Transformers: The Human Who B...


10.1K 208 41

They'll protect this girl...because she is unique and special to them... Еще

Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8

Chap. 4

1.2K 28 5

"Haha! Look it Drifty! It's our good ol' pal BB!"

"Don't, call me, "Drifty"."

"Haha....what's good.....ya'' been? Anything from....Opti..mus?"

Haven can apprehend most of the Bot's conversation. She doesn't make an entrance just yet. She spies on them.

"Wellll uhh---"

"We have not heard of anything from Prime. It has been as quiet as a Cybo-mouse. But, I do have a feeling that it will not be long until we do find him."

"Yeah! What he said!"

Bumblebee, Drift, and Crosshairs continue their conversation, whilst Haven hunches her boney back over, like a Panther cub was just learning how to hunt for the first time.

"I....actually have....a lil'....friend"

And with no hesitation, Haven springs out of the summer grass, like the Panther she was, but also plunging to the ground in the process. Immediately after her embarrassing fall, Haven strikes a superhero pose. She gets an admirable eye at all the Bots, falling in love instantly with the three.

"Well well! Looks loike Bee made an insect friend!"

Haven angles her body towards the smack-talking robot, and gives him the stare of Death. Crosshairs howls a crackly laugh, whilst kneeling down to speak to the juvenile wench.

"Yeah? What you gonna do, punk?"

"Crosshairs....don't just.....don't....that look's a.....warning

"Haha! C'mon Bumblebee! What's this little bug gonna do?"

A moment after that, Haven clasps a hold of Crosshairs' nose, and coils it, making a few tiny sparks come out of his face. Crosshairs grunts an "ow" several times.

"Don't...Call me....Bug!"

"Aigh't aigh't! Just stop with the twistin'!"

Haven lets go crudely, and Crosshairs rises back to his normal height.

Whilst Crosshairs was adjusting his nose, Drift and Bumblebee are having a ball. Crosshairs rolls his optics, and jolts Drift towards Bumblebee, knocking him into Bee. Bumblebee was laughing so hard, he hunkers himself to the ground, and lays there, whilst Drift stays in a stiff position, still having a ball of laughter.

"I it was a.....warning!...Hahaha!"

"Hm hm yes. Quite a nice treat to watch."

"Yeah yeah, whatever! I don't care. Did you teach 'er that?

Before Bumblebee can answer Crosshairs' question, Tessa cruises out of the house, with her phone in hand. She giggles at the her phone, and Haven gives Tessa the stare of Death. Her eyes flare their yellow fragrance. Tessa casts her head away from her phone, and looks at all of the peculiar figures, including her sister.

"These your weirdo friends Boy? Too bad you can't make REAL friends haha."

As best as she could, Haven tries to consume the fiery angry she has. She balls her hands into fists, and grinds her teeth intensely, like a mass of gears got caught and start rupturing.

"I guess you REALLY like black eyes DON'T YOU BI---


  Haven halts herself from saying the naughty word, apolgizing afterward to Bumblebee. Haven nonchalantly maneuvers herself towards the Bots.

  "She's gotta sailor mouth for sure. You teach her that too B? Haha!"

  "She most likely....learned that from"

  "Hmph. Some father she retains."

  "So! Lemme introduce myself. The name's Haven! Somethings 'bout me are that I'm loud, annoying, and AWESOME. That's an obvious one. My persona can be happy or pissed sometimes, and I play air and bass guitar! Imma rocker! Hahaha!"

  The group of Bots stand speechless. Haven steps closer to them, with her smile on her face, waiting for any reactions.

  "Haha....Well Hav...en...This is Drift....our warrior Cross....h-airs our....paratrooper."

  "Hello, micro one. It is an honor meeting one of my comrade's special friends."

  "Yeah yeah whatever! Hello! Goodbye! Whatever!"

  "Dude stop....bein' an....ass...hole to....her."

  Crosshairs suddenly stiffens up, and slowly faces towards Bumblebee. He takes a deep breath, obviously enraged about Bee's comment.


  Crosshairs stroms off whilst whining. The Bots and Haven scope him out while he transformers to car mode and sits under the giant oak tree. Haven widens her iris, nervous that she had done something inexact. Haven twiddles her thumbs together whilst turning to speak to Bee and Drift.

  "D-did I do somethin' wrong Bumblebee? I'm sorry."

  She nervously sways like a bare tree during the winter. Haven waits for a response from Bumblebee. The response wasn't what she thought it would be.

  "Ohh Ha...ven haha....You didn't. anythin'....wrong....Don't worry....'bout him...he's jus'...gru..mpy."

  "That is Crosshairs at his finest, micro one. You have done nothing wrong. Hes proned to his anger lately."

  Haven sighs in relief, letting her shoulders roll back to place. Haven fixes the beanie that layed upon her silky black hair, and she pulls her camo shorts up to het waist. A silence fell upon the Bots and Haven, but it wasn't awkward. It was quite a peaceful. All three life forms take their time, to study eachother. Haven then begins to speak about her father.

  "M-my dad loves mechanics like me. His name is Cade. He's out right now, but he'll be back soon. Y-you can make yourself at home i-if you want Drift."

  "Hm hm. Thank you, Haven. I am going to look around this beautiful landscape, to get familiar with my surrondings."

  And with that, Drift is off in Bugatti mode, leaving a cloud of Texas dust beyond him. Haven pivots back towards Bumblebee, and gives him a pleased look of eagerness. Bumblebee gives the exact same look back, but he uses his eyes.


  It has been a hot hour, and Cade was still not back yet. Crosshairs was having a session of revealing spiteful and exciting tales of the Autobot's adventures.

  "And once my gun was loaded, that dirty Con gotta face full of LEAD! It's blood covered my whole body haha! Watching that fool die slowly was DELIGHTFUL!"

  Drift stood beside Crosshairs, swaying his head back and forth, whilst rolling his optics. He obviously knew Crosshairs was telling a lie.

  Haven was perched atop of Bumblebee's shoulder, very sparked up about Crosshairs' story, whilst also being freighted some by his enthusiasm. Haven slopes up against Bumblebee's metal plated cheek, huddling her bony, scratched knees towards her chest.

  "Crosshairs. That is not what happened. You were attacked by the Con. It put several severe scratches on your chest. THEN you ended its life. Quit telling lies.

  "Ohhh! You just got exposed Crossy! Ha ha!"

  "Whatever! Im goin' for a walk!"

  "I will join you hm hm."

  Crosshairs ambles off, with Drift following behind him, leaving Bumblebee and Haven alone. But before Drift and Crosshairs could wander far enough, a tow truck, with a withered Peterbuilt truck attached to it pulled up into the open area in front of Bee and Haven.

  "Ooo! What a pretty truck."



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