My Brothers Best Friend

By FiveSecondsOfDolan

74.2K 1.4K 91

It's hard to be the little sister from a famous drummer. He's always on tour and you really miss him, but you... More

• Part 1 •
• Part 2 •
• part 3 •
• Part 4 •
• part 5•
• Part 6 •
• Part 8 •
• part 9 •
• Part 10 •
• part 11 •
• Part 12 •
• Part 13 •
• Part 14 •
• part 15 •
• Part 16 •
• part 17 •
• Part 18 •
• part 19 •
• Part 20 •
• part 21 •
Part 22
• part 23 •
• part 24 •
• Part 25 •
• part 26 •
• Part 27 •
• Part 28 •
• Part 29 •
• Part 30 •
• Part 31 •
• Part 32 •
• part 33 •
• Part 34 •

• part 7 •

2.1K 57 1
By FiveSecondsOfDolan


I was talking to the boys about going on tour and asked what it all was about and what I could expect.

"It's going to be insane. You ears are going to hurt. More stuff. you will see it." Calum said to me. I laughed.

I heard the door open en I turned around I saw Michael with Amy in his arms I knew exactly what happened.

" Noa what the hell is going on?! She was in her house and the next thing I knew she was standing outside like this." Michael panicked.

" Ashton go grab a ice pack, Calum you have to grab something out of the cupboard to, to. SHIT! For water. Yes for water. Michael grab the car en let's drive to the hospital please." I commanded and I start to cry.

" Luke you have to..." "I don't have to do anything. You have to calm down." Luke said and hugged me. I hugged back with my head in his chest and cried.

" but, but Amy... it's never been this bad." " look at me, look at me Noa" He grabbed my chin so I had to look at him. " it's going to be okay. Amy is a tough one." I smiled a little.

" come Luke and Noa, Michael is here with the car." Calum said. " oke we are coming cal." Luke said.

"Are you oke? " " yeah I guess" i said and looked at him. " Well let's go then"

Luke grabbed my hand and walked me to the car. I sit next to Luke and Luke is next to Calum. Ashton is driving and Michael sit next to Ashton with Amy on his lap. He looked so sad.

We walked into the hospital and we gave Amy to the doctors. " We call you when you can see your friend okay?" The doctor said. " okay thank you" " your welcome"

" Michael..? Are you oke?" I asked. He looked in my direction and I saw a tear falling from his eye. I hugged him.

" It's my fault Noa. It's all my fault!" He practically yelled. " No, No, No. It's not Michael!" I said and looked at him.

He cried now and I hold back tears. I didn't care if people were bothered by our loud talking.

" it is! If I just walked in with her, this wouldn't happen! What the hell is happened?! I still don't know" Michael said loud. " Michael listen! I screamed. Michael was shocked of how loud I suddenly was. " it is not your fault! It is, it's just Amy has a lot of trouble with her mom. Everyday her mother is getting drunk and when Amy is home she is abusing her." I said with a little voice.

Michael was shocked and his mouth was open.

" why, why didn't she tell me? She can trust me. She know that right? Wait she don't know it. Fuck. " Michael said more to himself then to me. " it's a sensitive subject Michael... she tells it to nobody. Only I know it. And now you. And I know for sure that she trust you." " oke I won't tell anyone. And how do you know she trust me?"

I laughed at his reaction.

"Why do laugh? It's not funny!" " a little bit funny" I smiled. "I know that she trust you because, look at me! I'm her best friend we have girl talk." " oh yes right..." Michael said. " are you oke?" I asked. " yes thank you Noa." Michael said and hugged me.

" You can go to Amy if you want." A doctor said. Michael stood op. " thanks doc"

We all went to the room where Amy was laying. When I saw her she was laying in bed. She looked better. Much better. I run to her and I hugged her tight. Maybe to tight because.

"AUGW" she screamed. The doctor came in. " Yes right. Uhm she has a bruised rib. She can't do much but she can go home tomorrow or tonight." The doctor said. " thank you doctor" I said.

" Hey Amy how are you?" I said. " Yes I'm very good I'm perfect! Can not better" she said sarcastically. " okey that was a stupid question" I laughed. " Yes a little bit." She said. " but I feel much better so I can go home tonight. I don't need to stay here." " are you sure?" I said. " 100 percent" she smiled.

" guys we need to go" Calum said. I hugged Luke and Calum and thanked them for everything they did. Luke hold my hand and I smiled. He whispered in my ear. "It's going to be okay Noa. I see you later."

" Noa, mom is home and we need to go home. Harry is a little bit sick." Ashton said. " What?! What happened?" I asked worried. " he has fever mom said." " oh okay"

I walked over to Amy and looked at her. " I need to go..." I said. " I know, give Harry a hug from me" she smiled. " If you go home tonight here is my key. Go to my room and just sleep okay?" I gave her my house key. " thanks Noa." She said and did a attempt to hug me.

Michael took me apart to say something.

" I'll stay with her." He said " are you sure?" I said. " of course! I can take care of her. If she can go home tonight, I'll bring her to your house." " thank you very much Michael. Your a good friend." I said and hugged him. " bye Noa I'll see you in 3 days." "Bye "

I walked away and get back. I looked over at the bed where Amy was in. I looked around the corner and I saw Amy sleeping and I saw Michael looking at her like she is the biggest treasure in the world. He hold her hand.






Xx N & A

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