One shots

By bombevil

89K 565 86

Series of one shots. A mixture of whirlwind romance, with a pinch of sexy and sprinkle of culture. They're u... More

City lights
Clear smoke
Crazy bird
Paper hearts (corazones de papel)
Written on the walls
All of you
Aching soul
Thousand years
Saints and sinners
Dancing in darkness
Speck of gold
Slow motion
Messages from her
Ruined by misery
And then I rise
Waiting and wishing
Dear darling
Little white lies
Volverte a ver
Lightning before the thunder
Sweet sunshine
Black and blue
Last first
Wild card
Rich risks
Pretty distractions
The play
Forget me not
Run Game
Free falling
You're Cold
Find me in the hopeless
The devils we know

Fine wine

723 7 2
By bombevil

There's just something in my head that pairs gangs and clubs. She wears the bomb af halter bodysuit with the revealing cleavage with some sort of bottom.

The VIP was the most tense it had been throughout the years. Clad in black slacks and a black button upp rolled up showing off all of his tattoos, Ryder stood facing the ceiling to floor tinted glass, hands folded. He had a full view of what was happening in his gang as two of his men carried out the job they were given.

Maddox sat on a bar stool beer in hand looking king at partly at the DJ and the crowd she tumbled up tonight. While Asher leaned against the glass window, smirking eyeing the crowd in search of his probable next conquest. The two were his most trusted men and also Ryder's best friends. The trio were lethal, and when together know to bring death.

Vesper  allowed her crazy purple haired friend Rebel pull her through the club entrance. Her name and one look at Vesp they let them straight through. She felt her nerves peak as she thought a flash of recognition flashed through the bouncers eyes as well as respect. She had no idea as to who the hell he was but Vesper knew exactly where they were. Aces was not a new scene for her even if it was for her best friend. She knew it was stupid to return, naive to think she could hide but she hoped with the grey contacts in and hair coloured a mousy brown with as dark rose gold they would not recognise her. The two elbowed through the crowd to the bar to order their first drinks of the night.

The man of the hour sat at the bar, and with hawk like eyes Ryder watched his every move. They needed him alive. He watched his men slowly stalk their way towards him, eyes focused solely one the prize. The slight shimmer of a black, cold gun being pressed into his back making him tense brought immense satisfaction in him that they had him where they wanted him. It would be a death wish for the rivals that the guy was with yet he walked into his club out of free will.

It was the choking sound from Maddox that brought him out of the darker thoughts his mind was heading towards. Coughing harshly he waited until he stopeed as Asher went to his aid, punching his back. Eyes wide and slightly watery his eyes looked out at a figure of a woman by the bar.

"No way," was all he whispered out before the room fell dead silent.

Following his line of direction, Ryder was hit with a crashing wave of deja vu. He felt his body tense as if he had a bucket of ice cold water thrown over his head. He felt the blood coursing through his veins and his pulse beating so hard against his body he was sure his heart was about to rip out of his chest. Even with her hair a light brown with a tint of pink and with what was clearly contacts to conceal her icy blue eyes, Ryder watched Vesper knock back shots. How long had it been since she had ran away, how long had he been searching even though she always managed to stay a step ahead? How long had it been since he had let her go?

One year and six months exactly and now she was being thrown back into the life. Well kind of. So far she had been lucky, but she kept her guard up, her eyes open for any signs of anyone from the past. If word got out she was here, no doubt it was something she didn't want to even think about. She knew he was on a constant manhunt search for her and she didn't care. She knew it wouldn't be long until he found her because she was getting tired. She was missing home. And she knew she was definitely stupid for being her tonight, she was literally hanging under his nose. And she had no reservations in concluding her time was running out.

Ryder swallowed the lump which formed in his throat. His hand remained clenched as he fought every fibre in him to not trash the room out of anger and anguish. Maddox and Asher had come to stand by his side. They all watched  silently at how little she had changed. He could feel for Asher that it hit harder, his little sister was still broken inside it evident in her eyes, and even though they may have not been blood related she was still the little girl his family took in when he was six.

"Bring her up even if you have to knock her out."

It had been exactly two minutes since Rebel went looking for the bathroom. Vesper felt the ache in her chest grow stronger, she was in desperate need for some cold air right now. Holding one hand to her heat she used the other to elbow her way through the crowd on dance floor towards the exit. She made it close the end in sight before she felt herself flying through a door on the right. She was hauled by a pair of hands through a secret staircase leading upstairs that was barely lit, forcing her eyes to adjust. One of the grubby hands covered her mouth as they asceneded the stairs.

She didn't bother to put up a fight in the mans arms, although she had a good idea of who the hell it was. She however did huff whilst still being muffled from annoyance of knowing excatly who was behind this. More than anything though she was pissed at herself for letting herself be talked back into this place. Because the outcome was more than likely she would have to recounter the past. The past she had so desperatly had been trying to run away from. To forget.

Watching his lower ranked men manhandling his girl was not exactly the way Ryder thought would be the first time they would see each other again going. He let his mind wander about how he would be there, after knocking her out and having her bound of course. Vesper was the epitome of femme fatale and even he knew how foolish he would be to let her roam freely when they meet again. She was the only person that could bring him to his knees. And turn anything into a weapon. But as she was hauled in hands and legs drooping with no fight he couldn't help the care fusion that fleeted over his face before it evolved into dead eyes and signature smirk. Where was her fighting spirit?

"I see you haven't stopped manhandling people Ry."

The familiarity and casualness of her voice sent chilling shivers down his spine. If possible her felt his body tense more as if possible and finch the slightest. It wouldn't go missed by her. The realisation of exactly how he missed her hit him. So much that he didn't realise how much it was hurting him to see her. To feel her presence in the same room. He still wanted her. All of her, with her arms around him talking about anything and everything like they used to. He missed the only intimate moments he's ever had with any woman. The side only she had seen. No matter how short lived.

Never before did she ever feel so damn exposed. She felt her nerves heighten. His eyes were blank so dead she had only seen him look like that before screaming murder. She hated his his body was coming across defensive, stance tense and ready to roughly attack her to the ground. More than anything she hated how he drank her in growling showing the first emotion of rage like fire to shine in his brown eyes. And the way her body reacted, nipples pebbling and fire from need coursing through her veins.

He could see it in her eyes. She wasn't going to back down. Even though the uncertainty of the situation and the lack of comfort she felt flickered through her eyes for a split second, she stood straight, hands clenched by her side. She made sure to not cower, exposing herself to his onslaught. Leisurely he ran his eyes down her form. Vesper has more curvy and be flat and he loved that. The comfort and confidence that she had in her own skin.

She was the embodiment of fine wine. The halter lace bodysuit did little to stop his mind running wild. Her breasts were barely contained by the criss cross design and from where he was standing he could see her nipples straining against the flimsy material, aching for release. He swore he could still remember their taste, the feel of the way they spilled over his hands. The scrap of material did little to hide the apex between her thighs and he could only imagine how little it did to cover her plump ass. Over it she threw on a short mesh black skirt making her legs go on for miles. Black sky high fuck me heels adorned her feet where her black laced tattoo of an anklet curled around her left ankle. He didn't know which he felt more. The appreciation and urge to make her scream his name slowly as he takes her. Or the rage to fuck her brains out sideways all the way to Sunday until she'd understand that she was his because she was so exposed for all the other men including his own to see what was his freely imagining how they'd make her theirs.

Instead he took to throwing the closest thing to him, his empty cognac glass against the glass wall in a fit of rage. From the corner of his eye her saw her jump. His anger grew from the feeling that he was scaring her.

She jumped giving herself away. She was caught off guard. The loud noise bringing back flashes of the past scaring her more than the threat of the man in front of her presented. Maybe she was naive. But she knew went it came to Ryder and his guys she could bloody well hold her own. She had shown that countless times in the past and this time was nothing different.


The nickname hung in the air. It haunted her. And she tried her hardest to fight the tears back as she get her throat close up. Looking up she looked into the green eyes of her brother. Asher had grown more muscular. His milky skin shone under the light. His hair shades lighter then the natural blonde he was. His green eyes held so much pain and relief. She tried so hard to act nonchalant that him being here meant nothing. She knew where his loyalties lay. He had shown her that before.


She saw him gulp and stop himself from taking a step back from the lack of anything in her voice. His made no effort to mask his pain instead letting it deep into the room. She felt bad. So bad she was so close to running and collapsing into his arms. To soak in the safety and love he always emanated for her. Her brother was her brother and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't find it in herself to hate him. To really hate any of them. But the hand hand clasping on his shoulder has her breaking from her feelings.


Maddox barely nodded. His stance as rigid as stone and his eyes clearly showed the betrayal and anger he felt towards her. She wanted to laugh. They were the ones that broke her souls leaving her aching. And he was acting like she was the one that killed his mother. She felt the fire in the pit of her stomach ignite and grow. This reunion was testing her limits.

"Maddox," her smile was taunting she knew it.

She was itching to start a fight now. Better than breaking into a hysterical fit of tears.

"You have some fucking nerve girl!"

He was hurting. So was she. And they were letting it get the best of them. She wondered if he even knew. If he cared.

"No not this time Maddy, not my fucking fault. Get your fucking head out your ass because frankly your macho bullshit is something I don't care for right now!"

Her voice grew in octaves. He took the first step towards her and she didn't back down more cower.

"Your loyalties are beyond fucked up!"

It was the last straw before he lunged at her. All hell broke loose. Her hands flew up to defend herself. Asher jumped on Maddox tackling him to the ground, throwing the first punch at his jaw for coming at him. It angered her more. She was capable enough of getting in a few hits before he probably would kill her. And she would have died happy knowing she gave it her all. Happy to escape the nightmare that was her life.

Tears. He saw them as clear as daylight. Everything happening had just broke her. The nerves that were hanging by a nerve. It broke the last of his resolve. He would deal with the two bull heads shit later, even though he knew they would solve it out between themselves before he got there. However right now all he could see was his girl. His girl that was about to fall apart and desperately needed him to anchor her down. Bring her out the dark and kiss away her demons.

"Fucking sort your shit out somewhere else."

His words echoed off the walls, bringing the room to a halt. It felt like time had stopped. She blinked and he was in front of her holding against him. Hands wrapped around her frame, pulling her towards him, head resting in the crook of her neck. She didn't dare to move.


The command was deadly. He hauled her into his arms, hands played out against her ass. She shifted about to protest and he squeezed the gloves hard in warning.

He felt her move to glare at him. Instead he focused on having a silent conversation with his two right hands. Take care of the man, lock the door and don't even bother coming back. Nods of agreement and understanding passed through them before the distinct sound of the finalising click of the door being locked echoed through the room. It was all it took.

He had locked her in. She was livid. Her hands moved up beating against him as she squirmed to move out his arms. No matter how good he felt against her. His arms tightened locking her in. He had always been stronger than her and it just fuelled her anger. She bit him and he seemed like it didn't faze him.

He was caught off guard. One second she was biting him the next going slack in his arms. He was stupid to relax. He realised that too late. Because the next thing she did was have him on his knees literally. A head butt followed by a swift kick. A punch to the jaw and her leg hitting the back of his knees bringing him to his knees. He hit the ground with an oomph, yet held enough strength to fall no lore than in his knees like he was praying. It gave her enough time to create distance between them. She was a mess. Hair sticking up everywhere and skirt twisted having raised up a little. She kicked her fuck me heels off. Her stance indicating she was more than ready for a fight. But there was no way he was going to hit her tonight, or ever.


"NO! No you let me go!"

She was hysterical. Hands pulling hair as she ran for the door, rattling the doorknob. With no luck ran towards the glass that over saw the club floor. Couches sat in the middle and she reached for the table in the middle in search of anything she could use to jimmy the lock. He watched her running a hand though his hair before reaching for her. His hold in her upper arm was firm but enough to leave a bruise.

"Baby girl."

Her heat clenched from hearing the term of endearment. They were nothing to each other. Well it was what she was chanting to herself internally in an miserable attempt to hold her made up reality together.


She screwed her eyes shut. Like as if that would help her keep her armour up. She refused to let him get in her head again. To be able to have a stronger hold on her than after she worked so hard to wear it down.

"Look at me." His voice was rough and tense. He used the same voice on her that he used on his men.

Eyes shot open displaying rage so strong it was unfathomable.

"I. Hate. You."

Each word punctured a different part of his heart. It hurt him. And she revelled I'm having that power over him. The triumph showed on her face that she got to him. As well as her obvious want for him. She breathed in lungful of his scent and her eyes darkened at the sight of his equal rage, He would simply have to change everything between them into something more desirable.

His kiss was punishing. It wasn't one where he simply stole her breath. No teeth clashed with hers as he let his frustrations loose. His tongue merciless as he tangled his hand into her hair pulling her head back. She felt the sting in her scalp from how tightly he yanked her head back exposing her neck and she half growled half moaned from the pain mixed in with the flood of arousal that travelled south. She met every stroke with an equal amount of pain. Her tears mixed into the kiss. Her nipples ached to be set free, her hands clawed at his buttoned up shirt working twice as fast at removing it. All she wanted was to feel his skin against hers.

He pulled her into his arms moving into a sitting position, back against one of the couches. Working with lightening speed he gave no care as he ripped the lace around her neck holding her girls up. They bounced free, hard and need of attention. Like a starved man he alternated between the two dusky nipples. Biting, sucking and tugging with his teeth. She cried out against him rocking against him, anything for a little friction. Her hands pushed his head further into her with each movement.

He kissed down the valley of her breasts whilst pulling up the sheer material of her skirt making it bunch at her waist. Moving the scrap of material to the side he could feel the effect he had on her coating his fingers. On if her hands reached between the small space between them, unbuckling him. He sprung free hot and thick. Carrying his onslaught down her body he was brought back to the ground by a small cursive scribble in the right side of her ribs.

Vincenzo Ryder Aims.

In his handwriting sat the name of what could have been. He felt claustrophobic. One hand splayed across her stomach as the dam finally broke lose. Everything they could have been if he held on tighter. Told her it would be okay. If he found her earlier and they could have grieved their boy together. He kissed the writing and felt her tense. Before his first tear fell.

They needed this. They needed the closer to move on together or alone she didn't know. She felt his pain. Her heart had been empty until now. Until this. She felt his tears against her skin. She didn't have it in her to let the shock of it catch her off guard. Ryder never cried. Raising her hips, hands on his tattooed shoulders she took all of him. His hand went for her hips guiding her. Letting her set the pace. Movement between them was jerky and frantic. None of it was slow and full of love. No it was them taking what they needed from each other and it only made her ride him harder.

He came before her, she held back stilling before moving thrusting down on him twice more before hitting her own high. She swore she almost blacked out from coming so hard. Head falling back she screamed his name into the open room, his fingers dug into her sides. Collapsing forward she let him hold her. They remained motionless for what felt like forever. His hand ran up and down the dip of her back over her spine. She was growing cold. Moving back satiated for the time being she looked over him. He had grown more butch over the time. His frame even more towering than before. Ink marred his skin her eyes followed all her favourites. Until she felt the air knocked out if her. Ryder was everything but sentimental.  But even then there near his heart on the last of ink free skin sat her name. 

Royale Stryker.

The irony of her middle and surname wasn't lost on her. She couldn't help the questions that ran through her mind. Her head hurt. She didn't want to think of what it meant, what it meant know. She knew.

Her eyes met his. Never before had the silence spoken so many words. He cradled her in his arms. Soothing her. Letting her know he promised forever. He would chase her to the ends of the world.

She felt his promises in the silence of the room. She didn't question any of it. Didn't call him out on any of it. She would r be able to escape. She was his now and forever.

And she didn't even try to deny it.

If anyone can tell me where her name Vesper Royale is from without googling it I will love you forever.😂😂😂

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