Two Halves Make A Whole (Dary...

By SammyBaker0

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When Beca stumbles across Shane Walsh while trying to outrun Walkers, she is taken back to camp to try and ou... More

Two Halves Make A Whole (Daryl Dixon: The Walking Dead)
Chapter 1- Camp
Chapter 2- Sharing
Chapter 3- Lying
Chapter 4- Truth Time
Chapter 5- Caring
Chapter 7- Jealousy
Chapter 8- Drunken Games
Chapter 9- Choices
Chapter 10- Decision Time
Chapter 11- Bedroom Banter
Chapter 12- Missing
Chapter 13- Two Davies'
Chapter 14- Seriously
Chapter 15- Guns and Chickens

Chapter 6- Confessions

536 13 4
By SammyBaker0

~Daryl's POV~

"What are we going to do?" Glenn questioned turning to face Rick. 

"Well I'll tell ye what we're not gunna do and that's leave without 'er!" I said.

"You heard what he said, we go back, locked and fucking loaded." Rick announced.

With that we were off again and it didn't take us long to return. The leader of the group once again walked out into the yard.

"I see my guns but they're not all in the bag."

"Like I said before, they aren't your guns." Rick said and with that we all cocked our guns.

I could've sworn we would've started firing there and then but some old lady came out of no where and got in our way.

"Get your grandma inside!" The leader shouted at the man who took Beca.

The old lady came towards Rick.

"Please, don't take my grandson away from me, he's a good boy."

"We're not going to mam, he's helping us find our friend."

"The pretty girl?" She asked.

"Ye know where she is?" I asked the lady

"Come, I show you."

We followed the old lady through the place until she lead us to Beca who was standing next to an old man in a wheelchair.

"What the fuck's going on?" Rick asked her.

"Asthma attack." She told us.

"Can I talk to you." Rick said to the leader of this place.

As Rick walked over to the side with him, Glenn ran over to Beca and gave her a huge hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said.

~Beca's POV~

 After Glenn released me from his tight embrace I walked over to T-Dog and Daryl, T flashed me a quick smile and a wink while Daryl on the other hand just stared at me.

"Take a picture babe, it'll last longer" I said in an overly sarcastic tone which snapped Daryl out of his daydream. He grunted and we turned to Rick who was now taking some of the guns out of the bag along with some ammo and handed it to the guy who had held me here. 

When Rick returned we didn't hang around and left straight away, no one said anything for about five minutes when Daryl eventually spoke up. 

"Why'd ye give em the guns? We need all the guns we can get now days."

We all silently agreed with him but Rick didn't answer so no one pressed the matter any further. We walked to where we had left the truck and were greeted by a sight none of us were execting. It was gone. 

"Merle." Rick muttered under his breath.


We'd been running for nearly an hour straight so we decided to walk for a little while. Rick took the lead while T and Glenn were in the middle and Daryl and I lagged behind a little way. 

"I'm glad ye're okay." Daryl said to me with a slight grin on the corners of his face. 

"Well I juss told them the truth: that if they hurt me they're have a very pissed off twelve year old on their hands." Daryl chuckled as he realised I was refering to Carl.

"And an even more pissed off Redneck." Daryl said with a wink at the end. 

Then we heard it. The groans, gunshots and earpiercing cries. 

Daryl and I wasted no time in over taking the others and running as fast as we could to camp. When we got there, there was blood everywhere. 

"Shane!" I bellowed from half way across camp. He looked up and saw me as I threw him the gun I had over my shoulder and I then proceeded to load my crossbow. 

Carl. I scanned the area for the small boy and his mother, I saw them edging backwards towards the RV and Shane must have had the same thought as me because we both found ourselves running towards the pair of them.

"Carl, stay behind me okay?" I said to the boy who promptly nodded. 

Rick ran over to us as soon as he entered camp, killing any walkers that got in his way. Once he had reached us, I scanned the area to insure that everyone else was fine. It was only then I saw Andrea holding a bleeding Amy in her arms. My heart sunk.

There was only one walker left and I fired my bow, as the arrow hit the walker right in the eye, another arrow hit the other eye, I looked over to Daryl who winked at me and walked towards his tent. 

"Andrea.. I..I'm so sorry." I crouched down beside her, Amy was still alive.

"Hey Amy." I said smiling weakly. "It'll be okay, just relax, it'll be over soon." 

Dale placed a hand on both mine and Andrea's shoulder's, I couldn't bare to sit there and watch Amy die so I got up and walked over to the campfire. I sat down between Glenn and Carl, as soon as I was sitting down Carl's arms were thrown around my waist.

"I knew you'd come back, that you'd be okay, I knew it." He whispered so only I could hear. He then stood up and went to his tent to get some rest. Everyone else soon followed, as Shane walked past he placed his hand on my arm and pulled me up.

"Rick told me what went down, are you okay?" Shane asked.

"I'm fine, honestly, don't worry about me, get some rest." I said with half a smile etched onto my face.

As he walked away to go to his tent he quickly turned to me a kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said, with that he walked off.

I stood there in awe for what must have been at least two minutes before Daryl scoffed.

"Got somethin' you wanna say Dixon?" I asked turning to him looking very pissed.

"Nothin', whatever, go kiss ye boyfriend." He said while getting up and shoving past me while proceeding to his tent.

"Have fun going to bed tonight." Glenn joked.

Great. Just great. I stormed towards the tent Daryl and I were sharing and walked inside.

"Not bunkin' up with lover boy then?" He asked, sounding about as pissed off as I looked."

"What the hell is your problem Daryl! One minute you're nice as pie to me and the next you're getting jealous because Shane cares? Seriously, he was being nice, there's nothin' goin' on between us so grow the fuck up." I said kicking off my boots and crawling into the sleeping bag. 

"Whatever." Daryl countered.

"Why does it bother you so fuckin' much, so what if Shane does like me, what the fuck has that got to do with you? What, are you jealous at the thought that I might like him back 'cause if it puts your fuckin' mind at rest, I don't."

"Jealous, why'd I be jealous of someone like Shane, he's a fuckin' twat."

"Whatever Daryl, peace the fuck out." I said turning around so my back was to Daryl.

I don't know why but this fight we were having was making me feel so shit, normally I don't care if people are bitchy towards me but for some reason, the idea of Daryl being jealous because Shane pecked me on the cheek really got to me, I don't know what it was but something inside of me just snaps at the thought of being with someone who wasn't Daryl. I didn't love him. I couldn't. Could I?

~Dary;'s POV~

Well that's just fucking great isn't it, push her away Daryl, make her feel like shit Daryl, great job of trying to win her over. Something inside of me just gets twisted at the thought of Walsh being with her, to be honest at the thought of anyone being with her. Maybe she was right, maybe I was jealous. No. Why does it get to me so bad. I don't love her. I can't. Can I?


Another chapter done!! :3

So.. What do you guys think?!

-Will they admit their feelings for each other?

-Does Shane actually have feelings for her?

-Will there be any confict between Shane and Daryl?

Vote, comment and follow! I want to hear your views on how you think this story should carry on!

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