Resilience | Marvel

By SunflowyrOfficial

197K 7.9K 2.3K

Peter Parker gains an internship with a certain billionaire. He is taken under his wing. Will his web of secr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Update/Social media.
I'm back, and sorry
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Big announcement: 40k READS!!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (I have returned from the void)

Chapter 9

7.2K 329 42
By SunflowyrOfficial

A/N 10K READS! THIS IS INSANE! THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH! I can't believe you guys are crazyyyy! Love you all!!! <3

For the next few weeks, Peter waited impatiently for his move to Avengers Tower. It took him a few days before he had the courage to tell Aunt May he was moving, she took it pretty hard. But she was surprisingly supportive. Peter was thankful for that.

He knew he would miss her, and felt a little bad for leaving her. But he knew that this internship was an amazing opportunity he couldn't just pass up. He was a little worried about how he was going to keep going out as Spider-Man without anyone finding out. 

Maybe I should just tell them. Peter thought while he was sitting on a rooftop one night. They'd probably understand, but, then again, none of them have a secret identity.

Peters suitcase slowly, but surely, filled up. He felt excited and nervous at the same time. The last week of school dragged on for what seemed an eternity. He barely aced his finals, he knew he could have worked harder but, with a job like Spider-Man, he thought he did pretty well.

Peter was announced as the winner of the internship on the last day of school. He heard a few students grumble. But most just congratulated him. He left the building, feeling full of energy.

As he walked out the doors, he noticed the black Towncar was parked on the curb, for everyone to see. He knew it was waiting for him. As he walked closer Happy stepped out of the driver's seat, He hesitated, listening to someone, he sat back down and the back passenger door opened up. 

Out stepped Tony Stark, everyone nearby stopped. Tony smiled smugly and swaggered over to a surprised Peter, who's mouth was agape. Tony and Peter shook hands, Peter's jaw dropped further, if that was even possible, as Tony grabbed his backpack, swinging it onto his shoulder. And walked with Peter back to the car. Peter's head was hung in embarrassment. He  got in the car and Tony smiled as he closed the door.

"We'll swing by your house first, so you can get your stuff." The billionaire informed. Peter hummed in response and looked at Tony nervously. Tony chuckled, amused.

"What? Is it because I picked you up?"

"No, it's just....yeah it kinda is." Peter admitted awkwardly. Tony nodded understandingly.

"Hey, everything's gonna be fine. I swear, the team's gonna love you." Tony smiled. But that wasn't what Peter was worried about.

"Thanks, really." Peter said sincerely. He nervously messed with his hands, Tony noticed this, I would be nervous too, he thought. He looked out the window the rest of the ride through Queens.

When they pulled up to the building, Tony and Peter got out of the car. Peter ran up the stairs eagerly while Tony slowly followed behind. Up the worn, peeling stairs of the old building.

When Tony finally reached the apartment, the door was wide open. The first thing Tony noticed how warm and inviting the apartment looked. Not immaculate plastic and leather, like his was, it was a true home, it showed signs of lives lived, messes made, laughter and tears. 

Aunt May was sitting on the sofa, she looked particularly sad. Peter came out of his room, he was finishing zipping up his backpack. She looked up hopefully. He gave her a comforting smile and she stood up. They shared a long hug, where neither looked like they wanted to let go. 

"I love you, sweetie. Call me, I'm always around if you need me." She grabbed his hand tenderly. He looked up at her, seeing tears in her eyes.

"I promise. I'll visit as much as I can, I'll call every day. It's just until school starts again." He said sweetly then gave his Aunt a tight hug, he kissed the top of her grey head. He patted the top of her head and grabbed his suitcase. He looked at Tony, signaling he was ready to go. He gave one last look around the apartment, I'm gonna miss this place. He'd never been away from home this long.

He turned and walked out the door, Tony gave a nod to Aunt May. He followed after the teenager, closing the door on his way out.

As Happy loaded the suitcase into the trunk, Peter looked up at his small, cramped apartment building, then over to the enormous Avengers Tower. He nodded, considering the difference, not knowing what the future held for him. He climbed into the expensive car, and off they drove to Avengers Tower.

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