It's Me - Pick Me/ S2P101/ KP...

By KangDaniellee

57.5K 1.7K 293

Follow Chen JaeHyun, a 17 year old boy's journey from training to debut and beyond. More

The Audition
The audition Pt2
Official Produce 101 Profil.
Late Night Training.
Accidents and prayers
Re-Evaluation #2
Allkpop #1
AllKpop #2
Time flies fast
Sorry, Sorry
Allkpop #3
Allkpop #4
Rainy day.
Fluttering Heart
-A letter to myself-
''Someday the cold rain will become warm tears''
''I'm sorry, this wasn't my decision''
Allkpop #5
Hello friends.
Only one drink
Get Some!
Knowing Brothers
que devrais-je choisir?
My Pace
Black on Black
NCT Profile

''Let's show them what epic looks like''

1.3K 49 5
By KangDaniellee

JaeHyun's POV

I choose.... Level B's Kim JaeHwan'' I  started. Me and hyung have since the show started talk about being in the same group and now is my chance. When JaeHwan came down to stand beside me he have me a bro hug and a pat on the back.

''Next.. A's Kang Daniel, D's Hwang MinHyun, A's Ong SeungWoo and lastly B's Kim JongHyun.'' I said and BoA commented '''whaaaaw, strong''making us smile.

''Next up is'' BoA signed for me to select the next trainee to choose their group.

''Level C, Namoo Actors's Lee YooJin'' I said. And like that it rolled on until there was only 6 trainees left on one side who automatically made one group.

''So the 16 groups are now complete''BoA started as we all stood in lines with out groups, I stood first.

''You all are probably wondering how you will be choosing the songs right?'' she asked making us nod, ''I have a bad feeling about this'' I whispered to SeungWoo who was beside me who nodded in agreement. 

''It's by racing'' she announced making some frown and some started to stretch.

''We'll give you one minute to decide the song you want'' All the different groups quickly gathered and started to discuss.

''Okay we should probably avoid Shinee's replay and seventeen's mansae'' I said ''Yeah we would probably look like grown men dressing like baby''Seungwoo hyung said. ''We should go for either SJ sorry sorry or EXO's Call me baby'' I suggested ''I vote for Sorry sorry'' JongHyun hyung said and raised his hand followed by everyone else on our team. ''But who will run?'' Daniel hyung asked. ''I think either SeungWoo or JaeHyun'' MinHyun said. ''I think Jaehyun should, he is faster than me, I'm to old'' SeungWoo said and added a fake whimper as he said old while he faked that his back hurt. ''YAH! There is only 4 years between us and JaeHyun, don't make us feel old!'' Daniel hyung jokingly shouted at SeungWoo hyung making us laugh.  ''Okay I will run but if I can't get Sorry Sorry, what should I go for?'' 

''Go for EXO then'' JongHyun hyung said. ''Alright, the representatives line up please'' the staff shouted.

''Hwaiting JAEHYUN!!'' everybody from my team cheered me on.

''ready...'' she started and everyone was getting ready to sprint. ''Before we start'' BoA suddenly said making us all confused ''there is a important piece of information, do you see the stands behind you'' making everybody look behind us, a bunch of what's could be heard. ''How many are there?'' BoA asked with a little smile. ''8!'' some trainees shouted out '' and how many are you?''

''16!'' ''But there is only 8 stands, that means that only 8 of you will get to pick the song of your choice'' the trainees all voiced their shock, confusion and emotions.

''The first 8 trainees that pick the song are given the right to choose their competitor'' She explained making most of us sigh.

''Okay, you ready'' BoA started. 




As she said three I sprinted my all directly towards SJ's Sorry sorry. I could hear my team members cheer me on. When I got to the sign I almost crashed into the wall because of my speed. As I turned around, only then I saw that the other trainees almost had made it to the wall, but I didn't want to take any chances so I sprinted back and put the sign on the stand. My team interrupted into cheers as I smiled at them. About 3 seconds later the other trainees came to put their sign on the stand, I didn't realize that I was that fast. I guess that the big three's hard training finally payed off.

When the other 7 trainees finally put their sign on the stand the staff directed the other trainees to stand on the side.

''The first trainee to pick their battle is I.One's Kim Yeonguk'' he had seventeen sunbeanim's manse. I'm just happy we got our first choice. He picked Wayz company's Jung Joongji, who was the leader for the group that got made from the last trainees. I kinda felt bad cause everybody saw them as easy competition.

''Next, Chen JaeHyun team, choose your battle'' BoA said to me. I quickly looked back at my teammates to confirm who we would pick, we had already talked about it.

''We choose HF Music company's Joo Yeongguen'' I annonced and like that it went. DaeHwi was the last one to choose and the only group that hadn't been taken yet was DongHo hyung's group.

''Now that all groups have been decided we can move on. This time you will be personally evaluated by nation's producers for the first time. And the group battle evaluation will decide who get's eliminated.''BoA explained to us.

''See you again next week'' she said as she made her way out of the room.

''That means that we have a whole week to practice'' I whisper to JongHyun hyung and Daniel hyung who was beside me.


''Okay everybody, gather around'' JongHyun hyung shouted at out teammates who were all over the place doing different things.

Once we were all gathered I started it off ''Okay, we first need a leader. Responsibility is most important for a leader''

''A person who could command us would be best and when I saw him.... I just felt it'' SeungWoo said.

''I think JongHyun hyung fit'' JaeHwan said. I looked at JongHyun hyung who sat beside me and I could almost see the fear in his eyes.

<----Special interview---->

''I was a bit scared of being a leader, I am also the leader in NU'EST(A/N: STAN NU'EST! they are angels!) Because of me I think NU'EST had a hard time. So to become a leader, I think I'll try to give way for the other members'' JongHyun said kinda overwhelmed.


MinHyun who also saw that JongHyun hyung was getting kinda stressed said ''Is it okay? We are asking for your opinion, this is what ours is like'' while patting his back.

''I'm....okay with it, it's okay'' He gave in making us cheer because we could see his hesitation at first.

<-----special interview------>

''If I don't do well, I could harm others. The position of leader is very overwhelming. I want to do a good job and especially I want to lead JaeHyun well, he is so young with so much talent but he doesn't even realize it'' JongHyun explained.

''I believe in JongHyun hyung with all my heart'' JaeHyun said.

''I've been a NU'EST fan ever since their debut and I've seen how well JongHyun hyung lead the group in all the highs and lows.''


''Actually we should pick the center, who is more important than the leader'' JongHyun said.

'' Since our song gives of a manly feeling I think SeungWoo hyung or Niel hyung would fit best'' I suggested. ''I think hyung(seungwoo) fits best'' Daniel hyung said.

''I also think SeungWoo fits best'' JaeHwan agreed. I could see the sides of SeungWoo's lips creep up and that means one of two things, one: he is about to say a really bad joke or 2: he is up to something that often meant trouble.

''I often hear that I look a bit apologetic'' and there he goes with the bad joke, all the others laugh but me, I just give him an unimpressed look. I got tired of his jokes when I was rooming with him.

''Then it's settled then? Hyung is our center?'' I asked and all raised their hands.

As I put the center sticker on him he started acing making everyone once again laugh but I just looked unimpressed again.

''Let's show them what epic looks like'' I said as everybody's hands gathered together in the middle. 

''Hwaiting!'' we all shouted.


hope you are enjoying the story so far! please comment your thought I really appreciate it<3. sorry for any Kwon Hyunbin fans!

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