In Love With a Killer (ThomXT...

By Cinnamon-Dreamer

33.6K 1.5K 2K

Sheriff Thomas Thompson has never been the one for love and settling down. Married to his job, he is one of t... More

~||Chapter 1||~
~||Chapter 3||~
~||Chapter 4||~
~||Chapter 5||~
~||Chapter 6||~
~||Chapter 7||~
~||Chapter 8||~
~||Chapter 9||~

~||Chapter 2||~

3.3K 147 237
By Cinnamon-Dreamer

||Spitbucket, USA||

Thompson pulled away from the blushing mess of bartender, clearing his throat. He let out a short breath, before turning away. "I-I better be off now, hell knows what these people have done in such a short amount of time." He smiled hoarsely, and before he could process his actions, he found himself winking. Both males were flushing a bright red until Thompson hastily jumped over the counter and bolted out the door.

Bumping into two other males, Thomas let out a grunt. "Oh- Sorry!" He wheezed, helping up the male he knocked over. "It's alright, no harm done." The smaller man purred, dusting off his coat. The larger man let out a puff of smoke, shrugging his shoulders. "Mhm." He seemed lost in thought, his eyes fixating on the clouds above him. "My name's Patrick, and this is my hu-half brother! Paulo." Patrick tugged at the sleeve of his coat, his face flushing as he chuckled hoarsely. Paulo snapped to reality when Patrick said, half-brother. He looked at the sheriff, sharing a face smile. "Yes, um, we better be going now..." Paulo gripped onto Patrick's arm, leading him into the bar.

Thomas stood there for a moment, confused but shook his head and walked off to his office. He had to admit, today was off to a very very weird start.

Entering his office, he felt like all energy had been completely sucked out of him. Lucille was sitting on his desk, wearing only a bathrobe. She looked irritated and stressed. Seeing Thomas, she got up slowly making sure her movement was seductive and elegant. "Sheriff." The sleeve of her bathrobe slides down, revealing her smooth skin. Thomas felt his face turn red, as he jerked his head away, covering his face.

"Oh for the love of god - Lucille get out!" He felt delicate smooth hands move down his waist, messing with the buckle of his pants. "Sheriff I can give you so much more than that bartender can..." She murmured into his ear, biting softly on the earlobe. She was pressing her almost naked body against Thomas and it was making him sick to the stomach.

"Is this what this is all about?! Lucille, I don't even know what you're getting so worked up about!"

"Sheriff you look at that man as if he's a God!" She cried, gripping the back of his coat, hitting softly as a demand for him to turn around and look at her. "Goodness gracious, Lucille stop this!"

"But Sheriff, It's not fair! I've thrown myself to you yet you still reject me! Then this- this queer! This abomination waltz in since yesterday and you're all over him!"

"Lucille, go home!" The sheriff snarled, spinning around gripping onto Lucille's shoulder keeping her in place. His sapphire eye burned into her skin, giving her a look colder than winter snow. Lucille lowered her head, whimpering. "You're gonna forget about all of this and leave me alone, am I clear?" He growled, releasing his grip. Lucille's head shot up to argue, but the Sheriff cut her off. "Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I won't put you in jail."

Lucille hung her head down, hiding her tears as she pulled up her bathrobe before pushing past Thompson and walking out the door. Thomas took a breath, leaning his head back as he rubbed his forehead. Sitting at his desk, he pulled open the drawers and looked for his flask of 'emergency whiskey'.

Finding the flask, he raised it to his lips, drinking the flask dry. Taking a heavy breath, Thomas kicked his legs on the table before resting.


Thomas woke up, seeing that it was pitch black in the room, the only light available was the moon shining in from the windows. He let out a gruff cough, sitting up and grabbing his keys. It was time to close up and head out. Locking the doors of the station, he began making his way to the bar - On second thought, maybe he should just go home. The thought of the bartender sent shivers down his spine in a good bad way. It was nice to see a face and not feel disgusted or annoyed, but the feelings he got made him question his sexuality. Being gay in these times weren't exactly a picnic, but for Todd is would all be worth it... Wait, what.

Thomas rubbed his temple, taking a breath. Maybe he had been drinking too much... Yes, that was it. He had gotten wasted on the job and now he was venturing down a road he wouldn't be taking if he were sober. Sighing heavily, Thomas knew the cure for this. More drinking.

Changing his direction, he began to make his way to the bar before stopping. The lights were out, in fact, all the lights in all the houses were out.

Thomas jerked his head back, narrowing his eyes. How long had he been out? Turning his head back, he saw a light flickering in Lucille's home. Thomas bit his lip, feeling his stomach churn. Something was wrong, very wrong... Walking to Lucille's home, he made a fist to knock only for the door to open wide for him. Weird.

Entering the house, he looked around. It was hard to see in the night time since there were no lights on to give him light. Huffing in annoyance, he made his way up the stairs. The house seemed quiet, but as he got closer and closer to the master bedroom he could hear grunts of struggle. Thomas smoothed his hand over the holster strapped to his waist, searching for his gun. A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead as he realized he was unarmed. Thomas turned his head to the stairs, then back to the bedroom floor.

He didn't like Lucille, but she was in trouble he could tell that, but going in there unarmed? It was like playing with fire - He had no idea of who he was dealing with. Debating between his options, Thomas decided to take a risk. There was no telling what would happen in the time Thomas left to get his gun, so he opened the bedroom door carefully, scanning the room. Lucille was sitting in the middle of the room, tied up and gagged. There were smears under her puffy red eyes from how hard she had been crying, snot dribbling down her nose.

Thomas' good eye widened seeing her in this pitiful state. He raised his finger up to his lips, signaling her for to be quiet. Lucille nodded quickly, silencing her movements. Crouching, Thomas began to carefully make his way over to her. Thomas began to untie her when she began to struggle. She was trying to scream something to Thomas - trying to warn him.

Thomas quickly looked up, only to see darkness cloud his vision.


Thompson let out a groan, rolling to his side as he rubbed the top of his forehead. "What happened...?" He slurred, jumping when he felt a soft hand on his chest. He snapped his good eye open, taking the view of what was in front of him.

Todd was kneeling beside him, his hat off showing his hair that spiked up in two devil horns. "Thomas, are you okay?" He cooed. Shivers were sent down the sheriff's spine when he heard Todd speak. His southern accent was hushed and soft, his genuine care for Thomas making it oh-so much hotter. Todd eye's twinkled, taking note of Thomas' reaction. "Are you hurt?" He continued, cupping Thomas' cheek. Thompson nuzzled into Todd's hand, his eyes fluttering. "Y-Yeah..." His voice was meek and timid, just being around Todd made him weak. His heart raced, as Todd's hand trailed to his chin lifting his head up to him.

Thompson's sapphire blue eyes stared into those beautiful silver eyes of his, sparks flying between them. Their hearts raced, as they became lost in each other's gaze. Thomas hadn't realized he had been leaning in until he felt Todd's warm breaths on his lips. His eyelids began to drape over his eyes, as he craned his head bracing his lips for a kiss.

Before Todd's lips could press against Thomas', he suddenly remembered why he was here. Pulling away in a blink of an eye, he looked around.

"Wait, what happened to Lucille?"

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