Law of Evolution: The Fifth C...

De Awesome_Saucer

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Have you ever wondered how a simple letter can change how the world is? You see, Astora has many wonders a... Mais

Prologue: Where Do We Begin...?
Chapter 1: Invitation from... a Human?
Journey To The West
The Phantom Beyond
Adventures and Friends
Lady Maria
Song of Fire
Brutal By Nature
Valuable Information
Unlikely Allies
Tavern Brawl
Through Your Eyes
The Day Before the Last
Wind Blows
The Law
Fire Burns
Moving On
Water Falls
The Problem


17 4 1
De Awesome_Saucer

13th day of the fifth moon. Year 879.Writing: Antony, Son of Maximilian

"Peter, please explain to me!" I pleaded as we closed the door behind us. Seven days have already passed and I had been left behind in the healer's shop while Peter and the others had been bargaining with the Shepherd authorities to enlist their aid into stopping Nick, not returning to the shop for days whole. Today, Peter had stormed in earlier than usual, a furious expression on his face and with him came the others like a raging storm.

"We will not be aided" He growled, dropping his sword on the ground against the wall and sat next to it, not bothering to bring a chair. The others, just as furious and silent, they found somewhere to sit. "They do not believe you, do they?" I asked calmly, closing my eyes, rubbing my temple. "They particarly told us to leave the city within the next two days" Tess growled, her hands curled up in fists.

I looked at Tess, she had tied her hair into a braid and had dyed them again into their previous crimson color. Her face had been changed from the constant expression rage that had replaced her previous cocky attitude. "And so we will" I said, not a suggestion, but a statement. Celestine and Tess eyed me with a look that could kill. "You heard me, we shall leave as said. Prepare our supplies, for we depart in three hours" I said and stood up.

"Antony are you insane? We will not surrender with such ease!" Tess shouted, her voice thundering trough the wooden walls. "We have not surrendered, but we have been told to leave... this means that we have been given a direct order to hunt down Nick" I glanced at each of them, confusion in their eyes. Only Celestine seemed to understand. We had been given the clear to leave the city unharmed and search for him without hinderance.

"We start hunting him today" Celestine smirked, sitting close to Tess. I was not sure what they imagined when I spoke, but their faces lit up. "We need a plan then. Why, where and how, just like you had said Peter" I nodded at the man. Silence, the excitement was still in the air, yet nobody had any plans to suggest.

"I know the answer to the first two questions" Tess finally said, glancing at me. Worry had took the place of her excitement, she knew something that we did not. "Why and where" Oswald nodded, leaning forward to listen. She had my attention to say the very least.

"Blunts have only three laws, two of which you already know. The law of Mercy..." She paused, referring to what the healer had said. I still did not know what that law meant, but it was not what we needed to know. "... and the Law of Evolution" Oswald filled in, nodding. Silence.

"That Law is rarely put into effect, but it means the most to them. It is drilled into them since birth. It basically tells them that when they can change the world, when something new can happen... then they are forced to see it happen" Tess explained. "Nick feels obligated to do... what? He mentioned a magitech core, what is that?" I asked. Nothing of this made sense to me. It was Celestine's turn to talk. "It is nothing more than a Legend, I doubt if it is the real thing, but if it is.... Then we are indeed about to witness evolution. A magitech core is a deity's soul physical form. There are far too many legends to really know it's use, but I have heard of one that stands out" She paused, stood up and headed to the Healer's desk.

"Wait, a deity's soul? Which deity's?" Oswald asked, not saying a name, but I knew who he was speaking about. I felt something tug at me whe he spoke. "I do not know, the legend does not say. Now let me finish" She huffed, turning to Peter.

"It speaks of the awakening of a new power. The legend does not speak of what power it is, but it has instructions on how to... revive it" Silence, I, along with everyone else, was drilled into my seat, eager to have answers.

"Whoever attempts to do so will need a magitech core. When they have acquired it, the core will need to be taken to The Tower of Life... which no one knows what or where it is" She finished, giving a half smile to Tess who nodded. "We need to find out where that Tower is" Peter stated.

"Provided it is actually a tower" Oswald interrupted.

I frowned, tilting my head. "Alithia was never the one to act or speak straight forward. She spoke through one..." He said, nodding at me, "... to command another and ended up doing what neither expected" Oswald raised his chin, casting a half-smile at me.

"So you believe that it might not be a tower" Peter nodded, leaning forward, his hands clasped together under his chin. Oswald nodded, but did not speak.

"Excuse me, but I believe I know where to begin" I spoke, breaking the silence. "One of my books, back home, spoke of the imperial tower in Astoria. It is said that the tower amplifies the emperor's magic... thus granting him extended life" I quoted what fractions of the book I could remember. When all this was over, I would have to read everything once again.

"Astoria" Celestine whispered. No one objected, for no one had a different plan to suggest. Even though it had not yet been decided, I could see it in their eyes, we were going to Astoria. "The Astora will not accept us, let alone grant us entrance to the imperial tower" Oswald countered, disbelief obvious in his voice.

"We will not enter as Shepherd soldiers then... you do look like a family after all" I suggested, shrugging casually. Everyone glance at each other. "Peter and Oswald will be brothers, Tess will be Peter's wife and Celestine will be Oswald's wife while Maria can be the child of either of you".

"What of you?" Oswald jerked his chin at me curiously. "I cannot say that I am an expert in disguises, but the one of the merchant has always seemed to work" I shrugged, leaning back. "How about a real estate agent? I have seen plenty of Sheep and Rabbits work as one, good coin they say" Oswald tilted his head. "Forgive me, but what exactly is this occupation?" I inquired, having no knowledge about it.

"They buy and sell houses to those who want to migrate or simply re-house their buisinesses, so instead of auctions that end up in a mess. People bid and the one who sells it, decides what bid he will accept" He explained, "It's a new market, promising".

It was an interesting occupation indeed. One of my neighbors had once left our town to work in Dover, perhaps he is rich now. "Ah, we will pretend to be traveling to Astoria to purchase a house... for your family" I smiled.

"This can work" Peter nodded.

Tess growled lowly, leaning back. "I know, I know. Do not worry, it will be just pretending" Peter said reassuringly. "It better be" Tess huffed, eyeing Celestine. "Mind if I know why you object with the idea? I was led to believe that Peter is handsome for Human standards" I tilted my head, confused. Oswald chuckled, almost choking.

Tess rolled her eyes, snorted. "She prefers... women" Oswald said, getting up, still smiling. "Oh... alright" I stuttered, eyes wide. "Oh wipe that goofy grin off your face or I will wipe the floor with it" Tess growled. Humans were utterly confusing and intriguing to say the least. However, I did not comment further –for my own good- as Tess threw her arm around Celestine who rested her head on Tess' shoulder.

I shook my head and turned to Peter, "At least she does not object with pretending" I smiled. Peter chuckled, glancing at his friend who was still scolding at Oswald. "If I survive, she will kill me herself" The man shook his head. "Women, they are terrifying and dangerous in whatever species, my friend" I laughed, throwing my head back. Peter seemed to share my mood and laughed with me, earning a punch on the stomach from Tess.

After a few minutes of trying to escape the wrath of an angry woman, we settled on the desk near the staircase. "Do you want to tell Maria... or should I?" He asked, the last words barely leaving his mouth. We all knew it would be had for her. As much as I did not enjoy her relationship with Nick, it pained me to see her so saddened. Not a word had come out of her mouth since he left.

These few moments of laughter that we shared only a minute ago had helped everyone, but even now I could spot the rage gleaming in Tess' eyes.

"No, I shall deliver her the news" I murmured and stood up, stare fixed on the door up the staircase. Peter did not need to see where I was looking at to know my concerns. "Hey, Antony" He gripped my wrist. "Do your really believe that a child should accompany us?" A plea, maybe. I sighed.

I knew, deep inside, I knew that her age was not her problem for the others had explained her powers. What troubled him was her connection to Nick, one which he did not like either. "She can handle herself" Was all I said before releasing myself from his grip and ascended the stairs. Maria would certainly be hurt from Nick's betrayal, but I was certain that she would heal from it... for he own sake.

She was alone in that room. Bort had left almost immediately after the first day, claiming that he needed nothing to do with this conspiracy. I understood him, just like two weeks ago when we had been separated in that garrison, he has a family and wanted to remain a proper businessman. "Maria? May I enter?" I said, knocking softly on the door. A low, wordless murmur came as a reply.

I turned the doorknob, hoping that she had indded said yes. I gently pushed the door, entering the room with slow, careful steps. Maria was laying on the bed, curled up on herself. She had her head dug in the pillow and had covered herself almost entirely with the sheets. "Maria..." I began, not knowing what to say. She moved, then it reached me. A low sobbing. "Oh, child" I sighed, sitting beside her on the bed, placing a paw on her shoulder.

"Nick... he is not bad" I spoke softly, trying to also speak in simple terms, trying to make her feel at ease. No respone. "We know why he left, do you want to know?" I continued. Under the sheets, Maria nudged my feet with her head. "He is on a mission, one of a legend, but we do not know whether what he will do is good or bad. He is not an enemy..." A lie, a horrible lie. "...and we need to find him, we already know where he is heading. To Astoria" I sighed. There was aching in my chest. I neede some air, needed to get out of this room, away from the innocent girl I had lied to.

"A-alright" She stuttered through her sobbing, "J-just g-give me a moment" And that was it. I hastily walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me as gently as possible, panting frantically. I touched my chest, the pain was not physical but it hurt. Why had I lied? I couldh have told her the truth, but I did not. I closed my eyes and sat down on one of the steps.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Antony? Are you feeling alright?" Celestine's voice sounded and I opened my eyes. She was standing in the base of the staircase, hand on he hip, still wearing her fancy combat outfit. "Y-yes" I whispered. Another lie. She shook her head, "No you are not..." She knew, somehow. Maybe because lied too often... or maybe she had been lie to, too often. She walked up the stairs and sat next to me, "... and neither am I" She looked back down. "I did not know Nick as well as you do, but it feels as if we lost a good friend, right?" She shrugged, the low light of the only torch on the stairs painted her green outfit with a shining glow.

I chuckled, "He actively attempted to murder you" I tilited my head smiling teasingly. She rolled her eyes, waving her hand dismissively. "You know what I meant" She groaned.

"Yes I know, though I knew Nick less than an actual friend would" I looked at my paws. Did he even consider me a friend, or was it mere pretending? Not all things they say about us is wrong. That phrase lingered.


Celestine was not looking at me, nor at stairs. She seemed lost, "Antony?" She spoke, her voice cold, distant. "Y-yes?" I shifted uneasily, I had never heard her speak like this, as if she had seen a ghost. "Can I trust you?".

A question I did not expect, certainly not from her. I was not familiar with the ways of thieves and tricksters, but I was certain that trust was rare to be found... and foolish to be requested. "Of course, what troubles you?" I tilted my head, curling my lips. She was younger than me, maybe three years. This would make her twenty years old, young like me, yet her eyes betrayed the horrors she had seen.

"Have you noticed that I sometimes... disappear?" She asked. I had believed that she was merely escaping during the night for... whatever business she might have. "Yes, a few times" I nodded. She swallowed, returning to the silence.

I was intrigued to know more, but she looked fragile. I did not want to push her, break her. "When this happens I... vanish" Her hands were now shaking, her eyes fixed onto the wooden stairs, searching for something as if she was trying to find every crack in them. "I vanish into a dark mist that swallows me whole. No sounds come from me, no exauhstion. I do not even feel the wind on my face... it feels like I am in a different world, peering through a wide keyhole, not being able to interact with what lies behind it" She paused, but was not finished.

The shaking in her hands did not retreat.

"Do you remember when you were capture in the prison?" A shiver went though me. I nodded. "I was no where to be seen, had vanished, yet that was not the case. I had turned a few hours before they found you, returned to my physical form only to be captured along with you and then vanished when I woke up at the prison cell, the guards lost their minds" She shook her head.

"That is why most of the guards had were away from our prison block, because they were searching for their missing prisoner..." I blinked. Celestine had practically saved us.

She nodded, silently resting against the wall.

"Why did you trust me with this secret?" I broke the silence. "I don't know, sometimes you just need to talk to someone" She shrugged. She still had her head bent down, her black hair falling over her eyes. "Maybe we can help each other find out what our magic does" I offered, a part of me hoping that I had not done a mistake to trust her with my own secret.

She blinked, turning to me."You... have magic?" She tilited her head. I simply nodded. "What sort?".

"I can control... the world" I murmured, turning away from her. "Excuse me? Mind if you elaborate?" She raised her eyebrows, leaning against the wall. I sighed, "I do not know exactly, but when I want something to happen, it happens no matter the situation".

Celestine tilted her head, eyeing me. "For example?".

"For example. When we were running from the guards a week a go, I was shot with an arrow in the back. A moment earlier, I was wondering what Nick was doing at the moment" I paused, rubbing my temple. "A second later I was Nick, acting and feeling through his body. Then, when you heard Alithia speak through me, I wanted to provide a suggestion... and then that happened" I explained.

"When did this start happening?"

"Since we entered Dover..." I shrugged.

"Same here "

We stared at each other. She did not have to speak for me to understand what she was thinking. Whatever gave us magic, is in Dover. "I have a suggestion" I said, brushing a finger over the fur of my wrist. She did not answer, waiting. "I will remain in Dover, research about our magic in archives of the libraries. You head out with the others to track Nick".

"I do not like this plan, how will I learn anything if you are away and how am I supposed to find you afterwards?" She shook her head.

"I told you that my magic allows me to control the world. Transportation will prove easy if I manage to harness it" I tilted my head, half-smiling. She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Fine, but how will you find us? As far as I know, teleportation needs you to know how the place looks".

I sighed, reaching for the inner breastpocket of my jacket. I took out a small piece of paper. It was old, the edges of it eaten by time and moisture. "Everyone has a dream, mine has always been to visit the Astoria library" I simply said, unfolding it as I handed it over to her. I did not count the minutes until she spoke again, "You will draw too much attention".

"No I will not, look" I pointed on a spot on the picture. It was a door, small once as if it was the entrance to someone's office. The door was open and every detail of the inside –thanks to the painter's love for detail- was visible. "In my calculatons you will be in Astoria within seven months if you follow the fastest route. Within this time I will have probably finished my research" I said as she put the picture inside her satchel.

"It's a bit improbable to meet at the exact same time" She glanced at me. "That is why, when you reach Astoria, you will leave a sign for me near the door I showed you telling me the address of your safe-house" I explained, my fingers tapping on the wood below my feet.

She nodded, her honey-gold eyes gleaming in the half-light of the staircase as her head jerked lightly. "We should go downstairs, Peter is getting irritated. He thinks we have already wasted enough time" She gave me a half smile and stood up, helping me do the same.

Step by step we made it downstairs, the weak wood creaking under our feet as we made it to the ground floor. The curtains grass-green curtains were drawn shut, letting dim rays of sunlight in. Peter –being he only one strong enough- had brought the desk over in the middle of the room and had dragged whatever chair or stool they had in their possession around it. A map laid on the messy desktop along with weapons and a candle to light the room.

No one bothered to look at us as we joined them around the desk, Celestine hovering over Tess while I squeezed myself between Peter and Oswald. "If we stop only in the Fang, we might be able to hire an airship to fly us over to Braxxis outpost and from there we will trek down the mountain to Romara" Peter pointed with his metal finger on the map, the gears on his biceps making a low and steady sound.

Fang was a Sheherd settlement ten miles south from Dover. One of the geographical books I had read, mentioned that the town was built on a lone, fang-shaped rock in the middle of the final clearing in the vast forest, twenty miles before Sierra Leon. Braxxis outpost –which is a fortress- is the final frontier of the Shepherd Clan and the only one inside Astora territory. It's located on the peak of Mount Seawolf, named after the commander that fought the Astora and claimed that peak in Sierra Leon. On the roots of that mountain –from the side of the desert- laid the town Romara, the only Shepherd city in Astora territory.

"We can travel from the Fang to Whitehorn, the town there has no guards and Nick will have probably gone through there" Tess objected, tapping on the red dot only a few inches east from Abraxxis outpost.

"It will add another two days in our travel, we cannot afford that loss of time" Peter shook his head, his fingers drumming on the desk, right where Dover was on the map.

"What if we took the road that leads west to the sea, we could hire a ship and sail across the shore to Astoria. That would reduce the travel time" Tess tapped on the port right beside the final mountain in the west. I was surprised there was even a port there, probably for resupply.

At this time, Maria trotted down the staircase. She had a backpack thrown over her shoulder and her hair tied with twine behind her head. Nobody paid attention and she did not draw it to herself either. With a few steps she was sitting in the corner, waiting.

"Then we would lose any information concerning Nick and his movements" Peter sighed, drawing a hand over his face. "Whatever your reasons for avoiding Romara are, you have to get over them and follow through" He looked at her in the eyes. "Fine" Tess growled, standing up. "Let's go, we're wasting time" She picked up he sword, rubbing her finger over the leather grip.

"I will not be escorting you, I am afraid" I announced, earning a cutting look from everyone. "What?" Oswald raised his eyebrows, remaining half-stood over the desk. "I..." I glanced at Celestine. She nodded. "... I have research to make, might be able to discover information about what Nick is trying to accomplish" I explained, my nose nervously twitching. Did they believe it? I hope they believed it.

"Even if you discover anything, how will you then find us?" Peter said, now fully standing. None of them had taken their armor off, remaining with the heavy clothing and weaponry. "I have already ensured transportation to Astoria. I will be there in seven weeks".

None objected, at least not actively, but their hesitation was obvious. "What if you get captured?" Peter said, tightening the strap that tied his shoulder-pad to his his belt and other shoulder. "I will not be" I insisted. Peter once gain looked at the others, no one spoke once more.

"Very well then, information will be of great use. I simply hope you know what you are doing" He said, jerking his head at the direction of the door. The others nodded and followed. Maria was already clinging onto Tess, the only female of the company terrifying enough to protect a fire-breathing girl.

"Celestine" I called, jogging towards her. "Can you... do me a favor?" I asked. She tilted her head, "Depends".

I took out a thick, green leather-cover book. "This is my journal, one which I one day hope to make a novel. Would you please take it with you and write in it? Nothing interesting will happen in the library, I am sure it will be of more use with you" I smiled, handing it over to her.

She eyed it carefully, "Alright, I will" Celestine nodded, turning around and exiting through the door with the others.

So, here I was. Alone in Dover.

Why did it feel so odd, though? I have been alone in libraries all my life, maybe I have grown a bit too accustomed to their company. Speaking of which, I did not expect their departure to be so... hasty.

The room was empty once more, though the abscense of the others would be somewhat permanent. I sighed, walking back upstairs. I had packed my box of herbs ,books and backpack in the corner of the room upstairs a few days ago, aware of our departure... their departure.

Without second thoughts, I picked up the backpack and threw it over my shoulder the box's insides ticking as it moved. In a matter of minutes I was out of the building and back into the bustling streets of the Shepherd capital. I froze.

Only now did I realize how alone I was and how huge this city was. The streets were large enough to fit three carriages and people walking among them, most of the buildings in the market district –the one I was in- were covering the sun and the castle in the distance proved to be even more humongus.

There was no, one signle color when it came to buildings. Shops, houses, guilds and many others had unique decorations that simply made the city sparkle with life, and even though I had witnessed a part of it's rotten core, I could see how beautiful it was. "The library must be near the parliament" I murmured as I walked down the street, against the flow of people that gathered towards the plaza and lower levels of the city.

I involuntarily avoided walking through St. Paul's plaza and only realized it after I found myself traversing through side streets, making turns I did not know where they would lead. Unlike earlier, when I was closer to the wall, these alleys were still pave with stones and had proper lighting from torches that were placed on the stone and wooden walls of the buildings.

I looked up, searching for a clue for where to go. Thankfully, the castle in the center of the city was tall enough to overshadow every other construct, making it visible even from the alleys I was in. I began following it, turning left and right in small alleys until I was out in the streets again. The colorful crowd returned as noblemen and noblewomen strolled through the one road they went through the most expensive part of the Market district which exploded around me in a ruckus of mercants shouting at their customers about their prices, carriage wheels with goods from all around Astora clanking down roads.

Buildings lining up in perfect summetry along white stone roads –unlike the lower half of the city-, avenues folding and bending in precise angles through the district. Each structure, whether house, store or inn, is a mix of white stones, birch wood and marble, the light-green veins of which twined with the carvings –similar to the Empty Quiver inn-.

The morning breeze lit up the golden flow of Shepherd flags on the flagpoles hanging from the walls. Everything is clean, in order and alive –fountains, trees and vines decorating random corners as if the entire District was the part of the castle. Noblemen would walk through, either cheering at a performer or a patrol of guards who marched proudly under their flags.

Tight figures dressed in lavish black tunics and green dresses strolled past me as I jogged through the colorful crowd, only halting when I found myself inside an inn. The deafening sound of the Market District was finally locked outside, to be replaced by the gentle crackling of the firewood and slithering whispers of gossip that grew louder as I, step by step, made it closer to the innkeeper.

The wooden stool made a low, almost inaudible, sound as I climbed on top of it and ordered the softest beer the innkeeper had and the direction to the Library of Dover. The only response I received was a roll of the man's eyes, everyone knows where it is, and a tankard of beer in front of me. A tall, slender figure entered my vision and the man sat on the stool beside me.

The man's waist-long hair were braided and falling behind his shoulder, all but a few strands had clinged onto his dark-brown, sweaty neck. His autumn-orange eyes studied me carefully and did not speak until the innkeeper served his beer. "My name is Pathos, a traveler among Clans" He spoke, his voice, sweet as a father's and smooth as water flowing through the rocks of the river. It instantly calmed my nerves, my muscles relaxing. It took me a moment to muster enough words to speak, "I am Antony, scholar and herbalist".

He shook my paw and drank from his beer, the golden liquid dripping from his slim chin as he finished. "Forgive me, but I could not help but overhear you asking about the Library, do you have any business there?" Pathos asked, wiping the beer off his well-shaved chin. "Yes, I do. I am intending to research on magic" I nodded, casting a half-smile at him.

"Magic?" He said thoughtfully, tapping his chin. "What sort of magic?" He inquired, letting his tankard touch the wooden bar. "Ancestral forms, mostly exstinct magic" I lied, though not steering far from the truth. Pathos nodded, "Well, in that case, how about I escorted you to the Library?" He gave me a warm smile. "A traveler and a scholar?" I cocked an eyebrow, sipping my beer.

"Oh no, just a simple man that enjoys learning about the world though the worlds itself and not books" His kind voice drew me away from the assumption of an offensive remark. "A scholar of the world, then. I am on the path of becoming one, the future will say!" I smiled, placing three copper coins on the bar –courtesy of Peter- and stood up.

Pathos followed suit, paying and silently accompanying me outside, back into the street. Without wasting our breaths on talking, since it would be utterly ineffective, we made our way through the crowd. During the few minutes I spend following Pathos I noticed how smooth his motions were, how he did not raise his feet to walk, but swept across them across the ground with serpent-like fluidity.

I was so caught up in observing him that I did not notice arriving at the Library until it's shadow had hidden the sun. My jaw dropped in respect to the awe-inspiring scale of this construct. A massive, square-shaped building with four spear-like towers in each corner, each filled to the brim with books about all sorts of information. The yard and the gardens that surrounded it were clearly meant for scholars that enjoyed nature, allowing them to dig deep into the meaning of the world while being under the soothing shade of vines, twined with iron arches above the benches.

"How do you find the building?" Pathos asked, yet not even his smooth voice could distract me from the tickling sensation the blades of grass that managed to crack the cobblestone path left my bare feet as I walked towards the main entrance. Shepherds and some other creatures, mostly from Gaia, walked through the paths, reading or conversing. "Magnificent" I replied as we crossed under the arch of the gate, which was wide open.

The interior was far more impressive, though. The first thing that caught my eye was the floor. Marble of the best quality with blue, red and bordaux tiles set in such way around the four paths –which separated the marble sections in four blocks- that each one told a story. Six collumns in each block held up the ceiling and every set of them was of different color and texture, material and architecture.

There were three doors, one in the center of each wall."You may want to go to the fifth floor, there is the magic sectior and... a small surprise us Shepherd scholars enjoy showing to newcomers" Pathos smiled, showing me to the door to my left. I raised my eyebrow, but did not argue as a shiver passed through me when I touched the cold, silver doorknob.

"Up the stairwell, you do not have to stop to the other floors, unless you have other business in the library" He pointed upwards in the staircase, it was a spiral one, hindering the view towards the upper floors. "Thank you, will you be escorting me?" I inquired, turning to him. He shook his head, "No, I will remain down here, though... if you excuse me, I have a question to ask" He curled his lip, his fist clenched in a loose ball,

"Of course" I replied carefully, "Are you, by any chance, researching about Willpower?" The last word flew quickly out of his mouth, striking me with surprise. "No, but I will be sure to look into it now that you mentioned it" I smiled, bobbing my head slightly before going up the stairs. He could not know, it would be impossible.

Willpower is one of the few known forms of ancestral magic –and the most powerful one-, maybe this was a wild guess... I hope.

Different scenarios of what he might know and not flew through my head as I ascended the brightly lit stairwell, ignoring the inviting exclamations of people behind every expertly crafted wooden door I came across.

I increased my pace, practically running up flights of stairs until I sprang the final door open, stopping on the doorstep. That impressive entrance earned me a few surprised looks which I delightfully ignored as I jogged onto the white-and-blue tiled floor towards the handrail at the edge. I wanted, needed, to see how the interior looked from above.

The handrail was as spectacular as everything else, made out of that white stone –not marble- and carved into intricate designs of flowers and minimalistic sculptures. "Mother Gaia" I breathed when I looked over the handrail and down towards the ground floor, right where I was standing a few moments ago.

The four blocks of tiles and marble were now visible illustrations of every Clan's crest. The one on the upper left half had a white –marble- background with a ship 'painted' on top of a blue and golden shield that represented their naval force . The upper right one was nothing else than than the Chimera of the Astora Clan, an animal with the body of a lion, the tail of a snake, wings of an eagle and face of a tiger to represent the variety of species they beheld and all of that with a deep green background. Right below it, on the next block, stood Gaia's crest... a book painted in the colors of the earth and around it sparkled a few gold coins along with fruits.

On the block left to Gaia's stood... the Blunt Crest. I held my breath. I had never seen it, nor even cared whether Nick's Clan had a Crest, how long must it have been since they used it officially?

Two rifles, similar to Nick's, formed an X and a wrench went through the middle of them, all that was painted in the colors of black, gold and white.

"I know!" Pathos shouted from below, I had not noticed him standing in the center. "It needs cleaning!" He laughed, being accompanied by another set of laughs spread throughout the building. I chuckled, still staring down at the enormous mosai. "Wait, I will be up there directly!" Pathos chuckled and left my vision, entering the stairwell below me.

Soon, the door behind me sprang open, almost smacking against the wall. "Well?" Pathos smiled, approaching me, his inexplicably white teeth making a shocking difference from his darker skin. "Incredible would be an underestimation" Smiled, earning a satisfied nod. "Anyway, now that you are here, I would suggest renting a room and see to your research" Pathos leaned against the handrail, his eyes tracking every man and woman on this floor.

"Rent a... I have no coins, I am afraid" I curled my lips, the matter of accommodation had not crossed my mind. I ws too distracted sightseeing. "Well, you can make a deal with the library director" Pathos said, a small smirk tinting the edges of his lips. "Oh?" I raised my ayebrows.

"People who can get their name on the wall have their own room, if you can contribute with new knowledge through your research..." He trailed off, running his finger against the stone handrail. "Interesting" I murmured, almost to myself. "Where might director be?" I inquired, looking at the expensively-dressed scholars strolling around the fifth floor.

"Why, you are looking right at him" He turned to me, now leaning his back against one of the collumns. I stared at him, eyes wide and jaw almost to the floor. "Oh..." Was all that left my mouth. He looked incredibly young to be this Library's director, despite the few wrinkles on his forehead.. "Too young, I know, everyone tells me that" He smiled, pushing off the jade pillar.

I blinked, shaking my head as I followed him towards a door to the far end of the fifth floor. "I am certain you noticed a door on you right while going up the stairwell" He asked, now returning to his smoothing calm. "Yes, all the other doors led to the left which I assume lead to the rest of the floors" I shrugged.

"Indeed. That door leads to the rooms-for-rental, so whenever you finish your first day's research, go there and tell them the director gave you a room" He said, halting in front of a tall... "Loving Mother Gaia!" I held my paws in front of my mouth.

A circular door at the height of Pathos. The main part of the door was made out of pure, flawless jade with golden outlines while the door's circular arch was crystal, no... "Diamon" Pathos said, as if he head read my mind. "A door of jade and diamonds?" I stuttered, "There is no diamond of such shape or size!" I exclaimed, backing off a step to take in the sight.

He nodded, "We altered the shape and combined thousands of diamonds to craft this arch" He explained, running a finge over the unbelieveably smooth surface. "Why?" Without managing to resist, I touched the jade door, earning a shiver across my entire body. "Jade has something we call 'magical solidity'. The higher the magical solidity of an object, the less affected it will be by magic" He tapped on it.

"So, this door is magically impenetrable" I shook my head in disbelief. "The diamond on the other hand has the exact opposite effect. It is the best magical conduit discovered so far, which means that magic is attracted to it, stored in it and drawn from it" He continued. In a flash of memory, I recalled what Maria had said, that magic needs a conduit to be used... rich mages would probably be using diamonds.

Then why don't I need to use a conduit?

"Whoever uses magic on this door, not only will it not work, but it will also be absorbed and..." I paused. Brilliant. "...will be fire back onto the caster. Oh, we have also added another effect to it and now it has a permanent spell on the door, drawing magic from the diamond, which makes it lighter!" He smirked, leaning against the wall by the door. "And what is so important to be guarded with such expensive measures?" I inquired, now my interest being upon what the door protected.

"All research ever done on magic, ever" He said casually, smirking as the door opened with an effortless push from him. As the massive slab of jade retreated, I took a step into the room.

"Mother Gaia, right?" Pathos smirked, mimicking the curse I've been using maybe a bit too often. "Yes, yes indeed" I stuttered, taking in the scale of the rom I was in.

Hallways after hallways of bookshelves and desks, rising up to a height that needed three stairs to reach. Wooden, metal, marble and jade bookshelves were scattered all across the endless library. "Each material represents a different kind of magic" He explained, "Follow me, I will show you to the Ancestral Magic wing" Pathos took the first step, navigating through the hallways of books until we reached another door.

This one was a marble door, normal at the size and shape, but with it's dose of gold and silver. Pathos once again pushed it open effortlessly, revealing a study. It could not have been larger than the room of the healer, bookshelves covering all four walls apart from a window on the left one. A desk stuck against the only free part of the wall, right below the window. "Here are all the books in Ancestral Magic".

"Far less books than I expected" I eyed the bookshelves again. "Indeed, but research on that kind of magic is almost impossible, since there are no mages who can practice and explain it" He said ruefully, glancing at me. "Why are these bookshelves made of obsidian? And the ones we saw earlier, they were made out of jade and marble. I am sure that the door is enough for protection" I walked closer to one of the bookshelves, touching the black stone.

"It is not for protection, at least not from outside sources. You see, all these books contain the magic they provide information for. They are magic and some are a bit too powerfuly" He stood near me, looking at the obsidian bookshelves. "And Ancestral Magic's power is of unknown levels, so... the most expensive magic-sealing material would do the trick" I nodded.

"Do not worry, though. You can take them off the shelves any time as long as you put them back before you leave" He turned and walked away, the last sound that left this room being the tapping sound of his black boots before he closed the marble door.

I have three research goals. Find more about Willpower, Celestine's shadow and the magitech core. I was not entirely ignorant in the field of magic and the fact that Celestine could alter her physical form so drastically was beyond the comprehension of normal magic, so my only guess was that she had Ancestral Magic as well. "I should start with the magitech core" I said to myself, strolling in front of the bookshelves until I found three books that drew my attention. Cores and Sockets, Shadows of Astora and finally, Will of the Demons.

I dropped them on the desk and opened the window, letting the fresh sea-breeze enter the room, rejuvenating me. I grabbed the first book, it's title lined with golden twine and the cover of the book being plain brown with a metal case around it. I flicked it open, going to the first page.

Many consider magic unnatural or even otherworldly, but what we should remember is that it has always been here in Astora, growing with it's people. Many have searched it's beginning and some have seeked it's end, but all have asked the same question. How can I gain more? Emperors, councilors and peasants alike have ravaged the worlds through the ages in order to either enchance their magic abilities.... Or even gift magic to a non-mage.

That has been deemed impossible, yet it is not. Throughout the ages there have been discoveries of items with the ability to do what cannot be done. They were called Cores, items of unimaginable power and with each core came a socket. The sockets were necessary for the use of the cores, making the one unusable without the other.

Cores and Sockets come in different forms and with many uses and only a few have been found....

I marked the page with a page-holder and continued down the book. I needed to find what Cores have been discovered so far. Discovered, not built. That meant that they were not crafted by any of the Clans. I flipped one yellowed page after the other, until...

Recorded Core & Sockets Discoveries:

Miti Coroka, 189, member of the Astora Clan, Lioness.

Official report Day 1: "The item seems to be emitting some sort of energy or power. My men say it's magic. It is shaped like a shield, but at the size of my fist. The glow coming from it is concerning.

Official report Day 2: "We have reached an abandoned keep, no sign of a recognizable Clan. The item is glowing the closer we get to the Throne.

Research report: The item is magically powerful, though it losses it's effect the further away from the keep we have originally discovered it in. Subjects affected by the item's magic seem to be immune to any physical harm.

I looked away from the book, thinking. It did not help, at least not a lot. I opened the drawer under the desk and pulled out a small book and opened it, thankfully it was empty. I picked a up a pen, placed it into the inkbox and began writing. The Cores consist of two parts and cannot function without the Socket. I closed it and hid it into my jacket, that would be my personal notebook.

Without wasting any time, I dived into the book again, devouring the information page after page, writing down whatever I found about the locks and copying the official reports.

Each Core and Socket were entirely different than the last, some were larger than the fist of a lion while others were small enough to be pebbles. The colors, sizes and shaped varied as well.

That meant that there was no possible way to find out if an item is a core... unless it's close to the socket. Now, that was another story. The sockets were not objects, but structures of either personal or historical importants, varying from fortresses to old monasteries in the mountains.

The abilities of each were also incredible. The first one, once into it's socket, made everyone around it invulnerable while the second one tht had been discovered made any living creature around it healthy, even the animals. One made people around it happy while another increased the physical strength of armies at a time.

What was even more shocking was the fact that every single one of those Cores and Sockets had been used by rulers to either wage war or do good to their people through it's power and-

A loud knock on the marble door pushed me off my focus. I shook my head, shutting the book and almost flying to the door, it being lighter than I expected it to be. "Greetings" Pathos smiled, stepping in even before the door had fully opened. "Hello..." I kept my eyes on him as he flowed across the room, eyeing the bookshelves.

His eyes darted to the desk, "How can I help you?" I tilted my head. "Forgive me, but we have a strict policy when it comes to what books are being removed from the shelves... I just needed to see if you had indeed picked the books you had requested" He turned to the door. I silently nodded, frowning slightly.

"Interesting choice of book" He moved to the desk, picking up the book I had just put down. His eyes autumn-yellow eyes moved to me, "It seems to me that you know what you are looking for" He placed the book back on the sunlit table. "Not really, but the title drew my attention due to the recent events with the... magitech core that that was revealed by the Kingsmen in the plaza" I approached him, the two words leaving my mouth carefully, provokingly.

A smile appeared on his face, "This book has been on demand ever since, indeed. I have done my own research on it, so if you require any assistance do not hesitate to ask" He retreated to the door, his fingers wrapping around the doorknob. "I will keep it in mind" I bobbed my head, sitting back on the chair.

He did not speak again as he closed the door behind him, the room returning to it's former silence. There was something intriguing about Pathos, even his name was... out of place. It was different than any of the Humans I know and, his skin color, his eyes and the way he moves, the way he speaks... everything is interesting, different. But what made me begin questioning him was his voice. There was such a soothing effect into it, as if every word was a verse from a lullaby of a mother, a wise word of an old man... an old man.

He sounded old, knowing, wise... yet he looked so young, the young passion of discovery in his eyes, the very same that I had in mine.

"Why are you looking at me?" Sia chuckled, turning her head slightly to look at me, the grass retreating under her ears. I returned the glance, smiling slightly. I had been staring at her for quite a while. "Just thinking" My fingers clenched in a loose fist, unrooting a few blades of still-wet-from-the-rain grass. "Of what?" She sat up on her elbows, tilting her head.

"You" I found myself saying, catching myself by surprise, one that I did not show. A slight blush appeared underneath the thin brown fur of her cheeks. "R-really?" She turned away. "There are far too many things to know about a person... than the whole world, you have kept my interest" I continued.

She looked at me, blinking. "The world is vast, yet... my books have failed to impress me more than you do most of the time. If I read a book twice, it will say the same thing, yet if I ask you the same question twice... the answer will never be the same" I unclenched my fist,the grass dropping from my paw.

"Antony" She breathed, her young voice flying away in the wind. We had just turned eighteen, both of us. It was night, the moon painting the green fields with a silver glow. "Sia?" I asked.

"I have never seen this in someone else's eyes" She smiled, "What?" I turned to my side, letting the cold breeze caress my shirtless back. We may have drank that night, someone had taken off my shirt... I hated to admit it, but I had fun that night.

"Roan, Aeon and the others have been wanting to take my clothes off, but you... You look into my eyes, don't try to touch me and your eyes have that..." She paused, curling her lips as she looked into my eyes. "... that wonder to know more about me, to learn everything about me" She saif softly.

I looked back at her. Is she in love with me? Am I... in love with her? "Roan wanted to take off your clothes?" I chuckled, smiling. She knew I had understood the importance of her words, but we both needed a little laugh. "He almost succeeded..." She admitted, looking down at her paws. "...but them you took me out of the inn, shirtless" She eyed my body.

The fact that I was a lover of knowledge did not stop me from working out, keeping my body in good shape. Sometimes I would find Sia looking at me while I was running through the forest. "And?" I asked. "And... well I hoped you would do it" She stuttered.

I blinked, "Sia" I sighed, closing my eyes. "I have already told you, I am not fit to be a husband" I shook my head, re-opening my eyes. "And I have repeatedly told you that I do not care" She sat up.

"I will leave one day, planning on returning... but I may never return" I looked up at the sky. She knew that I wanted to travel, to know and discove the world beyond the books. "Then when you leave, I shall come with you" She kissed my forehead, a promise.

I shook my head, blinking. The sudden flashback was far more alive than anything I had ever dreamed. I had even felt the breeze and Sia's kiss on my forehead. "Another show of Willpower" I rubbed my temple, breathing slowly.

I just realized that I missed her, a lot. I missed the nights that we had spent reading together or talking while laying on the roof of my house. As quickly as I had dived into the dream, I had left it.

I grabbed the notebook and began writing on it. It brings back desires and memories of wants. The pen fell from my paw, clattering against the wooden desk as I realized something. "She used to take my notes" I frowned, sighing. "This can wait" I shook my head and slid the books back into the shelves. Without caring to lock the window, I left the room, the only sounds being the thumping sound of my footstep on the red carpet of the library hallways as I made my way outside the massive Magic Archive.

The jade door opened as easily as the desk's, locking the door behind me. The silence of the library was quickly replased with the buzzing life of the main section of the library, now crowded even more as new figures appeared through the main entrance. I made my way through the fifth floor and trekked down the stairwell when I found the door, halting when I found the door Patos had mentioned.

This one was almost barren of decorations and was surprisingly heaviers, considering the fact that it was mere wood and iron. "Hello, would you like to rent a room?" A female voice said even before the door was fully open. A Human woman, older than me with dark hair and a slightly pale skin from the hours she spent in this sunless room. She sat behind a simple desk with a candle to light the piles of paperwork she had on top of it. "Yes, director Pathos told me that I could rent one for free" I approached the desk.

She eyed me from my ears to my feet, "You will be staying for a while then" She nodded, writing something on a piece of paper and handed me the key. Before I could ask what she meant she said, "Final room on the right" And dismissed me with a wave of her hand. I turned right and walked down an old stone hallway, lit only slightly by the scarce torches hanging from the walls.

I reached the end of it, plugged the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door. The room was nothing fancy either, almost like an extension of the miserable hallway it was connected with. What made it slightly more tolerable was the two windows, one on top of the bed that casted an afternoon light in the middle on the bright green carpet and one over the desk to the right which I supposed was to light the room during the morning. "Cozy" I murmured, entering.

I dropped my jacket on the bed and ripped a page from my notebook, grabbing the pen that was on the desk. With haste I wrote an informal invitation to Sia in which I requested her to come to the Dover Library a soon as possible. I went out of the room, leaving the door unlocked. "Excuse me!" I called to the secretary, "Could you please have someone send this letter?" I put on her desk, right over a piece of paper she was writing on. Her eyes glanced to the paper and then to me, "To whom and where?" She took the letter. "To Sia, Daughter of Baria in Iver, Gaia" I said and returned to my room, falling on the bed immediately.

I will continue working, uncovering as much information as possible until Sia arrived. She will definitely help me a lot. I closed my eyes and turend to my side, away from the light entering through the window. Sleep soon swept in.

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