Chap. 1

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  Haven Vick Yeager, a girl of five years, lives in a tiny town in Texas. She lives on a tiny piece of land, with a house, a withered barn, and a giant tree rooted ontop quite of a tall hill. The grass was a mixture of summer green and a pale yellow, blended together perfectly. The Texas air filled with the smell of freshly cut grass from a man's lawn mower across the way.

  Haven's attire was a tomboy look. She wore a baggy teal blue sweater jacket, with also a baggy T-shirt. It was white, and had a image of a innocent looking purple skull, along with a few stains from playing outside for sometime. For bottoms, Haven wore dark blue shorts above her knee. For shoes, she wore long white socks, also plastered with dirt, and some ankle combat boots, which were black. Her eyes were a dimish yellow, along with hazel to cake most of the yellow. Haven's hair color, was midnight black, which glimmered in the sun and moon light. Haven wore her hair in two messy pigtails.

  Whilst outside playing with her toy cars, humming a tune of engine for each car, she recognizes the sound of the screen door to the front yard opening. Her sister, Tessa, and her friends run outside with Barbies and Bratz dolls in their hands.

  Tessa, Haven's older sibling by one year, was nothing like Haven. Tessa wore skirts, and sandals that were pink. Her hair was a dirty blonde, also being compiled with extension which are pink, obviously. Bracelets covered Tessa's short, pale arms. Her eyes were a flashy green.

  Haven has always been trying to get along with her girly sister, but it would never end well. But Haven didn't like giving up. Especially at this age. She always tried. Always.

  Haven lets out a little sigh under her small breath. Her yellow eyes adjust on her sister and her friends, and back to her toy cars. With no hesitation, Haven swipes her toys off the ground, and slowly approachs her sister. With her heart pounding, she pokes Tessa on her shoulder blade. Tessa stops her playing, and turns around to meet eyes with her tomboy sister. Words are then spoken.

  "What do YOU want weirdo? I'm playing with my friends here."

  Tessa towers over Haven tremendously. With her tiny and sheepish voice, Haven speaks.

  "I-I just wanted t-to come p-pway with y-you guys."

  Tessa then immediately pushes Haven to the ground, causing Haven's elbow to be scraped and bruised. With fear and intimidation in her eyes, Haven starts to cry. Not to where she was sobbing, but enough to know that she was hurt.

  "You can't play with us. You play with boy toys. If you want to be normal, you play with Barbies. Leave us alone, you boy."

  Without a doubt, Tessa and her friends are off elsewhere to play, leaving Haven on the ground with her elbow bleeding. So instead of playing anymore, Haven heads to the steps of the porch, and perches herself on the top step.


  It was practically night fall, and Haven was still resting on the porch step. She's stopped crying, and the blood of her elbow has stopped running. The cut was rather big, but no blood occurred from it. Almost passing out, Haven hears an unfamiliar sound. It was too indistinct for her to make out. All of the sudden, two beaming yellow lights appear out of the dirt-filled air. Slicing the air like a knife, came a car. A black and yellow car. A 67 Camaro has pulled into the front of the house. Haven was freighted, making her slip and jolt her tiny head on the railing of the porch stairs. She rubs her head, not welling with tears this time.

  Before she can open the door to the house, her father, Cade Yeager exits the dull Camaro. Realizing it was her father, she settles down some, letting her tension of fright go.

  "Haven sweetie. You're supposed to be inside with your sister. Why aren't you?"

  Before Haven can tell her father her reason, Cade notices Haven's  swelling bump on her head, and her bruised and blood coded elbow.

  "Oh sweetie did you fall? Here. Come inside and lets get that patched up for you."

  Cade escorts Haven inside. He flicks the light switch on for the family room, illuminating the dim yellow light around the room. Haven places herself on the family couch, whilst Cade fetches the material's needed to help his daughter's wounds.

  Several seconds later, Cade is back with a first aid, along with some rubbing alcohol. Gently, Cade dabs Haven's wounded elbow, making Haven wince to the burning sensation of the liquid. After disinfecting the cut, Cade wraps Haven's elbow with a bandage, to keep it from germing up again. And for Haven's head, Cade just placed and ice pack on it. After a moment or 2, he also places a Band-Aid on her head, to hide the plum-colored bruise.

  "Now. To bed little one. I love you sweetie."

  Cade places two tiny kisses, on Haven's elbow and head, and shepherds her upstairs to her bedroom. Haven hesitates, and rushes back down stairs to hug her father. After doing so, she then makes her way to her room to rest up.

  Haven's room had a nightstand with her other little toys she plays with. Her room was a bit chaotic, but she could live with it.  Haven's penny board leaned up against her wall, along with a few marks on the wall from the filthy wheels.

  Haven switches her daily wear to her nightware. Her pajamas were just one of her father's shirts, since she doesn't like to wear actual PJs. Whilst changing, Haven hears the giggling of Tessa and Tessa's friends. Irritated, Haven climbs into bed and compiles her face with her pillow, until she remembers leaving her toy cars outside. Haven shoots upwards, and without any sense, she grabs her baby blanket from when she was an infant. It was slightly ripped, and had a few holes, but Haven still loved it and would hate to be separated from it.

  After stealthy lurking through the dark, reaching the front door, Haven exits the house out into the front. But something was absent. Cade's Camaro was missing.

  "Huh? Where did the pwetty car go?"

  Instead of looking for her cars, Haven ventures off to find her father's car. And it didn't take long to find her father's car and her cars as well.

  Approaching the front corner of the house, she encounters, something she could never un see. A gigantic robot, with the colors black and yellow covering  it's metal body. The bot was sitting down, with it's metal legs crossed together. It looked to be of the male sex, since it's body was shaped like a adult man's, but the bot's torso was bigger than it's waste, and the legs were long. And in it's four-fingered hand, was one of Haven's toy cars. The robot holds the toy close to it's face, examining it.

  Haven then blows her cover by making a slight freighted squeak, alerting the bot instantly. It's head briskly shifted towards Haven. It's eyes were a police strobe blue color. They were beamy with lots of saturation tinted to them. Like a neon color.

  The bot then inclines closer towards Haven. Haven, with so much fear rushing in her blood, along with some adrenaline, takes a few steps back, whilst caressing her baby blanket. Silence has been casted upon both life forms, until the metal bot begins to make noises. It starts, to talk.

  "Hello there...girly. My name's... Bumblebee..."

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