One Direction Preferences =P

By xLexiGurlx

1.5M 10.5K 1.2K

Requests are open :) Preferences written by xLexiGurlx More

One Direction Preferences
1) Playing Hide and Seek
2) The Three Words He Describes You With
3) His Nicknames for You
4) Cuddling
5) Your Celebrity Best Friend
6) One Word He Uses To Describe You
7) You Play The Walking Dead
8) Fight-Harry
9) Fight-Louis
10) Fight-Niall
11) His Favourite Thing About You
12) What He Texts You While On Tour
13) His Name On Your Phone
14) Your Name On His Phone
15) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part One)
16) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Louis)
17) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Harry)
18) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Niall)
19) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Zayn)
20) He Forgets Your Birthday (Part Two-Liam)
21) Your Song
22) Your Avril Lavigne Song
23) Your Ke$ha Song
24) Your Favorite Song- One Direction
25) Your Baby Names
26) Your Favorite Youtuber
27) Your Favorite TV Show
Pregnancy Series???
Any More????
28) The Song He Sings You To Sleep With
29) You're A Cover Artist (Louis and Harry)
30) You're A Cover Artist (Niall)
31) You're A Cover Artist (Liam and Zayn)
32) The Artist You Introduce Him To
33) The Artist He Introduces You To
34) A Family Member Dies
Thank You.
35) The Funeral 3/5
36) The Funeral 2/5
Update/Thank You
37) Pregnancy Series-How You Find Out
38) *Pregnancy Series* How You Tell Him
39) Pregnancy Series-Morning Sickness
40) Pregnancy Series~You Start Showing
41) Pregnancy Series-You Tell The Boys
42) Pregnancy Series- You Tell Your/His Family
43) Pregnancy Series- Weird Cravings
44) Pregnancy Series-Shopping For The Baby
45) Pregnancy Series- Setting Up The Nursery
46) Pregnancy Series- Your Water Breaks
47) Louis Imagine
Authors Note
I'm Back!!!!
48) Pregnancy Series-Hospital
49) You Were Raped While Kidnapped And He Saves You (Requested)
Quick Note
50) Your 1D Song (Up All Night)
51) Your 1D Song (Take Me Home)
52) Your 1D Song (Midnight Memories)
53) You're Pregnant And You Fall Down The Stairs (Requested)
54) You Get Hurt While On Tour With Them (Requested by NikkiP3)
55) Your Celebrity Best Friend
56) Your YouTube Best Friend
57) Zayn Fight
58) BSM-You're Dating A 5SOS Member
59) Two Years...
60) BSM- Someone Close To You Dies
61) He Finds Out You Cut
62) He Finds Out You Cut (Part 2)
100,000 Reads Update
64) Stressed Out
65) The Pet You Both Get
66) The Video Game You Both Play
67) Your Tweets To Each Other
68) The Song He Dedicates To You
69) The Song You Sing With Him
70) He Makes You Feel Insecure
71) He Makes You Feel Insecure -Part Two-
72) Three Words He Describes You With
73) How You Kiss
74) What He Gets You For Your B-Day
75) You Break Up
76) Bromance Preference: Two Words To Describe Their Relationship
You Did It!!!
77) You Break Up -Part Two-
78) -Louis and Harry- *REQUEST*
79) BSM- He Favours Your Twin
80) What He Does When You Are Crying
81) BSM-He Favours Your Twin-Part Two
All Parts Are Up!!!
82) Your 1D Bestie
83) What Color He Loves To See You Wear
84) He Walks In On You Attempting Suicide
85) What He Does To Tell You He Wants To Have A Baby
86) The Concert He Takes You To
87) Louis Imagine
88) Tweeting Pictures
89) He Forgets Your Anniversary-Louis
90) Smiling
91) He Calls You A Slut
92) He Calls You A Slut-Zayn Part Two
93) You Are Dared/Bet To Not Talk To Him *Request-Louis*
Update :(
94) How He Wakes You Up
95) You're In A Band
96) He Cheats On You While You're Pregnant
97) Who Put You Two Together?
98) The Dessert You Bake Together
99) Song Preference-Amnesia by 5SOS
A/N about A/N's and 100th Preference
Fuzysparkly/Boo/Hayle/My Savior/My Sunshine
100) BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong -Request-
Hello!! :)
101) BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong (Part Two-Louis)
101) BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong (Part Two-Harry)
101) BSM-You're Dating A Band Member but Something Goes Wrong (Part Two-Niall)
Updates Are Back
Personal Imagine for SelenaLuvsSPN67
102) Song Preference- Amnesia by 5SOS (Part Two)
Please Read
103) You Are Crying
104) He Is Crying
105) You Have His Phone
This Is It

63) He Finds Out You Cut (Part Three-Final)

10.8K 90 6
By xLexiGurlx

He Finds Out You Cut (Part Three-Final)

Louis- *His POV* I yawned softly and slowly stood up from my sleeping position on the couch. Liam was sleeping in the chair next to the couch and I smiled at his sleeping figure. "You are too good to me." I whispered to his sleeping figure and I decide to check on Y/N. I walked upstairs and saw her awake, typing on her phone. "Hi Y/N." I said quietly and she looked at me with regret and pain. "Why did you do that?" I asked just as quiet and she started to cry. "Its too much boo, I couldn't take it." She sobbed and I sat next to her, holding her in my arms tightly. "Please, never again." I whispered and she nodded. "Lou, I can't keep doing this." She whispered to me after she stopped crying. "W-What?!" I shouted and she jumped back slightly at my tone. "They hate me Lou, its not gonna change." She said and I kneeled in front of her. "Who gives a shit what they think?! Do you love me?" I asked and she nodded her head rapidly. "Then that's all that matters, not them, us. Our feelings towards each other. Don't let them get to you." I said and she looked reassured but still hesitant. I smashed my lips on her and kissed her with passion and love. We kissed for thirty seconds before I pulled away, resting my forehead on hers. "I love you." I whispered and she smiled. "I love you too." She whispered back and I grinned, knowing everything would be ok.

Harry- "Y/N, wakey wakey." Harry said softly and your eyes fluttered open. His smiling face appeared in front of you and he kissed your lips softly, waking you up immediately. "Time for breakfast." He said and you sat up slowly, your brain pounding against your skull. "Shit." You whispered and Harry looked at you with worry. "You ok?" He asked and you nodded your head slowly. "Ready to talk?" He whispered and you knew that was the las thing you wanted to do but he deserved to know. "When I was six, my mom would beat me while she was drunk and sometimes, she took beer bottles and cut my arms deeply. Ever since then, I always thought I deserved it." You explained slowly and Harry just kept looking at me, expecting more. "That's it." You said and Harry sighed. "I can't go back and change what happened, trust me I would if I could, but I know there is more." He said and you shook your head slowly, the headache strong. "Nope." You said and Harry looked you in the eyes, probably searching for some truth but he sighed, giving up. "Fine, lets go-" "The hate." You interrupted and he didn't look shocked. "They keep calling me a slut, a whore, a bitch, everything." You whispered and he kneeled in front of you. "I promise it will stop." He said and you believed him, knowing Harry would help you and be there for you.

Niall- *His POV* "Y/N Y/L/N." I said quickly and the nurse searched in her computer. "Room 26, Second floor." She said and I rushed to the boys. "C'Mon." I said and they followed me to the elevator. I clicked the '2' button and the door shut. "You ok Ni?" Liam asked and I nodded. "I just broke, I'm fine now." I reassured him and he nodded hesitantly. The door opened and I rushed to her room. I saw her number and opened the door, seeing her pale yet alive body. I sighed in relief and sat in the chair that was near her bed, clutching her hand tightly. "Please wake up." I begged and she moved her hand slightly, squeezing mine. "Niall?" She croaked out and her eyes floated open, red and fragile.

*Third Person POV*

"Niall?" You asked and Niall started to cry. "Why didn't you tell me?" He cried out and you sighed. "I couldn't, I know you would overreact so I TRIED to but the hate was too much." You said and Niall shook his head. "Never again. You come to me." He said and you smiled, wiping his tears. "I promise I will, thank you for saving me." You said softly and the boys stared at you with awe. "I'm your prince, of course I'd save you. Also, I love you." He said with a smile and he kissed your hand lightly. "I love you too Ni." You said with a smile and he smiled brightly, happy to know and happy you are alive.

Liam- *Two Years Later* Hate was pouring in ever since they found out you were pregnant and engaged an it was overwhelming. You felt the urge to cut again but you couldn't break your promise to Liam so you decided to go to him. "Li?" You whispered and he put his phone against his chest, the phone interviewer talking about something. "Can I talk to you?" You whispered and he looked at you with concern. "Whats wrong baby?" He asked and you shook your head. "Can we talk in private? Not during an interview?" You asked and he nodded quickly, putting the phone back against his ear. "Randy, I've gotta g- oh yeah, the new album is coming out in a week." He said and you sighed. "Yeah, it includes 'Perfect Girl' and 'Something About Her'." He continued and you decided to wait. "Yeah, it's gonna be amazing........Yeah, the tour is around the world......oh yeah, I've got tons of story's. One time..." You walked out of the room, slamming the door, and you went into the bathroom. You shut the door and sat on the toilet, debating on whether or not to go back to old habits. "Babe, I'm sorry about that. Whats wrong?" He asked, kneeling in front of you. "The hate is too much." You sobbed and he looked at you with guilt and pain. "I'm trying to make it stop hun, you know that. I think it would be best if you just ignore it. Its difficult but I believe in you. I can help you through it all, I promise I will. After all, what kind of fiancé wouldn't do that?" He asked and you chuckled. "Thanks Li. This is why I love you." You whispered and he grinned. "I love you too. Now, lets go do a Twitcam and tell off those haters." He said with a smile and he led you out of the bathroom and away from your fears.

Zayn- *One Month Later* "Babe, are you ok? You've been quiet all day." Zayn said and you started to cry. "I couldn't help it." You said quietly and you showed him the two new scars. He gasped and rushed over to you, examining your arm. "Is this it?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Baby, why didn't you come to me? I could've helped you." He whispered and you cried into his shoulder. "I didn't wanna bother you. You've been busy and upset these past few days so I decided to not bother you." You said and he sighed. "I don't care if I'm busy, please come to me. I can't lose you to the hate." He said and you kept crying. He rubbed your back softly, whispering reassuring things to you. After you stopped crying, Zayn held you close until you pulled away, wiping your eyes. "Thank you Z." You said and he kissed your cheek. "No problem. I promised you I would care and I swear to never break it." He said and you smiled at him. "I love you." You whispered, growing tired from the crying and Zayn kissed your cheek again. "I love you too baby." He whispered and you fell asleep peacefully.



Hope you guys enjoyed this series-like thing!! It was a touchy subject so it was difficult to write all of the 'friend' things. If you need anything, I'm here :)
Vote if you enjoyed, comment, PLEASE request, I know I had a ton of ideas in the rant but I still need other ideas, add to your lists, and I will see you guys soon!!!

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