Sophia's Love

By Place_Name_Here

878K 21.1K 3.2K

#2 in Father Books #3 in Daughter Books #7 in Adopted Books! The rewritten version is up!! Description is ins... More

Sophia's Love: Halloween Special
Sophia's Love: Christmas Special Part 1
Sophia's Love: Christmas Special Part 2
Chapter 30
This is not chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

12.7K 284 11
By Place_Name_Here

And now I am alone once again. Not on the streets anymore but in a hotel room.

"Get back here you little rat!" the smash of a plate hitting the wall and shattering sounded through our home as I ran with my daughter in my arms. He's been drinking again. I ran into our shared bedroom and locked the door behind me. Quickly setting my sleeping baby on the bed I run back to the door and pushed our dresser in front of it. Glancing back  at Sophia I see she is still somehow asleep throughout this whole ordeal. 

"You whore!" Victor screams. I walk back to the bed and pull her body into my arms. I jump at the sound of another plate breaking. It took us weeks to be able to buy those plates. I just walked into our tiny one bedroom apartment with Sophia when the stench of alcohol reached my nose. I was working three jobs at the moment to support Victor's addiction. One job was a maid during the weekends. I would have to strap Sophie into a baby carrier on my back while I worked. She hates that thing, all she would is cry till she was red in the face.

During the week days I would leave her with the Freidrick's, our neighbors. The were a sweet couple, always willing to help watch her. They're dark skin was a great contrast from mine but I saw them more as my family than anyone else at the moment. They were more than overjoyed when I asked them if they could watch my baby. Rumor has it Mrs. Freidrick can't carry her own children. But they heard everything through these paper thin walls. Every curse, fight, slap from Victor could be heard all the way down the hall. The entire apartment knew he had a problem. It got so bad at one point Mrs. Freidrick even offered to adopt Sophia and take her in as her own. I declined her offer sadly, I couldn't just hand over my daughter because my husband is crazy. I didn't miss the heartbreak in her eyes though. 

I would work the days as a personal assistant to a high up business man, John Stein. He was an evil man, always groping any woman with a pair of boobs and two legs. But it was a good job. I did my duties by setting appointments, answering and sending emails, and filing his papers then running for his 10 o'clock coffee. I did realize that John was sending lots of emails to a man by the name Caden Davidson. I didn't care as to what the emails were about more so the fact that all the women in the Stein building swoon over him. I can't lie to myself, if I was forced to find someone to take my daughter in I would find a rich business man like Mr. Stein or Mr. Davidson. That way I know she won't be struggling to survive.Then at night I would work as a drinks girl at the Panthers, a gentleman's club. Then when 2 o'clock comes around I pick up my daughter and go home to my drunk husband.

This time though, this time was different. Normally he would either be passed out on the hole filled couch or in our hard bed. Instead I found him sitting our our dinning room table waiting for us. He held one of his cigarettes in his hand and instinctively my hand goes over our daughter's face. "Victor go smoke outside! I don't want our daughter to get second hand smoke into her lungs!" I whisper yell across the open space.

He rolls his glossed over brown eyes "that thing is your daughter. For all I know she could be one of the guy's at the club." Hurt could not describe the feelings that ran through me when those words come out of his mouth. Sophia is his, she has always been all his. She is ours. 

"Where were you anyway? You are home late." he takes a drag from his cancer stick. Now it is my turn to roll my eyes. "It was the Halloween party at the club. I had to stay back and clean up with the other girls."  I bounce Sophia in my arms to keep her asleep.

Now look at me, hiding with my baby in our bedroom praying that the alcohol is strong enough to keep him from entering. I can't keep doing this. Hiding, fighting, spending most of my paycheck on alcohol to keep him happy. I need to leave and I need to leave now. Laying Sophia back down I place her binky in her mouth to keep her calm.

"You cheating slut!" He's banging on the door now.

Speed walking to our closet I pull out my backpack. I may love Victor but I have been preparing for this moment for a long time. 

"Get your ass out here and face what you have done."

 With four hundred  thirty six dollars, cell phone and charger. A weeks worth of Sophia's clothes and a weeks worth of my clothes. Lastly, Sophia's diaper bag. I hold Sophia in my arms and grasp my phone in my right hand. Quickly I dial his phone number.

"Hey its Rosilina... yeah I know it's late... uh look can I ask you for a favor?" I talk to him over the phone quickly praying that he can't hear Victor on the other side of the phone. "Can you get us out of here... I know it is a lot to ask but just for a few days... yes I'll meet you at the bus stop... thank you." I hang up quickly and throw on Sophia's pumpkin hat to keep her head warm. Opening our bedroom window I am grateful for having a ground floor apartment. Tossing the bags out first then climbing out myself I have just enough time to have my feet hit the sidewalk before the bedroom door is broken down and my drunk husband barges in. Running as fast as I can I don't look back. 

Sitting at the bus stop I hold tightly onto her in my arms. She was getting cold and was beginning to shiver so I unzipped my coat then rezipped it around the both of us. The only people that would be out at this time are the no good type of people. My anxiety was beginning to get to be due to the fact that it has been a little longer than expected for Him to show up. My fears soon were relieved once I saw his familiar limo headlights. The doorman jumped out and opened the back door for me and my daughter to get in the back. He grabbed our bags and put them in the trunk as well. We were off before I knew it and onto a better life just me and her. 

I look down at my little baby and kidded her sleeping head, "Happy first Halloween my darling."

And Happy Halloween to all you peeps as well! 

Hope it is filled with candy and happiness!

So who do you think she called?

Hope you all enjoyed!

Don't get scared too much tonight!

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