Chapter 26

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I'm frozen as I watch Dustin press Lexie against the wall. He's got a hold on both of her arms as he leans in to try to kiss her. She's struggling, trying to pull away from him but he's too strong. She can't get away. Still, she does everything she can to resist as she turns her head so he can't kiss her on the lips. I can hear him pleading with her to give him a chance as she keeps saying no but he's not hearing her. Instead, he shifts to hold both of her arms over her head with one hand so he can free up the other one. Her face looks panicked as she struggles and I can see tears in her eyes as she begs him to stop but it doesn't stop him. When I see him pulling at her dress, trying to get his hand underneath I finally snap out of it and launch myself toward him.

I've got so much adrenaline rushing through my veins I don't even think about how impossible it's going to be to pull this two hundred pound guy off my best friend until I'm there.  Luckily as I reach Dustin, Ian is right behind me, ready to help. He pulls Dustin off of her and drags him a few feet away so he can talk to him. I'm not sure what their conversation entails because as soon as Dustin is out of my line of sight I forget about him. All my attention is focused on Lexie as she stands there, looking stunned, before letting herself slide down the wall until she's on the floor. I quickly kneel down beside her and try to ask her what happened but it's like she's completely zoned out. She's not crying but there are a few tears left on her cheeks. She doesn't even react as I lean forward to wipe them away.

"Lexie? Are you ok?" I ask for what seems like the hundredth time but as she looks at me it seems like she's registering my voice for the first time.

"Yeah. I'm good. Let's get out of here." She says, her voice monotone as she tries to get up but I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her.

"Are you crazy? Do you really think I'm going to walk in on that and not ask questions? What the hell happened?" I demand.

"I'm tired. I don't want to talk about it right now." She says with a groan looking behind me to where Ian is trying to talk some sense into Dustin. I really cannot believe what I just walked in on, and how Lexie can be so calm and collected after what he just did.

"Too damn bad. Somebody better start talking. Now. Before I call the cops." I threaten, raising my voice so Dustin and Ian can hear me.

"Just wait a minute..." Ian says, holding a hand up as he still has a grip on Dustin. Now he's crying and mumbling about how he fucked up but I feel no sympathy for him. It's taking all I've got not to punch him in the face right now as it is.

"Nobody is calling the cops." Lexie says firmly.

"He tried to force himself on you Lexie!" I shout, still completely baffled that we're having this conversation.

"I swear I didn't mean it." Dustin shouts but Ian quickly tells him to shut the hell up.

"It wasn't like that." Lexie says, trying to defend him for some reason.

"Then what was it like? What happened? And that's the last time I ask so somebody better start talking." I demand, shooting a glare at all three of them. I know I'm not the most intimidating person but my anger must have their attention because I hear Lexie sigh as she prepares to fill me in.

"There were some mixed signals. I was trying to get him up and he tried to kiss me. When I said no he started talking about how we belong together and how Niall isn't right for me. I tried to walk away but he wasn't done talking. That's when you guys walked in." Lexie explains calmly.

"He had you pinned against the wall Lexie." I remind her. I won't let her rewrite what happened.

"I just didn't want her to get away. I had to explain myself and everything was coming out wrong!" Dustin slurs as Ian struggles to hold him up. He's so wasted he can barely stand on his own and his eyes aren't focusing as he tries to explain himself to me. I'm honestly surprised he's still conscious.

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