The Glorious Triumph - Previo...

By emy1999

298K 8.6K 2.5K

Grey Carson is South Portland High School's nerd and outcast, bullied by everyone. Caster is the anonymous un... More

The Glorious Triumph
~The Characters~
1: Daily Life
2: Ass Was Served
3: Snooper Trooper
4: Hump Day
5: One Secret Down
6: Damn Aunt Danielle
7: This Is How I Roll
8: Psychic Aunts
9: Run Boys
10: Fight Night Part One
11: Fight Night Part Two
12: Alive
14: Hoping For The Win
15: Homecoming
16: Falling Into Place
17: Grey Space
18: Separation
19: Not Gordon Ramsey
20: Eternal Slumber
21: Upon Arrival
22: Questions And Known Answers
23: What Family Should Be
24: Going Through The Motions
25: Confessions
26: Crunch Time
27: The Run Down
28: Even On Break It's Not Break
29: Incomplete
30: A Hopeful Start

13: Televised

7.8K 278 34
By emy1999

Grey's POV


After spending the next 4 hours with Kevin in the hospital, he had to go for some more x-rays and tests. He was not excited about it. 

But after hearing about Patrick being a donor, I guess I feel more at peace with that night. As much as I will forever hate it and it was a day that ruined me, it's calming to know that Patrick lives in a way. 

I got another text from Tristan within the last hour and I read it. 

So how does Johnny Rockets sound? Not really in the mood  for pizza haha

I chuckle, Yeah that's good, I haven't been in the mood for pizza since the first week of soccer lol

Sounds good, I'll pick you up at your house in like an hour, okay?

Yep! See you soon :)

Once I got home, I got a drink of water, exhausted. The thought of tonights match swirled in my head. It was a nightmare. Will's warning didn't help it either. I have to win in mere minutes... how the hell am I going to do that? Ugh!  Maybe fighting the tournament wasn't the greatest idea that I've ever had. But who would've thought this would happen? Certainly not I. I brushed off tonight's match by going to my room and changing into something a little nicer, even though it's just a date at Johnny Rockets.

"What to wear...what to wear..." I mutter as I scan through my clothes. I pull out a pair of black jeans and a classic jean color pair, followed by two shirt - a yellow tank crop top and a pale pink bodysuit. I stare at it on my bed for a minute before putting away the blue jeans and yellow top. I change, grab a black leather jacket, and slip on my white sneakers. Wait! My choker! I grab a black velvet choker and put it on, proud of myself. I fix my glasses and hair before hearing the doorbell ring.

I run down and open the door smiling at the blond boy, Tristan. "Hey," I smiled.

"Wow, uh hi. You look nice," he looks down visibly embarrassed by his simple T-shirt, khakis, and Sperry's. 

"Thank you, so do you."

He scratches at his neck, "Are you all set?" I nodded in response. "Great, then let's get going." I followed him to his car and shortly after we left, we got our food and were eating peacefully. It was nice. I feel so relaxed for once. And lord do I need that for tonight...


"Yeah?" I look up from my fries.

"Is the food okay? You've been staring at it for quite sometime."

"Oh!" I laugh a little, "Yeah, I'm good, just zoned out a little. Sorry."

"No worries!" he smiles. Cute. "So I have a quick question."

"Shoot." I take a bite out of my burger.

"Why don't you dress up like this to school? And lose the glasses for contacts?" 

I finish chewing my food before responding. "Well, I don't feel the need to dress up. And I really don't like contacts, the thought of putting something in my eye freaks me out a little," I explained.

"Monday, dress up a little. Then those three idiots might not be so rude to you."

I laugh, "I doubt that will happen."

"No seriously," he looks at me. I never seen that much, I don't know, enthusiasm? I never saw that much enthusiasm in his eyes. "You will stop it all. No one will say anything bad, or try to start things. You are beautiful, Grey. Honestly, the most beautiful girl in the school. You aren't fake beauty. You have this charming beauty that's almost intoxicating. The guys on the team see it, too, though we all know you don't. And I can't see how. I just want to see a little more confidence in yourself because you are amazing."

I was speechless. Me? Beautiful? He didn't look like he was lying... he looked like he was serious. and enchanted...I don't know. How did someone look at me like he does?

"Sorry," he looks away from my silence. 

"N-no, it's okay. I just didn't expect anything like that," I admit.

His face is overcome with relief, "Okay, great. Um but try about Monday."

I give in with a smile and a blush heating my cheeks, "Sure."

"Oh, and what are you doing tonight? Around 9 ish."

"I have something to go to actually, sorry. Why?"

"Just wondering because I had tickets to go to this underground kind of fight tonight." Oh no. "Tyler had gotten the tickets for us and a few others and I was wondering if you would be willing to join. I know fighting isn't the most romantic thing." He laughs nervously.

"Yeah, no. I wish I could have but I had plans and fighting isn't really my thing," I say quickly. No no no this cannot be happening. Why is this happening to me? Fuck my life. "So is Tyler going?" 

"Yeah, him and a few others from the team actually. Maybe some of their girls too, not quite sure exactly."

"Cool, well I hope you have fun," I force myself to smile but meanwhile I'm dying.

"Won't be too much fun without you."

"Doubt it, I'm kinda the mom  of you dumbasses. I feel like I'm the party pooper."

"No! Not at all?" I give him a blank stare. "Sometimes maybe but like you said, we're dumbasses. But not all  the time. Just most of the time," he jokes. 

"I'll try believing that at the next game," I smirk playfully. 

"You better." 

After we both finally finished our meals and milkshakes, I look at the time and sigh, "I should get going. I hope you don't mind." 

"Nope, of course I don't." He helps me out of the booth and takes our trash and I smile.

"Thanks for lunch. I was good."

"I'm glad," he has such a genuine smile. It's welcoming. He drove me home, it was quiet but peaceful, not a bit of tension. "I'll see you Monday then?"

I slide out of the car and smile, "Yep, I'll see you later. Have a good weekend, Tristan."

He smiles driving off once I'm inside of my house. "Who was that?"

I jump terrified and see my dad standing there. "Dad!? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"In an hour or two, yes. But who was that?"

My dad isn't scary, at all. He's short and has that baby face that says HUG ME. My mom is the same way. Yet here I am...about 2 inches taller than him and 5 inches taller than my mom. "Friend from school. He took me out to lunch after I had visited Kevin."

He nods, "Tell him to come in and say hello next time." He walks away back to his room, most likely to watch TV in silence then change into scrubs afterwards.

I look at the time, 3:30pm. I have 6 hours to what do I do? I sighed knowing. Homework. I went back upstairs to my desk and sat for 2 hours, doing homework from my English and Math classes before giving up on letting my brain function. 


It's 8:30pm...I grab the last of my things, including another water bottle and my truck keys. I head out for the big night. I decided that this may very well be my last fight. I can't risk it anymore. If I got caught, I would be in a shit ton of trouble. I never really had to worry about being caught until now... Fuck. I don't want to stop though  I love what I do and I'm good at it, too. But it'll be for the best.

As I arrive, in my usual Caster attire, Will greets me when I walk in. "Oh thanks for my drink," he smiles grabbing his famous Starbucks order. 

I laughed lightly, "Of course, bud. Might be the last time."

He stops walking, his hand slides off of my back and I see him frown. "Last time? What are you talking about?"

"I can't risk it anymore right now, Will. You should understand that."

"I would've understood you stopping when Pat died but this is just another tournament fight. I wouldn't think you would pull out of it now."

I sighed, "I might be exposed tonight. And I'll be on live television. This is way too close for comfort."

"I understand. Will you quit if you win?" 

"Maybe, I haven't thought if I even could win."

He punched my shoulder hard and I winced slightly, "You can and will win." He was serious; a rare sight. And a painful one.

"We'll see. I'll try to make it as fast as I can, okay?"

"Good," he takes a sip of his drink. "You added something."

I smile, "For good luck."

"What was it?" Will follows me to my locker. "Caster, what the hell did you add?"

I bat my eyes, "A little bit of love is all!"

"Hell no, you don't love me. WHat did you add?"

"I put a Kit-Kat in there," I smile.

He opens the lid and digs around with his straw and sure enough, there was a piece of a Kit-Kat bar. "Wow, it actually makes it even better."

"Mhmm, you're welcome jackass. Now let me warm up," I shove him out and walk to an empty part of the gym with some punching bags hanging unused. With my gloves on and ready, I attack. Focusing on fast attacks, but keeping a pace. I dodge around the bag as if it were attacking, staying light on my feet. I swing and duck down, bending back and to the side, jabbing and such. 

"You'll do great," behind me Yenna smiles. I'm caught by surprised, having not seen her in such a long time.

"Yenna? Oh uh thanks," I smiled a bit. She hugs me tightly and I return it. "I haven't seen you in awhile, where have you been?" 

"Doing my own stuff. Have you not kept track of me?"

"Kinda hard to do with you going all around the damn world sometimes."

"Yeah, yeah, you could too. But anyway, Canelo wished you luck. He apologized for not being able to come, but he has a match tomorrow and you know him," she held my shoulders sympathetically. 

"I know. Thanks."

"I'll let you finish. Good luck out there. Knock 'em dead," she puts her fists into the air laughing as she walks away. 

"Knock 'em dead," I chuckle.


"Ladies and Gentlemen! In the red corner we have Kaliesha West!" the crowd erupts into cheers, however not deafening. Most people were excited because she was a pro. I see a cameraman swirl around Kaliesha as she did her lap around the ring shaking each limb as a loose stretch. "And in the blue corner we have Rand & Co. Gym's one and only, Caster!" I follow suit, lapping around the ring as the crowd cheered. This time it was deafening. Most of this audience has watched me grow in the past 2 years. I got back to my corner and made sure my half mask was tight in place, playing with the mouth guard in my mouth. Thank god this wasn't professional, otherwise I would need the only thing keeping my identity a secret, off. 

Will walks into the center, "Alright, tap gloves." We walked toward each other and tapped gloves. I look into her eyes. She was optimistic. She thinks she can win, but I can't afford that and I won't let it happen. Her face oozed confidence and I made sure I radiated with it. I notice Will smile at me before we turn away heading back to our corner. I then noticed Darien was my corner medic with Max by his side. I knew they couldn't see me smiling, but they sensed it and smiled back. Darien mouthed, "You can do it."

"Alright folks, time is on the clock and let's get this match going!" he looks back at his watch. "Start!"

1...2...3... I count the seconds as I approach her slowly. She swings first. I remember reading an interview where she said she's "in it to win it" and hell yeah I am too. I dodge and step away, jabbing her with my left hand into her ribs. Her arms drop quickly and she jabs with her right hitting my ribs, but my arm blocked most of the attack. 18...19...20... I swing at her head hitting her and she does the same. We both stager back from the sudden force to our skulls. She shakes it off faster than I did and leaps at me attacking harder, jabbing me twice in the ribs. I shrink and block my body as best as I can. 64...65...66... I swing with her attacks as she goes for my head. The crowd is shouting. I hear Darien, I hear Max, I hear Yenna. Behind Kaliesha, Will was mentally shouting with everyone else. I'm here to win this thing, too.

I suddenly force my body into her, setting her back and allows me to successfully land a round house punch to the head and a jab to the ribs with my left. She winced away and covered her body once again and we circled each other. She thought she could win in the first round. You wish. 178...179...180... The buzzer rings and I head back to my corner and Max gives me my water, sliding the straw under my mask. Yenna climbs into the ring and grins, "You had me worried there."

"You had us all worried there," Darien chimes in as he wipes the sweat and blood probably there after that beating.

"But keep doing what you're thing. You're doing incredible." I smiles and pull away as I count to 60 and the bell rings and I get up,  thanking them before charging. 

I will win. I have to. I said I will quit fighting after this, especially if I need to. But lord knows I can't quit. I was born to do this.

This time, I charge, now pressed with time. I swing and miss, it being blocked. Her attack misses when I dodge. I become light and floating on the ground, completely focused on attack and success. I jab her ribs twice, undercut, then another jab. I push her against the ropes and attack hard. But this time she gets me again. 

She wraps herself around me and we trade places. She punches my body hard, hitting the ribs painfully and getting my head. I start getting dizzy and I some how manage to slip out and get away to recover shortly. 74...75...76...

"You got this, Grey," I hear Patrick shouting. "You go, my girl! Kick that bitch's ass!" Ella shouts. I see them on the side of the ring smiling and cheering me on. Patrick...Ella... the girl jumping up and down like she was on a trampoline and putting her fists in the air. Patrick swinging one fist as well as they both shout at me. 

Then Patrick and Ella give me the signal we used. The one for an attack he and I created, one we both used. It mixed martial arts and boxing in such a way that was legal and lethal. They both had their pinky finger to their lips. 

I look back at a running Kaliesha who appeared in slow motion. I dodged with our spin and I feel Patrick next to me, giving me his swiftness. As we spin, we back away enough to run. We run and I jump, higher than I had expected. My legs appear as a threat at first and Kaliesha couldn't fight her instinct to attempt to block them, but the angle and speed only made it appear that way and as I come down, my right hand thrust downward with me, digging into her head. I land on my feet, used to the hard landing. But Miss. West isn't used to such an attack. As she cowards, looking at the canvas dazed, her view of it is blocked by my left fist and is brought up to the ceiling. She falls. The room erupts with screams and shock. That move hadn't been seen since the beginning of my career. Since we created it. 

Will rushes over to Kaliesha and counts aloud to ten. "One, two, three, four, five, six," she struggles to get up, forcing her arms to push her up and trying to get her knees from underneath her. "Seven, eight," she collapses once again unable to gain any strength this time. "Nine, ten. Knock out!"

If the audience wasn't loud enough before, it was now. "89 seconds," I mutter looking at the clock, right under the 2nd minute. I had won in five minutes. I look around for Patrick and Ella, no longer seeing them in the crowd. Yenna, Darien, Max, and Will take their turn to attack me with a group hug before Yenna mutters, "Slip into the crowd and hide," she gives me my cell phone. "I'll tell you when it's clear." Confused, I start to ask why until I was cut off. 

"Hello folks!" I see Ryan Tanner, Parker Wilson, Kyle Jones, and Theo Michaels smiling. told them?! How did he find out? I'm pushed into the crowd and somehow manage to roll under the ring. 

Theo's voice booms over the microphone. "Did any of you wonder who Caster really was? Who is she really under the mask?" I feel my heart beating out of my chest. The crowd responds with loud shouts of excitement, needing this information. 

"We're here to expose her identity, for who she really is," Ryan shouts and the audiences' cheers grow.

Theo continues and I feel my heart stop as he continues," We would like to introduce you to Alessia Mesiano!"

Then my heart starts again. Alessia? Alessia from history class? I poke my head out just enough to see the crowd's heads looking for her and finding her. I don't understand. Why did they say Alessia...? I'm Caster.

Eventually the chaos died down and I get the text that I had been waiting for for the last 30 something minutes. 

From: Yenna

Coast is clear girl come on back up

With my mask off, I crawl out from underneath the ring and I am greeted with familiar faces. Will, Yenna, Darien, and Max smile at me. While I star at one familiar yet unexpected one. "Kyle?"

Kyle Jones grins, "Hey there, Grey."

"B-but," I stutter, "How did you know? How did you find out?"

"Kinda figured it out when I spent the night," he shrugged. "However, since you kept my secret a secret and you were kind enough, I decided to return the favor."

I start to beam and tear up running up to him, hugging him tightly. Something I never thought I would do. "Thank you, so much. It means everything."

"Oh we know," Alessia smiles as she approaches, wearing my same clothes, holding the mask, and wearing the same contacts. Wow, I never realized how alike we actually look.

"Thank you," I smile at her. I look back at Kyle, "Wait, won't Ryan freak out when he realizes that Alessia isn't the real Caster?"

"That's a problem for another day," he waves his hand dismissively.

"Besides," Will puts his arm around me, "Let's celebrate, champ!"


Published August 31st, 2017. 3211 words. 

Little surprise for you guys. After that last one, I just felt like I needed to write more. So here you go. Enjoy!

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