
De Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... Mais

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Forty-Six

99 20 0
De Tophat

It was done, although not without a fight. Dupont had sulked and scowled, looking like a rabbit trapped by wolves. She sat as rigid as the wooden chair, her eyes so wide and frightful that Fox nearly went over to her to hold her hand. He just about refrained. As Glenna blew on several Whistles and called upon various Sprites, Dupont squeezed her eyes shut. Then it was over.

Fox stared at Dupont as she fussed over herself and gazed at the grubby mirror Catriona gave her with Absolon whistling in confusion as to why his companion looked so different. The short tuffty blond hair had returned, the murky blue eyes. Gone was her thick black hair and honey golden eyes that suited her so much, that brought out the paleness of her skin and complimented her narrow face. Fox found himself missing it already.

'What do you think, Fox?' Catriona asked, flashing her pleasant smile.

Fox grunted in response. 'It'll do.'

Catriona tilted her head and sidled up to him. 'What's the tone for?' She asked in a hushed tone as Glenna listed, much like Elenore, that Dupont should avoid showering and rain and water in general if she wanted the glamour to continue working.

'What tone?'

'That tone.'

Fox didn't say anything. He didn't have a tone.

Catriona sniggered. 'You don't like it, do you?'

Fox continued to be mute.

Her smile widened. 'Well, looking like a boy doesn't really suit any woman. Blond on her just makes her look sickly too.' Catriona whispered. 'Her natural appearance is definitely better.'

Fox found himself inwardly agreeing but continued to keep his mouth shut. He wasn't going to let Catriona needle his thoughts for her amusement.

'Are we allowed to leave now?' Dupont asked, shattering their hushed conversation.

'Aye.' Glenna snapped. 'You just be quiet about what you saw today. Don't go running to your Towers about the Nightshade.'

'I will not but it is very dangerous leaving him alive.' Dupont pressed.

'This is how we've done things for years now. Leave Nightshade to us. We'll keep him safe.'

'And the people.'

'Aye.' Glenna snapped. 'The people too. Just remember Tempest will eat your livers and eyes if you breathe a word about Nightshade.'

'We know.' Dupont said and pulled on her hat and turned to Fox. Her blue eyes looked wrong to him, like they were someone else's eyes. 'Let's go Fox.' Dupont urged and bundled Absolon into her arms.

Catriona whined. 'Are you sure? You could stay a little. I haven't thanked you proper for helping us.'

'We have to.' Fox said. 'Been here too long, we have.'

'Then get goin'. I want some peace.' Glenna growled and virtually kicked all three from her hut and slammed the door so hard the flimsy walls and windows wobbled.

Catriona smiled. She couldn't seem to stop since sealing up Nightshade. 'Where are you headed? I can help out.'


'I can get someone to take you.' Catriona promised then pranced off. 'Come on! Before the afternoon gets too old!'

The way back was shorter. Fox was becoming familiar with the path and had learnt the dips and growth of the marshland. They would've gone faster if Dupont hadn't slowed them down. She still struggled and had gained no new lithe abilities. He couldn't help but laugh inwardly when she barrelled for the fifth time into the slime. Despite being a woman of class, she had no elegance at all.

He hunkered above her when she didn't move and just lay in the hot, midge-infested mud. Absolon had settled on her back and was trying to pull her hat back on.

'Dupont.' She didn't move. 'Dupont, come on. Get up.' Fox said, trying his best not to laugh. That would just make her mad.

She stirred and pushed herself onto her knees. Her face was covered in much but her pale skin was burning red. She refused to look at him and pulled Absolon into a tight hug.

'Dupont, just keep goin.' Fox said. 'It's nearly over. We've leavin' this place.'

Her blue eyes flickered to him but she couldn't hold his gaze for long. Her face grew redder.

He sighed lightly and pulled his shirt sleeve down. Carefully he began to wipe away the grime from her face, being careful of her eyes.

'Just try not to fall over.' He said.

Her face snapped to him. 'I do. I was not raised to run wild amongst tress and mud.'

'That's obvious.' Fox muttered and pushed the last of the grime away from her cheek, freeing her soft mouth from dirt.

Instantly Fox found himself staring. He couldn't help himself. He gazed at the slant of her chin, her swan neck, her fully mouth. He found something swelling in his chest, something warm. His gaze flickered to her doe eyes. They were wide, confused, and her cheeks were pink. Abruptly he was focused and pulling himself away with a slight cough.

'Let's go.' He said hurriedly, stepping away and giving her room to stand.

She focused on brushing off her trousers and fixing her hat; avoiding his gaze. She stepped off ahead of him when Catriona called in bewilderment, only just realising she wasn't being followed.

Fox trailed behind, glaring at Dupont's back. He didn't like how his heart was fluttering. His was never flustered when in the presence of a woman; he was always in control. So why not Dupont? He was more attracted to Catriona and her bright smile but he felt normal with her. As if she was any other woman he was interested in for a quick fling.

He decided not to think about it though. There were bigger things going on. As soon as they got into Farmire, they were off towards the Granite Tower.

It wasn't long now. He just hoped it all went to plan.


Esme was still a little flustered by the interaction with Fox. He often did that lately; making her flustered with just a look. It made her abrupt decision to hand the Eye back to him stronger, despite it being a stupid idea. Just didn't know when to bring it up and, before long, two had gone by and they were staring at a pair of tress bowed into a strange door.

Catriona was checking over their bags and making sure she had given them enough to thank them for returning her whistles. Despite Esme still not particularly liking the woman, she realised Catriona hadn't lied. Already Farmire was recovering. People were coming out and children were playing in the roads, happy to be free of vomiting and sickness, while the Wizards were looking perplexed about why the plague suddenly lifted.

It made Esme think about the sealing and that the Towers ignored all magic and knowledge of the Witches. It made her think of her own pre-made judgement. She had decided that Catriona and Glenna were evil and causing the plague simply because of the type of magic they had, just like the Wizards here. It never occurred to her they could possibly be trying to fix it. Only Fox did. She wondered if Cassandra thought the same. She went against all rules of the Towers and left a God alive after all. Maybe she was aware the death penalties passed over Spirits who didn't bond with a Wizard were too harsh. Maybe she wanted to change it.

Even so, Esme worried. Nightshade was going to become a God one day soon. With that transition, hundreds were going to die and resurrected as groaning, lifeless corpses. She just hoped Glenna and Catriona knew when it was best to end the Spirit.

'The paths will take you straight to Hornberg.' Catriona said brightly.

Fox thanked her as he stared un-trustingly at the bowed branches that Absolon fussed over merrily. Catriona laughed prettily.

'It's safe. I spoke to the Spirits here. They're fine with you passing through.'

'Didn't like it that last time I went in one.' Fox grumbled. 'Makes me feel weird.'

'Vic's a Wizard, it's fine.' Catriona urged then, quite abruptly, flew in to plant a kiss on his cheek.

Instantly Esme felt the vicious stabbing of jealousy rise and barely kept herself from spouting out a vitriol. Instead she stood stiffly, scowling at Fox's dumb expression of joy. It grated on her.

'Thank you both for trusting us.' Catriona reiterated for the tenth time.

'Yes.' Esme said stiffly and grabbed Fox by the scruff. 'And thank you for the Spirit Path and glamour.'

She grinned. 'Good luck and maybe think kinder about us Witches, yeah?'

Esme hesitated in her response, mostly because jealousy whispered to be spiteful and just say no, but she wrestled with herself to be a little honest.

'Yes. I was wrong to assume the worst.' Esme admitted.

Catriona's smile somehow grew wider. 'And I was wrong about you. Not all Wizards are stuck up bastards that'll ignore our ways.'

Esme glared, not liking the back-handed compliment, and chose not to make a snide remark in return. Instead she pushed Fox towards the Spirit Path door silently.

'Hope you'll swing by again.' Catriona said.

Fox bobbed his head. 'Yeah.'

'And good luck with whatever you're running from.'

Esme hesitated and gave Catriona a hard look. The smile was still there and her eyes glittered with well-meaning. How did she know?

Fox however shrugged it off, gave a small wave and sucked in the sweaty humid swamp air and vanished into the Spirit Path. Esme bowed her head lightly and followed, vanishing into the Spirtworld within seconds.

Absolon twirled about madly as Esme observed her surroundings, instantly noting how green and yellow the place looked. Sprites tumbled from trees and wallowed in mud, all singing and happy despite the humidity. Esme instantly felt comfortable here, far more than out in the natural swamp. Magic swarmed around her, Sprites made themselves known and the heat felt different, less oppressive. It reminded her of home.

Fox was beside her, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly unhappy. 'Still don't like this.' He complained.

'It's not far, remember.'

Fox shrugged and continued to furrow his brow. 'Who's our guide this time?'

As if to respond, a swarm of Sprites swelled from the marsh water, laughing and signing as they dove into the trees, urging them to follow. Absolon was amongst them with the Eye jiggling about in his round belly.

As Fox marched off, his shoulders sagged with unhappiness and his head tilting as he gazed at his surroundings, Esme followed with long strides.

She still didn't know how to bring up returning the Eye and breaking the blackmail. She was still terrified Fox would run off and leave her alone, that what bond they did have was feeble. He, after all, still believed she was a killer, and he had no real reason to help. But if she wanted a natural friendship, to create something like Catriona and he had, she had to let go of that chain and trust he'll stay.

'Dupont, keep close!' Fox bellowed.

She blinked, not realising she had fallen so far behind, and hurried after him. Her long legs covered the distance in no time and he was beside her again, his head only reaching her shoulder.

'I ain't findin' you if you get lost.' Fox grumbled.

Esme glanced down at him. 'I'll be fine.'

Fox snorted but said no more. The pair continued onwards through the Spirit Paths, not saying a word and each filled with their own thoughts.


Glenna raised her head when she heard movement. A man, clearly blind, stumbled down the slopes of the bank. Glenna put her book down and rose into her massive feet, causing her Whistles to rattle like a chorus of bells.

'Welcome, Witch-Trapper.' Glenna said.

The Witch-Trapper nodded his head and stepped forward. 'Fellow Witch, I was wondering if you could help me.'

'Depends, lad. Name?'


'Glenna. What do'ya want then?'

'I'm looking for a pair. A young man and a young female. The female is Esme Dupont. The Ivory Tower is hunting her down for the muder of their Grand Wizard.'

So the Spirits were right, she thought with narrowed eyes.

'Ah.' Glenna said. 'Aye. I know 'em.'

'Can you point me in the right direction? It's hard following them recently.'

''Fraid I can't.'

Sodden paused. 'Why not?'

'My friends say she's protected. The Spirits of the Rivers Oak and Willow, of the Lake Tranquil and of the forest Everwood, all claim protection of her.' She paused. 'The God of Everwood too.'

Sodden smiled thinly. 'I've heard but there is no God of Everwood. The Ivory Grand Wizard ended him years ago.'

'And the others?'

'I will bring her in all the same. She must face judgement.'

Glenna narrowed her eyes. 'Even though so many say she's done nothin'?'

Sodden fell silent.

'You're up to no good, you are Trapper. I can see it.' Glenna snapped. 'That lass, despite being a Wizard, is keepin' my Nightshade safe and helped us seal him up so no Tower finds him. She did it, despite not seeing it in her best interest. She did it and is keepin' her mouth shut and put herself under Spiritual oath. That lass don't deserve to be used as some kind of pawn for whatever game you and whoever else are playin.'

Sodden, still smiling, bowed suddenly. 'Then I'll be on my own.'

Glenna's Whistle was in her mouth within seconds. The shrill tone was responded by a shriller shriek and Tempest came launching down from the sky, landing squarely on Glenna's hut. He flapped his wings threateningly and clicked his massive beak.

'You'll fight me?'

'Ain't no one findin' that lass. I'm goin' to repay tenfold for what she's done for Nightshade. So you best bugger off, Trapper, and don't come sniffin' around here again.' Glenna bellowed and plucked several other Whistles from her belts.

She wasn't surprised when Sodden didn't back down and instead reached for a Whistle and summoned a woodland bear.

'Then I'll have to fight you, I'm afraid.'

Glenna grinned viciously and Tempest howled, stirring the wind and crackling it with lightning. 'So be it, Trapper.'

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