House of Trapped

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"Fantastic." I utter to myself, "just what I need." I continue my rambling.

Conisdering I was in immense agony from Amphis' harsh shove, (and I still don't know what's even happened to my ankle) all I wanted to do was get out of here. I seriously didn't want to be stuck in here with Sarah. I should've just let her be and minded my own business. For fucks sake, why do I always let curiousity get to me? I shouldn't have followed her to this place.

At this moment, I regretted everything and anything that rushed through my mind. Petty? Maybe. But I don't care. I felt terribly regretful that I followed this dummy to this awful place. I'm such a twat – I should've just stayed at home. But no. Here I am, locked in this crypt with somebody's existence I don't want to acknowledge, some ancient ghost/demon/thing and to top it all off, I now have a bad ankle. Just splendid. This is exactly how I wanted my Halloween to turn out (please hint the sarcasm, I actually despise everything in this moment and if I had the chance to leave right now, I'd take it in a heartbeat).

"Quit your rambling. It's not going to solve anything." I heard Sarah's voice tell me harshly. I raise an eyebrow and tried looking for her in this darkness, only to realise she was sat next to me on the step.

"My rambling? Oh please, you're the worst for it." I snap. I heard her gasp and I'm guessing it was her that hit my arm, because who else could've done it? I doubt it was Amphis because I don't think it's here. Hopefully not. I don't need another visit from that creep. Luckily her hit didn't hurt though, but my ankle sure did.

"Whilst you ramble to no one in particular, I'll find a way out." she tells me and I roll my eyes at her childish behaviour. I heard shuffling around and then light suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I squint up and see that Sarah had her phone out with the flashlight button on. I would've done the same, but I left my phone back at the house. Stupid.

"Got any signal?" I had to ask, because she could call for help to get us out of this scary place. She lifts her phone up and walks down the steps. I heard shuffling around for a while and then a sigh, "no luck." she informs me.

Rolling my eyes, I clutch onto the wall and try to stand up. "Harry, just sit down. You'll only hurt yourself more." Sarah was now at the bottom of the stairs and she had her arms crossed.

"I want to help." I tell her, attempting to stand up yet I winced in pain, as I hit the poorly ankle against the wall by accident. I heard a sigh and I glanced up to see Sarah walking towards me. She grips onto my waist and tries to pull me up, in which she successfully manages and guides me down the steps.

Whilst she had her hold onto me, my eyes scanned around the not-so illuminated place. Sure, we had Sarah's phone flashlight, however it wasn't that magnificent. Plus, it was pointed in the opposite direction to where I was searching anyway, therefore I tried to see through the little amount of light I had. But I had no luck in finding anything remotely helpful to get us out of here.

"Any luck?" I ask, gazing up at her concentrated face. She looked adorable when she was focusing on things: her tongue would stick out at the side and her eyebrows would scrunched together. And that was exactly what she was doing right now.

She- stop. I need to stop myself right there. She's dating Asa, not you. Leave her be; if she wanted me in the first place, she would've done something. So just stop hurting yourself even more, for goodness sake Harry. And anyway, you're supposed to be mad at her, not fall for her. Dumbass.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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