House of Anubis [h.styles]

By asylumsfray

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Sarah ventures into Anubis House looking for answers to her parents disappearance. Will she be able to get th... More

Side Note
Characters of Anubis House
House of Beginnings
House of Teachings
House of Curiosity
House of Correlation
House of Sibuna
House of Membership
House of Flashback
House of Horror
House of Nerves
House of Tragedy
House of Discovery
House of Fear
House of Tales
House of Information
House of Rendezvous
House of Spooky

House of Trapped

52 6 172
By asylumsfray


"Fantastic." I utter to myself, "just what I need." I continue my rambling.

Conisdering I was in immense agony from Amphis' harsh shove, (and I still don't know what's even happened to my ankle) all I wanted to do was get out of here. I seriously didn't want to be stuck in here with Sarah. I should've just let her be and minded my own business. For fucks sake, why do I always let curiousity get to me? I shouldn't have followed her to this place.

At this moment, I regretted everything and anything that rushed through my mind. Petty? Maybe. But I don't care. I felt terribly regretful that I followed this dummy to this awful place. I'm such a twat – I should've just stayed at home. But no. Here I am, locked in this crypt with somebody's existence I don't want to acknowledge, some ancient ghost/demon/thing and to top it all off, I now have a bad ankle. Just splendid. This is exactly how I wanted my Halloween to turn out (please hint the sarcasm, I actually despise everything in this moment and if I had the chance to leave right now, I'd take it in a heartbeat).

"Quit your rambling. It's not going to solve anything." I heard Sarah's voice tell me harshly. I raise an eyebrow and tried looking for her in this darkness, only to realise she was sat next to me on the step.

"My rambling? Oh please, you're the worst for it." I snap. I heard her gasp and I'm guessing it was her that hit my arm, because who else could've done it? I doubt it was Amphis because I don't think it's here. Hopefully not. I don't need another visit from that creep. Luckily her hit didn't hurt though, but my ankle sure did.

"Whilst you ramble to no one in particular, I'll find a way out." she tells me and I roll my eyes at her childish behaviour. I heard shuffling around and then light suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I squint up and see that Sarah had her phone out with the flashlight button on. I would've done the same, but I left my phone back at the house. Stupid.

"Got any signal?" I had to ask, because she could call for help to get us out of this scary place. She lifts her phone up and walks down the steps. I heard shuffling around for a while and then a sigh, "no luck." she informs me.

Rolling my eyes, I clutch onto the wall and try to stand up. "Harry, just sit down. You'll only hurt yourself more." Sarah was now at the bottom of the stairs and she had her arms crossed.

"I want to help." I tell her, attempting to stand up yet I winced in pain, as I hit the poorly ankle against the wall by accident. I heard a sigh and I glanced up to see Sarah walking towards me. She grips onto my waist and tries to pull me up, in which she successfully manages and guides me down the steps.

Whilst she had her hold onto me, my eyes scanned around the not-so illuminated place. Sure, we had Sarah's phone flashlight, however it wasn't that magnificent. Plus, it was pointed in the opposite direction to where I was searching anyway, therefore I tried to see through the little amount of light I had. But I had no luck in finding anything remotely helpful to get us out of here.

"Any luck?" I ask, gazing up at her concentrated face. She looked adorable when she was focusing on things: her tongue would stick out at the side and her eyebrows would scrunched together. And that was exactly what she was doing right now.

She- stop. I need to stop myself right there. She's dating Asa, not you. Leave her be; if she wanted me in the first place, she would've done something. So just stop hurting yourself even more, for goodness sake Harry. And anyway, you're supposed to be mad at her, not fall for her. Dumbass.

"No-" she stops and her eyes widen, I follow her gaze and faintly see a vent. It looked something similar to that, but I'm not so sure if it's a way out. "I think we've found our way out." Sarah glances back at me with a small smile.

"Let me just check it out first though," she gazes down to my ankle. "Are you alright to stay here? I won't be long, I promise." she asks me and I nod. Although, I was a little apprehensive with her checking out that vent all by herself. Something could happen to her and I don't want that to happen. We're already one person down, and that's me

Sarah helps me to the middle of the room and makes me lean on the tomb. "I'll be back, don't you worry." she tells me. "I won't be worrying." I smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. As she was about to leave, I immediately clutch her hand and she looks up at me with a questioning gaze.

"I... uh-" I stop myself. Don't you dare say anything dumb. I swear to God- "just be careful, alright?" I ask her and she chuckles at me.

"I'm always careful." she smiles one last time, before leaving me in the dark. I should've asked her to get that flashlight on the floor, because I honestly can't see a thing. Whilst I stood there, I could hear rattling and I'm pretty sure I heard Sarah shout "gross!".

Smiling to myself, I peer down and see those symbols engraved on the tomb. I forgot to ask Sarah what she discovered. Maybe tomorrow we could check this place out, after I get my Drama project done of course. Obviously when it's daylight and we have to bring the rest of Sibuna. We can't just leave everybody out; we're a team and we're supposed to stick together through everything. No matter what it is.

Especially sticking together with Amphis hot on our heels. Speaking of that creature, I wonder where it is now. It just magically disappeared after pushing me. What a dick. I wonder how long that thing has been alive for... I knew it was ancient, but what was it's purpose? What do they want to find that's so special?


Jumping from fright and hurting my ankle even more in the process, I glance up to see Sarah. I clutch onto my waist, huffing out sharp breaths. She honestly frightened me to my almost death that I wasn't prepared for. Bloody hell, did she really have to do that?

"Seriously?!" I ask her, regaining my breathing back to it's regular state and stand up straight. Sarah was giggling at me and poked at my chest.

"Sorry Mr. Grumpy Pants. I was just getting back at you from before." she says and I roll my eyes. See what I mean by childish behaviour? And why was she sneaking up on me anyway? Isn't she supposed to be searching for a way out within those vents we saw earlier?

"Did you find-" she hushes me before I could continue with my question, and she places her index finger to my lips. "Don't speak." she whispers before leaning closer. Her voice was so low and very sexy. My eyes widen and for some reason, I was frozen to the spot in complete shock. Is this even real right now? What the hell is happening?

Her lips eventually found mine and she tugged at my long, hair as she kissed me. I was unsure on what to do – I was still confused if this was reality or just a figment of my imagination. But whatever it was, it was a chance. A chance I was going to take. And so I place my right hand upon her rosy cheeks and kiss her back. The feeling of her lips upon mine felt... incredible. Everything I suspected and more. It was mesmerising and everything seemed so... perfect. Everything was perfect: right here, in this amazing moment we shared together.

All of those nasty things I said before about Sarah? They were lies. I do want to be near her, because I still like her. I really, really like her. And I can't just un-like her instantly; it takes time. But this is a sign or something. Sarah does want me too. I'll give Sarah all the time in the world, as long as she'll be with me.

Sarah's small hand caresses my hair gently, whilst I now wrap my arms around her waist. Everything felt so right and my heart couldn't stop leaping frantically, as I felt her tongue slip into my mouth.

"You'll never guess what I've found-" I stop what I was doing and release from Sarah's grasp quickly. Only to find that Sarah wasn't there anymore. What? I glance over to see Sarah near the vents, dusting herself off and reaching down to grab her phone, which was on the ground. She glances up at me with a small smile.

"Sorry, I had a cobweb on me." she explains and walks over to me. "But you'll never guess what I just found!" she exclaims, a large grin upon her lips. But I couldn't react to anything she was saying. My heart felt crushed and I felt as if I couldn't feel anything. Was that all just fake? I can't believe it wasn't Sarah... but it had to be. It looked exactly like her. So who was it if it wasn't Sarah? It's gotta be Sarah.

"Hey... are you okay?" Sarah tentatively asks me and I ignore her, still trying to process through my head on what just fucking happened in the space of a few minutes. "You look like you've seen a ghost." she tries to joke with me. But maybe I had seen a ghost: a ghost that looked just like Sarah. Who knows.

"I-I." I had to stop myself. Words couldn't form properly and I was just so confused about everything. Was anything real anymore? I kept second-guessing myself and so I grab onto Sarah and place my lips onto hers.

Sarah gasps and pushes me away almost immediately. "What are you doing?!" she shouts, stepping back. I ran a hand through my hair, my heart racing and I think I was shaking too.

Why did I do that?

Oh. I know the answer. Because I just fucking kissed someone who looked exactly like Sarah and I had the urge to do it again. And I wanted to be sure if this was real. Which it clearly was, as Sarah is now pissed at me.

"I'm with Asa, Harry!" she exclaims, crossing her arms and looking down at the ground. "You had your chance." her voice was soft and it had turned into a whisper. I had my chance? More like she had hers. I can't believe she's trying to pin this all on me – she was the one who kissed me first! Well, I don't exactly know anything anymore...

"What do you mean?" I ask her, now copying her actions and crossing my arms.

She lets out a sigh, "when we almost kissed the other day... you had your chance then." she pauses and frowns, "you were the one who prevented yourself from kissing me in the first place. I-" she stops and I wanted her to carry on. "I wanted you to kiss me." she whispers, looking at anything but me and my eyes widen.

She wanted me to kiss her? She. Wanted. Me. To. Kiss. Her. Holy shit. Oh my goodness. This was like music to my ears. She really wanted me to kiss her that day. She actually did?! I can't believe it – this is music to my ears. I know I've said that already, but it's true. She actually wanted me to kiss her! But why didn't I do it? I should've done it. I knew I should've. I'm so pathetic. Ugh!

"But that was then... and you m-missed your shot, Harry. I'm with A-Asa now... so don't k-kiss me again..." she trails off and then looks me dead in the eyes. "Don't make me confused."

Confused... so she's conflicted between me and Asa? "But... you just kissed me." I tell her and she furrows her eyebrows. "What?" she questions what I just said. And in all honesty, I was questioning myself too. I can't believe I just said that out loud. Fuck. How am I going to get myself out of this one?

"You scared me and then kissed me. I know what I felt and I had to be sure it was real... so I-I kissed you." I explain the past few minutes to her and she looks at me with a confused expression.

"Harry... I was checking out what was in those vents. And it's actually pretty cool because there's-" I give her a look and she sighs, "sorry, I'm rambling again. But I think there's some tunnels in there. Hence I wasn't anywhere near here." she explains and I purse my lips together, thinking.

"But if you said someone's in here then..." she stops to gaze around the room. I look around too and my eyes widen when I spot something lurking in the shadows.

"Uh... Sarah?" I question and she hums. The shadow started to come closer towards us and I tug on Sarah's arm, she lets out a sigh and turns around. Her eyes then widen at the sight. It was Sarah? But how... she was right next to me? I need to lie down.

"Is that me?" she asks, bewilderment clear in her facial features. She glances back at the figure and scrunches her eyebrows together, "but... how? I-" she stops when realisation hit her.

"Amphis." she mutters and I grit my teeth. Seriously? I kissed Amphis and not Sarah? How embarrassing. I wanted it to be Sarah so badly. I should never get my hopes up, they always get crushed by everyone. I'm sick of this ugly little monster who keeps messing with everybody.

Fake Sarah morphs back into Amphis' regular terrifying self and cackles at us. "I can not believe you thought it was Sarah!" it exclaims and continues to laugh. Yeah, yeah. I can't believe it either. Keep laughing you piece of shit. It's going to be so fucking sorry once I'm done with him.

As I was going to grab at the brat, Sarah pulls me back and steps in front of me. "You've done this before." she states and I raise an eyebrow at the two of them. She's kissed Amphis before? We've seriously all been there then, haven't we?

Amphis smirks, "it took you long enough to figure out." it says and takes a sneaky glance at me, winking. I almost gag at the disgusting sight. I can't believe I kissed that gross creature, even if it looked like Sarah, I can't help but see Amphis now. Ew.

"But yes, my child, I have. With dear ol' Harry and what is her name again?" it stops and Sarah's eyes widen, "Cora?" she whispers and Amphis nods. "Is that her name? That is truly sad." it says and Sarah grits her teeth.

"Don't talk about Cora that way!" she shouts and Amphis simply smirks at her. Then Sarah gasps, "you were the one who hid my locket!" she exclaims and it rolls their eyes, circling around me and Sarah.

"For someone who is almost as powerful as the Gods, you would think she is smart." it looks at me and I just look away. What on Earth is going on? I'm so confused. So Amphis impersonated me as well... what the- how? When? These overbearing questions that floated around in my mind needed to be answered. Now. Because I was beginning to get a headache.

"Why are you even here? And why do you need my locket? We're doing the best we can to get this over and done with." Sarah speaks up and Amphis sighs. It stops in front of Sarah and thinks for some time, leaving us anticipated to what it was going to say. But in a matter of seconds, it just vanishes into thin air. Just like that.

Sarah lets out a frustrated sigh and runs a hand through her long, curly hair. "Let's try getting out through those tunnels." she mumbles, about to head in the direction but I stop her and shake my head.

"We don't know what's down there, it's too risky. We should just wait here for a while." I state and she groans, but nods and aids me back to the steps. We both sit down in silence and I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. Even if she didn't kiss back, at least I got to kiss her and not Amphis again. God, I can't even believe that happened.

"So, what did you figure out?" I ask her, wanting to know what she researched and learnt about this place. She can't leave Sibuna in the dark with this possible vital information. Plus, we all deserve to know what's going on, even if we all have our differences right now.

"I think I've figured out what those symbols mean and if it unlocks something. But I needed to be sure and now I think I am." she says, fiddling with her phone, the flashlight radiating from the device moved as she fiddled with it.

"At least we're getting somewhere, I guess." I say, resting my head against the wall. I was so sleepy, but I know I needed to stay awake to get that damn project finished. At least I didn't have much left to do, so that's good I guess. "Yeah..." Sarah trailed off, lost in her own thought too.

"Hey, Harry?" she asked after a while of complete and utter silence. I was actually drifting off so I hummed a response, to let her know I acknowledged her question. "Why were you in my room the other day?" she asks and I lift my head up, rubbing my tired eyes.

"You hadn't come down for dinner so," I pause to yawn, "so Oliver made me get you, but you were asleep and then I saw Amphis over you, it's hands were wrapped around your neck." I stop to yawn again, "so me being to hero as always, I pushed it away and then it said something weird...".

My eyes were drooping now and it was getting harder to stay awake. I didn't think I was this tired, but according to my body, I was. "What'd it say?" Sarah asks, clicking a button on her phone and I saw that the time was almost 9:30 p.m.

"I knew it was you." I utter, before drifting off to sleep.


Rustling could be heard and my eyes flew open instantly, and I frantically looked around the unrecognisable room I was in. Then I realised I was still in the crypt and on the same stairs, therefore I relaxed. But where was Sarah?

"Oh you're up." I heard a voice say. I glance over and see Sarah bent down near the tomb, with that same box from before. I rub my eyes and attempt to stand up, yet instead I feel pain and wince.

"How long have I been out?" I ask, sitting back down on the steps. There was literally no point in trying to walk anymore, I think I might've sprained my ankle. Great. "Not long. Around 30 minutes or so." she informs me, tracing her fingers along the tomb, intrigued at something in particular.

I simply nod. So we're still trapped and no one's bothered to check on us? Or maybe even get help? I was hoping we'd be back at the house already. Suddenly, I could hear rattling and I raise an eyebrow at the sound. Where was that coming from?

Sarah notices and stops what she was doing. She comes over to me and looks towards the door. Out of nowhere, there was banging on the door, which made both of us jump. It's not Amphis again is it? I'm sick of seeing that thing everywhere I go.

Sarah races up the stairs and tugs on the door handle, she bangs on the door too. "We're stuck!" she exclaims. And we could hear somebody talking, but whatever they had said wasn't clear.

"Sarah? It's Asa. Are you in there?" I could hear Asa's voice and I roll my eyes at the sound of it. Yay. Of course he'd be our hero. Sarah jumps up and down, a large smile upon her lips and she replies back to him. I don't listen to their conversation, because I honestly couldn't be bothered to hear their mushy 'love' for each other. Ew.

Immediately, Sarah rushes down the steps and then the door flings open. I could see Asa and Alexandra – both were dressed in costumes (obviously). Asa was dressed as Spiderman and Alexandra was dressed as a witch. I've got to admit, their costumes looked pretty awesome. I wonder who won best dressed.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Asa exclaims and Sarah smiles, going back up the stairs and flinging her arms around him. "Yeah and I'm just peachy too." I sarcastically say and I hear Alex chuckle.

"Let's just head back to the house." Alex says, coming down the steps to help me up, as Asa and Sarah head off already.


so sorry for not updating last week, i honestly had no motivation with this. but here it is!! enjoy & ily – thanks for reading 😌

e .xx

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