw that there was only one bed and one couch but I didn't care at the moment. I threw my stuff down on the bed and ran into the shower. Daryl walked in just as I was locking the bathroom door.

"Ye best not use all the hot water otherwise. ye've got me to answer to... And don't take 5,00 0 years either!" Daryl yelled from the other side of the door.

"Whatever!" I called back and I could hear him moaning through the door but I didn't care. I quickly threw my clothes off and jumped into the shower. If there is a heaven, this is what it would feel like. The steaming hot water ran down my body washing off the dirt and walker blood. The bathroom was stocked up with things like Shower Gel, Razors, Shampoo and Conditioner, it even had brand new toothbrushes and toothpaste! 

After I was done I hopped out of the shower, got dried and quickly brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Daryl lying on the bed asleep so I poked him to wake him up.

"Bathroom's free." I said leaving the room and walking into the rec room. Everyone was dancing and drinking so I joined in too. I grabbed the bottle of wine Glenn had and took a long drink from it before returning it. 

"Care to dance?" Glenn asked me.

"Why not." I said giggling and he dragged me to the middle of the room. We had been dancing for what seemed like ages before Daryl finally came in. 

"Anyone up for a drinking game?" Lori said with a devilish look on her face. Some of us agreed while those who didn't saw this as an opportunity to turn in for the night. 

Andrea, Lori, Glenn, T-Dog, Shane, Daryl, Rick, Carl and I were left in the rec room, even though he wasn't playing, Carl stayed to watch us. We all sat in a circle with Daryl and Glenn either side of me Carl started pouting because he wanted to sit with me.

sit on my lap then stroppy" I said sighing and poking my tongue out at him. Once we were all seated we agreed to play 'never have I ever' as it was Lori's idea she started.

"Never have I ever skipped class." Lori said and Daryl, T, Glenn and I drunk. Everyone looked shocked at me and Glenn but we both just laughed and high-fived each other. Andrea was next.

"Never have I ever cheated on a test." All of us drunk apart from Lori and Andrea. Next it was Glenn who had an evil look in his eye, he quickly looked at Rick and winked.

"Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone in this circle." Glenn said smirking at me. I swear to God I'm going to kill that man. Shane, Rick, Lori and I were about to drink when Daryl also picked up his bottle. Well fuck. I felt my face go red and Glenn started chuckling to himself so I elbowed him in the arm. 

Daryl looked over at me and I can honestly say no one expected what happened next. He leaned into me and his lips crashed into mine. 


Another chapter done!

This one is pretty long because I didn't update yesterday :)


-What will happen with Daryl and Beca's relationship?

-Will anyone be jealous?

-What will happen when they returned to their room?

Let me know what you think! :D

Vote, comment and follow c: <3

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