I Call The Alpha Daddy

بواسطة BloodRed2013

1.4M 30.7K 5.1K

Addison is a normal girl, besides the fact that she loves stuffed toys, pacifiers and sippy cups. She lives i... المزيد

*1* The Start
*2* Shopping and a Guest
*3* Hiding Secrets from The Alpha
My Mate Addison ~ 4
Parents? ~ 5
Like A Princess ~ 6
More Shopping, Really?~7
Dress Shopping ~ 8
I'm Little ~ 9
Waterfalls and fear 10
basements 11
breakfast 12
Sorry (important please read)
Movies and a kiss 13
Jamie the asshole Alpha 14
bad dreams and love bites 15
pain pain pain 16
fire and kisses 17
pancakes 18
Doctors 19
Getting Ready 20
parties and a new Luna 21
heat 22
Kelly 23
Alpha Addison 24
drinking 25
marked 26
little two 27
A hug from an alpha 28
My Monster (Published)
Josh 29
Running With You 31
please help
Food 32
Good News 33 (end)
help me

Luna Mark 30

15K 416 138
بواسطة BloodRed2013

"Princess" Williams voice woke me. i has been happily curled up on his lap, my arms curled around a blanket which I held close to me as I had slept.

"No" I whined and tried to cuddle back into the blanket, William chuckled and stood up, me in his arms. I had fallen asleep in his arms after dinner, and now I was less than willing to wake up.

"It's bed time" William told me, his deep voice pushing past the foggy haze of sleep. I smiled tiredly and nodded, not bothering to open my eyes to look at him

William walked us from the room, adjusting me so my head was laying against his shoulder. I inhaled and relaxed further against my mate, alwaying myself to drift in and out of sleep.

After a few minutes of listening to Williams steady breathing, I felt him gently lay me down on the bed, I had stopped bothering sleeping in my own room across the hall, I didn't like sleeping separately from my mate.

I wiggled in the cold material of the mattress as I waited for William to join me and warm me up again.

I heard William shuffling around for a moment before the bed dipped next to me, William warm arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest.

"goodnight my Princess" William murmured in my ear, his warm breath brushing through my hair. I hummed a response as let myself drift back into sleep.

I dreamed of playing with my mate, running through the pack house in little space, sometimes I would spot Michael, he would always give me a sad look before dissolving into the shadows, a strange voice would echo through my head every now and then, I could never pick who the voice belonged to, but at the same time it felt like I should know who It belongs to.

I woke up in the morning, my eyes heavy, a weight wrapped around my waist; Williams arms holding me close to him. I blinked to rid the blur in my vision. William warm soft breath fanning my hair.

I looked up to find him still very much asleep, his lips slightly parted, the lines the creased his forehead had relaxed as he slept. He looked perfect, you could almost forget that today a man was coming to tell me what is wrong with me.

At this thought I glanced over at the flashing red clock showing the time. '11:30' blinked across the screen, glowing red numbers taunting me for sleeping in.

I had slept in, I wouldn't be surprised if Josh; the man coming to see us, was already here.

"William?" I murmered, laying a hand on his bare sholder, his breath deepened slightly, but he stayed unmoving. I raised myself and laid a light kiss on his lips, only brushing my own against his, but when I pulled back Williams black eyes were gazing rigt back into my own.

"good morning Little one" he mumrmred in a husky morning voice. I giggled and sat up, feling completely awake, William groaned behind me and swung himself out of bed.

I watched him toss on a shirt and shuffle into the bathroom. I grinned as the door closed, my mate was not a morning person, and neither was I.

I jumped out of the warm bed and quickly made my way across the hall to my room.

I wanted to be quick so I grabbed a light shirt, a jacket and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I pulled out some underwear, spotting the lingerie that Kelly had gotten me, I blushed and quickly closed the draw.

Once I had turned on the shower I stripped out of my clothes. I watched as the glass fogged with steam before deeming the water warm enough to shower in.

I got in and quickly scrubbed my hair, lathering it was sweet smelling shampoo and conditioner. I scrubbed my body clean with strawberry body wash. It smelt nowhere near as good as William but i couldn't go get his now.

Once I was done I stepped out of the shower, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around my body.

I used a hand towel to clear some of the steam from the mirror and started to comb the tangles out of my hair, I made sure that I got all the knots out before putting the comb down and drying off my body.

Once I had slipped my clothes on I quickly blow dried my hair, making my wavy hair slightly thicker looking than normal.

I grinned at my reflection and found my teeth looking slightly yellow. I grabbed for my toothbrush and brushed my teeth so that they were white.

I left the bathroom and tied my hair up. William was sitting on my bed, looking at one of my older stuffies, bear was one of my favrotes, his fur was soft even with how old he was, his black glass eyes were wide along with the black stitching that made up his mouth.

"why do girls take so long?" William faked a whine when he saw me. he stood up and walked over to me, wrapping me in his arms; he smelt like soap, his slightly damp hair laying limp against his neck.

I scoffed and pulled back fro him "Hello to you too" I murmured back to him with a chuckle. William grinned and leaned down, laying a kiss to my lips.

"Hello" William whispered, his lips still only a few centimetres from my own. I giggled and kissed him again.

"our guest is waiting for us" William said, pulling away so he could look at what I am wearing, he smiled and from his back pocket he produced a tiny little teddy bear, its pink fur looked soft to the touch. "in cause you wanted something little while we are with this guy" William told me with a soft smile.

I took the bear from his hands and grinned at it, then at William "thank you, thank you, thank you" I half yelled, jumping on the spot in excitement.

I lay a gentle kiss on the pink bears soft fur before placing it carefully in my pocket. William grabbed my hand a started walking with me to the bedroom door. I frowned and turned to him, yanking on his hand to get his attention.

"up" I told him when he looked at me. William laughed and swung me up into his arms. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck "Thank you, Daddy" I told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Anything for my princess" William told me, his lips curved into a grin as he started to walk again, "are you nervous?" he asked me as we walked down the hall.

I shook my head "I will never be as long as I have you with me" I told him sincerely, William smiled at me and nodded.

Once we were down stairs William put me down, much to my disappointment. We walked into the kitchen hand in hand, emediattly I was greated by two smells, one was the bacon and eggs cracking away in the pan, Claire standing over it, a grin on her lips and a spatula in hand. The second was the scent of a man, mint and dark chocolate mixed into a bitter-sweet scent that was oddly soothing. It belonged to the man sitting at the table, a phone resting on the table.

He was maybe 40, his hair was a just a little over 6" blue eyes framed with thick black lashes, dark circles seemed etched perminatly into his skin. His hair was short, brown and slightly messy.

He glanced up when we entered, his eyes fixed on me, I felt immediately uncomfortable. His eyes went wide, his breath caught in his throat, but in a split second it was gone, his eyes slipped over to William who had his eyebrows pulled into a confused frown.

"you two must be William and Addison" the man grunted standing up, on his neck I noticed a scar, like the skin where his mark should be was burned away, leaving a gruesome looking scar.

"Josh" William gave a nod and headed over to the table to sit down. "we're sorry for being down so late" he told the man while I walked to the fridge, pulling out a carton of juice and pouring myself a glass.

"Not a problem, I have been catching up with your mother" Josh announced, and as if on queue Claire came over, a tray of food piled high is placed on the table.

I quickly made my way over to the table, pulling out a seat next to my mate.

"What a beautiful mark you have there" Josh mused, his eyes following my movements with a distant look haunting his eyes. "my mate had one like it, shocked the hell out of most people" he gave a dry chuckle.

"Had?" I inquiered and immediately wished I could take it back, his eyes darkened and became slightly glossy, his lips curled into a half harted smile, but it looked almost painful.

"yes, Had" he confermed, he took a deep breath and looked over at Claire who had a sad smile apon her lips.

"lets have breakfast, then we can talk about all the serious still" Claire told us and placed down a stack of plates. We all nodded and dug in, piling out plates high with all different foods.

"so, what pack are you in?" William asked after filling a plate for me, he then moved onto making up his own plate.

"im not from a pack" Josh sounded irritated, but we all dropped it, moving into a seni awkward silence. At that moment I wished Josh would leave already so I could be little.

William, who had apparently been listewning in on my thoughts grabbed my hand up under the table and gave it a little squeeze "you can do anything you want" he told me through the link, I giggled and continued to eat, slightly more at ease with William holding onto my hand.

"how do you have such a strong aura if you are a rogue?" William asked, he seemed a little wearly of the man, as the alpha I was far from surprised, this was a roague that was in his territory, to make it worse he was in Williams house.

"I wasn't always a rogue" Josh muttered, "I was once like you" he trailed off, this got me interested he was an Alpha? Or he was a pack member?

I reached over to my drink and finished it off, looking over the rim of the glass at the man across from me, he had the aura of a powerful wolf, but it seemed damaged, like it had been taken and torn apart.

"explain" William prompted, he had finished eating and was now watching Josh with cautious eyes.

"I used to be an Alpha" Josh started but was quickly cut off by William.

"I don't know of any Alpha roages" He accused swiftly.

"quiet boy, I'm trying to speak" Josh chided, William snarled at the man his hand clenching my own, but William couldn't exactly kill him, we needed to know what he knew.

"I used to be Alpha of a pack, 500 strong, A mate more beautiful than the moon and a kid that I would die for." Josh paused and looked over at Claire. He looked folorn as he reminised on his past.

"I thought it would never end, I was only your age William, and then my whole world came crashing down, I lost my mate, my kids, all because I was careless" Josh pushed his empty plate away and sighed. "I didn't want to go back to a pack after that I couldn't survive like a normal person, not after I lost my mate"

I felt my eyes sting with tears, I couldn't imagine losing William, I don't think I would want to live after that, let alone be able to.

"don't cry for me Addison, she wanted me to live, it was her final wish to me" Josh rushed noticing my teary eyes, I nodded but still couldn't seem to rid the tears from my eyes. William pulled me into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around my waist and holding me close to him. I gave Josh a small smile wishing it would be enough to comfort the pained look in his eyes.

"what was your mate's name?" I asked quietly after I had gotten my emotions under control.

"Mary" Josh hummed, a smile gracing his lips, his eyes shining with both love and grief.

"Mary" I repeated "what a beautiful name," I told him, he smiled at me "what happened to them?" I couldn't help but ask.

"they got caught up in an attack, rogues had penetrated the pack and setup a series of explosives, they died in the fire" His eyes were distant, I quickly wondered about my own parents, had their death been an accident? It crossed my mind for a second that maybe Josh was my father, but it was quickly shut down, my parents were both dead, and my father's name had been James, not Josh.

"I'm so sorry" I told Josh, getting up from my mates lap and walking around the table, I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck in a hug, wanting to take away his pain, wishing I could give what he had lost back to him.

"thank you" Josh's voice was thick, tears brimming his dark eyes "but we are not here for me. shall we have a look at that mark now?" Josh asked, his tone slightly better, but I could still hear the pain that leaked through the happy exterior.

"Yes, let's move to the lounge" William said, looking slightly jealous of my embrace over another man.

I crossed the table, back to my mate as he stood up, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me tightly to his side.

We walked from the room and up the hall a little till we reached the Living room. William flipped the light switch as we entered the room and pulled me over to the love seat.

Josh sat down in an arm chair and Claire sat down on a couch, pulling a teddy from her hoodie and started to fiddle with it.

"So what have you noticed since the mark changed?" Josh asked, making himself comfortable in the chair, I moved so I was sitting in William lap, facing myself sideways so I would be able to look at Josh.

"My sense of sight, smell and touch has increased tenfold" I started, glancing over at William for a second "William's touch feels different" I added shyly, very much aware of how it sounded.

"let me guess, there aren't tingles, but warmth, like warm flames on your skin?" Josh asked, his voice knowing, a slight smile curling his lips.

I nodded, William looked down at me, he didn't know what I was talking about, does that mean he still only feels the tingles?

"I know what is happening, would you like the good news first?" Josh said in a dry attempt at humour.

"What's happening?" William asked, I could feel his heart beat rise, his arms around my waist tightened slightly as he waited for Josh to tell us what was going on.

"Long ago there was an Alpha, his mate was weak, and during the marking process, she died. seeing that she was gone the alpha called out to the moon goddess, begging her to return his mate to him, promising that he would give his first child in exchange for his mate's life. The goddess granted his wish, but the blessing turned sour, every descendant, if met with death would come back once, in exchange their first child would be taken. Their mark changed, making them stronger with the touch of the moon goddess, twice blessed some say" Josh frowned at the end of his story.

"How does this relate to us?" William snapped, not liking where this was going.

"When Jamie touched Addison she should have died, the Goddess gave her back to you" my heart clenched at what this meant, my first child, I would never get to meet them. Before I had the chance to even dream I had been crushed.

William pulled me closer to him, his breath ragged, his eyes seemed slightly glassy, but he was trying to be strong, this was hurting him too.

"Fuck" Claire breathed, her cheeks glistening with a few tears. She hugged her arms around herself.

"So why did your mate have this mark?" William asked wearily, this sparked my interest, he had said his mate had the same mark, but only the desentants of this woman had it.

"Mary and I had a beautiful daughter, she was so young when the accident happened, by the time I dragged myself from that building it had been a day or so, everyone was presumed dead and everyone that had survived moved onto other packs, I thought my baby was dead" a tear slipped from Josh's eyes, but that wasn't his real name, his name was James.

"why Josh?" I asked out of the blue, I wanted to know why that was the name he chose for himself.

He looked up at me surprised before answering "Josh was your big brothers name, he was taken by the mark" I gave a half smile, sad that I had never met my mother, my brother, I never got to meet my pack, what would have happened if they hadn't died?

"you are James, you are my father." I stated, realising the statement, I still had something, I had a father.


Word count: 3295

Hey, guys I know I haven't been around for a long time!! But I am back with a long chapter!

What do you guys think of the plot twist? And the slight cliff hanger?

William: "she doesn't need a father, I'm all she needs"

Me: "yeah but... I had to. Deal with it"

Anyways! Thank you so much for reading! 

please vote and Comment

Until next time my Cookies! 

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