My kidnapper is a WEREWOLF...

By KatieKoala_

31.1K 955 118

The description keeps getting deleted just read you will not be dissapointed More

The Kidnapping pt:2
The "Attempted" Escape
A/N Sorry :(
The secrect is no more
Explanation Time I guess
Time to explain part 2
Almost Raped!!!!
Time for shopping YAY
Someone's watching me I think
thanks korahbelle
Our weekend together
School nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some changes to the story
Tryouts and their back great
We made the team. Is Jake really back?????
Jake sighting pt2
Jewel Cullen lets get to her
Jonah King
Mating and shifting crap help me
Camping this shoul be fun. Right?
Where's Carly?!!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!
Meeting Collin, learning his past, and Jakes plan to attack
planning time
The Note
Meeting the Alpha King Another Surprise!?
The Beginning
Not an update
The War Begins
ice bucket challenge
The end
Book two is coming yay
merry Christmas
I'm so happy ^_^
A/N What has been your favorite part?

The kidnapping

4.5K 79 17
By KatieKoala_

My name is Carly Jackson I'm 16, I'm 6'2 tallest out of my family, I have a southern accent that everyone loves. As I was driving to my boyfriends house on our two year anniversary. I walked into his house his mom was at work so it was just me and him or so I thought I heard yelling from his room, as I went to check I see him with Grace Waters the school slut. "I HOPE YOU TWO ARE HAPPY BECAUSE WE ARE THRUOGH JAY YOU HEAR ME O-V-E-R STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!" I yelled out of anger and hurt I went to my truck and called my friend Jane she's 6'0, Japanese accent, skinny like me she's like a sister to me. " Hey girly what's wrong I'm at the store?" " JAY IS FREAKING CHEATING ON ME WITH GRACE." " Oh Sammy I got paid we'll have a girls day ok no more tears." " Ok thanks bye." Once off the phone I started my truck and drove off to my house. As I pulled up to a red light I heard another truck pulling in the second lane next to me and I saw the HOTTEST guy in the world no the universe, vivid blonde hair, icy blue eyes, a little taller than me, his eyes holding sadness and anger wonder why. As we stared at each other nothing in the world mattered, the light changed and I sped off to my house after that weird encounter. A few minutes later Jan my nick name for her pulled up I yelled and grabbed everything from her and set out everything then helped her up. " Ok so what are we watching?" I asked when everything was set up she replied happily "Frozen." I jumped for joy " I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!" " I know now hush and watch" Jan said sternly. halfway through the movie a knock erupted at the front door. Jane and I went to check it, when I opened the door I saw the same guy from earlier also, someone the same size as Blondie except he has gold eyes and amber hair. Blondie pulled me into his chest as well as Brownie saying " MINE!!" Me and Jane had the same idea as me we brought up out knees to their balls as hard as we could and they fell to the ground whimpering " STAY AWAY FROM US CREEPS!!!!!!!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut. Jane and I ran to the backyard, jumped my fence and ran to my truck before we could we were tackled to the ground Blondie on top of me and Brownie on top of Jane " YOU TOUCH HER I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HAVE BABIES!!!!" I yelled at Brownie " I like this position princess." Blondie said while wiggling his eyebrows. Two more guys showed up " HELP HELP US PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?" I yelled trying to get them to help, but they ended up pulling out clothes from behind their backs as they approached us I was freaking out " N-NO NO GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" the one who came up to me had dark blue hair close to black and red eyes. I looked to my right and saw Jane's body not moving what are they doing a so i was thinking the cloth was put over my mouth and nose, I tried not breathing it in but I did and a few seconds later everything went black I wasn't moving at all.

Hi so this is my first story on here I've been writing it but never typed it so tell me what you think suggest chapters, I also need a Pack name so comment and I'll choose the best one thanks I update later :p

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