House of Nerves

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"I miss you too, Granddad!" I exclaim, giving a small wave at both of my grandparents who were on my iPad screen, now waving back at me.

"Remember to stay out of trouble, dear!" my Gran chirped grinning. I laugh at her comment as well as my Granddad, who rolls his eyes at her yet still smiles widely. He truly adored her. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever experience love like that.

"I have to go now or I'll miss breakfast." I tell the pair, giving them a large smile. We say our goodbyes and I eventually end the FaceTime call.

Sighing, I placed the electronic device on charge before grabbing my school bag and looking at myself in Cora's full length mirror. I had decided to call my grandparents to check up on them, because 1. I hadn't called them in a long time and 2. I felt awful for not doing so. Also, I missed them terribly and needed some comfort – especially after last night's monstrosity. But then again, I have been pretty occupied at the moment. Still, there's no excuse: I need to make more time for them, they seemed extremely worried about me since I hadn't spoken to them in a week or so. Which is obviously understandable.

Before exiting out of the bedroom, I grabbed my school bag before heading out of the room and down the stairs. I entered the dining area and sat down at my usual spot; next to Cora. I greeted her and looked around the table to spot Harry, but he wasn't here. Again. Instead, it was just the regular breakfast crew: Zavier, Alexandra, Cora and Asa. And Harry too; when he's finally up from his slumber. As usual, Bea, William and Lela do their own daily morning routines.

Now thinking back to Harry: he didn't show up to supper last night either and now I'm getting seriously worried about him. I hope he's not in danger... what if that thing has got him? Or maybe it has even hurt him? Dammit, I wish he'd just answer my text messages. I feel so helpless right now; I just hope he's okay...

"Please can you pass over the scrambled egg, Sarah?" Asa asks me politely, in which I happily accept and grabbed the bowl nearest to me which contained the scrambled egg, and gracefully passed it into his waiting hands. He mutters a "thank you", which got me thinking he was in a poor mood today. I was thinking of this mainly because he normally makes snarky comments at us during breakfast time. And sometimes Alexandra would pipe in and make some hilarious comebacks. But today, he seemed distant and disinterested... is he okay?

I decided not to ask in front of everyone in case of the situation, hence I enjoyed the rest of breakfast before we had to head to school. Alexandra and Zavier leave the house and Cora stands up, ready to leave also, yet notices me not joining her.

"You coming?" she asks, raising her eyebrows at me and then collected her bag from the chair she hung it on. She met my gaze again and I shook my head, pointing to Asa. She glances over to Asa and then back at me, her smile gradually becoming bigger.

"Right, well, I had to get to class early anyways. I need to set up some... stuff," Cora horribly lies and backs away slowly from the table, "I'll meet you at break!" she shouts before leaving the room and exiting the house quickly – or a little too quickly because she slammed the door.

"I tell them: DON'T slam the doors, but none of you hooligans listen to me!" I heard Julia grumpily rant to herself from upstairs, making me roll my eyes. I swear she honestly moans about everything and anything.

I scoot across on the empty chair next to me, and place my hand gently on Asa's arm; his hands were buried in his face. He twitches a little and moves his arm that I touched away from his face, and looked at me with a confused expression on his adorable half-seen facial features.

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