Above All Else

By AliciaMarino

976K 51.5K 5.3K

Mia and Henry are back in England. Back to Buckingham Palace. Back to the world that's been destined to pull... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Twenty-Six

24.3K 1.1K 73
By AliciaMarino

"Place your foot in the stirrup," Henry says, one hand on my back, ready to help me up onto the gigantic stallion. I smile with excitement, touching the horse's white mane. Henry has gifted her to me, determined to show me how to ride her since a queen usually has her own horse.

I, however, have never even been around one before. I'm nervous. The saddle is high up. I clasp the reins and heave myself up, glad Henry is there because I loose my balance slightly when the horse shuffles.

I'm relieved when I'm sitting on her and she's still. I grin at Henry.

"What now?"

He goes through the movements of the reins, how to get her to stop, promising we'll take it slow. We're being watched by more than five stable hands but Henry seems to have everything under control. He walks to his horse, Magnus and mounts him with grace.

"Softly press your heels into her sides and she'll move," he states, flicking his reins. His horse moves forward immediately. I nod, copying his steps and my horse starts forward, a little faster than I expected.

"Pull gently on the reins to slow her down," Henry commands firmly. I'm glad when she slows down into a stroll beside Magnus. I smile wide at the fact that I'm actually riding a horse.

"You like it?" Henry asks. I nod, ready for more.

"I want to go faster."

"I don't know about that," Henry says, amused.

"I'm fine. We're fine, aren't we, beauty?" I ask, running my hand lightly over her mane.

"A little faster," Henry reluctantly agrees after a moment and I press into her sides.

"Go girl."

She moves forward faster than before but I'm not scared. I feel a rush, my adrenaline pumping. I love this. She gallops with grace into the trail behind the palace. I can't help but grin when Henry catches up with me, his mouth gaped in shock and perhaps disapproval. I laugh, looking forward as we come around a lake, yellow and orange leaves from the forest reflected into the water.

There is a chill in London, so within a few minutes with the wind coming at me full-force, my nose begins to run. I glance at Henry as he rides, his hands tight on the reins. I am amazed at the fact that I've never seen him ride. He turns his face to me then, before pointing out at a open patch of ground. I nod, heading for it.

As we come upon it, I press my heels in, pulling back of the reins and my horse begins to stop. I hold on for dear life as she does, unused to the roughness of it. When she fully stops, I look up, releasing a breath of relief.

"I said a little faster, you know that right?" Henry says, breathlessly chuckling as Magnus circles around us.

"That was amazing," I gasp, shaking my head in disbelief. Henry gets off his horse, grabbing onto the reins. I watch as he ties them onto a branch.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" he asks, coming by my horse. He holds up his arms and I grab onto his shoulders, getting off carefully. I huff when I'm back on the ground, my legs woozy.

Henry ties her as well and I smile watching them both begin to eat the grass. I lean into Henry as he wraps an arm around my shoulders, reaching up to clasp his hand.

"You look like a born rider," he says as we walk forward, completely relaxed. I smile, glad to hear it.

"I want to be a great rider."

"You have to come at dawn sometime. It's unbelievable."

"You'll be with me?" I ask, smiling. I look up at him and his expression mirrors mine.

"Of course," he whispers, leaning down. Our lips meet, a gentle kiss. He pulls back, looking up. "I want to show you something. It's just around the corner."

"Show me what?"

"A place I came when I was younger."

I'm shocked when we come right upon a small shack-like structure. It consists of white painted planks of wood which seem to be withstanding the elements rather well. There are even windows and a proper door.

"You made this?"

He laughs. "Lord no, this was made for my father. It was a place he cherished when he was a child. Whenever my father was forced to stay in Buckingham for months at a time under Sarah's command, I'd always feel miserable." He smiles softly. "Richard... well, he had a purpose here. He knew this would be his someday. As a younger sibling, I mainly just wanted to escape it all. So, my father brought me out here once while we were riding, he told me it was mine. Not my brothers, he told me I didn't even have to tell Richard."

We reach the doors, and I admire the warm look of remembrance on Henry's features that he fails miserably to hide from me. "When I think of my father, I think of that day."

"He sounded like a good man."

Henry nods. "He was also a jealous man, who loved my mother a great deal. Her betrayal broke him. Up until his death, I really didn't know who he was anymore. Moments before he died, he told me to sit down. And he told me to fight like hell." Henry shakes his head, glancing at the small building. "He was fading, feverish. I always believed... he was telling me to fight for my freedom, to break from the crown because he had always hated it as well. I couldn't figure out any other reason for him to say it."

"To fight for what you wanted," I murmur. He nods, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"And you did," I add. He looks at me, brows curved in thought before his lips turn up.

"I've won much more than I've lost," he says finally, turning to me. I flush with pride at his words as he clasps my face, his touch tender. My eyes shut as his fingers lightly drift across my jaw, up over my cheekbones, remembering in this moment why I'm alive. Because of him.

I clasp his shirt, exhaling. "I'd like to see this place," I whisper, opening my eyes slowly. He smiles gently and nods, turning to grab the handle. The wood budges for a moment from lack of entry over the years before opening with a loud creak.

We enter the space, which smells of grass and books, overall a comforting scent. The room was floored and walls painted. Whoever made this for Henry's father took a great amount of time to make it sturdy. Henry walks to the window, opening it to let some air in. I smile, seeing books along an entire wall, thrown about as if someone had been digging wildly through them. Apart from a lamp, a chest and a wood bench, the room is a library.

"There used to be a small telly in here as well but I removed it when I left the palace for Kensington," Henry says, glancing around. "It's not much but it's secluded. I have half a mind to fix the place for Alex once he's old enough to ride out here."

I smile as bend down, picking up The Sun Also Rises. "I think that's a great idea. No doubt he'll want to get away from his annoying parents."

"I don't want him to live like I did. I want him to be a child when he's a child. I'd hate for him to think we've trapped him."

"He won't think that," I murmur, looking up at him. "He will know you are just as trapped as he is. That you didn't have a choice."

"Yes... well let's hope," he says, sitting down beside me. He reaches for a hard cover as well. "I quite enjoyed this one."

"War and Peace?"

"Leo Tolstoy. A classic."

He hands it to me. I lift the cover, noticing scribbling's along the side of the first page. As I flip through more, I find the book is filled with Henry's handwriting. I smile warmly.

"Can I read this one?"

"Of course," he says, running his hand smoothly over my hair. I glance at him, longer than necessary, gazing at his sharp features. The curve of his jawline, the arch of his nose, the smooth indent of his cheekbones. His brows, dark and untouched, the shape of his eyes, dusted with perfect long lashes. I come to his lips last, his full generous lips which are curved into a smile, as he watches me too.

I don't think a day will ever come where I'll grow tired of looking at him. I find myself scooting towards him, wanting to be close to him. He smiles in surprise as I rest my hands on his shoulders, moving over his legs.

My hands clasp his face and there's no resistance as his head tilts up so his lips can meet mine. I enjoy the soft feeling of them first, simply caressing my mouth over his, just glad to be in this moment. His hands which are spread wide over my back, begin to descend to my waist, where they pull me closer to him. I inhale as my body reacts to his touch, knowing it's been months since my body has been strong enough to want him in this way.

I reach for the zipper to his jacket, but his hand stops me. "Mia."

I kiss his lips briefly. "I want this. I'm ready."

"The doctor said a few weeks. We still have another."

I shake my head, feeling the soft curl of his hair beneath my palm. "We're here. We're alone. We won't be disturbed." I smile softly. "It's been too long without you, without this."

When I kiss him again, his lips follow my lead with hesitation.

"Make love to me, Henry," I whisper to him, hoping he won't stop me. His breath is short against my lips but when they finally touch again, his mouth is sure and insistent. His head tilts, deepening our connection as his warm tongue parts my lips. I unzip his jacket, glad his hands don't stop me. I pull it down, pushing down the sleeves before I reach for the buttons of his shirt. Our lips part loudly as he grabs my jacket, taking it off of me hastily. I pull the shirt over his head, biting my lip as I appraise his bare torso.

He grabs the top button of my shirt and I try not to react. He gets through the buttons within seconds and pulls open the sides until my shirt is discarded onto the ground as well. I swallow as he undoes my bra without having to look and it unhooks. Henry's lips crush to mine as he pulls off the straps, throwing the bra beside our legs. My arms circle over his shoulders while his lips break away from mine, descending over my chin to my throat. I can't help but shiver as his mouth caresses my breast, his tongue gliding over the pink areola.

"Oh," I breathe as his lips suction around my nipple, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin lightly. He moves to the other breast, making sure attention is given in all forms. The feel of his hands over my spine is a welcome one and I come to realize probably one of the most intimate feelings anyone could possibly have.

With his hands on my back, his arms around my body and my chest against his chest, I'm safe. I'm close. I love being here.

My eyes roll in pleasure as I feel Henry's hands fall to the button of my new riding pants. Pulling open the only one, I hum as his hand slips under the material, pushing under the lace of my underwear as well. As I feel his fingers glide into the moistness of my sex, I feel a certain kind of euphoria, as if I were experiencing this feeling for the first time.

"Fuck," Henry breathes, mouth caressing my shoulder as the sound of my arousal seems to echo in the small room. I'm completely unashamed. More than a month ago, I thought I would die without getting to feel this again. His index finger and middle move in a circular motion, gently awakening the nerves. I moan loudly, gravitating my hips towards him, rocking against his legs.

When his lips cover my nipple again, pulling hard, my nails dig into his back, my entire body trembling with anticipation.

"Oh, god," I gasp, eyes squeezed shut. My stomach is tingling, my new heart racing wild. I exhale forcefully as the orgasm takes over my body, making me flinch in pleasure at the sheer release of it. I press my trembling lips to his wide shoulder as he pulls his hand from my pants, grasping my waist. I smile breathlessly when our eyes meet, running a affectionate hand over his hair before clasping the nape of his neck.

"Christ, I missed this," he whispers, studying my flushed features. My heart warms as his thumb grazes my hot cheek, tenderly. He clasps my waist and lifts me off his legs, turning and laying me down over our scattered clothes. He grabs my pants and underwear as one and brings them down, hastily. I'm already reaching for the buttons on his pants before he even gets my shoes off. I hear his boots hit the ground as I sit up, pulling down the material. His cock is swollen and hard, needing attention. I wait eagerly as he removes the pants, throwing them beside us before I touch his chest, pressing down as I turn, guiding him onto the floor. He lies over the jackets, eyes watching me with dark need that wasn't there before.

I move between his legs, leaning to kiss his defined abdomen, teeth clamping down on the skin just before his trimmed hair. He lets out a groan as my fingers curl around the thickness of him.

"Fuck me," he breathes, eyes closed when I look up at him in triumph as I caress him. When my tongue touches his cock, gliding over him from base to tip before I open my mouth completely to envelop him, his hand grasps my hair tightly in passion. After so much time, without this kind of roughness, I'm only realizing now how desperate we truly are for each other's skin.

It's only minutes later when he's telling me to stop, guiding me back up to him. I don't take my time. I rise over him, clasping him in my hand and guide him to my sex. Both of my hands press to his chest as I lower myself over him, gaping slightly as he fills me to the brink.

His fingers dig into my hips as I move myself over his cock, rocking my body into the long length of him.

"Henry," I utter, eyes shut from the exquisite pain of my wanting. I feel strong, I feel daring and new as I take charge, running my hands over his torso, enjoying the look of him beneath me, his eyes closed, his mouth open, deep ragged breaths coming from the throat.

Our desire spurs us on until we're both gasping for breath, our grips rough, consumed in a blind lust. I gasp as Henry sits up, clasping my neck and back as he flips me so my back is to the ground. I cry out, grasping the jacket as he lifts my leg with his arm, thrusting into me deep on his knees. The small room is rather hot now, smelling of sex. Our bodies are coated in sweat from overwork but it doesn't slow us down.

We're making love as if it were the first time we've touched. The desperation and longing is there. The fear and relief is there. But most of all, the love is there. The love that has never faltered, never for a moment. We're devoted to this love, willing to do anything to sustain it.

A moan falls from my lips as he lets my leg relax, bending down over me between my spread legs. He clasps the back of my neck, surely feeling the damp waves of hair beneath his palm and guides my face to his. When he kisses me this time, we're both breathless, both gasping for air, both anxious and exhausted at the same time.

"I don't want this to end," he whispers. I push back his damp hair from his face, nodding. We're both shaking, close to our end. I hear him moan softly, my eyes watching as his eyes close, his jaw shutting tightly. I feel my body, pent up with tension, seem to give out as my second orgasm comes at me in full force. Within two thrusts and a large sigh, Henry stills, releasing within me.

My eyes, recovering from the daze scan the room, observing the fogged windows and rich scent of sex that surround us. A smile seems to form across my lips as Henry looks down at me, the line of his cheekbones a pink color. He bends down, pressing his lips to mine. I feel his mouth and mine tremble, both alike.

His lips move from mine, pressing in soft pecks along my throat and chest until he seems to give up, resting his cheek against my belly, both hands on my waist. The minutes pass too quickly as my fingers glide through and explore the dark mess of hair on top his head. His head lifts only moments later, his chin against my ribs.

"I have a meeting with the American Ambassador at two."

I lift his wrist, glancing at the watch, finding he only has thirty minutes until then. I nod, smiling softly as he kisses my stomach before pressing his hands to the ground to get up. I take his hand, standing, pleased at the fact that my knees feel weak.

Henry clasps my neck then though, holding me to him. I look up at him, naked body against naked body, comfortable there. I haven't seen his gaze linger on my scar which I'm thankful for. I'm not sure if he's deliberately trying not to look or he's just focused on other matters, but either way I'm glad.

"I love you," he whispers, his voice warm and full of feeling. My words become lodged in my throat, unattainable. He kisses me though, not waiting for my reply, not needing it, I suppose.

Just the word love holds too small meaning for what Henry and I have. What this relationship, this partnership possesses feels other-worldly, something I'll certainly never be able to define into mere words.

We change into our wrinkled clothing in comfortable silence, fixing the others appearances when something is noticeably out of place. I grab War and Peace off the ground, holding it to my chest as I take Henry's hand, exiting back into the light of day.

"Have you thought anymore about your music?"

I look down, having expected him to bring up this topic sooner or later. I nod, smiling softly. "I want to try it out. I... don't know how I'll feel about it. I'm a different person than I was when we met. Would you be able to come?" I ask, with hope.

He scoffs loudly. "As if I wouldn't."

I grin to that. "Really?"

"I've put in far too many man-hours trying to convince you to sing for me not to be there," he says, with a smirk. I clasp onto his arm, resting my cheek against it and he looks down at me. "So, you're saying yes?"

I nod. "For one show, yes."

I flush with excitement when he smiles, softly. There aren't many people who would go through the lengths that he has to see that I pursue a dream of mine. I see the horses, exactly where we left them, chewing on green grass, having forgotten that I get to ride my beauty back to the palace.

I skip forward, letting go of Henry's hand. "I'll race you!"

"Oh no you won't!" I hear him laugh, coming up behind me. I let out a squeal, kicking my legs when he wraps his arms tightly around me, pulling me up off the ground, spinning. "It's too dangerous," he whispers, with amusement near my ear. I tilt my head back.

"Live a little," I hum, pressing my mouth to his briefly. He smiles, slowly at first but soon, his pearly teeth blind me as he laughs, letting me go.

"I'll win," he exclaims as we make a break for the horses.

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