Loving A Deformity

By PrinceDisabled

13.8K 355 19

Enemies since fifth grade. Cera Johnson despises Alec Rhodes almost as much as he does her. Everyday she's to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

319 11 0
By PrinceDisabled

Cera felt her legs and hands shake as she walked up the stairs with Alec to the coaster. Her breath was shallow and her stomach twisted but she tried to keep it cool. Alec, on the other hand, was excited. He was a few steps ahead of her at all times. Cera came at a steady pace but Alec was excited. He would go up five steps, realize he left Cera behind, and wait for her.
"Come on, slow poke!" Alec ordered with a smile. He would constantly look from the coaster to Cera and back to the coaster. Alec held on to the railing when he waited for Cera and used it to make him move faster when he went up the stairs. Cera had trouble gripping do she left the railing alone.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Cera said, starting to feel her breathe deeped. At least she didn't feel as sick.

They got to the top of the stairs and saw the rows for people to stand in for when it's their turn to ride. Alec was quick to walk away from Cera and go to the front row seat section. Cera was still catching her breath so she didn't bother moving until Alec looked at her and excitedly waved her over. Cera groaned, rolled her eyes, and dragged her feet to stand next to him. I didn't think we were actually going to get on this thing! Cera thought, bitterly. Suddenly, Alec noticed her expression. Her eyes were narrow and focused, her mouth just slightly open, trying to breathe easier. She didn't look happy.
"What is it?" He asked her, searching her face. Cera looked at him.
"You look mad." Alec stated, tilting his head down at her. She kept her eyes locked in his, trying to swollow her fear... and pride.
"No, I'm not mad." She said, half lying. She was more upset she got herself in this mess in the first place. Cera said for days before the trip, "you better not chicken out on me! I love roller coasters!" But she neglected to think he might actually be the one to get her on the one coaster she was terrified of. But It's not like she could back out. Alec would never let her live it down.
"You sure you're not mad at me for something?" Alec asked, not quite believing her.
"Of course not!" She faked a smiled and looked away, to the coaster in front of them. Alec looked at the coaster, then back at Cera. She had dropped her smile and suddenly swallowed. Alec blinked.
"You're... not.... scared... are you?" He smirked. Cera quickly glared at him.
"No!" She said and kept his gaze. Alec smirked wider and stepped closer, trying to mock her smaller stature. Cera was intimidated but kept her eyes locked on his.
"If you're scared, we can just go-"
"No way! I'm fine!" Cera spat. Alec kept his eyes on her for a moment, waiting for her to change her mind, but, being the stubborn mule he knew her as, she stood her ground. Alec took a step back and looked away, dropping it.
"Okay." Was all he said. Cera kept her eyes on him a moment longer before looking away. The line of people in front of them wasn't terribly long so it didn't take long to be next in line. While they were waiting for their turn, Alec glanced at Cera's hand. He had an urge to grab it. Just to make sure, he thought. Alec suddenly grabbed Cera's hand but Cera ripped it away and looked at him with narrow eyes. Alec felt a surge of panic. He didn't think this through. "What?" He asked, innocently. Cera wasn't angry, though her expression shot daggers, she was just on edge and caught off guard. It shocked her. Cera relaxed her expression.
"Sorry, you surprised me." She sighed, slumping her shoulders. Cera was ready to act like nothing happened. Maybe he just touched my hand on accident, she figured. But, Alec saw this as a green light. He grabbed her hand and smiled, unknowing.
"It's okay." He smiled. Cera looked at their joined hands, confused. Since it took too much energy to grip, her hand laid limp in his grip. She looked up at Alec, grinning but only to be polite.
"What's this for?" She motioned to their hands. Alec glanced at their hands before returning to her eyes.
"The ride is making me nervous." He smiled and winked. Really, what he was trying to say was, "I know you're scared. It's okay. I'm here for you." Cera got the message and grinned while her heart melted a little. Alec let in a breathe and looked away, to the ride. Merely to keep from staring. I am not attracted to her. I am not attracted to her. I am not attracted to her, Alec kept telling himself. Cera on the other hand, kept looking at him. She felt Alec broke down one of her walls again. One she put up after the Ben and Kiley drama. Alec had a talent for breaking her walls down. She knew it along with most others. Cera eventually looked away and smiled to herself. Little did she know, his intentions were not as pure as Alec meant them to be perceived. He remembered the feeling of holding her hand while walking on the beach in his dream. He remembered how good it felt. Alec wanted to know how it was in real life. Was it all just his dream making up feelings he didn't have for her? Or was there something else to it? Gripping her hand, it was different from his dream in a way he didn't expect. It felt... real. It was hot but despite it, he held her hand. That "good" feeling he got in his dream wasn't there in the way he expected either. It felt good but, he felt uncomfortable with the physical distance between them. In his dream, they were relaxed and the hand holding was natural. In reality, they never hold hands. Never have before this. Alec adjusted their hands, almost forcibly, to lock fingers. Cera didn't mind and didn't object- really, she didn't care either way. But Alec was able to stand closer this way, so it mattered to him. It didn't fix the feeling of their hands being foreign to each other, sadly. This made Alec wonder, how am I going to get her to let me hold her hand after this?! There was no way she wouldn't be suspicious of him if he asked to hold her hand.

They eventually got on the ride and got strapped in, still holding hands. Cera's nerves had left for a while after Alec started holding her hand but once getting strapped in, the feeling returned and her stomach was flipping continuously. Alec actually felt her grip his hand and shake. Wow, I didn't realize how terrified she was, Alec thought before leaning forward and looking at her seat.
"Hey!" He called out. She leaned forward and looked back at him. "You're okay." He promised, gripping her hand tighter. Cera nodded and leaned back in her seat to breath.

The ride started by going at an inclined. Cera felt her heart beat rapidly as she gripped Alec's hand harder- not that he was complaining any. Alec was more excited than anything so he felt himself smile upon reaching the top of the incline, ready for the drop. The drop was the scariest part of any roller coaster, in Cera's opinion, but also happened to be her favorite. Once they dropped, Cera forgot her nerves. She started smiling and enjoying the ride.


"That... was amazing!" Cera said as her and Alec walked to the gift shop. "I'm so glad you suggested to do that!"
"Me too! Oh! That was awesome!"
"The drop was my favorite part, as always." Cera laughed, walking in a store. "Thank you for helping me through it." Cera hinted at him holding her hand. Alec grinned.
"Of course!" He nodded. They two stood off from the entrance of the store, right in the air conditioning. It was then that Cera noticed they were still holding hands.
"Uh, Alec?" She glanced to their hands as a hint.
"Yeah?" He didn't get it.
"You can let go of my hand now." She giggled. Alec looked at their hands and blushed slightly.
"Oh... r-right." He said and slowly let her hand fall from his. Cera didn't think anything of it but Alec, oddly, felt disappointed.
"So, let's start our shopping!" Cera smiled and skipped off in the store to browse. Alec watched her from where he stood for a moment and watched her excitedly look around. He smiled at how easily excited and impressed she was with everything before sighing and walking around with her, deciding what to get.


Cera and Alec finished shopping as quick as they could so they could sit down and talk with Kate before the boys showed up. Cera got herself a chocolate milkshake, simply because it sounded good, and sipped on it as they waited. At one point, Alec, jokingly, went to take a sip but she pulled it away.
"Hey!" He grinned. "You're not going to share?"
"Nope." Cera didn't even glance his way. Cera didn't share anything that involved consuming. She didn't like people paying for her food, nor did she like paying for anyone else's food. She didn't take other people's food, and she didn't share. Course, Alec expected this and tried to laugh it off but Kate was upset.
"Cera!" Kate glares, scolding.
"What?" She looked at her mom with wide eyes, shrugging her shoulders, innocently. Kate had her hands laced together on the table in front of Cera and Alec who sat together.
"Don't be rude." Kate said in a warning tone and looked away. Cera started to feel guilty for being rude to Alec so she pushed the drink towards him, reluctantly, still not looking at him.
"Here." She said, flatly, with a sigh. Alec looked from Cera, to the drink, then back to her, questioningly.
"Seriously?" He raised an eye brow.
"Uh huh." Again, her voice was flat and reluctant. Alec shrugged and took a sip of the shake. It was really good.
"Thank you." He smiled. Despite her not wanting to share, Cera looked at him and smiled genuinely.

Suddenly, the boys came in, breathing heavy. They were trying to get their quickly since everyone was tired and they were ready to head back to the hotel. Gabe sat next to Kate and Chris pulled up a chair to the side of the booth, putting the back of the chair against the table. He rested his chin on the back of the chair to rest as he and Gabe panted.
"You're here." Cera stated, grinning, with a almost mocking tone. Chris looked up at her.
"It... was a long line..." he explains.
"Well, since it took you both forever," Cera said. "I guess we don't have time to give you our gifts."
"Gifts?" Chris sat up with alert eyes. Gabe was intrigued as well and looked to Cera for further details.
"Yeah, Alec and I stopped at a gift shop or two to get you both something but I guess we should just head back. I'm pretty tried. What do you think, Alec?" She looked to him.
"I think that's a great idea." He smiled back at her.
"Then we should get going to the hotel." Cera and Alec stood to walk out.
"Wait!" Chris said, standing in front of Cera to keep her from walking out. Gabe was ready to get out of his seat two but relaxed when Chris got up. "I am sorry we're late but don't you think it's a little crul to make us wait?" He grinned, hoping to change their minds. Cera looked back to Alec.
"Do you think we're being crul?" She asked.
"Well, it is their birthdays. I guess we can cut them some slack." He said, sarcastically sounding disappointed. Cera sighed.
"Fine. Let's stay a while longer." She shrugged and sat back down with Alec. Happily, Chris sat back in his seat, waiting for his gifts.

Those boys were so happy with what they got...

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