The Missing Stranger

By GinjaNewgPlaZ8

87.6K 1.5K 2.2K

"What are you doing here?" A deep, husky voice asked sharply. The man towered over the nervous girl. He lifte... More

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A/N - Important Announcement! Taking a break?
Future edits possibly coming(?)
This is happening-- Hold on to your butts
Chapter 1 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 2 {REWRITTEN}
Short A/N - New Cover?
Chapter 3 {REWRITTEN}
Doubts and Steps Back ~ Pt. 1
Doubts and Steps Back ~ Pt. 2
Chapter 4 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 5 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 6 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 7 {REWRITTEN}
I Unsubbed From Aphmau and Here's Why

Chapter 21

1.4K 39 48
By GinjaNewgPlaZ8

¤Noon; Jan 12, 2009
The abandoned observatory
Mt. Alliance¤

Aphmau opened her eyes slowly. She sat up and looked around. She saw Katelyn passed out on a patch of grass that was blackened and dry. Aaron was laying on his back asleep. Aleena was next to him, sitting down with her back to Aphmau.

"Aleena?" Aleena turned her head around to Aphmau, whipping her tears away and putting on a smile.

"What happened...? Wait, where are the Shadow Knights? Did we win?" Aleena looked down for a moment, but her face lightened up again.

"Yeah! We chased them away, but Katelyn got hurt and you and Aaron... passed out." Aleena said.

"Unngh... Aleena...?" Aaron opened his eyes slowly, looking at Aleena.

"Brother!" Aleena yelled, launching herself onto Aaron. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her. He looked to Aphmau in confusion, but Aphmau just shrugged. Aphmau suddenly looked to Katelyn and ran over to her.

"Katelyn? Katelyn, you okay?" Katelyn opened her eyes and sat up.

"What the... Ow... my head...?" Katelyn shut her eyes tight and held her head.

"Are you okay?" Aphmau said, her voice full of worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I think. WAIT!" Katelyn suddenly jumped up and looked around.

"Where are those three idiot the Shadow Fights??"

"Shadow Knights."

"Whatever! Where'd they go?" Katelyn looked around again. Aleena pulled away from Aaron.

"U-um... we chased 'em off! Y-Yeah. They're gone. They ran." Aleena trailed off at the end of her sentence.

"Well, good for them, or else I would've bashed in their idiot skulls for messing with us!" Katelyn said. Aphmau noticed it upsetting Aleena slightly.

"Katelyn, calm down. No doubt they'll come back, but we'll be ready this time. I didn't think anyone would've showed up that quickly." Aaron said. Aleena looked down again, her hair hiding her eyes. It started raining lightly, but grew into a pour quickly.

"Come on! Inside!" Aaron said, pulling Aleena to her feet and leading her to the observatory. Aphmau and Katelyn followed closer, covering their heads with their arms. Aaron closed the door behind Katelyn.

"Great, now we're soaked!" Aphmau said in a whiny voice.

"Suck it up, Kitty." Aaron said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that nickname that jerk gave me!" Aphmau said, her face dusted with pink.

"Aleena? Are you okay?" Aaron said to Aleena. She looked up at him.

"U-Uh, yeah. I'm just... worried." Aleena hated herself for lying to her brother, but Gene hadn't given her a choice. Aaron looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, I guess we're just gonna have to sit around in these soaking clothes. Unless you have some spare clothes for girls lying around?" Katelyn asked.

"I do, but I don't know if you would fit them. They're Aleena's size." Aaron said. Katelyn was kind of shocked considering she was joking, but she and Aphmau followed him anyways. Aleena stood and watched Aaron lead them past her.

"Forgive me..." Aleena felt tears start to form in her eyes.

¤Noon; Jan 12, 2009

"I can't believe we let them get away!" Zenix yelled. Sasha had her eyes closed, floating.

"Yeah, this sucks..." She said, opening her eyes.

"Don't worry about it, you two. We may have lost, but we now have that little girl Aleena wrapped around my finger. She wouldn't dare cross me after what I threatened to do." Gene said.

"Why are we even doing this?" Sasha said, rather depressed sounding.

"Yeah... I'm getting sick of this, Gene... when are we just going to be free and leave this behind?" Zenix said.

"Not until we do this. You two know the consequences if we try and leave before he get's what he wants." Gene says.

"You said that last time. And the time before. And the time before that! I don't want to hurt any more people..." Zenix said.

"Why can't you just use your memory magic on---?"

"No!" Gene interrupted Sasha, standing up.

"You both know that I won't do that."

"But why would you want to reverse it anyways! Just make them want to follow us." Zenix said.

"You know what, Zenix? That's exactly what I thought every time I used my memory magic before. I thought, 'This is what I want. I won't regret this.' But guess what? I did. He gave me these abilities so that I didn't have to use that magic anymore. That's why I owe him. And you both know that." Gene said. Zenix and Sasha looked at each other. The room was silent.

"Then what do we do?" Sasha finally spoke up.

"We'll just have do it the old fashioned way. We have Aleena, and with her, we can easily get them for him. But we can't leave anyone behind. Which means we don't have a choice but to kill Aleena and Katelyn." Gene said.

"Let's just get it over with..." Zenix murmured solemnly.

; Jan 12, 2009
The abandoned observatory
Mt. Alliance¤

Aleena avoided conversation with the others. She thought of what she could do, but Gene's threats rang through her head. She loved her brother more than anything, and she would never forgive herself if he got taken away because of her. But at the same time, if she doesn't listen to Gene, he might kill her and Katelyn, and her brother would find out about her demon form.

"It's not my fault I'm like this. I never asked to be changed to a demon. Maybe he'll understand that... but the things I did that ended up getting me changed into a demon... what if he hates me if he finds out? What if Katelyn and Aphmau become scared of me and they despise me and then I'd never see them again and get to explain... what would I do?" Aleena looked over to Aaron, Aphmau, and Katelyn, who where still trying to figure out what to do about their soaking clothes.

"Why is Gene like this... I believe everyone has a reason for everything. No one is evil just to be evil. Not even the shadow. Maybe if I find out why Gene is doing this, then I can convince him to stop listening to the evil man and leave us alone. At least then, no one has to get hurt or know about me..." Aleena looked down at the floor once more, holding back tears as to not draw attention to herself.

"I hope it's that easy..."



Anyway, I really like how this book is turning out. I think adding more characters and more ships (wink wink) will make for more material and a more interesting story!

If you guys want me to add ships involving other characters besides Aphmau, lemme know! Again, this book, while the main ship is Aarmau, it's not Aarmau exclusive anymore, so other ships involving Aphmau may have their moments (Genemau, Zenmau (ew), Tonymau (also ew))!

Thanks for reading! ♡ ♡ ♡

Check out Aphmau!

Check out the game that gave me inspiration for this story!
"Life Is Strange"

Writer of this chappy:
Meeeeee~ (for once)

Did you keep scrolling? Good. I like you.

WOW YOU KEPT SCROLLING. You get to know a fun secret.
There may Genela in this book (Gene X Aleena).

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