forever & Always (Teen versio...

By Twilightfangal

289 24 3

Summary: Bella has been accepted in a program in Italy, so she takes it. When she goes there, she meets a bo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2 :Last Time having Fun!
chapter 3 Goodbye
chapter 4: new Home
chapter 5
chapter 6: Double Date
chapter 7 : Phone Calls
chapter 9 after school
Day with Edward
Day Before Christmas/ winter Break
Going Home
Back In Jacksonville
Phone Calls and Family Time
Edward Comes Over to visit
We Are Together Back In JACKSONVILLE
Date Night !
Edward's Leave
Heading Back to Italy !
the crash
Watching Edward
chapter 23
Edward is going out
Untitled Part 25
The Funeral
Last Time to See Bella
Back in Italy
Moving on

chapter 8 :classes

6 1 0
By Twilightfangal

Chapter 8: Classes


It was the morning of my first day of classes. The other girls were already dressed and wanted to leave early. The girls offered me a ride, but I wasn't quite ready, since I had only had a few hours of sleep. I told them that I might be a little while; so just go on without me. Once they had left, I walked into to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I only had to look once to see that I looked like a mess. So I gathered my outfit and hopped into a quick shower. I didn't want Edward to see me looking like a walking zombie. Once I was all finished getting ready, I waited for Edward to come to pick me up for school. He would be here soon; he was always on time. Since what happened yesterday, I can't get him out of my mind. It was like something that happened in the movies.

Bree was getting ready too since Tyler would be picking her up. They didn't have the same classes, not like Edward and I did. We had almost all the same classes, which was good. I had something to look forward to instead of lame classes. One class that I wasn't really thrilled about was Math, so without Edward class would be so lame and boring. It was around 8 a.m. when Edward came. I grabbed my laptop and purse. When I got to his car, we kissed and we were off to school. He took my hand and held it as he drove to our college.

The next thing I knew my hand was on his shoulder . I  tried  to  massage  his shoulder as he drove  to  college . Everyone  tells  me  I gave  good  massages. As I rubbed  his shoulder  I could  see he was smiling. He took  a quick  look  at  me and kissed  me . I  knew  I   finally  met  someone  who  is more  like  me.

So we arrived at the school on time. We were looking for a place to park. It took us five minutes to find a place to park.. As soon as we parked the car, he got out and waited for me to get out. We were walking to the building hand in hand. When we were in the building it looked bigger than before. I looked around inside as we walked to our class. There was a big fountain in the middle of the hall with water running, and some famous art work like some old ancient looking landscapes and portraits on the walls. The halls were painted with flowers popping out; it looked so pretty, nothing like the colleges back home. We walked in and took our seats. We were three minutes early, which was a good thing. We took the back row of seats. Edward let go of my hand and peak  me  on the  cheek, since  we are  in class  now. It's not  right  to make  out  in public, my dad  had told me.

As we waited for our professor to come in we made a few new friends. We talked for a little until a middle aged woman came in. As soon as she started to walk across the room, Edward and I faced front. One of the other students had been here since last year, and she lived in Miami, Florida. Her name was Carly. I asked her if we could get together sometime after school one day. She told me yes, she would love to. I introduced her to Edward. I didn't know what I would do if Edward and I weren't in any classes together. I could tell right then that Carly and I would be good friends. I asked her if she and her boyfriend wanted to go out for a bite one day. She told me that would be nice. Edward just shook his head, because we just met her and he thinks we should get to know her and Kevin a little more before we go and hang out with them.

Before our professor walked into class, he and I started to talk about why he doesn't want to hang out with Carly or her boyfriend.

"Bella, we can talk about this after classes get out," Edward whispered.

"Sure, I get it, you don't know this couple and you want to get to know them a little better," I whispered back., as I turned to face Carly, who was making faces at us.

"It's not that I don't want to have friends, don't get me wrong; we can be friends with them, but we need to know them a bit more before making plans," he admitted.

"I agree with you," I acknowledged.

I knew he was right; we didn't know them that well. I would have liked to have more than a few friends in the same class as us, just in case I missed something one day.


I woke up from a nice sleep. I dreamed about Bella and how pretty she was. I stretched and sat up in my bed. I took a look around and all of the guys were probably out or downstairs so I got my clothes and jumped into the shower. I didn't want Bella or myself to be late for our first day of school. I took a quick shower and got dressed fast. I walked downstairs and out the door. I had told Bella that I wanted to pick her up and we would go to school together.

When I arrived at her house I parked the car and walked to her door. I was thinking, "This will be the experience of a lifetime; starting a new school." As I was about to ring the door bell, she opened the door. Her hair was in a ponytail, she wore dark jeans and a hunter green tee shirt.

It took us five minutes till I finally found a place to park my car . I parked the car and I got out and stood there watching her get out of my car. She walked so gracefully to me. We entered the college and Bella was looking around .She would just stand there for a few minutes; just to look at everything around the school. I had to push her to move so we wouldn't be late. We were in classes less than six minutes. We found our seats in the back of the class. Our classroom was a bit smaller, as it only had twenty seats. I thought it would be bigger than back home. But it was cool. It was probably good for our professor to talk to only twenty students at once.

Class was the most boring thing that ever happened. Our professor handed us the syllabus for our class. I was going through the list and I saw that there was a test in two weeks. This class was math. I hated math when I was back in high school.

Luckily it went smoothly and pretty fast. Bella and I had science next, then an hour to ourselves, then physical education, that was it. We could go home after that. I couldn't wait to go home, since Bella was coming over to my house after school. We were going to study -- not! I knew I had just met her, I also .Her long brown hair and dark brown eyes just drew me deeper and deeper into her, if you know what  I mean . 

As both of us walked into the gymnasium, there stood Zafrina and Senna, with Carmen, Garrett, and Alistair; the other students that had the same physical education class as we did. None of them had the same classes as we did, so it was a good time to make new friends. I knew Bella was shy and quiet, so I did most of the talking for us. Gym was quite boring if you asked me. All we did was go over the rules and what we would be doing. I didn't know why we even needed it anyway.

A ninety minute gym class was long enough for me. I am not a physical education guy. I knew Bella wasn't into sports either. But I knew it was one of the requirements. So I guess we had to take it. As the class ended, we ran into the shower room to get rinsed off. I was so glad that classes were done for the day. I waited for Bella to get out of the showers, then we walked to my car and we were off to my house. As we were on our way back to my house I was thinking about treating her to dinner and some time to talk to get to know how better. We really hadn't talked much, with everything that went on. I would like to know her a lot better before we got serious. Bella hardly knew anything about me.

So all in all our first day in classes went as I expected it would. Bella and I had the same class; which I was glad of. I don’t know how I would have made it without her. I knew she was thinking the same thing. Just being with her in class was the best thing.

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