Resilience | Marvel

By SunflowyrOfficial

195K 7.8K 2.3K

Peter Parker gains an internship with a certain billionaire. He is taken under his wing. Will his web of secr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Update/Social media.
I'm back, and sorry
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Big announcement: 40k READS!!!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (I have returned from the void)

Chapter 8

7.3K 337 157
By SunflowyrOfficial

A/N Tom Holland is freaking adorable. Somewhere in a parallel world, the Avengers exist, and I wasn't lucky enough to be in it. 

Peter walked up the stairs to 36c as slowly as he possibly could. Nervous about what wrath was waiting for him once he opened the door. He hesitated once he reached the old door. He turned the handle and walked in. Aunt May was sitting on the sofa. Her eyes shot up when he walked in.

"I stayed up all night." She started in an eerily calm tone. "I tried calling the police three times. They said they couldn't do anything about it until you'd been missing for a full day. I even called five different hospitals, to see if you were at one of them! This is New York! Who knew what could've happened to you. And you didn't even have the decency to call me to tell me you were all right."

"I Ned's house." Peter hated lying to Aunt May. But when you're a vigilante who has enemies, you keep your loved ones out of the know.


"He just transferred from Jersey, I didn't tell you? We're lab partners." At least there was some element of truth. 

May sighed. "But why didn't you call?"

"I-I-I-I" He stuttered His face scrunching up. "I forgot." 

May Parker loved her nephew, but she was no fool. She knew him long enough to tell when he was lying. His increasingly higher pitched tones made her doubt his story. 

"Sit down." She patted the cushion beside her. Peter slowly set his backpack on the floor and warily sat down.

"You're a horrible liar, Peter. But I'll let it go, just this once. You need your freedom, I get it. I'm just worried about you. Ever since Ben, you've haven't taken a moment to yourself." May grabbed her nephew's hand.

"If you are making friends, I just hope to god you're not getting mixed up with a bad crowd. This time of life, can be the most confusing and you may want to be friends with everybody, or friends with nobody. I just want you to know, you can talk to me about anything."

"I know. I love you Aunt May. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you." He pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you too sweetie." She said warmly, patting his back.

Peter stood up. Aunt may gave a knowing nod and he grabbed his backpack and dashed to his room.

Finals were in two weeks and truthfully, he should be studying harder. But Spider-Man didn't have time to study. Peter spent a grand total of ten minutes crouched over a textbook when a knock on the door startled him. He heard Aunt may open the door and a little mumbling.

"Peter, come here. This man wants to talk to you." He heard May yell from the door. He closed his textbook. Aunt May looked to him as he walked in. 

A broad man in a suit stood in the doorway. He had a friendly demeanor and thinning hair. Overall, Peter decided this man wasn't a threat. Or, at least an immediate threat.

"Peter Parker?" Peter nodded. 

"I'm Happy Hogan, Mr. Stark's personal driver slash bodyguard. He's waiting in the car for you."

Peter's eyes widened. Why would Mr. Stark want to see me? Oh shit, he knows, he lied to me, he did look under my mask. Peter was silent, standing completely still, contemplating this in his head.

"Did he, um." He looked at Aunt May and cleared his throat, then looked back at Happy. "Did he tell you why?"

"Don't know, don't care." Happy said nonchalantly. Peter nodded and they walked back through the door and back down the stairs. I just got home! Peter thought angrily as they walked down the stairs. 

They got outside and Peter saw a shiny, expensive, black Lincoln Towncar waiting on the curb. His heart fluttered, the sick feeling in his stomach grew worse. Happy opened the door and Peter climbed in next to Tony Stark.

"Hey, kiddo. Nice to officially meet you." They shook hands.

"Mr. Stark, why are you here, at my house?" 

"I had a bit of trouble. But I've figured it out. Pretty obvious, if you ask me." Tony rambled, unaware that Peter was internally exploding.

"O-Obvious?" Peter nervously swallowed.

"Yeah, who else could it be?" Tony asked.

"Am I really that obvious?" Peter asked out loud.

"It wasn't that difficult a choice, picking you for the internship. You stood out to me. Snd you seem really bright. Especially for your age." Peter realized what Tony was talking about and the knots loosened in his stomach.

"T-the internship?" Peters asked, the confusion wearing off.

"Why else would I be here?" Tony gave a winning smile.

"I-um, no reason." Peter tried to play it cool. 

"Ok then, the official meeting will be on the 25th. You'll meet the team, and you'll be moving in. So make sure you pack your stuff." Peter's eyes widened when he realized what ony was proposing.

"Wait. So you mean, I'm moving in with the Avengers?" 

"Yep, it's a live-in summer internship. Did you not hear the details." He realized something. "Oh, that's right, you were in the bathroom."

"I don't know if I can do that. I mean, my aunt is getting up there in age, and-" Peter babbled.

"Oh, don't worry. She'll get benefits, and if you want, unlimited visits."

"It's hard to turn down an offer like that." The door closed. Tony leaned out the window.

"So don't. Think about it. Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker." He said and waved goodbye. The car drove away. Peter was left standing on the sidewalk.

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