BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)

By wolfess21

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Skye and Liv have been best friends with Rye and Andy since the beginning, they've seen the band from the beg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (prt 1)
Chapter 21 (prt 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (prt 1)
Chapter 23 (prt 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Skye and Liv meeting Mikey and Brook
Thursdays are what days?
Andy's Birthday!!!
Sick Boys

Chapter 8

805 14 17
By wolfess21

Skye POV

We'd just landed in America, and honestly it was weird being back, I mean we'd literally left here about a month and a half ago. Liv on the other hand seemed to be rather hyper, laughing at her I said "What did you have?"

"I have no clue but Skye we're back, we're in LA and its amazing," Liv cheered as she ran outside.

Rye sighed "I'm waiting for you to board the crazy train with her,"

"I feel insulted," I huff, "I'm the one who never left the crazy train." Laughing I pecked Andy's cheek and ran after Liv. Getting outside the sun beating down on us I locked eyes with her, she grinned "I feel alive Skye, like I'm with Rye and we're in America with the boys."

I chuckled "I know what you mean,"

Andy POV

We went out with Blair and saw the girls stood chatting, the sun was intense, yet those two didn't seem as bothered. Liv yelled "Wait we're in LA, Skye I swear we came to LA to stop with Evie,"

"Girls, girls," a female said. She looked about the same age as them, her hair was long and red. Blair looked at her "Are you the one those two were telling me about?"

"Depends if they said I'm the one who's letting people stay at my house then sure," she smiled, "now Liv you look stunning, you have a certain glow. Are you dating Rye?"

Skye snickered, Liv elbowed her and mumbled "Yeah Evie now shush, we don't want you reading into our lives girl."

"Skye honey, you seem ready to attack the nearest book shop." Evie chuckled.

Skye smirked "You wanna come with?"

"Sure," Evie laughed, "now come along, you must be tired."

Liv giggled "Nope not really, its weird but America in some ways feels like home."

"Sure," Skye laughed, as she put her bags into Evie's car, "if you want the sun and cute cafes and bookshops,"

Liv laughed "So that's the only reason you love it?"

"I'll have you know I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not having my hot chocolate every morning before work," Skye informed her.

Evie smiled "Guys this is Jason or Jace, he's my boyfriend...Skye please don't."

"I didn't say anything," Skye whined.

Jace smirked at her "Still the same bookworm,"

"Hehe I'm sorry but Evie, you two are literally Clary and Jace from The Mortal Instruments," Skye smiled, "cute."

Evie sighed "For that you and Liv are in this car with Jace driving,"

"Thanks babe," Jace laughed.

Liv cooed "Aww you're so cute,"

"Hehe," Skye giggled then she whispered something to Liv who snorted and Skye snickered.

Evie laughed "You two are trouble."

"Well of course we are," Liv winked, "we never said we weren't,"

Blair said "Ok, Liv, Skye, Rye, Andy and Jace are in that car meaning Brook, Jack, Mikey, me and Evie are in the other car.

"Lets go, my place is about 2hrs drive," Evie smiled.

Getting into the car, Liv sat in the middle with me and Rye on either side of her and Skye sat in the front next to Jace. We were following Evie's car and Jace chuckled "So then Liv, I'm assuming Rye is the guy with brown hair."

Liv chuckled "You assume correct,"

"Nice," Jace smiled.

I asked "What do you and Evie do?"

"Evie is training to be a teacher and I'm currently running my own business, selling handmade ornaments." Jace replied, he looked over at Skye who had been rather quiet.

Liv asked "Skye whatcha doing?"

"I'm reading," Skye hissed.

Jace's eyes widened "Audio book, gotcha daydreamer,"

"You and Evie are meant to be," Skye grumbled, "oooo," whatever had happened in her book made her go back onto her phone.

Jace asked "So what are you boys hoping to do the two weeks your out here?"

"See places," Rye said, "and enjoy the beaches here with those two crazy girls,"

Skye finally took her earphones out and said "Jace, Evie's pulling over. Its not been an hour,"

"She may need to ring her step sister, who's babysitting for us." Jace smiled.

Rye said "You have kids?"

"Yeah," Jace smiled, "we're not married but engaged, and we have a 7yr old and 6 yr old."

Pulling over we got out and stretched, Evie said "Lena come on, I'm allowed to be worried, ok well we'll be about another hour."

Evie chuckled and put the phone on speaker "Ok Leo, what did you want to ask the girls?"

A boys voice came through as he said "Skye, Liv can you play Just Dance with me and Millie when you get here?"

"Yeah," a girl chimed in, "Leo's in need some competition cause I can't beat him. Oh and have dibs on Skye, cause she's the best."

Leo whined "Mom that's not fair I wanted Skye!"

Skye and Liv were trying not to laugh, Evie chuckled "They said they will play with you when they get there, now be good. We love you,"

She hung up, Jace looked at her "It was worth it,"

"I know," Evie smiled, "but I worry so much."

Skye raised a brow "Since I still have a valid licence for here, you want me to drive?"

"Would you?" Evie smiled, "I just need to sleep, I'm so stressed,"

Skye patted her shoulder, "Kids do that to you, but they also make us wish we were that young again. Jace don't let the horrible ones torture her,"

"Of course not Skye," Jace laughed.

We got back in only Evie was with us, Jace looked at her "You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just glad Skye and Liv are here, the boys too," she added smiling at us, "the girls actually lived with us in LA for there last 6 months in America. And honestly you and Skye were amazing."

Liv smiled "Well Skye's a natural with kids, and I'm the one who'll tidy up, and join in. Together we had it covered,"

"Oh Liv," Evie smiled, she grabbed Liv's hand and Liv looked her in the eye "You got this Evie, its not easy being a mom at 16 and now you're 22 nearly 23, but Jace has been through it every step of the way. You got one of the best guys with you."

Evie smiled "I miss them still, I wish they were here,"

"They'd be proud," Liv tightened her hold on Evie, "Skye's better at this than me,"

"Only because she's an only child," Evie sighed, Jace glanced across at his fiancée and smiled warmly "Sweetheart, the girls are here for two weeks, they'll do their best to pitch in. You know that,"

Evie sighed "I know."

She went to sleep, Jace raised a brow "Looks like Skye was right,"

"She knew Evie was tired?" I asked.

Jace chuckled "Skye, Liv and Evie are all close,"

"Yeah," Liv smiled, "Evie's older than us though she doesn't look it. But when she was 18 and Leo was 2, Millie 1, she lost her parents to a car accident. Its been tough for her, having to pay for the funerals of course Jace's family helped as much as they could."

Jace chuckled "My family love her, probably more than they love me since my parents have 4 boys, she's the daughter they never had."

We pulled into a driveway and it was a huge house, and two kids came running out to this car. Jace got out and smiled "Mom's tired ok kids,"

Millie looked at me and she looked like her mum, red/ginger hair and then there was Leo who also had red/ginger hair. Jace had blonde, Leo smiled "Liv!"

Liv grinned "Hello kiddos, I hope you've been kind to Auntie Lena?"

"Yeah, " Millie frowned then turned round as Skye pulled in with the other car, she'd ended up following us. Brook was in the front and they were all laughing at something, causing Skye to purse her lips and then she spun the car around into reverse and parked it. Which seemed to shut them up since it was rather fast and yet controlled, getting out she stretched and said leaning on the car "You know Evie, you should have got Blair to tell me they were being 5 year olds."

Evie smiled at her "You've been on a plane."

"And?" Skye winked coming round and opening the car door Mikey nearly fell out, she smiled tapping his face "Mikey, wake up love,"

He woke and flushed "Thanks Skye,"

"Anytime," Skye laughed.

Leo and Millie screamed and tackled Skye who managed to stay upright just, laughing she hugged them both "Monsters, off."

They obeyed and waited, she smiled "Go and ask Lena to put the kettle on,"

"Then can you come climb the big tree with us, since Liv hates heights." Millie begged.

Liv laughed "I'll watch and cheer you on Skye,"

"Wuss," Skye teased, "only if you two are going to help."

The kids nodded and scampered off inside. Jace sighed "Skye, can we like kidnap you forever."

"If you paid me, I'd consider staying," Skye smiled, "c'mon Evie, you need to go to bed. You look shattered,"

Evie smiled "Its fine, you sort the kids for me, I'll sort myself out."

"So the two weeks," Blair smiled, "aren't just relaxation?"

Skye smirked "This is my form of relaxation, you'd be amazing at how good kids are at tiring you out. It'll be perfect to make those three," she pointed to Brook, Jack and Mikey, "tired."

Brook pouted "You're mean."

"Brook you're like a big kid half the time," Skye laughed, getting luggage out, "Liv?"

Liv arched a brow "Jace, Evie are you happy for us to start running it like we did?"

"Yeah," Jace smiled, and we saw the exhaustion in them, "thank you, for everything girls."

They disappeared inside, I said "They seemed tired."

"They have two kids, and Evie is an orphan really, no family except this one and Jace's, Lena is her step sister so they're not even blood related." Liv explained, "on top of that she deal with depression and anxiety."

Skye whistled loudly and the kids appeared, she smiled "I have a super important task for you two,"

Leo smiled "What is it Auntie Skye?"

My eyes widened as I looked at Liv, everyone was also looking at her, she smiled "We lived her for half year but it seemed like much longer. We were here for them when Evie collapsed from exhaustion, Jace stayed with her in hospital and it was down to me and Skye to be there role models. Hence the Auntie, because of how close we ended up being with them.

"I need you to take these bags and put them in our rooms, take Brook and Jack with you, so they can help you identify the bags." Skye replied firmly.

The kids nodded and Brook grabbed some bags, as did Mikey and so did the kids. That was all the stuff from Evie's car. Blair chuckled "Well I'll be at meetings most of the time so, boys follow the girls lead."

He went inside and Liv breathed in heavily "I need coffee."

"I've got to climb a tree," Skye sighed, "you better film it,"

Liv winked "I will, c'mon lets get our bags,"

We grabbed our stuff and went inside, it was huge, Millie came over to me and Rye and took our bags smiling she said "You two must be Rye and Andy,"

"How..." Rye trailed off as Liv appeared next to him, Millie smiled "OMG...MOM, LEO - LIV'S DATING RYE AT LAST!"

Skye came back downstairs with Leo who smiled at Liv and Rye "Cute Auntie Liv,"

"Thanks Leo," Liv laughed, kissing Rye's cheek she went through into what I assume is the kitchen.

Brook, Mikey and Millie came back down, Millie smiled "You two look lost,"

"Well we've never been here," I smiled.

She looked at me and asked "Why haven't you and Skye got together yet?"

I stared at her shocked, the others laughed. Skye poked her head through "Millie don't meddle with my love life, you're no cupid."

"But you and Liv wouldn't stop talking about those two when you were here, and Liv's finally dating him and you're still well..." Millie trailed off as Leo finished off "Single."

Skye raised a brow "Do you want me to climb the tree?"

"Yes." they both whined.

Skye huffed "Then go help Liv cook dinner,"

"You know," Millie paused to look at Skye, "I love my mom but when I grow up I want to be like you and Liv. I want to have a friendship like yours,"

Liv appeared and leaned in the kitchen door frame smiling "Millie sweetheart you're 6, you have many years to find what me and Skye found. True friends are precious, and you should treat them right."

"I'll remind you of that when you try and force me to socialise," Skye teased.

Liv threw an apron at her "I'm cooking with Leo, you and Millie can bake a cake."

"Oh I see how it is, eh Millie?" Skye laughed side hugging Millie who giggled "I'm glad you're back...we missed you."

Skye and Liv shared a look, when Leo yelled "What are we doing with the boys?"

"They can sit at the counter and watch," Liv shrugged going over to Rye she kissed him and Skye sighed shoving the kids into the kitchen "That was not for any of our eyes."

"Not even yours Auntie Skye?" Leo asked.

Skye laughed "No Leo, not even mine."


ShannonCurrie14 we're at 100 views! Excitement! Anyhoo just a little background info,  in case you were wondering, Skye is based off of me, in terms of personality and Liv is based off of Shan in terms of personality. Hence Skye being a total bookworm, who's sarcastic, cause that's me. And well Liv...is pretty much Shan haha. That's pretty much as far as the similarities go though. The rest is our imagination haha. 

Shoutout to calibabe17 again for answering correctly! 

View Total (for an early update) - 115

Eighth Question:

Have any of the boys been on any shows? (and who) e.g X Factor, Britain's Got Talent etc

Let us know in the comments what you love about the story so far, please and thank you, if you do I'll give you a shoutout xox

Follow us usernames are above ^


much love xox

Shan and Chloe

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