BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)

By wolfess21

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Skye and Liv have been best friends with Rye and Andy since the beginning, they've seen the band from the beg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (prt 1)
Chapter 21 (prt 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (prt 1)
Chapter 23 (prt 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Skye and Liv meeting Mikey and Brook
Thursdays are what days?
Andy's Birthday!!!
Sick Boys

Chapter 13

489 13 3
By wolfess21


Meg, Maddie and Kat are the three best friends we made whilst being in America, having said that Skye and Kat were online friends for ages before we ever met them. Walking into the café I noticed that my ex was serving, the girls all gave me a knowing look, well all except Skye since she was busy talking to Mikey and Kat. Grabbing a table I sat next to Rye, then it was Mikey, Kat, Brook, Maddie and on my side I had Jack then Meg then Andy and Skye.

Meg frowned "You know, I always hated how limited the veggie options were."

"You're vegetarian?" Jack asked curiously, Meg nodded "yeah I am,"

The server came over, thankfully not my ex and asked for our orders. When it got to Skye she ordered a hot chocolate...no food just a hot chocolate. Frowning I looked at her, Kat also ordered just a drink. Maddie frowned "Kat, when was the last time you ate?"

"Hmm?" Kat asked, from the looks of it she was reading an ebook and Skye was probably listening to an audio book.

I said "You and Skye are hardly eating when we go out, from what Maddie's said that is."

"I'm not hungry," Kat frowned looking up, "besides I'm trying to finish reading this book."

Andy nudged Skye who looked up at him, taking an ear phone out she said "What?"

"Why haven't you ordered anything to eat?" Andy asked.

Skye frowned "I'm not hungry, I'm not wasting money on food when I'm not hungry."

"Amen sister," Kat mumbled both returning to their read.

Mikey and Andy shared a concerned look, and me and Maddie shared a concerned look. Recently I've noticed Skye hasn't been eating when we go out with others, she just gets a drink and listens to her book. Maddie pursed her lips "Kat, please eat something."

"Why?" Kat said looking up.

Skye groaned as she took her earphones out "I'm dead."

"Where are you?" Kat asked.

Skye looked at her "Rose is off to try and get Dimitri..."

"Snap," Kat winked, "I still love Rose and Dimitri."

"Nope," Skye sighed, "Adrian for the win."

Kat flashed her a grin and sipped her coffee, whilst Skye sipped her hot chocolate. We'd all got our drinks and were just waiting for the food. Rye said carefully "Do you two not like eating in public?"

"Hardly," Kat snorted, "I'm not spending a fortune on food when I can cook my own, or better yet just have coffee."

Skye meanwhile had her head in her arms, Kat glanced over at her "Skye look at me."

"Nah-uh..." Skye mumbled.

Kat pursed her lips "Please,"

Sighing Skye lifted her head to look at Kat who smiled kindly, all of us stared at Skye she looked paler than normal. Kat said "You look ill."

"I am ill," Skye groaned, "and I feel sick and not just because of Rose and Dimitri..."

Kat chuckled and getting something out of her bag slid it over to her "Take aspirin,"

"Hmmm," Skye mumbled resting her head back on her arms. Andy looked at her concern on his face, Skye rarely got ill, it was usually me who always got colds and such.

Meg frowned "You could have picked something up from the kids, or you had it before you came here. And only now is it coming out,"

"Does this mean I get to be sick and even paler for the rest of our time here?" Skye groaned looking up.

I smiled sympathetically at her "More than likely."

"Yay," Skye said dryly, "I hate being ill,"

Maddie smiled at her "You still feeling sick?"

"Yup," Skye sighed.

Maddie raised a brow at her "You sure its not your period?"

"Maddie," Meg hissed, Kat and me just laughed whilst Skye looked at her "I'm not on my period Maddie and its not due yet. It's a cold,"

"You sure?" Maddie frowned leaning against her chair "I mean, it could be a cold and period symptoms."

Skye frowned "Wait...now I'm doubting myself."

"Skye," I said, "its not your period you literally finished the day we left."

Skye nodded "Which means this is just a nasty cold, and stomach bug."

"Do you want to go back the house?" Andy asked her.

She shook her head "No cause then you or Liv will want to come back with me and then its no fun for anyone."

"Dork," I smiled, "if you don't feel well it'd be reassuring knowing your resting."

Skye looked over at me "Kat?"

"You want me to come?" Kat asked confused.

Skye nodded "You can help me prepare dinner later for the kids,"

"Sheesh girl, I'll prepare it you sleep." Kat winked at her, she got up, Mikey looked at her "Are you and the others staying?"

Meg laughed "More than likely,"

"Get some sleep Skye, and do what Kat says," Andy ordered her, she looked at him seemingly amused, laughing he said "I mean it, you look shattered." He kissed her cheek and then she and Kat left.

Meg smirked "Cute."

"Aren't they," I smiled as Andy flushed slightly.

Maddie said brushing her hair behind her ear "Was it just me, or did Kat look ready to leave?"

"Kat's more awkward than Skye," I reminded her, "besides the fact she wanted to dash means she have a thing for Mikey,"

Meg laughed "Poor Kat,"

"More like poor Mikey," Maddie laughed, "he and Andy will have to compare notes if he dates Kat, since the pair of them are so similar." We all chuckled even the guys.

Skye POV

Opening my eyes I realised I must have finally slept, looking at my phone I realised I'd been asleep for less than 2hrs. Last night I hardly got any sleep, because I felt sick so I read. You know that feeling you have when you know you're going to throw up? Yeah that happened, running to the bathroom I lifted the toilet seat and threw up anything I'd eaten or drank. And then began the reflex heaving where you can't stop it, until your body stops it, and your stomach hurts because there's nothing to throw up. Sliding down the bathroom wall I stayed in a ball, rocking, this could not be happening. I couldn't get ill now, I felt too warm, drained and even after throwing up sick still.

Stumbling to my feet I grabbed my mouthwash and rinsed my mouth out, to get rid of that god awful taste. I feel so shit.


We'd gotten back about an hour ago, Kat had said Skye went upstairs to bed about an hour and a half ago. We were in the kitchen chilling, not expecting to see Skye since she was asleep.

Maddie sighed "I don't get why you're a veggie Meg."

"I just don't like eating meat." Meg shrugged.

I was leaning against Rye, watching as Mikey and Brook assisted Kat. Maddie's eyes widened "Shit Skye,"

We all turned to see Skye, she looked like hell, her hair was in a ponytail but her face was pale, clammy and she had bags under her eyes. She winced as she sat down, Kat passed her water "Here...what?"

"Can't," Skye croaked, "I just spent 10minutes throwing up everything and then my body kept going when nothing was coming. I didn't even get 2hrs of sleep Kat..."

Andy went over to her and pressing the back of his hand to her forehead he said "You have a fever Skye,"

"Yippee, I'll add that to the ever growing list," she muttered.

Maddie passed her some toast with butter on it "See if you can keep that down."

Skye stared at the toast, she hadn't even eaten any of it and she'd run down to downstairs toilet, I ran to her. Nothing was coming up, I said "You need to stay hydrated if you can't keep any food down Skye,"

Skye finished and turned to look at me, leaning against the wall she mumbled "It hurts Liv, to keep heaving and nothing comes."

"Skye, can you stand?" Rye said coming over he pulled her up and picking her up with ease went through to the kitchen and set her on the counter where she leaned against the fridge.

Kat said "Replacement fluid Liv, do we have salt and sugar?"

Going to the cupboards I grabbed the things and watched as Kat put in ½ tsp of salt, 2tbsp of sugar and 5 cups of water. Stirring it she went over to Skye, passing her the cup she said "Sip once, wait 15 mins and hopefully you won't bring it back up, if you do, have another sip wait again for 15 mins. Once you can keep it down, gradually increase the time between sips and then the quantity."

"Ever considered being a nurse Kitty Kat?" Skye mumbled sleepily.

Kat smiled at the nickname "No, because I'd rather be a waitress."

"Pity," Skye mumbled as she sipped once. Closing her eyes she said "Well this is so not fun."

Maddie chuckled "I don't think stomach bugs are meant to be fun Skye,"

"Pity," Skye said, she was about to say something else when she swore and I knew she wouldn't make it to the toilet to throw. Spinning herself round she lay flat on the counter and threw it back up into the sink. Maddie winced "That looks painful."

Yeah it truly did, long after she'd brought the solution up she was dry heaving. Groaning she rolled over onto her back, "I'd rather fight a demon right now."

Kat chuckled and pressed a cold flannel to her head "I googled your symptoms, you have viral gastroenteritis. There's no cure for it, but it should go without complications. Didn't you mention cramps?"

"Right now I'd swap this for like the worst period ever." Skye rasped, "in other news I think I've set the bar for the shittest looking person ever."

Meg rolled her eyes "Skye, you have a virus, no one is gonna look decent when ill."

"Don't move me Rye," Skye mumbled, "I need to be able to heave if needed, and I don't have enough energy to run to the loo or anywhere."

Andy went to sit with her but Skye shoved him away "Nah-uh, I'm gonna quarantine myself, I don't want any of you getting it."

I saw the look of pain in Andy's eyes, he wanted to help her, comfort her so bad. But he couldn't because she wouldn't risk him getting it too. Skye sighed "Andy, can you get my phone please?"

"Is it in your room?" he asked her.

She nodded "Yeah,"

So that's how the evening went, Skye isolating herself away from us and us all worrying about her, Andy looked so lost and upset not being able to do anything for her. Got viruses are such pains.


Yes I'm mean to characters, its something writers love, but when we read we hate the author for it. Anyhoo shout out to lovegymnastics6 for getting the question right, and if you want to go follow ShannonCurrie14 go follow her, she's amazing and I love her and I'm glad we wrote this fanfic together haha. 

Thirteenth Question:

How long roughly were they a 4 piece boyband for?


much love xox

Shan and Chloe

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