House of Spooky

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Sitting on the couch in the empty living room, I angrily tapped onto the keyboard as I tried to get my Drama research project completed. It was supposed to be handed in last Friday, but I didn't bother doing it. What was the point anymore? I was going to fail that damn subject anyway. However, my Drama teacher demanded me to do it for the first day back after half-term, or else he'd tell Julia and get me expelled. Therefore, this needed to be handed in on Monday, because I don't want to be expelled and disappoint my Mum even more – I disappoint her enough already.

So, I have over the weekend to get this shit done. I know I've had all week to write it, but I had (or should I say still have) zero motivation to do anything. For the past week I've been: lounging around eating anything I could find in the kitchen, watching tv shows on my laptop and napping. Lots and lots of napping. I haven't really spoken to anyone except Zavier and Lela, but even then I've not had a proper conversation with them, just small talk.

It would help to write this damn thing if my motivation was high. Right now, I'm feeling dull and I still can't get over what that weird monster (Amphis was it?) said to me. It's been bothering me ever since and it's really shook me. I don't even know why – I should just move on and get over it because it could be something completely meaningless. But there's just something about that look in their eyes...

Laughing could be heard and a door was closed. Peering up, there were the new, infamous Anubis House couple. Yeah, you guessed it folks: Asa and Sarah in the hallway. Fucking whoopee doo.

Rolling my eyes at the gross sight, I looked back to the laptop's bright screen. I just felt so... incompetent and naive. Ever since news broke out about Sarah's relationship with Asa, I've been a complete and utter mess. I hate the fact that I caught feelings for her when I hardly even know her... I'm so pathetic and stupid. I should've known better. She'd never like someone like me; I'm a literal piece of shit.

Trying to stay focused on this research project, I couldn't help but overhear Asa and Sarah's conversation. And no, I'm not evesdropping their conversation – they are simply nearby and I can hear what they're saying. That's all.

"Are you excited for the Halloween Bash tonight?" I heard Sarah question Asa. I peek up quickly and saw her smiling brightly at him, her arms were around his neck and he had his arms wrapped around her waist. Clenching my jaw at the repulsive sight, I forced myself to look away from those- fools and tried to get this dumb reasearch project finished. Although, I'm no where near finished. I still have so much that needs to be done... and honestly? I can't be arsed.

"Of course, because I get to spend some time with you." he (in my opinion, cheesily) replies to her and I hear Sarah giggle and I think I heard that ugly kissing sound. I slightly gag at the pair. Ugh, I hate couples showing off their pathetic love for each other in front of me. Who really cares? Because I sure as hell don't give a fuck about so-called love! Love is just a silly little absurd word that has no meaning to it. It means nothing: especially to me! Not anymore.

"Well I'm going to get ready. I can't wait to see you later on." I heard Asa mutter to her. And then, of course, another kiss. Wow, could they like, I don't know... get a fucking room or something? As long as they're out of my face, I'll be much happier. Trust me.

I heard footsteps walking away. And then I heard more footsteps enter the living/dining area and I gaze up and see Sarah making her way to the kitchen. She glances back and catches my eye, but I look away instantly. I haven't talked to her since that incident in her bedroom. And no, not the almost-kissing incident... the Amphis incident. Yeah, that tragic one.

House of Anubis [h.styles]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin