Ready to Run Part 5

Oleh jessicag22

2.1K 4 0

. Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 25

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Oleh jessicag22



I know I should've said no to Lexie when she asked Harry and I to go to the Arsenal Foundation gala. We're still keeping our relationship under the radar and a public event like this probably isn't the greatest idea. Sure, we can be careful but his fans are so observant. We've already been seen together a few times. They still think we're just friends but I'm not sure how much longer we can keep up that act. One wrong move and we'll instantly be exposed. But I owe Lexie about a hundred favors. Harry and I both do.

I could see Harry's hesitation as I told him about the gala. He said it was too risky but I'd already told Lexie we would go. I couldn't back out. Even if I could, I didn't want to. A night of good food, drinking and dancing with my best friends and my boyfriend? How could I refuse that? I love Harry and the time we spend alone together but we've never been on an actual date. He's used to seeing me in sweats with no makeup on and my hair a mess. The thought of putting on a beautiful dress and making his jaw drop is way too appealing. I know we'll have to be careful. It's not like we can show up as a couple to this gala. But I'm sure once we get inside there will be less press. It'll be dark, we'll blend in easier. We can make it work. It's takes some convincing but once he sees how much I want to go, he gives in.

As much as I'd love to stop worrying about keeping our relationship a secret, I know for right now it's for the best. I wasn't worried about it at first. I got over caring what strangers thought about me a long time ago, when I was with Liam. Harry was the one that wanted us to stay a secret. He wanted to protect me. He thought the backlash would be more than I could handle. I resented it at first. One thing I love about Harry is how he doesn't coddle me like everyone else seems to. He doesn't hold back his opinions if it's something I may not like. He calls me out when I'm being stubborn or cranky or bratty. He's brutally honest with me, as I am with him. I didn't understand why he wanted to shelter me when it came to this. But the more time that passes, I start to understand where he's coming from. Everything is going so well between us lately. We got past Liam finding out. We're adjusting to our friends knowing and it's been hard but we can see them coming around. They see how happy we are and even if they want to, they can't deny that we're good together. They know us. They get it. But the rest of the world might not. Actually, it's most likely that they won't. No matter how happy we are, all that negativity would inevitably cause tension between us and I don't want that. I like things the way they are now. Our relationship is nobody's business but our own. Besides, I should probably tell my family about us before we go public and I'm still not ready to face that.

We only had a few days' notice of the gala so we were all rushing to prepare but somehow, everything seems to fall into place. The guys got their suits, Lexie and I found amazing dresses. Now that the day is finally here, I can't help but be excited. We made plans to get ready at Niall and Lexie's so I stayed at Harry's last night. Usually he's up way before I am but today I can't sleep in. At first I don't want to get out of bed. I know it's creepy but I can't help but to watch him sleep for a while. I'm laying here looking at his perfect face, so peaceful and relaxed, trying to figure out how in the hell I got here. I know a million girls would kill to be in my position right now but he chose me. It doesn't make sense. But then I hear his soft wheezing snore. I usually tune it out now but it irritated the hell out of me the first few times we spent the night together. So did the massive amount of body heat he puts off when he sleeps. Even now I can see a thin layer of sweat on his skin. He hasn't shaved in a few days so he's got a few uneven patches of hair above his lip and along his jaw. They're simple things but it reminds me that he's not perfect. He's not the built-up image everyone sees of him. He's just Harry. He's human and I love him more for it. I prefer this side of him because I've seen what's behind the image and it's so much better than anyone could ever imagine.

I lay there for a little while longer but eventually I get restless and hungry so I wander downstairs to find something to eat. The kitchen is actually stocked now since he's been home but I'm not in the mood to attempt to make anything so I just focus on the coffee for now. As I'm waiting for it to brew I start scrolling through Facebook and like a few pictures that Meredith posted of the boys from yesterday but I'm quickly interrupted when my phone starts ringing. My sister is facetiming me.

"Mer? What the hell are you doing up? Isn't it like 3 am for you?" I ask when I answer and see her face on the screen.

"I had insomnia before I had kids. It's only gotten worse now." She says with a laugh. "What about you? You're up early. I saw you liking pictures and couldn't believe it."

"Yeah I couldn't sleep any longer." I admit. "So, what's up?" I ask, still confused as to why she's calling me.

"Nothing, I just hadn't talked to you in a while. I thought I'd check in." She says innocently but I can't help but be suspicious. I know I've been distant from them, but it's just easier this way until I'm ready to tell them about Harry.

"We talked for almost an hour last week." I remind her. I've been trying to keep our conversations through text and email because it's easier to keep myself from getting caught in a lie about Harry that way but we have talked on the phone a few times. I was actually the one to call her the last time and she told me all about taking my nephews trick or treating and what costumes they wore. I remember because it made me incredibly homesick.

"That was all about the boys. I didn't realize until we hung up that I did all the talking. I felt so bad. I've been completely stuck in mommy mode."

"Don't feel bad. I wanted to hear about them. I miss them." I assure her.

"Still, I want to know what's going on with you. How's London?"

"It's good." I tell her, wracking my brain on something I can tell her. As I try to think I realize I've been spending practically every day with Harry so I can't say that. The rest of my time is spent with Lux so I'm about to tell her about that but I can see the focused look on her face as she takes in my surroundings.

"Where are you? That's not your house, is it?" She asks once she gets a glimpse at the marble counter tops and stainless steel appliances behind me. This is why I've been avoiding Facetime. I didn't even think about where I was when I answered the call.

"No, I'm at Lexie and Niall's. We're going to this charity gala thing for Arsenal tonight so I crashed here." I lie quickly. It's the first thing I can think of but it's a good cover. She obviously knows I couldn't afford a place this nice but Niall can. Their kitchen looks different than Harry's but she doesn't know that.

"A charity gala? That sounds fancy. Why is this the first I'm hearing about it?"

"She just asked us a few days ago. She didn't realize she was supposed to bring guests so she had to recruit us last minute." I explain.

"Oh well that should be fun. I'm surprised she didn't ask anybody else." She says ominously. I sense suspicion in her voice.

"Like who?" I ask, trying my best to just sound curious.

"Well you guys know some pretty famous people. Bringing Liam and the other guys in the band would probably score some major points for her if this is for charity." She explains.

"Liam hates me. He would never go, knowing I'm going to be there." I accidently blurt before I can stop myself.

"Wait, I thought you guys broke up amicably? You said you just grew apart." She asks, looking confused.

"We did grow apart. It's just that I was the one that realized it, not him. He didn't take it very well." I say quickly. At least it's not a total lie.

"Clearly not if you think he hates you now. I didn't realize it was that bad." She says, a concerned look on her face.

"It's too early to talk about this Mer." I say with a groan as I take a long gulp of coffee.

"Well you haven't really talked to me about this at all really? Do you want to?" She presses as I try to hold back from letting out another groan. I love my sister but this is the exact reason I'm keeping my relationship with Harry a secret. She's a mom and when it comes to me and my relationships, she acts like it. I don't want to confide in her when I'll most likely be getting a lecture in return.

"No. It's done. I'm over it. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I say, unable to keep the frustration from my voice.

"Liv what's going on with you?"  She asks but before I can even think about what she's asking or what my answer is, I see Harry walking into the kitchen yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He's about to say something but I quickly put my phone down on the counter, pretending to be busy so Meredith can't see me. I mouth to him to be quiet and tell him to stay where he's at. I don't want to try to explain to my sister why half naked Harry is wandering around behind me.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I pick my phone up, doing my best to act natural. I can see the confused look on Harry's face but I can't worry about him right now. I can only focus on one thing at a time.

"I mean I've barely spoken to you since you moved back to London. Every time we talk on the phone I do all the talking. All you give me is a few one word answers."

"Well sorry if I want to know what's going on at home with you and the boys and everyone else." I say, unable to keep my voice from sounded defensive. I don't understand why she's attacking me all of a sudden.

"That's fine but we want to know what's going on with you too. Every time I talk to Grandma she asks me how you're doing and I don't really have an answer."

"I'm fine. More than fine, I'm good. For the first time in months, I'm in a good place. I'm happy Mer. You don't have to worry about me." I assure her as I unconsciously glance over at Harry. He's played a big part in getting me to where I am now. He makes me happy. But of course, I can't tell my sister that.

"You don't seem happy. You seem like you're hiding something." She accuses me.

"I'm not." I lie quickly. It surprises me how reflexively it comes out. I don't even have to think about it anymore.

"I'm not trying to fight with you but..." She starts but I quickly interrupt her.

"Then don't. Believe me when I tell you I'm ok and you don't have to worry about me. I'm kind of almost a grown up now." I remind her as I let my anger fade away. I know she's just looking out for me. She's my big sister. It's her job.

"I know you are. I mean to me you'll always be my baby sister but you are an adult, living in another country and being more independent than I could've ever imagined being when I was your age. I guess if you say you're ok, I have to believe you." She says as she backs off. Good. It's too early for this conversation.

"Like I said, I'm more than ok. I'm good." I reassure her.

"I'm glad. Now I won't keep you. That conversation actually helped get out some of my energy so I think I'm going to try to get some sleep. Have fun at your gala and I'll talk to you soon."

"I'll call you tomorrow." I assure her before saying goodnight and hanging up.

I really do miss my sister and the rest of my family. It's just so easy to get wrapped up in everything here when I'm so far away. But clearly I'm going to have to start making more of an effort with them. I don't want them to think I moved to London and abandoned them.

Once I'm off the phone I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I was confused that Meredith was calling me and knew I would have to be on my guard for obvious reasons but I had no idea the conversation would go like that. I didn't think she would be so quick to accuse me of hiding things. Is it really that obvious? I guess I never was very good at keeping secrets but since I moved to London I've learned quickly. Meredith is my sister though. She's known me my whole life. I guess I'm going to have to work harder if I'm going to keep her from asking questions.

I'm quiet as I try to think about the things I've done to make her think I'm hiding things and how I can be less suspicious but I see Harry milling about the kitchen. He's getting his own breakfast, pouring himself a cup of coffee and refilling mine where it's sitting in front of me. He's trying to give me space but I can feel his eyes on me when he thinks I'm not looking. I know he's confused about what he overheard and it doesn't take long before his curiosity gets the best of him.

"What was that about?" He asks casually after a few beats of silence.

"Just my sister bombarding me with guilt first thing in the morning." I tell him, rolling my eyes and hoping he'll let me leave it at that. But I know him better than that by now.

"What was she making you feel guilty about?" He asks, his face twisting with concern as he walks over to lean against the counter beside me.

"Being distant and hiding things. She's too observant. She noticed I wasn't at my place right off the bat. I had to lie and say I was at Lexie and Niall's." I explain but now that he's so close to me I can't help but to reach over and run my hand through his messy curls before pulling him in for a quick kiss. He somehow can calm me down from any situation without even trying. Breathing in his scent, feeling his soft stubble brush my lips, his warm skin beneath my hands, it all brings me back down to earth. By the time I pull back I can't help but smile as his lips turn into a grin as well.

"You don't have to lie to her you know." He says, his voice soft as he moves his hand to wrap around mine. He's trying to assure me that it's ok to tell my family the truth about us but I can see the questioning look in his eyes, trying to understand why I'm holding onto this secret. But I don't want to get into it right now.

"Don't you think she'd find it a little strange that I'm staying at your house? You don't think it'd be suspicious if she saw you walking around like that behind me?" I say, trying to laugh him off as I gesture to his bare chest and the tight boxers slung low on his hips, barely covering his bottom half.

"Well obviously I wouldn't do that. But I mean you don't have to lie to her about us." He says, clarifying for me.

"I thought you were the one that wanted to keep us a secret for now?" I ask, still deflecting.

"With the public. You can tell your family Liv. I don't want you to feel like you have to distance yourself from them." He says, his voice losing all traces of humor.

"I'm not." I try to argue but I can already see that he doesn't believe me.

"I heard the end of that conversation. Regardless of if you're trying or not, you are pulling back from them." He points out. Clearly he's just as observant as my sister.

"It's really not that big of a deal." I say, trying to wave him off.

"Yes, it is. Why don't you just tell them?" He asks.

"It's complicated."

"No, it's not." He argues.

"Yes, it is Harry. You don't get it. You don't get what they're like." 

"Then explain it to me." He insists, his voice firm as he stands up straight and crosses his arms over his chest, his body language demanding an answer.

"Ughhh can we not do this now??" I groan as I bury my face in my hands, trying to rub away the grogginess while I avoid meeting Harry's glare.

"You know I hate when you tell me I don't get something." He reminds me and when I finally look up, I see his eyes still locked on my face and waiting for an answer. I'm not going to get out of this one.

"I know. I just don't really know how to explain my family to you." I admit.

"I've met them Liv." He reminds me, his face still twisted in confusion.

"You met them as my friend, not my boyfriend. You were never fully immersed in the crazy. It's hard to describe how they can get."

"Try? Please?" He asks, giving me a look that's impossible to say no to. He almost looks wounded that I'm not confiding in him. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I really don't even know how to explain why I'm so hesitant to tell my family about us. But with his green eyes boring into mine, looking for answers, I know I have to give it a shot.

"It's just that they're all strong and opinionated. They all think they're right about everything and they always know best. Especially when it comes to me. I'm the youngest so everyone wants to tell me what I should do in every situation. I used to be such a pushover that I would let them. Since I came to London I've grown a backbone and learned to stand up for myself but when I'm back with my family it feels like nothing has changed. My sister and my mom were so negative when it came to Liam. They thought I was moving too fast with him and obviously in the long run they were right but it's the way they went about it. They treated me like a child."

"So you don't want to tell them about us because you're afraid they won't approve?" He asks, trying to put the pieces together from my rambling.

"I don't want to tell them because I know they won't understand." I correct him.

"They're your family. Of course they'll understand." He tries to reassure me, reaching for my hand again but I quickly pull away.

"No, they won't. I mean, look at it from their point of view. I was with Liam and I was so in love with him, moving way too fast then all of a sudden it ended. Well it wasn't all of a sudden but to them it looked abrupt. Now I'm with you and so happy but they're going to have a hard time believing that. They'll think you're my rebound or something. They'll think I'm out of control."

"So explain it to them. Tell them how you feel about me, how I feel about you. Tell them how hard it was for us to stay away from each other, that it was impossible. Tell them how much we've been through to get where we are now. Tell them everything if you think it will help."

"I am not telling my family I was sleeping with you when I was still with Liam." I tell him firmly. Is he crazy?"

"I'm not saying you should. But if you tell them how much we care about each other they'll understand. Maybe not at first but they'll come around. Everyone else did." He reminds me.

"That's different." I argue.


"Because everyone else has had the chance to see us together."

"I'm not following." He says, shaking his head slowly.

"I love you Harry but we don't make sense as a couple." I say with a laugh, giving him a pointed look. Even just looking at him now, I still don't get it. His tattoos and long messy hair are a far cry from the clean-cut look I used to think was my type. I'm definitely a departure from his previous flings with their blonde hair and supermodel figures but somehow, he ended up falling fo me. At first glance we couldn't be more different but it's what's underneath the surface that makes us work.

"We don't?" He asks, his brows furrowed in confusion as if the thought never occurred to him.

"Don't act like you don't already know. You saw how our friends reacted when they found out about us. None of them saw it coming because it's so out of left field. Hell, even I never thought about the possibility of us together until your confession. That's why it took so long for me to admit I had feelings for you too. I had to wrap my head around it just as much as they did." I explain.

"But they did eventually. And your family will too." He tries to remind me.

"No they won't. Everyone else has seen us together. Actions speak louder than words and unless they see us with their own eyes they won't get it." I explain.

"Well we're going to be in LA at the end of next week. We've got promo until the end of the month but maybe we could work something out. That's right around Thanksgiving, right? We could make a trip to Indiana, spend the holiday with your family, tell them in person?" He suggests.

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be in Mexico on Thanksgiving." I remind him.

"But there are a few days between the AMAs and that, right? We can go before." He suggests.

"I don't know. Maybe." I say as I consider his offer. I can see how much of an effort he's making and it's really sweet but I'm just not ready to make concrete plans yet.

"It's up to you but if you want to tell them, we can do it. I'm ready whenever you are. I mean they can't be any worse than Gemma's reaction, right?" He says with a laugh.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I warn him but when I see the look on his face as he starts to reassure me I cover with a laugh so he thinks I'm joking. "Thanks for offering though, really. I'll think about it. But not right now."

"Ok what do you want to think about now then?" He asks, wisely dropping the subject. That's the good thing about Harry. He pushes me when I need it, even if I don't want it but he also knows when to back off. He said his peace. He needed to make sure I knew he was ready to tell my family about us and he did. Now it's up to me and he can't make that decision for me.

"No time to think. I've got to start getting ready." I say as I get a glimpse of the clock above the stove.

"Aren't we getting ready at Niall and Lexie's?" He asks, looking confused.

"This is the pre getting ready. I have to shower, exfoliate, shave, moisturize. I have to do my nails and make sure my hair is ready for Lou. There's a lot of work involved." I explain as I quickly down the rest of my coffee.

"Sounds like it." He says with a laugh.

"I'd better get started." I say as I jump down from my seat and start to walk toward the stairs but before I can get too far Harry grabs my arm.

"One thing first." He says, a playful smirk on his face as he pulls me in toward his body.

As I place my hands on his waist he moves his hands to either side of my face, tilting my head up so he can give me a long, deep kiss. It's a real, good morning kiss. I start to lose myself in him so much I'm a little disappointed when he pulls back, giving me a few small pecks on the lips before releasing me and going to the fridge for his breakfast. It takes me a few moments to catch my bearings enough to remember what I was doing.  It isn't until he makes some comment, joking about me taking forever and I'd better get moving that I snap out of it. This is what I love about being with Harry. We can go from a little spat to raw passion to bantering back and forth like friends in the span of a few minutes. I'm so comfortable with him. I know it's going to take some time for my family to see that but I'm in no rush. I've never been happier to just live in the moment as I am right now.

When I finally get upstairs I start my prep for tonight with a long shower. I have to shave everything on top of washing my hair and that takes time. By the time I finish, Harry is already done with breakfast and upstairs getting dressed.  I think he thought I was exagerating when I told him how much time I needed to get ready. He kept checking up on me and watched what I was doing for a while but I think eventually he got bored and wandered off. When I finally come downstairs, freshly showered, shaved, manicured with my hair clean and dry he's sitting on the couch, fully dressed and ready to go. He must've been there for a while because he has his guitar out and I can see his leather-bound notebook on the table in front of him. He looks deep in thought as he scribbles something down quickly before placing the pen between his teeth and moving his hands back to the strings and playing a few chords.  I can't help but hang back a little so I sneakily listen to him. He sings around me all the time but I very rarely hear him play guitar. He always waves me off saying Niall is much better but I think he's just being insecure. From where I'm standing it sounds pretty great.

Unfortunately, I can't listen for too long because we have to get to Lexie and Niall's. I make as much noise as I can as I walk into the living room, giving him plenty of time to put his guitar down as I pretend I didn't hear it. He doesn't seem suspicious at all as he looks up at me, grinning and teasing me about taking so long while he slips into his boots and grabs his keys. Lexie set up a car for us tonight but it's not coming until later so we're driving to their house. It's in the same neighborhood but with houses this big, they're still too far away to walk.

When we get to Lexie and Niall's we spend a few minutes downstairs talking before Lou gets there with her suitcase of supplies and sweeps Lexie and I upstairs to get ready. She manages to get my hair done quickly before moving on to Lexie. We're set up in Lexie and Niall's bedroom with no mirrors so I want to sneak into the bathroom to get a peak but she quickly puts me to work. She's giving Lexie a top knot to show off the high neckline of her dress and she wants me to do some small braids before she secures everything into place. She gives me a few guidelines on where to place them before moving on to work on her makeup. Lou is good at what she does but it is time consuming. Definitely more work than what Lexie and I are used to. I can't help but laugh as I watch Lexie squirm in her chair.

"You doing all right there Lex?" I ask with a chuckle when I hear her let out a huge sigh.

"I'm fine. I just don't understand how some girls do this every day." She says and I have to agree.

"Girls that do this every single day are crazy. Even I wouldn't go that far." Lou admits.

"Still, you do the lashes, the contouring, the lips. It's a lot more than we're used to." I remind her.

"It'll be worth it when it's done. Trust me." Lou assures us as she instructs Lexie to close her eyes so she can keep working.

"You do look great already." I assure her as I take in Lou's work.

"Niall isn't going to know what hit him." Lou agrees with a confident smirk. She is amazing at what she does. I have full confidence in her.

"How are things with your boyfriend Lou? It was Adam, right?" Lexie asks, quickly shifting the attention away from herself.

"Yes. Things are great." She says, as a grin immediately spreads across her face. She looks genuinely happy and I couldn't be more thrilled for her. She deserves it.

"You can't give us anymore details than that?" Lexie asks with a laugh.

"Yeah it's payback time. I remember all those nights getting ready together when I first came to London. You pumped me for information about my love life relentlessly. It's your turn." I add.

"What all do you want to know?"

"How does Lux feel about him?" I ask curiously.

"Lux loves him. He's actually with her now. I think he's her favorite babysitter besides you and Harry."

"I don't think that girl loves anyone more than Harry." I say with an unconscious grin. Their bond is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"You two have that in common, don't you?" Lou teases me.

"Don't get her started Lou. We'll be here all week." Lexie adds, getting in a jab of her own as I childishly stick my tongue out at her.

"Good point. But seriously Adam is great with her. He loves her too. He fits into our lives perfectly. It's like he was always there."

"Do you think you'll end up getting married?" Lexie asks curiously. The question kind of surprises me but I guess it's not too off the wall. I'm sure with her own secret engagement she's got marriage on the brain.

"I don't know." She says, a thoughtful look on her face. "It's too soon to say one way or the other quite yet. I love him and can't see myself with anyone else right now but I learned a long time ago not to rush into things like that." She says thoughtfully.

"But then again, sometimes you have to live in the moment and listen to your heart. You can't let yourself overthink everything." Lexie argues, giving me a pointed look.

"Hey, I learned my lesson." I say defensively.

"You did. And I'm glad you did. It didn't make sense to me at first but you and Harry really are great together. I'm glad you gave him a chance." Lou says, giving me a proud smirk.

"Me too." I admit. I know how close she and Harry are. He's almost like a little brother to her. Getting her approval has been a big concern of mine since our secret got out and I couldn't be happier now that I have it.

"But unfortunately, I can't just think about myself. I have Lux too. Any guy I marry, basically is marrying her too. I want to be absolutely sure before I make that plunge." Lou continues.

"Can you ever be absolutely sure though?" I ask doubtfully. The idea always baffled me. Liam thought he was sure with me and I was nowhere near ready to get married. Where did his confidence come from?

"Definitely." They both say in unison.

"How?" I ask, looking between the two of them expectantly. Lou looks like she's really thinking about it so she can fully answer my question but before she can, Lexie speaks up.

"It's just a feeling. I can't explain it. When I wake up next to Niall every morning I can't see my future any other way. He's the one I want to come home to after a long day at work. He's the first person I want to tell big news to. Then when I think about little mini Niall's running around my house someday, I get this overwhelming sense of calm when I probably should be freaking out. Normally I would be freaking out, but once I found him my future fell into place. There's no questioning it." Lexie says, not even realizing what she's saying until the words are out of your mouth. When she locks eyes with me I can tell she's worried she said too much.

"Well I'd say you're ready. Do I need to start dropping hints for Niall to put a ring on it?" Lou asks with a laugh. Luckily, I think we're in the clear. Lexie never full out said she's engaged to Niall and I don't think Lou picked up on it.

"Already on it." I assure her as I cover for Lexie for good measure.

"Good. I think the world needs a few mini Niall's. And mini Lexie's too." Lou says with a grin. I can't say that I disagree.

Lou is almost finished with Lexie's makeup when Ellie arrives. She's struggling under two huge garment bags and a tote full of our shoes and jewelry so I quickly jump up to help her and we hang up the dresses while Lou finishes Lexie. Once I see my dress I want to put it on immediately. Unfortunately, I have to wait until Lou does my makeup though so all I can do is admire it. It's even prettier than I remember. I was hesitant to even try this one of because of the body hugging shape and the low neckline but Lexie convinced me. Like always, she knew best because once I put it on, I knew it was the one.

My gawking is interrupted when Lou instructs me to sit down so she can do my makeup. I gave her the freedom to do whatever she wants so just like when she was doing my hair, I have no idea what it's going to look like. All I can do is be patient and wait for the finished product. If it's anything like Lexie's, I know it'll be perfect. Lou gave her a dark smokey eye that makes her blue eyes pop more than I've ever seen them. Her lips are a light pink to offset the dramatic eye. As I catch her looking at herself in Lou's handheld mirror I can tell she's taken back. It's a different look for her but she looks amazing. Lou was right, Niall is going to die when he sees her.

When Lou finishes with me, I can't wait to see it and when I do, I'm just as satisfied. She did the opposite look with me; a softer eye with deep red lips. I have to say, I'm impressed. I almost don't recognize myself. When I look in the mirror, it looks like me but a more mature, sophisticated version of myself. Now that I can see the soft waves in my hair, complimented by the dramatic makeup I can see the vision Lou must've had in her head. She's a genius.

Lou leaves us for a bit to go do the boys' hair. Or at least Niall's. I know he wanted his done. She seems to think she's going to do Harry's too but something tells me he's not going to go for that. Now that it's getting longer it seems like he hates having it fussed with more and more. He'll either just throw it into a bun or let it hang down in all its unruly glory. I never was one to like long hair on a guy so it surprises me how into Harry's I am but I can't deny how much I love it. It just suits him so perfectly.                  

Lou is making us do a big reveal for the boys, forcing us to walk down the stairs shoes and all so when they see us they get the full effect. Lexie and I try to argue at the cheesiness of it and the danger in my case but she's not budging so we give in. But as I make my way down the stairs and see Harry standing below, I'm kind of glad we did. He's standing talking to Niall but when he catches a glimpse of me he stops midsentence. The grin on his face is heart stopping. I know he's admiring how I look but I can't take my eyes off of him either. As I predicted his hair is wild and untamed, just the way he likes it. He's dressed in all black, the top of his shirt open showing off his tattoos and the toned muscles he's starting to develop. I'm trying to take the stairs carefully but it's all I can do not to run down them and pounce on him. He's sexy and irresistible and I still have a hard time believing that he's mine.

Once we finally start to get out the door, Lexie brings up picking up Dustin and it's news to me. She never mentioned it when we were getting ready. Judging by the look on Niall's face, he didn't know either. Since we came down the stairs and he saw Lexie, he's had the biggest grin on his face but it's gone now. As we walk out to the car I nudge Harry and he gives me a look telling me he sees it too. After I talked to Lexie about Dustin and she waved off my concerns I decided it was best not to bring it up to her again. Harry agreed and since then we've both made it our mission to keep Niall's jealousy under control as much as we can. We both agree that maybe he's not as crazy or off base as we once thought but we also realize letting Lexie see that isn't going to help his case at all, especially tonight. Tonight, it's going to be up to both of us to keep that from happening.

On the ride to the hotel I'm completely focused on shifting any attention away from Dustin but as we get closer and I see the cameras and people waiting outside I start to feel a nervous pit form in my stomach. I know I said I wasn't worried about people connecting Harry and I to each other and I think I wasn't at the time but now that we're here I can't help but wonder if maybe I was being naiive. It's a miracle we've gone this long without being discovered. Is it going to happen tonight? When I look to him he doesn't look nervous at all but is he just hiding it? I can't tell. I don't know why I give Lexie a sarcastic response when she asks what the plan is. I think it's all part of the nerves. But luckily, Dustin has the idea to walk in with me to throw everyone off. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Nobody will know who he is and I'm usually only recognized when I'm with one of the guys or Lou. If I'm with Dustin, nobody will even pay attention to us. It's brilliant.

Lexie and Niall get out of the car first and almost cause a frenzy. Niall kept his relationships private for so long that now that he's with Lexie and open about it people lose their minds every time they're in public together. They're well liked though so it's positive at least. As the photographers scramble to get their pictures I can hear them complimenting them, saying how good they look together and praising Niall for coming to support his girlfriend. Watching it I can't help but wonder what response Harry and I would get if we walked out holding hands but before I get too far in my thoughts I realize I already have my answer. It would be ugly and I'm not ready for that so instead I give Harry's hand one last squeeze before taking Dustin's outstretched one and follow him out of the car.

There are a few camera flashes before they realize that we're not important and we're able to get to the door quickly with no problems. As we reach the lobby I hear a big commotion so I turn around to see Harry sauntering towards us. The cameras are flashing like crazy again as shoots them a grin and a peace sign as he hurries to the door.

"Is it like that everywhere you go?" I hear Dustin ask Niall as I tear my attention away from Harry.

"Like what?" He asks, his voice stiff as he tries his best to be civil with Dustin. I have to give him credit. He can't stand the guy but he puts up with him for Lexie. If that doesn't show how much he loves her, I don't know what does.

"Cameras, people watching you, asking questions like they know you?" He clarifies.

"Sometimes." He says without any further explanation as Harry makes his way through the lobby doors.

"How do you do that?" Dustin asks Harry once he rejoins the group.

"Do what?" He asks, confused by the question like Niall was. He grabs my hand discretely and gives it a tight squeeze before quickly dropping it. We may be inside but we still have to be careful.

"Walk past those cameras like it's nothing. I had like two flashes go off on me and it freaked me out but you barely even flinched." He says, shaking his head with amazement.

"I guess you just get used to it after a while." He says with a shrug.

"Do you get used to it?" Dustin asks, turning his attention to me and Lexie.

"Sort of. It's better in situations like this where you expect it. Or if we're leaving a club at two am I know there's going to be cameras. It's still weird to me that we can't even go to the grocery store together without cameras showing up." Lexie explains.

"I mean I walked in with you to avoid the frenzy so that tells you how much I want to avoid it." I add with a laugh.

"So dating a celebrity isn't all it's cracked up to be, huh?" Dustin says with a laugh as he jokingly nudges Lexie. She laughs and Harry and I join in to be polite but I have to admit, it's a weird comment for him to make. I can tell by the look on Niall's face that he didn't like it.

"Oh I'd say it's worth it in the end." Lexie says with a chuckle as she grabs Niall's hand. "So we should probably get inside and find our table." She says, changing the subject as she leads us inside. I can tell she feels weird about Dustin's comment too but she won't acknowledge it. Tonight has to go perfect and she's not going to let any weird jealousy between Dustin and Niall get in the way. I definitely don't want the night to get awkward either so I go along with it as I walk after her and the boys follow.

When we get into the ballroom I instantly feel a little overwhelmed. I've never been to a fancy event like this. They don't happen in small towns like the one I grew up in. Even the classiest party in Indianapolis wouldnn't come close to this. The parties I've been to since I moved to London and met the boys have been extravagant but still casual compared to this. I'm intimidated by the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the tables set with expensive china and silk table cloths. I felt great when we left the house and I know Ellie knows what she's doing but I still feel out of place. I feel judged and completely underdressed as I look at the other people milling about. They're all dripping with diamonds and disdain as they look down their perfectly contoured noses at me. Even as I look over at Lexie, she looks confident and elegant. She doesn't look nervous at all. She has no reason to. She belongs. She knows these people and they recognize her too. I lose count of how many people say hi to her as we make our way to our table. She really has made a name for herself in this crowd.

I don't know anyone here besides the people in our group so I'm glad we're the only ones seated at our table. It takes some of the pressure off. At first I felt like I had to behave and carry myself to reflect the atmosphere around us but as we sit through the speeches and dinner I find myself starting to relax. It could have something to do with the drinks coming from the open bar but I think it's more influenced by the company. Now that it's just us, Lexie is less poised and professional and more herself. She's still keeping a clear head though, unlike Dusin. His good time really is influenced by the drinks. We've all had a few but he's getting loud and almost obnoxious. I can't help but wonder if he's always like this and I'm only noticing now because we're at such a classy event. Watching Niall struggle to hold back from rolling his eyes at everything out of his mouth is almost comical. I feel for him and I get it but sulky looks weird on him. The first chance he gets, he whisks Lexie off to the dance floor, probably just to get away from Dustin. Harry and I stay at the table for a bit but eventually he starts to annoy us so we escape to the dance floor too.

Now that we're inside there's more people milling around and no press. It's dark enough that we're not worried about people seeing us together. We're just enjoying ourselves despite the less than lively crowd around us. There's a live band playing soft music but Harry is spinning me around like he's having the time of his life and it's contagious. It doesn't matter if we're at a fancy party like tonight or just sitting on his couch, eating takeout and watching Netflix, he's just one of those people that lights up a room no matter where he goes. All my earlier worries about not fitting in and feeling judged don't matter anymore because I don't care if some rich socialite and her doctor husband think I don't belong. The only opinion I care about is Harry's and he accepts me and loves me for who I am. More than that, he dares me to jump out of my comfort zone. If I wasn't with him I would be embarrassed to be out here dancing and laughing, basically making a fool out of myself. I've never felt stronger or more fearless as I do when I'm with him. He's so good for me and I still can't believe it took me so long to admit it.

But despite how long it took for me to finally take a chance on him, it feels like we've been together forever. It's hard to believe that tonight is basically our first real date. We've been out together a few times but this is different. It feels like a double date for us and Lexie and Niall, especially when we go back to the table and Dustin has disappeared. The four of us can just hang out and I love it. Looking back to how things started with Harry I never would've imagined we'd be sitting here like we are tonight. For one, I never thought I'd end up in a relationship with him but besides that, Lexie hated him. In her mind, I was the victim and he was playing with my head. Even after I admitted that I was in love with him I knew she wasn't his biggest fan. But now they're sitting here making plans to watch the Packer game tomorrow night without me. I'd watch if I had to. I sat through my fair share of games with Lexie when we were in college but it's nice that I don't have to now. I love that they have something like this to bond over. I don't know what I'd do if the two most important people in my life couldn't get along.

I'm glad that Niall is my friend again too. I thought when I hurt Liam that friendship would be gone forever. He warned me of that long before I ever imagined I would. He's so protective of the people he cares about and Harry is near the top of that list. I never thought he would be ok with us together but he's come around to accept us. More than that, he gets us. He understands why we have to be together and he sees that we're good for each other. I feel like if anything, my friendship with Niall is better than it ever was. It could be because we're conspiring together working on the proposal but I'll take it. We don't get very much alone time together so I can't stop myself from asking for an update when Lexie sends him to help me at the bar. I think I may be almost more excited for the proposal than Lexie is. I know she's anxious to be engaged but she couldn't care less about what he has planned. The big proposal is for him but once we finish planning it I know she's going to love it.

I'm so wrapped up in my conversation with Niall at the bar that when I spot Grant a few feet away I have to do a double take. It felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me. I hadn't thought about him in ages and hadn't seen him even longer. The last time I did was the morning after I slept with him, the morning I found out Zayn left the band. It was before Liam told me he loved me, and before we started dating for real. That feels like it was a lifetime ago.

By the time I realize that it is in fact him, he's already walking toward me. He saw me and I know he knows I saw him too. There's no way to avoid him. I was still slightly freaked out by the time he approached me and I know Niall could see it. Lexie could see it. I'm sure the whole room could see it. I don't know what it is about this man but as soon as he's standing in front of me I feel like that naiive girl I was almost a year ago. Maybe it's because he's older, maybe it's the way he towers over me or maybe it's because he's the man that took my virginity. No, I gave it to him. I refuse to play the victim anymore. He's a jerk but I was always free to make my own choices with him. I was just too stupid to make the right ones.

He's being cordial and friendly but I still can't help but feel unsettled talking to him. I can feel his eyes trying to read me, trying to analyze how I feel about talking to him. I can't be sure but I think he's slyly looking me up and down all the while. I feel myself suddenly wishing my dress weren't so tight or low cut but it doesn't matter. He's already seen me naked, a fact that makes me sick to my stomach. But as creeped out as I feel by him he never does or says anything that's out of line and if I'm being honest, it's not the reason I feel so rattled by the run in. When he asked me what I was up to, I didn't have an answer. I couldn't tell him what was really going on in my life. That after spending my summer following around Liam on tour and getting caught up in a love triangle with him and Harry, I'm now a nanny for my cousin's kid. My personal life may be amazing right now but professionally, I'm definitely not thriving. That's not exactly something I want to advertise to my ex.

When we go back to the table I can see the concern on both Lexie and Harry's faces but I don't want to talk about it. I want to forget the whole run in happened and if I'm being honest, I want to get as far away from him as possible so he doesn't get the bright idea to come back and try to strike up another conversation. When Dustin comes over and invites us to the pub I'm relieved. It's just the exit I was looking for and once Niall is on board we get out of that ballroom as quick as we possibly can.

At the pub I realize I'm drinking a lot. It's hard not to with Lexie's friends handing us drinks and shots every time we turn around but if I'm being honest it's a great distraction. I refuse to let Grant ruin the great night that I was having. Now that we're away from the gala Lexie is even letting loose more and playing along with my tipsy antics instead of rolling her eyes at me. She's not as drunk as I am but Niall is pretty close. I think he was trying to drink enough that having Dustin around wouldn't bother him and I think it's working.

As the night goes on, Niall's face starts to settle into his normal, relaxed grin and it seems like he's feeling more like his normal self. I'm shocked to see him acting so friendly towards Dustin. He's actually laughing at his jokes and including him when he orders a round of shots as if he hasn't hated him from the moment Lexie brought him up.  Still, it surprises me when Niall offers to go with Dustin to the bar for more drinks.

I got worried when it was taking so long so I had to go investigate. When I reach him, I see I was right to be concerned because happy Niall is gone and it's my job to get to the bottom of the problem. After telling me the whole story of the conversation he just had with Dustin I know he's convinced that Dustin is putting on an act for all of us but I don't think that's the case. He's a nice guy. Sure, he likes Lexie but I don't think he's as underhanded and sneaky as Niall is making him out to be. I try to reassure him as best I can but something tells me he'll never stop being suspicious of Dustin. Nevertheless, he lets it go and we head back to the table, another crisis averted for tonight. I don't know what it is that gives Niall this unsettling feeling about Dustin, but it's enough that I try to pay as close attention to it as I can. Is it the fact he's a little overly flirty with Lexie? He's touching her way longer than appropriate and basically speaks to her as if he's dating her but he hasn't done anything to make me think he's this slimy snake that Niall is making him out to be. I try to keep an eye on him as best I can but the longer we're at the pub and drinks are being thrown my way the harder it is for me to focus on anyone else besides Harry. He looks so good tonight and the more I drink, the more I want to take him into the bathroom and rip his clothes off. I suggest it more than once but unfortunately he's not nearly drunk enough to give into my crazy whims.  I have to give him credit for putting up with me so far. I know I tend to be a clingy drunk but he hasn't seemed to mind one bit. I have a feeling that once we get home, he'll finally let me have my way with him.

By the time the party switches venues for the third time I'm pretty tired. It's almost two am and I've been drinking for more than a while. When we get to the suite I feel myself wanting to go home as soon as we walk in. I probably would've had fun here a few hours ago, at the peak of my buzz but now I'm at the point where I know I'm not going to last much longer. But Lexie insists we have to stay for a bit to make sure things don't get too out of hand. I get it but I'm not sure what to do with this crowd. When I heard they were having an after party in their suite upstairs I figured it'd be about twenty people max, but when we walk in and I see the sheer size of the suite and the capacity it holds I know I'm sorely mistaken.  There are easily over fifty people in the big suite. Enough to make it crowded, but not so packed you can't move around. It's all filled with the remaining players that stuck around, some of the younger staffers and then everyones dates or the groupies. I've seen a few familiar faces from when we were at the pub after the game earlier last week, so they must know their way around. Lexie told me they had some groupies, but I'm not so sure I really believed it until now. There are people everywhere partying and having fun. Playing drinking games, dancing, talking. I'm sure a few of the bedrooms are being occupied already by the people who are passed out or hooking up. It's going to be hard to pick a spot. Luckily, Lexie finds one of the players, Sean, and his wife Victoria and we settle in on the couches with them. Harry grabs a bottle for us all to share because he knows if I don't keep drinking I'll be done. I doubt he wants to carry me to the car while I'm fast asleep.

Although we're not going wild like the rest of the people at the party, hanging out with Sean and Victoria is fun. The boys are bonding while Victoria shows Lexie and I pictures of their daughter. She may not seem like it on the surface but Lexie is a sucker for babies. Anytime she's around one, she has to hold it. Even looking pictures, she can't help but melt. She's got that natural maternal instinct. As for me, I'm better with kids once they get a little older. Until my nephews were born, I wasn't around babies a lot. Even when they came around, I wasn't comfortable with them until they got a little bigger, a little less fragile. But looking at pictures of little Gracelyn in her elephant onesie tonight is getting to me. I feel near tears just looking at how perfect and pink she is. I don't know why but I have a feeling it has something to do with the alcohol and I decide I should probably cut myself off.

Once I stop drinking I feel the effects of the alcohol hitting me. The party is loud around us but I find myself getting more and more tired the longer we sit there. Harry stays engaged in conversation as I lean against him heavily but he's got his arm around my waist, absentmindedly drawing patterns against the smooth fabric of my dress. I can feel his body shake every time he laughs and somehow it seems to almost soothe me more. I'm dangerously close to closing my eyes when I feel him shift and turn so his lips are at my ear.

"The balcony is empty." Harry whispers to me. He's so close I can feel the words touch my skin and I can smell the scotch on his breath. I catch a faint wiff of his cologne too and I can't help but inhale to take it all in. He even smells perfect. I'm so distracted by it that it takes me a moment before I comprehend his words.

"That's a wonderful observation." I try to say with a straight face but when he gives me a dead look I can't help but let out a giggle.

"We should go get some air." He suggests.

"Is that code for something?" I ask with an exaggerated wink as he laughs and shakes his head at me.

"It's code for you're wasted and I don't want you to pass out on this bloody couch." He says, giving me a pointed look. He really is a good sport for putting up with me when I'm drunk. He doesn't seem annoyed at all. He's actually amused by it. Still, I know him well enough to know he wants to get me alone for another reason besides sobering me up. I'm not sure what he's up to but I find myself reaching for his hand and letting him lead me away without any other explanation.

It's chilly tonight but after being in the crowded hotel room the cool air feels nice against my skin. It really is sobering, for my mind at least. I can feel the fogginess in my head start to clear but I'm still a little unsteady on my feet so Harry is standing behind me at the railing giving me his body to lean against.  As we both look out at the city lights below us and I can't help but think about, again how different my life is now than it was a year ago. I keep having these moments of realization but I'm still not used to it. The only difference tonight is despite how happy I am to be standing here with Harry's arms wrapped around me, I also can't block out the thoughts of all the things I've done wrong in the last eleven months. I'm happy but I'm not where I want to be in life. It's easy to forget that with everything going on around me but after talking to Grant tonight, I can't get it out of my head. We stay silent for a few moments but Harry has a way of reading my mind. He knows something is up.

"Are you ok?" He asks softly as he brushes my hair off my neck and plants a gentle kiss against my skin.

"I'm great." I assure him as I turn to face him but I can tell he's not convinced. There's a look on his face like he wants to press me on it but he can see how drunk I am. He's looking into my unfocused eyes and he has a tight grip on my waist as I sway in front of him. He knows I'm not going to remember much of this tomorrow.

"Tonight was fun." He says with a grin, clearly making the decision to keep our conversation light as he reaches for my hands and laces our fingers together. 

"It was, wasn't it?" I agree as I think back to the beginning of the night. I was having a great time before my run in with Grant. I'm sure that's why Harry wanted to bring me out here, so we could talk about it. He knows it affected me and he wants to know how I'm feeling but honestly, I'm not sure I could put it into words right now. I don't want to think about it and he gets that.

"Niall didn't kill Dustin so I'd say tonight went pretty well." He says with a laugh, easily deflecting the attention off of me.

"Yeah thank god for that." I agree as I let out a chuckle. I'm honestly surprised, especially after our conversation at the bar.

There's a beat of silence between us as I let my thoughts drift back to where they were a minute ago. I was reflecting on the past year and trying to figure out where I went wrong but I lost my place. I'm not focused right now and it's frustrating. No wonder my career has come to a screeching halt. I can't even make sense of my jumbled thoughts. I think Harry notices my mind has taken me somewhere else because it isn't long before I hear his voice again.

"You look so beautiful tonight, you know that?" He says as he moves to brush my hair out of my face. He keeps his hand resting against my cheek and I can't help but lean into it as his thumb gently brushes my skin. I know what he's doing. He's changing the subject. Distracting me and trying to take my mind away from whatever I'm thinking about.

"Lou did a great job." I say, feeling my cheeks flush as his eyes look me up and down. I know it's ridiculous but I still get butterflies when he looks at me like that.

"She did but that's not what I'm talking about. It's not the hair or the makeup or the dress. It's the girl in it. You're what takes my breath away." He says firmly, his eyes locked on mine so I can't look away. Normally I would try to argue but it's almost impossible to doubt the sincerity in his eyes. I don't get it but I believe him.

"I really love you, you know that?" I say with a smirk as he lets out a chuckle and nods his head yes before pulling me even closer so his lips can gently brush against mine. When he pulls back he whispers that he loves me too before I pull him back in for a longer kiss.

I'm fully aware that we're one of those disgusting couples at the party right now but I don't care. It's not like we're going to have sex right here on the balcony. We kiss for a while before going back to looking out at the city below us. As I lean against his chest, taking in the bright lights all I can think about is how happy I am to have him here with me tonight. Seeing Grant affected me more than I'm willing to admit tonight and I know he'll make me talk about it tomorrow but for now he's just here for me, without asking questions.

We stay out on the balcony a little bit longer but when I spot Niall inside sitting alone I'm confused. I'm assuming Sean and Victoria went home but where is Lexie? Niall's face is blank as he watches the party around him but I know him well enough to know that's not a good sign. If he's not wearing even a slight smile, something is up. I'm concerned and I feel bad that we abandoned him so I direct Harry's attention to him and we go inside without any more discussion.

I should have known Niall's annoyance had something to do with Dustin. I don't want him to give him a chance to build anything more up in his head so I decide Harry should stay with Niall while I go find Lexie. It's definitely time to go home, a fact that only becomes clearer as I wander around the crowded hotel room searching for Lexie. I'm getting flashbacks to the few frat parties we went to when we were in college. At the point it's late and everyone is getting sloppy. The players that looked sharp in their expensive suits at the beginning of the night are sweaty and panting as the numerous drinks, shots and whatever else is coursing through their blood streams kicks in. Most of them have stripped off their uncomfortable layers and some of the girls they brought back have done the same. Everybody seems to be either in the middle of a hookup or desperately searching for one before the night is over. I feel uncomfortable as I feel multiple sets of glassy eyes rest on me and I find myself wishing I had let Harry and Niall come with me. I'm about to give up and go find them but before I can completely give up hope I find one of the bedrooms. I almost don't want to go in because I don't want to be scarred by what I might find but I push the door open anyways and I'm relieved to find Lexie.

"There you are, finally!" I say as I let out a relieved sigh.

"Hey I'm glad you're here. Can you please convince Colin that he has to go get this x-rayed?" She asks as she gets up from where she was kneeling in front of the guy that hurt his ankle. There's a bucket of ice next to her and a towel to wrap it in but I can already see from across the room that its extremely swollen.

"I'm fine! I just twisted it a bit is all." He says, waving her off. He's got a huge smile on his face as his thick Scottish accent comes out slurred and jumbled. It's a miracle I can even understand him.

"Yeah that's not fine." I say as I take Lexie's place. It's not easy in a dress but eventually I manage to situate myself on the floor as I gently start pressing on the injured area. "Doesn't that hurt?" I ask when he doesn't let out a single groan or wince at the pressure.

"Not a bit. Told ya I'm fine." He says with a smirk.

"Yeah I doubt you're going to feel the same way once the booze wears off." I say with a laugh as I stop my prodding and grab the ice beside me.

"Dustin said he heard a snap when he fell." Lexie adds, a stressed look on her face. I know she's got a million things running through her mind right now and probably is feeling all of the responsibility for the players. 

"Don't look so worried Lex. Relaxxxxxx." Dustin slurs from where he's standing next to her. He's rubbing her shoulders as if to calm her but I can tell he's even more wasted than the last time we saw him. His huge hands are clumsy and rough and I can see her wince before she gently pushes him away.

"We should get him to the emergency room as soon as possible then. Does anyone have a phone I can use?" I ask as I look around the room. Ian is here, along with some of the other players I met earlier in the night, watching the exchange. Their faces range from worried to confused to completely blank but one of them manages to reach into his pocket and hand me his phone.

"Who are you calling?" Lexie asks before I can finish dialing.

"Nobody here is in the condition to drive or even help us get him downstairs to a car. I'm calling for an ambulance."

"I don't need an ambulance love! I'll just walk." Colin says as he tries to get up but I quickly push him back down into the chair and luckily Ian steps forward to help me keep him down. At least he seems to not be completely out of it.

"We're not calling an ambulance. An ambulance means sirens and lights and a big scene. There's no way I'm letting that happen. Not with photographers still camped out in front of the hotel." Lexie says firmly. She's using her I mean business tone. I know that there's no arguing with it.

"What are we going to do then?" I ask.

"We've got the drivers all night. I'll call for one of them and request for them to come up and help get Colin out." She says, looking satisfied with her plan.

"You're a genius Lex. What would we do without you?" Dustin says as he throws his arm around Lexie and pulls her in towards his body. She looks uncomfortable as his hand drifts down to her waist, resting way too low to be appropriate.

"Can you call then? We really shouldn't waste any time." I tell her as I hold out the phone, just far enough that she has to peel Dustin off of her to grab it. When she's close enough, I give her a look, making sure she knows I saw what he's doing but she gives her head a small shake like she wants me to let it go before wandering away to make the call. Dustin has been awful handsy tonight and that's saying something considering everytime I see him he's got a hand on Lexie in some way or another. But it's different tonight. I don't know if it's because he's wasted and his inhibitions are lowered and he suddenly has courage to try and make a move on her or what. But I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable with him and Lexie in the same room without Niall around.

"So how did this happen anyways?" I ask after a few moments of silence. I needed something to distract my brain besides trying to analyze Dustin's behavior. Based on how wasted both Dustin and Colin are it's obvious that it was something stupid but I'm interested in hearing the story.

"These lads were being fucking idiots and trying to show off for each other or something. Dustin nearly lit his dick on fire trying to catch a bloody fart on fire." Ian says, shaking his head as the other boys laugh. "Then this wanker decides he's going to do a back flip off the dresser." He explains.

"I can land in the splits! It's brilliant! I woulda pulled it off too if this room weren't so fucking small." Colin defends himself.

"Yeah I'm sure the whiskey on your breath I can smell from here had nothing to do with it." I say sarcastically as we all laugh.

"You're probably right love. At least I lucked out having you around to take care of me. Maybe once this is all over I can take ya to dinner? I gotta show my thanks somehow." Colin says with a wink.

"Easy there boy. You don't have a chance. She's got a boyfriend. Harry Styles no less." Dustin says with a booming laugh. I shoot him a look, telling him to shut up but he's too drunk to catch it. I think on some level he was trying to be helpful but all he's being is obnoxious.

"Well shit I guess I am out of my league then." Colin says with a laugh.

"The driver is on his way up. Can someone go down to the lobby to meet him?" Lexie asks once she hangs up the phone and returns to the group. Her authoritative tone is effective and everyone scatters until Ian, Colin and Dustin are the only guys left.

"Don't worry bro. Those boybanders scoop up the best girls. Isn't that right, Lex?" Dustin asks, throwing his arm around her shoulder again.

"Hey Dustin, why don't you go lay down for a bit and rest? I just want to stay until they come get Colin and we'll leave, ok?" Lexie suggests, speaking slowly as if she's talking to a small child. She's pulled away from him again but she's got her hands on his shoulders, directing him to focus on her. Meanwhile he's grabbed onto her waist to steady himself but being drunk must be making him bold. Before I know it, I see his hands slide down until they're cupping her ass shamelessly and trying to pull her into his body.

"Only if you come with me." He says, his voice low and suggestive as he tries and fails to wink. The whole display is pathetic really.

"C'mon mate. Stop playing around." Ian says with an easy laugh as he grabs Dustin by the shoulders and pulls him away easily.

I can't help but to stand there, my jaw dropped in shock as I stare at Lexie waiting for an explanation.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks in a whisper after a few moments of uncomfortable silence

"Are you kidding me? What the hell was that?" I ask, for some reason keeping my voice low too as I gesture toward Dustin. Ian is saying something to him as he sits on the edge of the bed but I can't make it out. Hopefully he's telling him to back the fuck off.

"What was what?" Lexie asks, playing dumb.

"You know what! He just grabbed your ass and told you to come to bed with him!" I remind her as she quickly pulls me away until we're out of ear shot of Colin.

"He's drunk. He doesn't know what he's doing." She waves me off.

"Bullshit Lexie. He's been all over you since I walked into this room and I'm sure it started way before then. This is not ok!" I argue with her.

"Jesus Liv, let's not do this now? Why don't you go grab Harry and Niall so we can get out of here?" She suggests.

"You really want Niall to see what he's doing? Do you want him to get in a fight?" I ask. I'm sure I'm looking at her like she's crazy but she just rolls her eyes at me and walks away, back to Colin. She knows I'm right.

It's only a few more minutes before one of the guys comes back with the driver. The only problem is the driver they sent is an older man that's shorter than me. There's no way he's going to be able to help get Colin downstairs in this state and all the other guys vanished so Ian has to go with them. Of course, Colin being the smooth talker he is, isn't satisfied with the arrangement.

"Walk down with me love? It's the least you can do since you won't go on a date with me." He asks, giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

"You're guilt tripping me now? I have a boyfriend, remember?" I say with a laugh.

"Oh I remember. It's all part of me plan. I gotta try to win you over somehow." He says with a wink.

"And how are you going to do that?" I ask, laughing as I plant my hands on my hips and wait for him to explain his master plan.

"I know women like you. You like a man you can take care of. Just gotta make meself look helpless and I'm in."

"It's not gonna work. Sorry." I say with a shrug.

"That's what you think. I'm not going downstairs unless you go with me." He says stubbornly.

"I am not going to the hospital with you!" I say, unable to contain my laughter. He's persistent.

"You don't have to go to the hospital. Just walk me down to the car? Please love?"

"Just go with him. If you don't we'll be here all night." Lexie says with a laugh as she rolls her eyes. I don't want to leave her alone with Dustin, which I communicate to her with a look but she just rolls her eyes at me again like I'm being ridiculous. Maybe I am. Dustin is basically passed out right now anyways.

"Fine. Let's go." I agree with a sigh and Colin finally lets the guys help him up and we start hobbling out of the room.

I can't help but to look for Niall and Harry as we come out of the bedroom. I want to explain what's going on and tell them where Lexie is so she's not alone with Dustin. They're probably on the couch where I left them on the other end of the huge suite but I don't really have time to go find them. Colin keeps trying to put his injured foot down to walk so the sooner we get him seated, in the car to the hospital, the better. I just have to hope that Lexie's right and I'm worried about nothing.

It takes a while to get down the hall to the elevator and even longer to get through the lobby. Colin can't put any weight on the foot so he's hopping as the guys support him on either side. It would be hard enough if he wasn't drunk but since he is it's nearly impossible. He's more concentrated on trying to hit on me than he is on getting to the car. At least he's being respectful about it. I can tell he's mostly joking, unlike Dustin. I still can't believe I just saw that kind of behavior out of him. I knew he liked Lexie but I never got the impression that he would force himself on her. I didn't recognize the guy I saw back there. Once we get Colin into the car and Ian and I start walking back upstairs I have to ask him about it.

"What's the deal with Dustin tonight?" I ask as we're riding up in the elevator.

"He's wasted." He says with a shrug but he won't look at me. He knows Dustin was out of line.

"Well I realized that. But I've never seen him like he was upstairs. He was..." I start but stop when I can't think of the right word.

"Aggressive?" He asks and I nod. "He's not. At least not usually. I honestly don't know what got into him tonight."

"I don't like it. Someone needs to tell him that's not ok and I'm not afraid to do it." I warn him.

"It's definitely not ok. Don't worry, I'll talk to him.  Tomorrow though. I don't think he's going to remember anything I tell him tonight." He says with a small chuckle but quickly stops when he sees I'm not laughing.

"That's not going to help us on the ride home. If he tries anything Niall will kill him, you do realize that, right?"

"He can stay in my room."

"Thanks." I say curtly. I'm glad he offered but I'm not exactly happy with him either. He's acting like this is all one big joke but I don't find it funny at all.

"He is a good guy, you know. I think he just had an idea of how he wanted tonight to go so when it didn't pan out the way he wanted, he kind of lost it." He says after a few moments of silence.

"That's still no excuse for his behavior." I argue.

"I know. Like I said, I'll talk to him." He says and I decide to let it go.

Between the run in with Grant and now this drama with Dustin I'm completely tapped out for the night.  My buzz is completely worn off and all I want to do is go home and curl up in bed with Harry. All I have to do is go back to the bedroom and find Lexie so we can go find the boys and get out of here. I'm so drained that I can't fully comprehend the scene in front of me once Ian opens the door.

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