Ratchet's Sparkling 🧡 Transf...

By DarkerStars

384K 9.8K 17.9K

•A TRANSFORMERS: PRIME FANFIC• Team Prime gains a new member when a lone sparkling is found in the clutches o... More

A Surprise Find
Papa Ratchet
Beep Beep!
Nurse's Visit
Fowler Finds Out
All Alone
Lost and Found
Baby Steps
Ratchet Kicks Tailpipe
Sire's Gone Crazy..
Long Night
A Bad Influence?
Little Wheels
Cybertronian Biology
Reader, Meet Comet
Doctors and Nurses
Speedy Sparkling
Happy Creation Day!
Among the Humans
Stawrs! ✼
Muffin Maniac (Pt. 1)
Muffin Maniac (Pt. 2)
Rescue (+Babysitter) Bots
The Angry Wrench God
'Bots Get Spoopy
Past Goodbyes
Separation and Revelation


7.2K 203 97
By DarkerStars

Crappy filler chapter :/


As Bulkhead rarely spent any time with little Comet, Ratchet decided he should spend some time with him. Miko, of course, decided to join them. 

The Wrecker took Comet into one of the larger hallways downstairs with his toy cars. Down there he thought there would be plenty of room to play and for the kid to drive in his vehicle mode. Miko acquired the toy Hummer, knowing it was Comet's favourite, and ran around pulling it along the ground.

"Come on Comet, let's race!" Miko yelled playfully, making Bulkhead chuckle. Comet saw she had his green Hummer and instantly transformed into his tiny orange Ranger form. His floodlights switched on and locked onto the foolish human. No one steals his toy, especially a special one his Sire made him. The sparkling revved his engine and drove straight towards Miko, prompting the girl to run for it. When Arcee happened to wander in, she was gifted with a screaming Miko being chased by a speeding kid's Range Rover. 

Even she found it hard not to laugh.

Suddenly though, Comet decelertated and pulled to a stop abruptly. Bulkhead frowned and walked over. "You alright there little guy?"

Miko turned back and smirked once she saw her chaser had stopped. "Maybe he's just accepted defeat, right Comet?"

Comet didn't answer either question and transformed slowly, concerning Bulk and Arcee even more. Once the little sparkling was back he lay down weakly and curled into himself, whining quietly. Something was definitely wrong. 

Bulkhead knelt down beside the kid and shook his shoulder gently. "Comet?" 

Comet didn't reply, except with a low groan. Even Miko was concerned now. In Cybertronian standerds, Comet looked sick, really sick.

Ever-so carefully Bulk picked up the sparkling and cradled him securely. "We gotta get him to Ratchet."


Ratchet was just finishing up repairing a large dent Optimus had gained during yet another confrontation with Megatron. It wasn't anything majorly serious, but the medic insisted he fix it. That was until he was brought a more pressing case.

"Ratchet." Bulkhead called guiltily as he slowly walked into the medbay, Arcee and Miko following in worry.

Ratchet grumbled slightly. "I'm busy." 

"Ratchet." Arcee demanded, prompting the medic to turn around. That was when he saw Comet lying limp in Bulkhead's arms. 

"Comet?!" Ratchet exclaimed in shock and rushed over quickly. Optimus sat up in concern and also joined them. "What happened?"

Bulk gulped. "I dunno." He said honestly. "One minute he was fine and chasing Miko, the next he just went really weak."

"Comet? Comet look at me." Ratchet said gently and brushed Comet's faceplate to get his attention. The sparkling looked up at his Sire with weak, pale optics that drooped shut. Ratchet's own spark tore seeing his child like this. How had he not noticed that Comet was getting sick? 

Ratchet took Comet quickly and lay him down on the medical berth and got to work. He scanned the little one's frame and took an Energon sample to test. Optimus offered to help, but the medic simply shooed him out, claiming he needed 'peace and tranquillity', but the Prime knew he was trying to hide his worry.

And so the team waited. Tense minutes passed. No-one spoke. 

After 20 minutes Ratchet finally emerged from the medical bay. There was still concern and worry evident in his optics, but he seemed a little calmer.

"So? Is he okay?" Miko asked before anyone else could.

Ratchet sighed and nodded. "Fortunately it was merely a sparkling fever. Easily treatable, but Comet won't be up and about for a few days at least."

Everyone sighed with relief. Their little sparkling was okay. They all worried it was so much worse than a fever, but Comet was gonna be just fine.

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